Thursday, June 30, 2011

Working Families Party endorsements

The Record announced today that the Working Families Party endorsed Rick McCabe for Town Supervisor, Phil Malone and Sue Mangold for Town Council and Tony Murphy for Receiver of Taxes.

WFP also endorsed Rich McNally for District Attorney and Gary Gordon for Sheriff.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


This will come as no surprise, but the EG Democratic Committee has endorsed the following candidates for Town office:

Supervisor                    Rick McCabe
Receiver of Taxes        Toni Murphy
Town Board                 Phil Malone
Town Board                 Sue Mangold

All four endorsed candidates are INCUMBENTS and are fully expected to be formalized by Party Caucus. 

The Committee has not endorsed a candidate for either the office of Town Clerk or Town Justice.

Let's support all four DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES and wish them well in their quest for RE-ELECTION this NOVEMBER 8th!!!  There's a lot of hard work and fund-raising to be done between NOW and ELECTION DAY.  Let's keep the Town of East Greenbush on the right path to the future! 

Anyone interested in helping to SECURE VICTORY IN NOVEMBER, feel free to contact any of the four candidates AT HOME or Kim Halloran (Democratic Committee Chair -

You can keep apprised of Committee activities and fund-raising events at the East Greenbush Democratic Party web site at

Events scheduled thus far include:

Of course, we fully expect supporter enthusiasm to be at feverish levels this year on all lines of the ballot.  Some have already started attacking Supervisor McCabe and Councilperson O'Brien (they must not know she isn't running this year) … let them have their fun now.  We'll know who'll be smiling on NOVEMBER 8th!!!

NOTE:  As EG Talks is portrayed as the "DEMOCRATIC" blog (although it actually is not) we remind all to keep your comments about each of the candidates, regardless of party, and, for that matter, any topic, clean and respectful.  As the banner states "Feel free to comment ~ keep it clean ~ please." 

We will be monitoring comments very closely … so keep them clean … you will not be posted otherwise.

EG Talks

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The absolute QUEEN of MEAN

Well,  despite  the  pleadings of  my  co-bloggers...the  following  MUST be  set straight.

At a special Town Board meeting, the  Board acted to correct an over  20 year  mistake with specific regards to Officer  Edward Mianos  retirement account.  The  town had never  transferred  Miano over from NYS  Corrections  retirement  to the  NYS  Police and  Fire  Retirement,  thus  shorting  his  retirement  account significantly and  making it  virtually  impossible for him to  legally  retire  from service.

Apparently , Taylor  the  temper and her  pack of  wild  dogs  have  taken this  to mean - or at least they think and  want  people to believe  - that the  Town must be  up to something-  .........WRONG!!!

 You   are  dead  wrong - AGAIN!!!     The action taken by the  Town Board was a  necessary  pre-cursor to action that the  STATE Legislature will take so that a  21 year  employee  can be made  whole  again and  retire  from Police  Service !        THATS'S  IT -  NOTHING MORE !!!!

There's also a  former NorthGreenbush Officer  who will benefit  from this  same  bill by the  Legislature!     There's  nothing   hidden  here !   That is the  ABSOLUTE  TRUTH!!!

And...if you think there's more to it  than that - PRINT IT-  but  there is NOTHING MORE TO IT  THAN THAT  .     Talk about  not  having a  life -  Ann-  go  plant  flowers,  bake a  cake  or  do something  constructive !!   Your  really  showing  how  completely  immature and incompetent you are!