Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 - An Interesting Year In East Greenbush

2012 is almost upon us, once again giving us time to reflect on the past year and ready ourselves for the future.

Let's first offer a heartfelt thanks to Rick McCabe for his many dedicated years of service to East Greenbush. Rick's leadership and vision have brought the Town far during his tenure. Well done, Mr. Supervisor!

Let's also extend sincere congratulations to incoming Town Supervisor, Keith Langley.  May wisdom, patience and prudence be your constant companions throughout your service to East Greenbush.

Congratulations and the same wishes for wisdom, patience and prudence to our re-elected officials: Town Clerk Linda Kennedy, Receiver of Taxes Toni Murphy, Councilperson Phil Malone, Councilperson Sue Mangold and Town Justice Kevin Engel.

2011 was an interesting year in East Greenbush, to say the least.  Following is a small listing of what has been accomplished this past year.  By no means is it all-inclusive. 
  • Standing Room Only attendance at Town Board Meetings;
  • Ethics Board developing a draft revision of the Town Ethics Law and accompanying guidelines;
  • A three-year contract for audits of the Town's Financial Statements commissioned by the Town Board;
  • Progress towards developing a Community Amenities Enhancement Strategy;
  • Adoption of Town Organization Charts, a revised Procurement Policy and Monthly Departmental Reporting Procedures and Reports;
  • Consolidation of the Youth Commission and the Parks Task Force into a Youth Department/Parks Task Force;
  • An audit of East Greenbush by the NYS Office of the State Comptroller;
  • Groundbreaking and construction of the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) expansion and FedEx Distribution Center;
  • Considerable progress on the Couse Corners Roundabout;
  • Twenty (20) Year Water Supply Agreement with the City of Troy and City of Rensselaer;
  • A 2012 Budget with a small tax increase, but with reserves to pay down the inter-fund borrowings;
  • Residential development projects moving forward again, Carver Court, Witbeck, Michaels View, and Forreste Point II will add to our tax base;
  • Smaller scale commercial developments, such as the Mavis expansion, construction of a new Dunkin Donuts (and the reported sale of the old location), the reported sale of the former gas station at 9/20 & 4/40, the reported sale of the former Teagan's, the reported interest in the 9/20 McDonalds, all bode well for East Greenbush;
  • Food drives for local food pantries and clothing and toy collection drives for CoNCERNS-U and to aid those ravaged by fires throughout the year.

Let's build on these good things that have been accomplished and focus on the future as we enter 2012.  Admittedly we may not all agree on what "the good things" are. 

The critical thing is that East Greenbush continues to move forward ... maybe too quickly for some and not quickly enough for others. 

I'd like to see the residents of East Greenbush leave past differences in the past and support Supervisor Langley and the Town Board.  I'm not saying we'll all agree with everything they do.  Nor am I saying that we should blindly follow without constructive criticism and questioning - the operative term being constructive.  Remember, regardless of our political preferences, leanings or affiliations, or theirs, they are elected to represent us all.  In doing so, we must hope and trust that they do what they believe is best for the Town.

Bismark is quoted as saying "Politics is the art of the possible."  Many have said that "politics is the art of compromise", where each gives up part of his or her "demands" in an effort to move forward.  We see what the inability to compromise does in Washington - let's not have that here in East Greenbush.  Crisis management does not mean managing to turn everything onto a crisis.  Let's all focus on the common ground or goal rather than on the differences.  This may be overly optimistic, but I'd like to see every vote of the Town Board be unanimous and the result of constructive discussion, deliberation and, if need be, compromise.

As for the various blogs, name-calling, innuendo and mudslinging do nothing to move the Town forward, but rather tar it with a hateful brush. One can make the same point without resorting to these tactics. I've said before - write what you think but think before you write.  Keep things civil.  I'd much prefer to see a thoughtful dialog on the real issues facing this Town. Hopefully I'm not in the minority.

Today is New Year's Eve, which calls to mind Guy Lombardo and The Royal Canadians welcoming the New Year with Auld Lang Syne. Recall the line "we'll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne." Let's do just that!


Pete Stenson

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2012 Organizational Meeting

The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush has scheduled the 2012 organizational meeting for Monday, January 2, 2012 at 5:30 p.m.

The meeting will be held at the Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Town Board Special Meeting

The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush has scheduled a Special Meeting for Tuesday, December 27 at 5:00 p.m. regarding the Witbeck PDD and a personnel matter.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas


We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.

Remember the true meaning of Christmas as you celebrate and enjoy the company of your family and friends.

EG Talks 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The GOP's Payroll Tax Fiasco - UPDATE

The House Backs Down
NY Times Editorial
December 22, 2011

How did Republicans manage to lose the tax issue to Obama?
Wall Street Journal Editorial
DECEMBER 22, 2011

GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell famously said a year ago that his main task in the 112th Congress was to make sure that President Obama would not be re-elected. Given how he and House Speaker John Boehner have handled the payroll tax debate, we wonder if they might end up re-electing the President before the 2012 campaign even begins in earnest.

The GOP leaders have somehow managed the remarkable feat of being blamed for opposing a one-year extension of a tax holiday that they are surely going to pass. This is no easy double play.

Republicans have also achieved the small miracle of letting Mr. Obama position himself as an election-year tax cutter, although he's spent most of his Presidency promoting tax increases and he would hit the economy with one of the largest tax increases ever in 2013. This should be impossible.

House Republicans yesterday voted down the Senate's two-month extension of the two-percentage-point payroll tax holiday to 4.2% from 6.2%. They say the short extension makes no economic sense, but then neither does a one-year extension. No employer is going to hire a worker based on such a small and temporary decrease in employment costs, as this year's tax holiday has demonstrated. The entire exercise is political, but Republicans have thoroughly botched the politics.

Their first mistake was adopting the President's language that he is proposing a tax cut rather than calling it a temporary tax holiday. People will understand the difference—and discount the benefit.

Republicans also failed to put together a unified House and Senate strategy. The House passed a one-year extension last week that included spending cuts to offset the $120 billion or so in lost revenue, such as a one-year freeze on raises for federal employees. Then Mr. McConnell agreed with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on the two-month extension financed by higher fees on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (meaning on mortgage borrowers), among other things. It passed with 89 votes and all but seven Republicans.

Senate Republicans say Mr. Boehner had signed off on the two-month extension, but House Members revolted over the weekend and so the Speaker flipped within 24 hours. Mr. Boehner is now demanding that Mr. Reid name conferees for a House-Senate conference on the payroll tax bills. But Mr. Reid and the White House are having too much fun blaming Republicans for "raising taxes on the middle class" as of January 1. Don't be surprised if they stretch this out to the State of the Union, when Mr. Obama will have a national audience to capture the tax issue.

If Republicans didn't want to extend the payroll tax cut on the merits, then they should have put together a strategy and the arguments for defeating it and explained why.

But if they knew they would eventually pass it, as most of them surely believed, then they had one of two choices. Either pass it quickly and at least take some political credit for it.

Or agree on a strategy to get something in return for passing it, which would mean focusing on a couple of popular policies that would put Mr. Obama and Democrats on the political spot. They finally did that last week by attaching a provision that requires Mr. Obama to make a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline within 60 days, and the President grumbled but has agreed to sign it.

But now Republicans are drowning out that victory in the sounds of their circular firing squad. Already four GOP Senators have rejected the House position, and the political rout will only get worse.

One reason for the revolt of House backbenchers is the accumulated frustration over a year of political disappointment. Their high point was the Paul Ryan budget in the spring that set the terms of debate and forced Mr. Obama to adopt at least the rhetoric of budget reform and spending cuts.

But then Messrs. Boehner and McConnell were gulled into going behind closed doors with the President, who dragged out negotiations and later emerged to sandbag them with his blame-the-GOP and soak-the-rich re-election strategy. Any difference between the parties on taxes and spending has been blurred in the interim.

After a year of the tea party House, Mr. Obama and Senate Democrats have had to make no major policy concessions beyond extending the Bush tax rates for two years. Mr. Obama is in a stronger re-election position today than he was a year ago, and the chances of Mr. McConnell becoming Majority Leader in 2013 are declining.


At this stage, Republicans would do best to cut their losses and find a way to extend the payroll holiday quickly. Then go home and return in January with a united House-Senate strategy that forces Democrats to make specific policy choices that highlight the differences between the parties on spending, taxes and regulation. Wisconsin freshman Senator Ron Johnson has been floating a useful agenda for such a strategy. The alternative is more chaotic retreat and the return of all-Democratic rule.

= = = = =

Pete Stenson

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee Meeting

Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee Meeting
Posted: 06 Dec 2011 12:27 PM PST

The Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee has scheduled a meeting for Monday, December 12, 2011 at 7:00 PM.

The meeting will be held in the Community Room at Town Hall and is open to the public.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Recreational Amenities Public Workshop

The Town of East Greenbush will be hosting a public workshop to discuss a draft plan of desired recreational amenities local residents would like to see added to the town. Please join us at 6:30 p.m. on December 7th at the Town Hall to review the plan and share your ideas. Topics of discussion will include:

  • Improvements to Existing Parks
  • Future Trails, Bike Paths, Bike Lanes, and Sidewalk Connections
  • Potential Recreational Activities
  • Connections to Schools and Neighborhoods

The results of this workshop will be included in the Amenities Strategy and Trails Master Plan to guide the direction of future recreational improvements within the town.

For more information, Contact Matt Mastin of the Planning Department at (518)-694-4011 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wojeski & Company CPAs Eighth Annual Charity Event

Wojeski & Company CPAs
Invites you to its
Eighth Annual Charity Event
Benefiting Underprivileged Children

Featuring Ron Prior
Sound Control DJs

Thursday, December 1, 2011
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
East Greenbush Fire House
Located at 68 Phillips Road

  • Music and Dancing for kids of all ages
  • Children's games, prizes and Holiday crafts
  • A much anticipated visit from Santa and his Elves
  • Chinese Auction and 50/50 Raffle

All Children are Welcome!!

Please join us for an evening of fun!  Please remember to bring a monetary donation or new unwrapped toy.  CoNSERNS-U has a long history of assisting the less fortunate and has agreed to assist Wojeski & Company with the administration and disbursement of the contributions received from this event.

With your help, children that may not have an equal chance to succeed in life will benefit from your generosity.

If you would like to make a tax deductible contribution, please make your check payable to CoNSERNS-U and send it to:

Wojeski & Company CPAs, P.C
Attention: ConSERNS-U Benefit
75 Troy Road
East Greenbush, NY 12061

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

EG Talks wishes all of our readers a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Take the time today to give thanks for your family, friends, neighbors and community. 

Take time also to think of those who may not be as fortunate as you and yours.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Which should be the more binding?

Congressional Oath of Office

"I, _______________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

Taxpayer Protection Pledge

"I, _______________, pledge to the taxpayers of the state of _______________,  and to the American people that I will:

ONE, oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses; and

TWO, oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates."

* * * * *

The "supercommittee" has failed in it's effort to reach an agreement on a deficit reduction plan.

The Supercommittee Collapses
NY Times Editorial, November 21, 2011

Supercommittee Failure Threatens Recovery as Rating Affirmed
By Heidi Przybyla, Business Week,November 22, 2011

For Deficit Panel, Failure Cuts Two Ways
By Binyamin Appelbaum and Annie Lowrey, NY Times, November 21, 2011
So the 'Super Committee' Failed. How Will That Affect You? - Debt panel's failure could hit millions of Americans in the pocketbook, but picture won't be clear until 2013
By Alex M. Parker, US News & World Reports, November 21, 2011

Pete Stenson

Friday, November 18, 2011


The holidays are approaching.  Following are a few thoughts we'd like you to keep in mind as you prepare.  You CAN make a difference in people's lives and in our community!

Concerns-U donates more than 6,000 pounds of food weekly and the situation has grown worse over the past year. There is a collection box located in Town Hall near the Town Clerk's Office for your donations of canned foods, dry foods, toiletries, anything non-perishable that people need on a day-to-day basis. 

Thanksgiving donations will be picked up next Tuesday (11/22); however, Town Hall will be collecting through the end of the year to help our less fortunate neighbors.

Small Business Saturday
The 2nd Annual Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses on one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year.  On November 26, we’re asking residents to "Shop Small" at their favorite local stores and help fuel the economy. When we all shop small, it will be huge.

Local Gift Certificate Gifting
Help out our local businesses by buying Gift Certificates from a local restaurant, bakery, book store, craft store, hair, nail or tanning salon, barber shop, fitness center or gym, car detailer, oil change shop, car wash, restaurant, bakery, book store, craft store, etc., etc.

Perhaps someone would their furnace serviced, driveway plowed all winter, or think Summer as the mercury drops - driveway sealed, flower beds mulched, or lawn mowed.

Remember Concerns-U, the Small Business Saturday concept and Local Gift Certificate Gifting and throughout the Year!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Veterans Day (Armistice Day)

Tomorrow is Veterans Day (Armistice Day).  Display your flag proudly!

“The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation.” George Washington
Think about our Veterans today, tomorrow and always.  If you know a Vet, thank them. If you encounter a Vet (many wear an emblem or hat proclaiming their service), thank them. 

There's an interesting "History of Veterans Day" provided by the US Department of Veterans Affairs at   Please be sure to read it sometime today or over the weekend. 

According to "History of Veterans Day", Armistice Day commemorated "the armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, between the Allied nations and Germany (that) went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month." 

Armistice Day became a Federal Holiday in 1938 as "primarily a day set aside to honor veterans of World War I ..."

In 1954, November 11th became "Veterans Day", a day to honor American veterans of all wars, although some still celebrate "Armistice Day". 

Also, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund is collecting photographs of each of the 58,272 men and women whose names are inscribed on The Wall.  To date, 21,000 have been collected. For more information, go to

Pete Stenson

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Congratulations to all of the Candidates

The campaigning is over and the votes have been tallied.  We extend our congratulations to all of the successful candidates.

The work of moving East Greenbush forward must continue; however, and wish them our best in their endeavors to accomplish this.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Election Day is this Tuesday and there is still much work to be done!

The weather's looking good and we must get people out to   VOTE FOR Rick, Toni, Phil and Sue!!!

They've worked hard campaigning, as we have in supporting them.  Tuesday is where the rubber hits the road!  We've got to

·         get out to vote for them; and
·         get out the vote for them. 

We know how to do this … we've done it so well in the past!!

Let's make sure the MMMM Team is re-elected by a healthy margin! Leave nothing to chance! Leave nothing to doubt!


read for yourself - we've ALL been duped again

Well, well, well !!!

Many people have been unfairly targeted in the campaigns of last year and  obviously, this  year !    The  candidates have  tried to keep it  somewhat civil , at least on the  Democratic  side.  After  weeks of  outright  slander and  libel  being  leveled almost  daily, finally, the  truth  comes  out !

The  article from the  Times Union is literally  the  "tip of the  Iceberg" when it  comes to  dirty politics by  the hi-jacked  Town Republican  Party and its  chairman - Ercole Christopher  Defruscio !

However , we would be  remiss not to mention that he  did not  act alone !  No, no , no !     Defruscio had  help -  LOTS OF  HELP !  
Ann Taylor  has  virtually  admitted that she is   part of it - by her  own admission on her  blog.
And  for  any of  you  Towns  folk who know  Chris  Defruscio at all,  you also know that he  doesn't  make a  move  without the  approval of  our County Legislator Mike Cristo !  Chris made it clear he had  help !

One can only  speculate that  because of  Taylors  admission of involvment , that you could reasonably  assume that Mulvey,Mahan,and Tirino and the  rest of the underhanded Republican troublemakers were openly involved.

It leads to the bigger  question:    did LANGLEY, GIBERT, SHELDON and FIACCO  know and  approve of  this  as  well ??

Chris Defruscio and  Taylor and  Cristo are and always have been capable of  dirty , underhanded election tom-foolery!    The  voting  taxpayers of  East Greenbush  should  demand  more  from the faux  Republican heirarchy ,  simply because  this is  now  TWO YEARS IN A  ROW  that the  Cristo  team has abused its authority and  taken great liberties and has  clearly  openly  LIED  and made  direct attempts  to deceive and  trick the  voters of East Greenbush into believeing  something that was  totally  fabricated  in  their  attempt  to "steal" the  election !

Langley , Fiacco, Gilbert and  Fiacco  should  all  openly  comment on this latest  REPUBLICAN  ELECTION DEBACLE!   The people of  East Greenbush deserve better than the  childish antics of  Cristo-DeFruscio- and Taylor. 

For you folks  reading this - for the  record ;  your  Democratic  team has always  strived to keep  it  civil and  tried to stick to the topics that East Greenbush  faces in this  upcoming  election.   We hope  you'll consider the  outright  Illegal and underhanded   actions of the  Republicans and  send them a very clear  message on Tuesday November 8th.

Your  Democratic  team remains  commited to the  betterment of  East Greenbush and  its  citizens.  We  Thank you  for your  continued  support as we face these  trying  economic  times  together - as a  Team !

East Greenbush tax collector sees dirty trick in letter - UPDATE

East Greenbush tax collector sees dirty trick in letter
Town's GOP chief pays cash for ad listing seemingly fictitious writer
By BRENDAN J. LYONS Senior writer
Updated 10:34 p.m., Saturday, November 5, 2011

EAST GREENBUSH -- The town's Republican committee chairman, Chris DeFruscio, paid cash to publish a political-attack advertisement in a local publication that was made to appear like it was a letter-to-the-editor from a town resident.
The letter, which contained false accusations directed at a town official, was attributed to "Martha Andiago, East Greenbush," which is apparently a fictitious name.

The advertisement appeared in Thursday's edition of The Advertiser, a non-subscription weekly publication mailed to town residents. The letter targeted Toni Murphy, a Democrat seeking re-election Tuesday as East Greenbush's tax collector. The letter accused Murphy of rudely ordering an elderly man at a recent town meeting to "Sit Down!"

"While a senior citizen was trying to explain his disapproval of the way he was treated at the tax receiver's office and the tax assessor's office, Ms. Murphy was very vocal and rude in telling the elderly man to 'SIT DOWN!'" the letter reads. "HOW DARE SHE, or any public figure, including Rick McCabe (who did the same thing to another speaker), try to silence people who are only looking for this administration to do the job they were elected and hired to do."

Robert Wells, 75, who is the man referred to in the letter, said it did not happen and Murphy has always treated him with courtesy. He said he went to the town meeting to appeal for a more fair process in resolving a tax issue and asked if he could sit while speaking.

"At some point, a female voice said something to the effect 'Yes, sit down,' or an offer was made to get me a chair and someone said 'by all means, sit down,'" he said, adding that he feels he is being "used" in a political fight.

Reached Saturday, DeFruscio sought to distance himself from the ad and repeatedly talked over a reporter. He refused to answer questions about his role in purchasing the ad or to identify the alleged author, and would not provide her contact information.

"You don't understand, it's not me. It's not the committee," DeFruscio said.

However, DeFruscio admitted paying $148 in cash to publish the letter when he went in-person to the office of The Advertiser on Oct. 28.

Susan St. Pierre, a sales rep for The Advertiser, said DeFruscio visited her office that day for about an hour and purchased several political ads. She said he paid by check for all of the ads except the attack letter, which he paid for with cash.

On Saturday, DeFruscio, 49, told the Times Union: "I had an envelope. She (Andiago) was with us. She was outside. I went inside and dropped stuff off to Sue."

But St. Pierre said she did not notice anyone else outside her office when DeFruscio was there. Under a standard verification process she called a number listed for the letter's author and a woman confirmed her name was "Martha Andiago." A search of public databases, including voter and property records, shows no one by that name in New York state.

On Friday, as questions surfaced about the authenticity of the letter, St. Pierre said she called back the number, which is a local residential listing, and the woman again confirmed her name is "Martha Andiago." St. Pierre said she told the woman they were investigating the matter and asked her to come to the Advertiser's office with identification.

"Then I said 'May I ask your address' and there was silence on the phone for a minute, and then the dial tone," St. Pierre said.

Looking back, St. Pierre said there were several "red flags" about DeFruscio's ad purchase.

"He had told me that several people were pitching in to pay for that ad," St. Pierre said. "My original email I received for that ad wasn't signed by "Martha Andiago," it was a different name but Chris changed it."

She said DeFruscio asked her to make out a receipt for that particular ad to "Martha Andiago" while other ads were invoiced to the town GOP committee.

DeFruscio on Saturday insisted the person who wrote the letter was real and that she would contact the Times Union to verify her identity. But no one called on her behalf. DeFruscio also said her name was spelled wrong in the letter, but he declined to provide correct spelling or her telephone number. He also would not say how he knows the woman or why he had paid for her advertisement.

"She is a real person," DeFruscio said. "The girl's getting upset because she thinks her freedom of speech is being altered and she wants to know why it's going on."

Murphy said the ad is part of a pattern of dirty political tactics by town Republican leaders.

"They'll do anything at this point, you know elections," Murphy said. "Usually my position isn't contested like this. I just collect the taxes and don't make decisions on who to hire."

Murphy is being challenged for the job, which pays about $44,000 annually, by Corine Sheldon, a Republican. Sheldon could not be reached for comment.

"I'm angry because I was totally taken advantage of," St. Pierre said. "I've always liked Chris and I've known him for a long, long time. I don't take it well when people lie."

Staff writer Cathy Woodruff contributed reporting for this story.

* * * * * * * * *

UPDATE: A follow-up article appears in today's Times Union:

Attack letter spurs feud
Dems: Daughter of GOP operative used for attack; GOP: letter real
By BRENDAN J. LYONS Senior writer
Published 10:35 p.m., Sunday, November 6, 2011

* * * * * * * * *

EG Talks would like to point out that Mr. DeFruscio apparently did not produce the name "Marta Santiago" when interviewed for Sunday's article.

Toni Murphy says it best at the conclusion of the follow-up article:

"The letter is fake. Martha Andiago is fake," she said. "Everybody who was at that meeting, and anyone who knows me, knows that the facts of the letter Chris paid for are totally fabricated. And now we know that Chris DeFruscio and his friend Bill Mahan doctored the name of Bill's daughter, Marta Mahan-Santiago, so they could use her in case they got caught. And they did get caught."

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Don Johnson asked "Where are the East Greenbush Financials???" in the October 27, 2011 edition of The Advertiser. 

EG Town Comptroller Jim Breig, provides the answer on the TOWN'S WEB SITE and in the November 3, 2011 edition of The Advertiser and is chastised for it.  Yes, it was a paid ad in The Advertiser.  Perhaps the only way he could guarantee a timely reply to the citizens of East Greenbush.  As Comptroller Breig states: 

"The Town Board and I have been open regarding the finances of the Town and the progress made on the Audit findings from 2009.  Both topics have been discussed numerous times in Town Board Meetings and Citizen’s Fiscal Advisory Committee (CFAC) Meetings." 

Mr. Johnson (10/14/11) and at least one Anonymous poster (10/26/11) have asked about the audit on EG Talks …

I respectfully suggested that Don Johnson raise his "question about the status of the 2010 AUD and Audit to those in the position to answer ... the Town Board at Wednesday's meeting or the Town Comptroller on Monday."  (10/15/11) He didn't ask at the Town Board Meeting and, as he saw the need to raise the question in The Advertiser, evidently didn't ask the Town Comptroller either.

I assured the Anonymous poster that "As Chair of CFAC, not a week passes without me asking Comptroller Breig about status of the audit." I also provided a link to a Times Union article entitled "Colonie audit triggers dispute", that revealed that Colonie's audit only came out last week.  (" (10/27/11)

I find it interesting, amazing and amusing that townsfolk will ask about the audit here and in The Advertiser rather than the one forum where someone could provide an informed answer - an East Greenbush Town Board Meeting.  Town Comptroller Breig is always in attendance at the Town Board Meetings.

It honestly makes me wonder if they really want to know or it the audit is just political fodder to them.

Questions and complaints about the audit, although not specifically directed towards him, are questions and complaints about the performance and integrety of the Town Comptroller, as he is the 'point person' concerning the audit. 


To see Jim Breig attacked for being upfront with the townsfolk is sickening.   

Pete Stenson

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I feel compelled to submit a few comments about two of Ann Taylor's posts  in which she apparently attempts to DENY people who don't agree with her or she doesn't like not only their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS (FREEDOM OF SPEECH), but their FIFTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS (DUE PROCESS).  In what might be considered a frenzy of efficiency, she does so in one post (#30).  Nice job, Ann!

For background, someone posted a comment on the EG Blog about the Assistant Police Chief for EGB having a Phil Malone sign in his yard.  They're also complaining Phil Malone's notarizing documents in error.

My question for the Assistant Police Chief for EGB is "Do you need more signs?" 
I quote EG Blog: 

"Ann Taylor said...30     #28-- And that is just disgusting and shameful! He is getting his raise in 2012 due to the contract negotiations conducted by Supervisor McCabe earlier this year so there is no need to polish Phil Malone's apple. That's so sad. Again, I could not care less about their personal lives but to see an Asst Police Chief publicly support a man who committed misdemeanors AND threatened a NYS DOS investigator--that's just wrong. Which side of the law is the Asst Police Chief on? If he has a Phil Malone sign on his lawn that is just backwards. (Sunday, October 30, 2011 8:12:00 PM EDT)"

"Ann Taylor said...44     In addition, the above document posted in this blog shows the proof of misdemeanors he committed. In addition, his resume lists employment positions for the time period he received unemployment. (Monday, October 31, 2011 4:42:00 PM EDT)"

To ANN #30: People in the AMERICA that I know and love are free to endorse and support whomever they choose.  The Assistant Police Chief for EGB is dedicated to protecting this Town and its residents, be they Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Independent, Working Family, Green, etc.  Also, I believe the Assistant Police Chief for EGB is considered management which means NO UNION RAISE.

Furthermore, I believe that EACH of the Employee Unions endorsed the ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC TICKET.  Should the unions' members not be to display any Candidates' signs on THEIR PRIVATE PROPERTY?

I am an Alternate Member of the Planning Board.  Should I not be allowed to display any Candidates' signs on MY PRIVATE PROPERTY?

To ANN #30 & #44: It's ALLEGEDLY "committed"!!  The document that LEGISLATOR CRISTO so proudly posted states (emphasis added) "BY REASON OF THE FOREGOING, the Respondent is charged with engaging in the following, acts of professional misconduct:" 

The OPERATIVE word is "charged", Ann.  Yes, "charged".  People in the AMERICA that I know and love are PRESUMED INNOCENT. 

What is perhaps even more frightening than Ann Taylor attempting to deny people their FIRST AND FIFTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS is the thought that Mike Cristo and Ann Taylor would be the puppeteers controlling the Town should the Republicans somehow be elected.

Pete Stenson