There are modest application
development and submission costs and, if the grant is awarded, local matching
funds requirements (possibly including in-kind staff services). The grant would pay for planning and
implementation costs, including unique equipment for use by the members. I personally support shared services agreements, especially if grant money is
108-2015 was
nonetheless defeated at the 6/17/15 Board Meeting, with Supervisor Langley and
Councilperson Malone voting “Yes” and Councilpersons DiMartino and Matters
objecting. Perhaps over concern that EG would be a net assistance giver, but costs
are reimbursed!
The same votes defeated 109-2015 to hire Chazen Companies to
write other Grant Applications. EG’s
Planning Director and/or Engineer could do this if not fired by the Majority.
Note: NYS’s Consolidated Funding
Applications are due 7/31/15. Hence the rush.
98-2015 Filling
Ethics Board Vacancy failed with CPs DiMartino and Matters voting “Yes” and
Supervisor Langley and CP Malone voting “No”.
Noteworthy resolutions receiving unanimous
100-2015 Appointing
Police Officer - Congratulations &
welcome to John DeRubertis;
103-2015 Certain
Paving Expenses;104-2015 Designating a Portion of Lakeshore Drive One-Way from 6/19/15 to 9/18/15;
106-2015 Emergency Repair of Old Troy Road Bridge; and
107-2015 Chazen Companies Bridge Condition Assessment of Old Troy Road/Mill Creek Bridge.
Thankfully, the many attachments referenced in the
Resolutions were included in the on-line Agenda.
Aside: Resident (A) complained that two residents, including yours
truly, had spoken during the Open Public Privilege portion. Resident (D) suggested banning (A) from
speaking at future meetings or at least gaveled out of order. I disagree with banning people but support
gaveling them.
Remember, “Better to remain silent and thought a fool than speak and remove
all doubt!”
Also, we don’t need various audience
members shouting “Order!”
Pete Stenson
East Greenbush