Friday, July 29, 2011

*Water Restriction*

*Water Restriction*
Posted: 29 Jul 2011 12:22 PM PDT

The Town of East Greenbush Water Department asks residents to please be conservative with water usage. There has been a break in a portion of the 36" Water Transmission Main on Glemore Road in North Greenbush. The Water Transmission Main feeds the Town of East Greenbush and the Town is now restricted to what is left in the Water Tanks.

Despite the Water Main Break, there is no need to boil water.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Article I §8 of the Constitution gives Congress the power "To borrow money on the credit of the United States"

The debt ceiling dominates the news.  Here's a link to a primer on the debt ceiling entitled "Everything you need to know about the debt ceiling in one post" By Ezra Klein and Dylan Matthews of the Washington Post: 

* * * * *

In case you missed last night's speeches by President Obama and House Speaker Boehner, the texts can be found at these links:

Address by the President to the Nation:

Speaker Boehner’s Address to the Nation on GOP Plan to Address America’s Debt Crisis:

* * * * *

Editorials on the speeches and/or plans can be found at:

The Republican Wreckage, NY Times Editorial:

The Senate’s gimmicky debt plan: The best of a bad choice, Washington Post Editorial:

A Leadership Default - The President blames House Republicans for everything, Wall Street Journal Editorial:

Our view: Stop the showmanship and raise the debt ceiling, USA Today Editorial:

Pete Stenson

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Signing Away the Right to Govern* - NY Times Editorial, July 18, 2011

The July 18, 2011 NY Times Editorial entitled "Signing Away the Right to Govern"* states that the signers of Grover Norquist's pledge "never to raise taxes for any reason" are "the single biggest reason the federal government is now on the edge of default.  Its signers will not allow revenues in a deal to raise the debt ceiling."

John Maynard Keynes, the influential British economist, is credited with saying "When the facts change, I change my mind.  What do you do, sir?"  You may recall that Keynes' theory of increasing government expenditures during a recession has gotten lots of play these last few years.

The signers of Norquist's pledge, or any pledge for that matter, cannot think or act as Keynes' would, for fear of alienating their followers and supporters and losing their power or desired power. 

Remember George H. W. Bush's "Read my lips: no new taxes!" pledge at the 1988 Republican National Convention?  That pledge only lasted long enough to get him elected.

Leaders or potential leaders should not be hamstrung by "absolutes" in governing. 

Quoting the Times Editorial, "Only one candidate, Jon Huntsman Jr., has refused to sign any pledge, saying he owes allegiance to his flag and his wife."  The Times Editorial is not endorsing Huntsman, but rather his mindset of retaining the flexibility to do what is right for the Country at any given point in time.

Beware of politicians who demagogue. 
Beware of politicians making outrageous pledges. 
The only pledge that binds is the Oath of Office.

Pete Stenson

*A version of this editorial appeared in print on July 19, 2011, on page A22 of the New York edition with the headline: Signing Away the Right to Govern: Republican pledges seek to shackle candidates to inflexible ideological agendas.

Friday, July 15, 2011

East Greenbush Chess Club

Times Union
Friday, July 15, 2011

The scholastic team of the East Greenbush Chess Club was awarded first place in the Capital Region for the 2010-11 school year on June 29.

More than 30 teams competed in a series of 10 monthly chess tournaments held in locations throughout the area. The tournaments were sponsored by the Make The Right Move organization, the Capital Region's chapter of The Right Move, which is dedicated to providing free chess tournaments for youth.

The members of the team come from elementary, middle and high schools. The team is trained by coach, Bill Matters, who also received the Coach of the Year award.

The East Greenbush Chess Club's mission is to promote chess in Rensselaer County. The club meets from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays in the Sunshine Day Care building at 14 Hayes Road in East Greenbush. The club provides chess activities including weekly classes and monthly tournaments.

The club invites people of all ages to join and membership is free. People with an interest in chess are encouraged to browse the club's website at Individuals can also contact Matters at 477-2820 for more information.

- - - Congrats to the members, their families and Coach Bill Matters on their accomplishments!!!  EGTalks

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Town Board Announcements

Pre-Board Meeting
The Town Board will hold its Pre-Board Meeting at 4:30 P.M. on Thursday, July 14, 2011.

Couse Corners Informational Meeting
The Town Board will hold an informational meeting about the Couse Corners intersection construction on Wednesday, July 20. 2011 at 6:30 p.m. prior to the Town Board meeting.

Town Board Meeting
The Town Board will hold its regular Meeting at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesday, July 20, 2011.

Special Meeting, 6/29/11
The Town Board will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 4 p.m. to authorize the Supervisor to award the contract for construction of the Couse Corners Roundabout.

Town of East Greenbush announces Music in the Park

Each summer, the Community & Recreation Department organizes a concert series that takes place every Tuesday night in August from 6-8 pm. The concerts are held at Onderdonk Memorial Park, located on Hampton Avenue across from the Lake.
This concert series encourages friends, families and neighbors together in celebrating the summer season by enjoying the music, the outdoors and the company.
The schedule is as follows:
   • August 2nd Band of Gold
   • August 9th White Water
   • August 16th Gelvis (rendition of Elvis)
   • August 23rd Bow Riders
   • August 30th Carmine Dio
Teagans will be providing hot dogs, hamburgers & sausage and peppers for a minimal fee.

For further info, you may call 477-4775

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Due to a break in a Water Distribution Main, many residents within the East Greenbush water district are currently without water service. The Distribution Main is being worked on and will hopefully be repaired by this evening. Once the repair is complete, there is a possibility for low water pressure and discoloration.

All residents within the General Water District are under a Boil Water Advisory for 48 hours. This Advisory entails that residents boil any water prior to consumption for the next 48 hours. Residents of Hampton Manor and the Hampton Manor Water District are not affected by this.

- - from the Town Web Site

The town of East Greenbush Water Department has issued a water usage restriction in additon to a boil water advisory for the next 48 hours.

According to David VanWormer, the town’s commissioner of public works, residents are asked to refrain from any unnecessary water use, including watering lawns and/or gardens and washing cars.

- - from the 7/6/11 Troy Record

The town has lifted its boil water advisory and water restrictions that resulted from a main break Tuesday at Troy and Luther roads, the water department announced Thursday afternoon.

Normal use can continue.

- - from the Times Union, July 7, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011


   As we  enjoy the  fabulous weather  this  holiday weekend, let us not  forget the  sacrifice our  forefathers made on our  behalf  so that we can sit  peacefully and  enjoy this wonderful country we live in.  

  It may not be  perfect , but at least we all can celebrate the rights that we so openly enjoy thanks to a very brave few  early Americans who had the fortitude to stand up for what they thought was  correct and  righteous.

                                         Happy   Independence  Day  !