Monday, April 15, 2013

Prayers for Boston ~ Please ... and for West, Texas

Please  take a  moment  and  remember those  innocent citizens who were  injured and  killed today  in Boston.

Also keep the folks of West, Texas in your thoughts and prayers.  The fertilizer plant's explosion could be heard 45 miles to the north.


  1. Sitting here watching the nightly news and am literally in disbelief of what I am seeing and hearing. What is this country/world coming too?

  2. Prayers and thoughts are with those in Boston. They are us.

    We must be vigilant to NOT let the senseless acts of these lunatics, be they domestic or foreign, to lessen our faith in God, country or mankind.

    We are stronger than this and we are stronger than them.

  3. Cowardly act. Feeble attempt to shake the American People with terror.
    Sorry to whoever you are. It only serves to make us stronger.

  4. I join in the prayers and concern for the victims of this nightmare. The killing of innocent civilians cannot be justified by any political ideology. If there is a silver lining in this dark cloud it is that the scumbags who did this were relative amateurs because professionals could have killed hundreds and hundreds of people in a spot like that. Of course this is no consolation to the families of the victims.

  5. An 8 year old boy who had just stepped off the curb to cheer on his father, steps back to the curb and is killed innocently and instantly.
    Can't shake that thought.
    Only eight years old.

  6. New evidence found. Hopefully they have something solid to go on .

  7. Suspect has been identified.

  8. Prayers to the Boston Police , the Watertown Police and the MIT campus Police.
