However, I
am not sure that one voice is sufficient to convince Comptroller DiNapoli to do
you share my concern about this potential misuse of GEIS Mitigation Fee proceeds, please write to Comptroller DiNapoli and copy Chief Examiner Jeffrey
P. Leonard at the following addresses supporting my request. Include a copy of my letter as a reference.
A simple note might be sufficient:
I am writing in support of Peter Stenson's attached request that you expand the current East Greenbush audit to include an investigation into the use of the GEIS Mitigation Fees.
~ Pete Stenson
Hon. Thomas P. DiNapoli
York State Office of the State Comptroller
State StreetHon. Thomas P. DiNapoli
Albany, NY 12236-0001
P. Leonard, Chief Examiner
York State Office of the State ComptrollerGlens Falls Regional Office
One Broad Street Plaza
Glens Falls, New York 12801-4396