Friday, October 27, 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Stories We Could Tell

“The Stories We Could Tell” is a song written by John Sebastian back in the ‘70s.  The same can be said about the NYS Board of Elections Financial Disclosure Reports

For example, the East Greenbush Republican Committee hasn’t filed since January 2017’s $11,406.93 negative balance!  The East Greenbush Democratic Committee is up-to-date - the 2017 32-Day Pre-General Report.   

Furthermore, NYSBOE doesn’t know that EG Town Board candidate Dan Plumley is even running as of 10/11/17 – he’s not registered.  Rick Matters has been filing “No-Activity” reports forever!  East Greenbush Republican Committee isn’t supporting them with that $11K deficit!  Their opponents, Hollie Kennedy and Zack Kilmer have filed a 2017 32-Day Pre-Primary Report as Friends of Kilmer Kennedy. 

NYSBOE doesn’t know that District 2 County Legislature candidates Leon Fiacco or Kelly Hoffman even exist.  Rob Bayly has a campaign account registered with NYSBOE; however, viewers are referred to the Rensselaer Republican Legislative Campaign Committee, which is up-to-date.  Nice way to hide who supports whom, folks!  But at least RRLCC files, unlike the EGRC.  Friends of Tom Grant is up-to-date.  Democratic candidates’ Friends of Susan Kalafut and Friends of Kathryn Shaffer are up-to-date.  Friends of Todd D’Alleva and Friends of John Hebert haven’t filed, but at least they’re registered with NYSBOE. 

The Rensselaer County Republican Committee hasn’t filed since its 2017 July Periodic Report.  The Rensselaer County Democratic Committee is up-to-date. 

Individual County-wide Candidates’ filings are up-to-date.  But what happens to the $34K in the Committee to Elect Chris Meyer’s coffers - Town Justice Campaign???

The questions:  Can those not accountable and transparent in campaign mode be accountable and transparent in office?  Why do some campaigns not file or even exist?  Why the apparent subterfuge?  What are they hiding?  Who are the donors?

Pete Stenson
East Greenbush