Following are some of my comments/observations/concerns.
* * * * * * *
It appears that the wrong 2014 Budget file may
have been used:
o The
2014 Adopted Budget Column is erroneous in that the $110,000 in 1990.4 –
Contingency (page 6) is not included in Expense calculations … Total
General Fund CE should be $1,245,538 and Total General Fund Expense should be $8,042,372. This is likely a formula error.
o Similarly,
the 1990.4 – Contingency in the amount of $110,000 is not included in
Expense calculations. Total Expense
should be $8,184,511. Again, this is
likely a formula error.
Numerous YTD 9/30/14 Actual Revenues and Expenses
exceed those included in the respective 2015 Tentative Budget Accounts,
raising concern about the latter estimates.
“All-Funds” Personal Service (excluding
Ambulance District) increases by about $74,000.
o Various
accounts appear to include funding for many of the positions eliminated at the
1/2/14 Organizational Meeting. Is funding
for these positions included in or excluded from the 2015 Tentative
Budget? If included, is it by oversight
or will the positions be filled now that a year has lapsed?
o Similarly,
funding for positions created and raises for existing positions implemented at the
1/2/14 Organizational Meeting appear to be missing from the impacted accounts.
“All-Funds” Employee Benefits (excluding
Ambulance District) decrease by $145,037 despite increased All-Funds Personal
Service. Can this be explained?
Have the Personal Service, Employee Benefit, CE
and Equip Account Allocations been recalculated?
Total Sewer Debt payments increase by roughly
$68,000. I believe the WWTP Project was
scheduled to be completed by the end of 2014.
Are the debt payments included in the 2015 Tentative Budget?
Is there a 2015 financial impact of the
Memorandum of Agreement with the East Greenbush Emergency Communications Union
approved at the 10/15/14 Town Board Meeting and if so, is it reflected in the
2015 Tentative Budget? If so in what
How are the Police and CSEA negotiations
progressing? Are provisions made for
raises in the 2015 Tentative Budget?
2015 Tentative Budget General Water Fund shows a
deficit of $47,831.
What, if any Fee increases are included in the
2015 Tentative Budget?
What, if any, new positions, reorganizations
and/or salary increases are included in the 2015 Tentative Budget?
What, if any, position eliminations are
reflected in the 2015 Tentative Budget?
General Fund Account:
o 3020.1
- Emergency Communications PS increases $138,912.
o 3120.1
- Police & Constable PS increases $101,549 over 2014.
o 8160.4
- Refuse/Garbage CE decreases $56,831 from 2014 Adopted.
o Other
- Reserves/Debt Reduction 962 - Provision for Other Uses is split into
3 lines for a total of $177,316. The
purpose should be identified.
o 3005 - State Aid Mtg Tax decreases $125,000 from
2014 Adopted and $765 below 9/30/14 YTD.