2012 is almost upon us, once again giving us time to reflect on the past year and ready ourselves for the future.
Let's first offer a heartfelt thanks to Rick McCabe for his many dedicated years of service to East Greenbush. Rick's leadership and vision have brought the Town far during his tenure. Well done, Mr. Supervisor!
Let's also extend sincere congratulations to incoming Town Supervisor, Keith Langley. May wisdom, patience and prudence be your constant companions throughout your service to East Greenbush.
Congratulations and the same wishes for wisdom, patience and prudence to our re-elected officials: Town Clerk Linda Kennedy, Receiver of Taxes Toni Murphy, Councilperson Phil Malone, Councilperson Sue Mangold and Town Justice Kevin Engel.
2011 was an interesting year in East Greenbush, to say the least. Following is a small listing of what has been accomplished this past year. By no means is it all-inclusive.
- Standing Room Only attendance at Town Board Meetings;
- Ethics Board developing a draft revision of the Town Ethics Law and accompanying guidelines;
- A three-year contract for audits of the Town's Financial Statements commissioned by the Town Board;
- Progress towards developing a Community Amenities Enhancement Strategy;
- Adoption of Town Organization Charts, a revised Procurement Policy and Monthly Departmental Reporting Procedures and Reports;
- Consolidation of the Youth Commission and the Parks Task Force into a Youth Department/Parks Task Force;
- An audit of East Greenbush by the NYS Office of the State Comptroller;
- Groundbreaking and construction of the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) expansion and FedEx Distribution Center;
- Considerable progress on the Couse Corners Roundabout;
- Twenty (20) Year Water Supply Agreement with the City of Troy and City of Rensselaer;
- A 2012 Budget with a small tax increase, but with reserves to pay down the inter-fund borrowings;
- Residential development projects moving forward again, Carver Court, Witbeck, Michaels View, and Forreste Point II will add to our tax base;
- Smaller scale commercial developments, such as the Mavis expansion, construction of a new Dunkin Donuts (and the reported sale of the old location), the reported sale of the former gas station at 9/20 & 4/40, the reported sale of the former Teagan's, the reported interest in the 9/20 McDonalds, all bode well for East Greenbush;
- Food drives for local food pantries and clothing and toy collection drives for CoNCERNS-U and to aid those ravaged by fires throughout the year.
Let's build on these good things that have been accomplished and focus on the future as we enter 2012. Admittedly we may not all agree on what "the good things" are.
The critical thing is that East Greenbush continues to move forward ... maybe too quickly for some and not quickly enough for others.
I'd like to see the residents of East Greenbush leave past differences in the past and support Supervisor Langley and the Town Board. I'm not saying we'll all agree with everything they do. Nor am I saying that we should blindly follow without constructive criticism and questioning - the operative term being constructive. Remember, regardless of our political preferences, leanings or affiliations, or theirs, they are elected to represent us all. In doing so, we must hope and trust that they do what they believe is best for the Town.
Bismark is quoted as saying "Politics is the art of the possible." Many have said that "politics is the art of compromise", where each gives up part of his or her "demands" in an effort to move forward. We see what the inability to compromise does in Washington - let's not have that here in East Greenbush. Crisis management does not mean managing to turn everything onto a crisis. Let's all focus on the common ground or goal rather than on the differences. This may be overly optimistic, but I'd like to see every vote of the Town Board be unanimous and the result of constructive discussion, deliberation and, if need be, compromise.
As for the various blogs, name-calling, innuendo and mudslinging do nothing to move the Town forward, but rather tar it with a hateful brush. One can make the same point without resorting to these tactics. I've said before - write what you think but think before you write. Keep things civil. I'd much prefer to see a thoughtful dialog on the real issues facing this Town. Hopefully I'm not in the minority.
Today is New Year's Eve, which calls to mind Guy Lombardo and The Royal Canadians welcoming the New Year with Auld Lang Syne. Recall the line "we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne." Let's do just that!
Pete Stenson