Friday, March 18, 2011

From Nathan Hans

The first time I reported OT numbers Joe LaMountain explained why the Transfer Station's was high. It is the only department that has gone down consistently since. I consider Joe a man of integrity, and I appreciate Joe explaining his side of the story. At the time I was struggling to get Police numbers, and to Chief Lavin's credit he came up after the meeting and helped me out. Another man of integrity. Dave VanWormer has begun reading his OT numbers at meetings, and I hope it continues. This is something that I thought one of the board members would have done a long time ago. Apparently the board doesn't share my opinion. I also appreciate the Police department putting department reports online. All positive signs.

I listened to Mary Pat Donnelly in October, when I was fuzzy about Ginny O'Brien's double dipping that was getting some play at the time and I wanted some clarification. I've had small conversations with Rick McCabe, Ginny, and Sue, all of which do their best to answer my questions, or concerns.

'Waiting....', if you know more then me, which isn't hard to do, then you can submit an article to the advertiser by emailing '' That would require using your name. I don't think they'll accept your 'waiting....' moniker.
Additionally, I'm not a hard guy to get ahold of. My email: I'm fairly visible at meetings. I'm the guy with the mini-camera. I'm more than willing to listen to any side of the story. If you think I'm looking at something improperly, let me know. The thing is I haven't heard from many of the Dems and few have offered to help me understand.
It seems this blog would rather put me into a group I don't belong to, than understand where I'm coming from. You don't think I realize how much I don't know or understand? What do you suggest I do? Trace every Democrat until I get a consensus how you all feel?

Who do you want me to believe? One 'side' is willing to talk and readily approaches newcomers(including me), who by definition, have very little understanding. The other(you) has ignored me(and others) for a year while I sat and watched and now openly trt to insult me. Funny, entertaining, but not really productive.

Fortunately for you, and contrary to your claims, I disagree with 'them' more than I agree. I don't really see anything corrupt or illegal. I don't think things are ideal, i see progress being made, slower than I'd like, but progress nonetheless. For that I am grateful to the board and our employees. This puts me at odds with 'them,' because it's all or nothing over there. Oh well.

But again, for me, I get to hear one side of the story and then I am left to try to piece together the other side, which as you see, is very sporadic. If a citizen doesn't have the time or energy to dig, rather vigorously, they will only ever hear one side of the story('theirs'). That's the option you give to new people. Maybe that's what you want. Again, doesn't seem like a good strategy, but what do I know.

As for the school situation, your right I'm as ignorant as a babe. If there is something you think I can do to help, let me know I'll see what I can do. Problem is I wouldn't know the first place to start. I sat at Town Board meetings for a good 6 months before I really had an idea.

Lastly, I'm wondering what political benefit you perceive I am deriving for what I am doing? Should be interesting.
Hopefully you will take this as an olive branch and perhaps we can have more productive dialog

Nathan Hans
To the blogmaster: perhaps you can make this a separate post? I'd hate to detract from the School district issue.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Washington (CNN) -- A Kansas church known for its angry, anti-gay protests at funerals of U.S. troops won an appeal Wednesday at the Supreme Court in a case testing the competing constitutional rights of free speech and privacy.
In an 8-1 ruling, the justices said that members of Westboro Baptist Church had a right to promote what they call a broad-based message on public matters such as wars. The father of a fallen Marine had sued the small church, saying those protests amounted to targeted harassment and an intentional infliction of emotional distress.
"Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both joy and sorrow, and -- as it did here -- inflict great pain. On the facts before us, we cannot react to that pain by punishing the speaker," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.
At issue was a delicate test between the privacy rights of grieving families and the free speech rights of demonstrators, however disturbing and provocative their message. Several states have attempted to impose specific limits on when and where the church members can protest.
The church, led by pastor Fred Phelps, believes God is punishing the United States for "the sin of homosexuality" through events including soldiers' deaths. Members have traveled the country shouting at grieving families at funerals and displaying such signs as "Thank God for dead soldiers," "God blew up the troops" and "AIDS cures fags."

I don't care  what political party you  cheer for  or  follow - this is pathetic and unpatriotic.   Do these  followers  of  this  church  realize  exactly who it is  that  granted them the  freedom  of speech?  It was the  American  Soldier - that's  who . The  same  Soldier who for  centuries has  fought to protect OUR  freedom  and  right to free speech !   

I believe its  decisions  such as  this  that is  weakening  our  great country.   You either agree or  disagree but  my God,  don't  take it out  on the military - especially  those that have  died  fighting for  our  freedom.