3/18/15 East
Greenbush Town Board Meeting
Jim Connor (Chazen Engineering) discussed the sludge spill
at the new Waste Water Treatment Plant.
A manual pump was apparently left running. Insurance will cover cleanup and equipment replacement,
save a $1,000 deductible, up to $50,000.
Above $50,000 falls on the Town.
Keep fingers and toes crossed!
The Agenda was replete with Councilperson Matters Resolutions:
35-2015 accepting
withdrawal of the Capital View Casino PDD Application failed as unnecessary but
would’ve put the final nail CapitalView’s coffin.
36-2015 to have
Delaware Engineering bring sanity to the five sewer districts and their various
rate-fee structures at a cost not to exceed $50,000 failed as too costly. I’d cautioned that this would not solve the $600,000
WWTP Debt Service needed in 2017 and beyond.
CP DiMartino stepped out of Supervisor Langley’s shadow to second. Kudos Deb!
scheduling a 4/9/15 Public Hearing on changes to the Ethics Code was adopted and
rescheduled from 5:00PM to 6:00PM thanks to CP Mangold’s amendment.
42-2015 requiring
Town compliance with NYS Civil Service Law concerning classification,
appointments and payroll certifications was unanimously adopted. CP DiMartino again stepped up to second.
Councilperson Mangold’s 39-2015
requiring standardized Monthly Departmental Reports and posting on the Town’s
website sailed through unanimously, reiterating 68-2011 and 181-2011. Will the third time be the charm that
brings compliance?
All resolutions can be viewed at http://eastgreenbush.org/government/town-board/agendas-a-minutes.
Supervisor Langley proclaimed inter-fund borrowing down to “less
than $750,000” (3/5/15 Advertiser). Without
audits, this level is assumed.
The reduction is partially attributed by Comptroller
Phillips to Generic Environmental Impact Statement Mitigation Fees, which per
that GEIS “were developed for the following critical elements in East
Greenbush: land use, water/sewer, recreation, and traffic (and) cost of
preparing the GEIS”.
Further quoting: “All mitigation fees collected will then be
placed in separate accounts designated for each of the identified improvements.” … “The
Town may use the mitigation fees at its discretion for improvements to the
critical areas identified in the GEIS within the Study Area.”
Nowhere is inter-fund borrowing pay-down authorized or allowed. Will these critical accounts ever be
Pete Stenson
East Greenbush