Thursday, March 29, 2012

"The Walls of Belfast" by Dr. Jack Conway

'The Walls of Belfast' is a multi-media presentation by Dr. Jack Conway on research conducted in Belfast, Northern Ireland during the peace process years of 1998-2000. Belfast is famous for the political wall murals that dominate the landscape in working class Catholic and Protestant neighborhoods.

This presentation includes a comprehensive look at the murals, posters, signs, graffiti and warnings placed on the walls of Belfast by militant political movements seeking to shape and explain the violence of the 'Troubles' in Northern Ireland.
Jack Conway is a resident of East Greenbush and a member of the Town's Board of Ethics. He has a doctorate in Anthropology from Brown University and has taught on the faculties of Skidmore College and the University of Albany among other institutions. His specialization is in the study of community politics and he has written extensively on the politics of Ireland and Northern Ireland. In Belfast, his research focused on the militant factions of both Catholic and Protestant communities as he sought to understand the conflict in Northern Ireland from the perspective of those who fought the war.
Please register by phone (477-7476) or online for this program.

Easter Egg Hunt

The Community and Recreational Services Department is happy to present our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 7th at the East Greenbush Town Park.

The hunt is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. and will be divided into three (3) separate age groups from 2-4, 5-7, and 8-10 year olds. We ask that parents and children begin to arrive around 10:30 a.m. to find parking, enjoy some light refreshments, and get pictures taken with the Easter Bunny.

This event is rain or shine so please dress appropriately.

Parents must accompany their children during the hunt, bring your own bags/baskets as they will not be provided, and each child is limited to 10 eggs. Please be sure to turn in the emptied plastic eggs once the hunt is finished, and notify personnel if your child (ren) did not get any eggs.

For more information please contact the Community and Recreational Services Department at 477-4194.
2012 Easter Egg Hunt Flyer

Spring Clean-Up

The East Greenbush Highway Dept. will be picking up bags of leaves and 4ft. bundles of brush on the following Mondays:

April 2,2012
April 9, 2012
April 16, 2012
April 23, 2012

If your bags/brush are not picked up on Monday, the Highway Department will be back the next business day.


No brush piles will be picked up.

Please do not put brush/bags in ditch lines or on top of catch basins.

For any questions, please contact the East Greenbush Highway Department at 477-6103.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee

The Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee has scheduled a meeting for Monday, March 12, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Community Room at Town Hall and is open to the public.