Monday, December 27, 2010

A heartfelt thanks goes out to the East Greenbush Police Benevolent Association for helping Conserns-U during the holidays.

EGPD ham it up for holidays

Friday, December 24, 2010

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

As you celebrate Christmas, remember it's true meaning as you enjoy the company of your family, relatives and friends. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2010 - An Interesting Year In East Greenbush

2011 is fast approaching, giving us time to reflect on the past year and ready ourselves for the future.

2010 was an interesting year in East Greenbush, to say the least.  Following is a small listing of what we, as a Town, experienced and endured this past year.  By no means is it all-inclusive. 

·         A change in majority alliances on the Town Board;
·         Courts twice ruled against "two hat seats", resulting in a three member Town Board and numerous unsuccessful attempts to seat replacement Board Members;
·         Standing Room Only attendance at Town Board Meetings;
·         EGPD Officer Mark Mann returning safely from Afghanistan;
·         The tragic loss of EGPD Officer Ed Witko;
·         Creation of a local "Tea Party" and the Bastille Day event;
·         Creation of "CARE" and its sponsoring the Candidate Debate;
·         A hotly contested Election, with what could well be a record turnout, to elect two Town Board Members and the seating of those Board Members in November;
·         An audit of the Town's Financial Statements commissioned by the Town Board;
·         An audit of the East Greenbush Ambulance District Operations conducted by the NYS Office of the State Comptroller;
·         Expansion of the Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc facility;
·         Approval of the Fed Ex Ground Planned Development District;
·         Appointments to the Town Board of Ethics;
·         A 2011 Budget with a small tax increase, but with reserves to pay down the inter-fund borrowings;
·         Creation of a Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee, with a Chair and Vice-Chair to be elected by the members; and
·         Food drives for local food pantries and clothing collection drives for Conserns-U.

Let's build on the good things that have been accomplished and focus on the future … 2011 and beyond.  Admittedly we may not all agree on what "the good things" are. 

I think the most heartening of "the good things" is the "Standing Room Only attendance at Town Board Meetings".  Townspeople have become more interested and involved in the the governance of the Town.

I'd like to see this continue, but I'd also like to see the residents of East Greenbush leave past differences in the past and support the full Town Board.  I'm not saying we'll all agree with everything the Town Board does.  Nor am I saying that we should blindly follow without constructive criticism and questioning - the operative term being constructive.  Remember, regardless of our political preferences, leanings or affiliations, or theirs, they are elected to represent us all.  In doing so, we must hope and trust that they do what they believe is best for the Town.

Bismark is quoted as saying "Politics is the art of the possible."  Many have said that politics is also the art of compromise, where one gives up part of his or her "demands" in an effort to move forward.  Let's all focus on the common ground or goal rather than on the differences.  This may be overly optimistic, but I'd like to see every vote of the Town Board be unanimous and the result of Member discussion, deliberation and, if need be, compromise. 

Christmas Observance
All Town of East Greenbush offices will be closed on Friday, December 24, 2010 & Monday, December 27, 2010 in observance of Christmas.

Pete Stenson

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Board of Ethics Update

The Board of Ethics held its third meeting on Tuesday evening, December 14th at Town Hall.  In attendance were Jim Breig, Jack Conway, Joseph Slater and Dave Youmans.  One member of the public attended. 

The primary topic of discussion was a draft document outlining the internal rules and regulations of the Board itself.  The document lays out the procedures we will use to process complaints filed by residents and advisory opinions requested by town officials and employees. 

Resident complaints must be filed in written form and must be notarized.  Although we are still in the early stages of the discussion on this, confidentiality will be granted in special cases but no anonymous complaints will be accepted.  Once a complaint is received the Board will first make a determination of whether there is cause to proceed or not.  If there is cause, we will follow a two-step investigation process. 

The first step will consist of a Board of Ethics review consisting mainly of taking statements from the parties involved.  If at the end of this stage we can determine that no violation of the Code of Ethics has occurred the complaint will be dismissed. 

If this review yields the need for information we will go to the next stage which is a public hearing of the case.  This will not be a public hearing in the sense that anyone can come and add their opinion.  It will be a hearing in public at which the complainant and the accused can bring witnesses and cross-examine one another's statements.  They will each have the right to bring an attorney to this hearing if they feel it is in their best interest. 

After this hearing, the Board of Ethics will make a recommendation to the Town Board as to whether a violation of the Code of Ethics has been violated.  The Board of Ethics is an advisory board and any actions taken pursuant to our deliberations must be taken by the Town Board. 

Everything I have just described here is in draft form and has not been finalized

We still have a great deal of work to do before we sign off on the process but this is our thinking at the present time. 

The next step for the Board of Ethics is to begin the process of drafting a Code of Ethics.  We encourage everyone to attend our meetings and participate in that discussion. 

We will announce the date of our January meeting as soon as it is scheduled.

Posted at the request of BOE Member Jack Conway

Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday to All!

In the spirit of the about sharing our favorite seasonal or inspirational songs and movies.

For me, the song is...Let There Be Peace on Earth....the words are just beautiful and always make me emotional.  
As far as holiday movies...Back in the day...when the kids were little...Emmett Otter's Jugband was always so much fun snuggling on the couch with hot chocolate and watching it year after year. I actually bought myself a copy of it. Now....ELF....I watch that with my matter how many time I've seen still cracks me up!

By Margaret - WEDNESDAY, 12/8/10 at 3:51 PM

Monday, December 6, 2010


Wednesday Evening will be a busy one at Town Hall.  In addition to the 7:00 PM Town Board Meeting, there will be a
  • 5:30 PM Public Hearing on the Town taking over all aspects of dog licensing and a
  • 6:00 PM Christmas Tree Lighting Event (bring some canned goods for the food drive).
* * * * *

Notice of Public Hearing, wednesday, 12/8/10 - 5:30PM
The Town Board has scheduled a public hearing on December 8, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. to hear public input on replacing LL1-2007 "Dog Licensure Law." This change is due to NYS Agriculture and Markets now having municipalities issue all aspects of dog licensing.

* * * * *

Christmas Tree Lighting, wednesday, 12/8/10 - 6:00 PM

The Town of East Greenbush will be hosting a Christmas Tree Lighting Event at the East Greenbush Town Hall on Wed December 8th to begin at 6pm. There will be light refreshments, Christmas Caroling and a special visit from Santa.

Patrons are urged to participate in a canned food donation drive organized by our new town council members, Phil Malone and Sue Mangold. Any and all canned donations will be graciously accepted.

* * * * *

TOWN BOARD MEETING AGENDA, wednesday, 12/8/10 - 7:00 PM

Resolutions and Proposals by Town Board Members:

182-2010 Approval of Meeting Minutes
Motion for approval of Meeting Minutes for the regular Town Board Meeting held on November 10, 2010 and the Special Town Board Meetings held on November 18, 2010 and November 23, 2010.

183-2010 Resolution Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Howard L. Goff Middle School of the East Greenbush School District
The East Greenbush Town Board does pause in its deliberations to honor and recognize the role that the Goff Middle School plays in the lifeblood of educating our young people to become active citizens in our community through its many clubs, activities and organizations on its 50th Anniversary.

184-2010 Resolution Scheduling 2011 Organizational Meeting
The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush shall conduct the 2011 Organizational Meeting at 4:00 PM on Monday, January 3, 2011, at the East Greenbush Town Hall.

185-2010 Resolution to Abolish the Town Finance Committee and to Create a Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee
The Committee shall consist of five (5) At-Large Members who shall be qualified voters in the Town and that each member of the Town Board shall be entitled to appoint one (1) At-Large Member to the Committee, with such At-Large Member to serve on such Committee at the pleasure of the appointing Town Board Member.

186-2010 SEQRA Determination – Couse Corners Roundabout
Based on the "Reasons Supporting this Determination" discussed in the attached SEQRA Negative Declaration – Notice of Determination of Non-Significance ("Negative Declaration") the Town Board hereby finds that the Project will not have a significant impact on the environment and authorizes the filing of a Negative Declaration for the Project.

187-2010 Resolution to Maintain Landscaped Island – Couse Corners Roundabout
The Town of East Greenbush will maintain, or will cause to be maintained, the landscaped roundabout and median, to include all maintenance, care and replacement work necessary to keep the roundabout and the median in a neat and attractive appearance.

188-2010 Authorization to Pursue Funding – CDTC Linkage Program
The Town Board hereby authorizes a submission of an application for grant funding to the CDTC Community and Transportation Linkage Program for 2011-2012 for the Development of Design Standards

189-2010 Resolution Adopting Local Law Entitled "Dog Licensure Law"
The Town Board does hereby adopt Local Law #5 of 2010 entitled "Dog Licensure Law".  The purpose of this Local Law is to provide for the licensing and identification of dogs, the control and protection of the dog population and the protection of persons, property, domestic animals and deer from dog attack and damage.

 190-2010 Appointment of Member(s) to the Town Board of Ethics

* * * * *

Friday, December 3, 2010

To The Rescue (Squad)

The NYS Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) audit of the Ambulance District Operations identifies oversight weaknesses concerning the Town and the District and contracted Rescue Squad finances and Length of Service Award Program (a retirement credit system for the volunteers). 

The OSC report contains four, yes, FOUR Recommendations to correct these oversight weaknesses and gives the Town Board 90 days to prepare and submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) that addresses the audit findings and recommendations.  The Recommendations are as follows:

Rescue Squad Contract

1.       The Town should ensure that there are adequate controls in place to ensure the protection of taxpayer moneys that have been collected by the Squad.

2.       Town officials should revise the Squad’s contract to ensure that all Town moneys are turned over to the Town. The Town should then only pay the Squad amounts that are defined by its contract with the Town.

Length of Service Award Program

3.       District officials should develop and implement policies and procedures for the administration and oversight of its LOSAP to supplement the contract currently in place.

4.       The Board should review the points reported as earned by the Squad volunteers and request supporting documentation to substantiate the points earned before submitting the Squad’s annual report to the third-party administrator.

Supervisor McCabe's letter to the OSC acknowledging receipt of the audit states:

“The Town Board is committed to implementing all recommendations outlined in the examination to ensure Tax Payer funds will be utilized appropriately.

The Town will submit to your office, within 90 days, its written Corrective Action Plan (CAP) and will immediately begin the process of addressing the recommendations."

Supervisor McCabe's letter and approach seems quite straightforward to me.  Comptroller Breig identified the CAP as a priority, due to the 90 timeframe, at yesterday's Pre-Town Board meeting.

Pete Stenson

Thursday, December 2, 2010

WOW- I'll bet that was a tough lump to swallow !

The latest  offering  from our  former  Town Board member and  current   County  Legislator  makes for some very interesting  reading indeed !

 He states that  he and his  Republican colleagues were faced with a  Catch 22  situation when they attempted  a zero tax increase.   Jeez - No  kidding !!   He  stated  significant services and jobs would be  eliminated to achieve the  lofty  goal -  again -  NO KIDDING !!  Same problem  East Greenbush  faces -  how do we continue to  operate  with no workers , no staff , not even some of the basic  services ?!
Funny -  Mike didn't  vote  for the  0%  tax increase  when it  was proposed to him.

  He reports that the  Republican majority consulted both parties - WOW  , I'll bet that  tasted  like  vomit in your mouth since you never offered the Dems in EGB that opportunity  last year when you  formulated the  2010 budget for  EGB.    No one  wants  higher  taxes  but  we have to do the best we  can -   Damn ,  how  come you and  Taylor arn't  so forgiving  at the  Town level -  you just spin  things  out of  control because it  suits  your  political agenda -  you should practice what you preach .  No one  seems content with the  current economic  climate in the  Nation or  State , but  for you to get up on your  soapbox  and  blame the  current  Town Administration  for  a  2.7%  tax increase as being  irresponsible when you admittedly  can't  control the County Budget  any better is  simply  self serving  and  delusional  dreaming , political spin at its  very best !

 In one posting , you've provided your opposition with  ammunition for the next few months.  While I can appreciate  your  apparent  smack at honesty - your asking for   taxpayers to give you and your  compatriots at the  County level  some  understanding as YOU deal with the  economic  climate of the  nation and state , yet you  poke fun directly at the  current Town administration  for having to deal with EXACTLY the  same  scenario and problems.      Nice try - can't  blame you  ,  but  we're not  buying any today!