I FOILed the Document that Commissioner Corellis presented to the Town Board at the 11/19/14 Board Meeting. Following is that letter along with an undated but old photo showing the road much closer to tree and house.
Pete Stenson
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Undated but old photo showing the road much closer to tree and house. |
So if there is no map or survey on record, how does one prove this?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the the distance from the street that the town owns? You are correct that the undated photo shows the road much closer. I took a look at Google Maps via Street View and the tree is definitely farther than the older picture from the road. I will give Anthony this, it does indeed cut through the power lines.
ReplyDelete945 - so naturally National Grid would handle this , like every other tree that interferes with power lines ! Not Town workers that have no experience dealing with power lines !
DeleteHe should think of the workers. He put them in danger, nice going Anthony
DeleteThe tree is closer to the house than the road, well tree stump now.
ReplyDeletePete, you are a hack no more no less. You probably couldn't count your true friends in this town on one hand.
ReplyDeleteDilbert and CHUMPLEE: I would dare say Pete has ALOT more friends than you two morons combined !
DeleteQuite frankly- Dilbert/Chumplee/Putz combined have about 6 friends total in this town ! And...the three of you can't really count your wives either - huh ?
Trashbag Tirino strikes again ! Best friend of CHUMPLEE Defruscio !
DeleteHas anyone looked at the tree that was cut down? I rode by when the tree was being cut down. It certainly didn't look like a rotted out tree like I heard Corellis stated at the meeting. How could that property have been sold over the years without a survey?If there is a survey what does it say. How many feet from the road to the property does the town usually claim? Take a ride through town many trees are closer to the road than the tree in question. Will the town now have to take down these trees if the home owners request to have the trees down? Do you have to be related to Corelis to get your tree taken down?
ReplyDeleteThe tax map shows no town property there, one big parcel owned by Carpinello. If the town owns it, why has the Resident been paying taxes on it all these years?
ReplyDeleteIn the old photo, the road IS closer to the house and tree because it's OLD Troy Road.
ReplyDeleteI believe this is just another glaring example of how totally incompetent the CHUMPLEE led Town Board appointees are !
ReplyDeleteANYTHING with Chris Defruscios name attached is doomed to failure. His friends are all idiots and incapable of regular employment. Chris gave them all jobs and we are all now stuck with people who have no idea what they are doing !
November 2015 can't come soon enough ! CHUMPLEE Defruscio must go !
Elroy is at it again!
ReplyDeleteEd Gilbert is a disgrace of a human being.
DeleteThere will be NO RESPECT for you Ed ! You will be openly mocked and laughed at the rest of your days in EG.
Count on it ~! Your as much a PUTZ as Langley !
So what is Langley and his tainted Ethics Board going to do about it?
ReplyDeleteCorellis is clearly wrong.
He abused his position and used Town employees illegally.
This was either a National Grid Job or NYS DOT job. Clearly not a Town job.
The abuse of power/position is just one of many we've witnessed since January 2nd under "Defruscio Rule".
The gadflies are worrying about the Casino and the house on the hill.....all the while, Chumplee and Putz quietly allow their friends and family to screw the rest of us daily.
The Casino won't matter much either way if there's no pressure on Langley to conform to the rules of his office.
Now that Langley and Defruscio have been rendered powerless and really have NO say as to what goes on in Town, why are the other three Board members not demanding Defruscio and Corellis removed from Town positions? Makes sense and would stop ALOT of the negative controversy that occurs daily.
I said it before , I'll say it again ! Mike Poorman ? WTF? Why are we going backwards again ?
ReplyDeleteThis sure as hell isn't anything positive for EG.
It's hilarious.....Gilbert's posting and then answering himself. I know what to call it, but then you wouldn't print it. (Has to do with self-pleasuring.)
ReplyDeleteIt's starting to become comical, especially since he essentially admitted it was him by his starting over letter. His obsession with MAM should concern his wife, well and Mary Ann.
DeleteLMAO ! Gilbert,Chumplee and the PUTZ are the only ones allowed to post on Defruscios latest version of fiction.
DeleteThink about it: Gilbert was thrown off the T.U -( like cristo ) , tried to start the Guardian, egknows,demands, and now matterss.......did I miss any attempts by Gilbert to attempt to discredit his opponents ?
Total moron ! And to think that people actually thought allowing Defruscio to have any say in the day to day operations of EG was a "smart way forward".
Tell me folks - hows that workin for ya ?
Now PUTZ and CHUMPLEE sit and wonder all day long...they have no majority and have no say in the daily operations of the Town.
That blog is coming out of Florida you idiot.
DeleteFlorida my a** ! It comes from Sherwood Park !
DeleteHis style is recognizable and his temper is infamous !
Seriously, our Ethics Chairman publicly expressed interest in this Matters slander blog! Langley, if you could do just one thing right in your last 13 months it would be getting rid of that man. Its a complete mockery, how can you not see that? The Times Union even took notice. If the blog isn't pathetic enough, and quite stalkerish, the author's screen names is "MAMSWF". Obsessed much Gilbert?
ReplyDeleteOne of the many LLC's coming out of the Hart's 2 Cooper Ave address is Jenkins Excavating (not related to Dwight - I don't believe). This is the same address that is home to Martin Electric and Sue's survey company, as well as about 30 + other LLC's and the house is owned by the Hart's. CHA has contracted Jenkins Excavating for the casino...all in the family with the Hart's & Maney's.
ReplyDeleteWell if you thought it was gonna be Cristo instead.....lmao !
DeleteCristo is pretty much out of business. Washed up . Right where he belongs....out of politics.
DeleteAre you kidding? Cristo/Taylor are regulars at the Matters residence. They are among MAM's top political advisors. They already have their desks picked out in Town Hall, once they get Grant and Taylor elected next year.
DeleteIf thats'll be bye~bye to whatever platform they are attempting to shove forward ! Cristo has too many skeletons to have any say in EG . He burned just about all his bridges and made enemies with way too many people.
DeleteMAM will learn quickly that any friendship with either or both of them is poison and will torpedo her political career quickly !
Don't the Putz and Chumpley have anything better to do than follow Ann Taylor around? Seems pretty creepy to me.
DeleteThey are looking to run Maura from the CFAC. Maura is pro Deb DiMartino and Keith has been making nice with Maura. Maura thinks Deb, "does the right things based on her heart." Maura is the one you guys have to watch. They are looking for new candidates and Maura is looking for the opportunity.
ReplyDeleteUnlikely. Langlust won't be able to control her like he does Debbie.
DeleteI see there's a meeting of the mindless in the corner office this morning. Stumplee,Dumplee and Chumplee all huddling in the office.
ReplyDeleteAnd Mike Poorman ? WTF? Really ? Thats the best you got Chump ?
To AnonymousNovember 25, 2014 9:31 AM--Because it is creepy as well as a complete waste of their time.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone let Keith Langley know there is a snow storm predicted for tomorrow?
ReplyDeleteDeb DiMartino lacks the willingness to look beyond the nose on her face to make any intelligent decisions. She does what Langley tells her and nothing more. And if Maura thinks the right decisions are based on the heart then maybe she shouldn't run for office either. What we need is new blood with the guts and intelligence to stay ahead of the Benkos, Harts, Maneys DeFruscios,and anyone else who attempts to run this town behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteWe need clear thinkers, honest people and for once, someone who is qualified to manage the job.
Hopefully, the Supe will tell Corellis to do is job and do it right. Corellis's attitude is "I'm the DPW Commish and they do what I say." Thats why the tree came down. Who are the chiefs in this town? The same one's that are the idiots! Sorry, Putz but get your head out of your "you know what" and face it; one year from now you'll be on the outside looking in; isn't that a song? January 1st, 2016 - keep that seat warm for the new SUPE. Happy Turkey Day.
ReplyDeleteSeems to me that the "tree" issue is not dead until a survey of the property is produced. The letter from DOT is not directly responsive to the matter in question.
ReplyDeleteCorellis knows that the whole tree thing was not the right thing to do as sure as he knows he will be out of a job! He is just thumbing his nose at everyone in town. He should pay for it.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know how tall the Maney/Hart cathedral on Thompson Hill Rd. is? Does it seem to be higher than the maximum 35 feet allowed in an R-B Zoned land in EG? Or does it just seem monstrous because it sticks out on top of the hill?
ReplyDeleteI'm not disputing that tree is on private property, but does anyone know where it's in print/online that shows how much property in front of your house is yours versus the towns?
ReplyDelete***NEWS ALERT*** we are in the midst of our 1st substantial snow accumulation of the 2014-2015 winter.
ReplyDeleteLets all watch as Anthony Corellis proves once again how completely incompetent he is when it comes to clearing our town roadways and streets.
The arrogance of the SWF never ceases to amaze !
Nice job CHUMPLEE - your still an idiot and your handpicked morons still have no idea what they're doing !
I stopped into Price Chopper on my way home and as i passed Corellis drive I noticed that a plow had been there, imagine my "surprise" when I got to the manor and none of those streets had seen a plow. I guess there's one kind of service for the town DPW comish and another for everyone else.
ReplyDeleteAnthony is and has been a disaster since the moment he was appointed by Defruscio. This town will suffer until the day he is sent packing. The man is stupid and arrogant - a very deadly combination for someone who has no idea what he's doing in the job he was gifted with.
DeleteSWF- Screwing Working Families of East Greenbush !
If the tree issue was legit..Corellis' cousin ( Carpinello) would have whipped out his property deed and survey and put the issue to rest. I guess it speaks for itself doesn't it. are one of those guys who believes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of one. Corellis believes the need of one ( if it's him) outweighs the needs of many.
ReplyDeleteThank you. The roads look good; how long did it take you to get out there and send the guys out; oh thats right we need to save on Over Time; so lets wait til we're slipping and sliding all over before ANTONY puts his thinking cap on and sends the crew out. Hope we don't have many snow falls! be prepared Mark - he ain't got a clue!!
ReplyDeleteA**hole Corellis pulled them in off the road early. We're stuck until King Asshole decides to send them back out again. The roads in Town are a mess !
ReplyDeleteF-ing morons ! Do your job Corellis !
Hey Mr. "I don't give a shit - where's your guys; its almost 8:00. Oh thats right last night was Thanksgiving Eve; an unofficial Corellis Holiday; drinking and partying were we? The roads show it. Maybe in 2015 we can hire a reputable contractor (Not a Corellis) to plow the roads; what do ya say Putz? Something needs to be done; oh thats right is Corellis still going to be the Supe in 2015, we can't get rid of him til 2016 can we? Thats the million dollar question? What do ya think, residents? Can we get rid of him now?
ReplyDeletegobble gobble: where's your sense of holiday spirit; just because they sit on their brains doesn't mean you shouldn't wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. Isn't it amazing Gobble, that when Angelini & McCabe were Supervisor's, the roads were done by 6 am at the latest; but they were men that were respected and not "spoiled little boys" who needs to prove a point. Be careful what you wish for; you wanted a change and a change you got, EG Residents. Should of voted Dems all the Way! Enjoy your turkey! Correlis, ya know where you can put your stuffing? Now that was funny!!
ReplyDeleteTaylor Estates were not touched @10am this morning. People are pissed and they should be ! Many roads were never touched last night before they all went home. Nice job Corellis. I see Corellis drive was done 1st thing this morning ! LOSER
ReplyDeleteNow that Chumplee and Putz are virtually powerless , can we get rid of Corellis on January 2nd ? Does he have to be re-appointed January 2nd?
ReplyDeleteWhat about Chumplee ? Can we get rid of him as well ?
I can't believe everyone is still obsessing about this rather than asking Anthony directly, but if it's that important to you, consider this. From google earth, the house seems to be approximately 53' from the edge of the road and the center of the tree around 20'. Get accurate information rather than spinning your wheels whipping each other up into a frenzy. There are better fights to fight. If you want Anthony gone you need to remove the majority that appointed him. With the finances as bad as they are, the dems and the repubs are in the same boat, you both are going to need new faces that can get something done without serving the old guard or special interests in town. Work on that!
ReplyDeleteGoogle Earth is NOT accurate. Its a starting point but not accurate.
DeleteI suggest you ask Anthony. Can't wait to hear how that works out for ya !? That's IF he allows you to speak to him !
January 2nd should usher in a new deal with Langley and Dimartino now being in the minority.
Time to NOT re-appoint Chumplee to the court, time to send Corellis packing- time to send most of the end office people packing.
Lets see exactly how intent MAM is and how mad she actually is !
All you folks who think Anthony Corellis is approachable are nuts !
DeleteHe is arrogant and ignorant - a bad combination for a man in his position. He could care less what you want or think!
Corellis is a shining example of exactly what SWF stands for.
SWF was a scam put together by E.Christopher Defruscio to make sure the few idiots that the people have shunned , got a chance to pocket our tax dollars ! Defruscio is an uneducated used car salesman. What more did anyone expect?
Langley is socially a little boy ! Those two brought us idiots such as Ed Gilbert, John Tirino, Sean Mulvey , Mike Poorman.
Wait til you see what Poormans got up his sleeve !
January 2nd 2015 needs to be aq day of change if possible. Those who rely upon re-appointment for their jobs, those that are clearly SWF appointees, need to be shown the door !
I didn't know we could get rid of Corellis in 2015? Isn't that they year they're all going to hire their kids as DPW workers; DiMartino's kid, Corellis's kid, a friend of DeFruscio's; Rich something. Well what goes around comes around. In 2016 the Dems can just get rid of these idiots like they did Clint and Sauer. The wheels on the bus keep going round and round. It truly is a sick town; nothing gets done, Columbia Tpk is a ghost town and the ones that work at TH just keep getting raises for doing Nothing and you all know exactly who you are.
ReplyDeleteIf they hire Corellis and Dimartinos kid or ANY friend of Defruscio - its GAME ON ! They cannot hire without 1st putting those two others back on. Thats why we were sandbagged without summer help . IDIOTS !
DeleteDear ''the wheels on the bus'' this being now the second time my name was mentioned on this site, I feel I must defend my character. I am not a public figure just an average joe who puts in an honest day. My goals and dreams in life certainly reach far beyond that of a DPW worker! FACT... I have not lived in the town in over a decade, my wife and I are currently house hunting in surrounding communities, none of the homes we have walked through are in the ''friendly'' confines of East Greenbush. you have constructed a post that doesn't hold water, I couldn't begin to wrap my mind around minutia you divulge, IT IS BASELESS!
DeleteI grew up in a home rooted in character, honesty, hard work and being accountably for my actions and statement, you sir or madam fall short on several of those! I ask you sir or madam have we ever shared a conversation? do you know me so well you know my hopes and dreams....probably not. so sir or madam tear down the vials of secrecy, be accountably and stand behind your statements with fact not fiction, PUT YOUR NAME ON IT.
respectfully your with the highest character
Ahhh... the 1st storm of 2014-15 and already Corellis has proved how totally ignorant he is ! Just more of exactly what SWF is all about - Screwing the Working Families of East Greenbush - Defruscio style !
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that; we have to hire Clint and Sauer back before they hired their sons! Interesting; how are they going to get away with that one? They'll find a way because they don't know what its like to do things legally? How many lawsuits does they town have against them? How many has Langley had against him personally? And the hits just keep on a coming! Was Bob or Rick ever sued? isn't that interesting? You da winner Langley!!
ReplyDeleteDonnie sued them and the town for older women planting flowers on town property. Two judges called it the most baseless case they ever saw. He was ordered by the court to pay court costs. About 30to40thousand dollars. Show us the money
ReplyDeleteI predict that Keith will be saddled with a multi-million $ suit in the very near future. There's no denying that too many people are now onto the b~s coming from the SWF crowd.
ReplyDeleteAfter a year then can hire
ReplyDeleteThat's been the Langley plan from the get go.
DeleteWho thinks Corellis is approachable. The way he walks around looking as miserable as can be; he nor Langley want to talk to people. Is Langley still walking the halls of TH asking "Are ya gonna vote for me?" Please. Antony; Oh dear God; Mr. personality with his long face "I'm da DPW Commish and what I say Goes!" OK antony; have another Jack Daniels!!
ReplyDeleteAnd smoke a doobie with your buddies, the DiMartionis. Are council members and dept heads tested for drugs? If not, they should be.
Delete3 days AFTER the snow storm and like always most of the sidewalks aren't done on 9&20 because our town leaves it up to the owners who follow their town leaders. The sidewalks in front of Town Hall still have yet to be done. Luckily myself and the cars behind me were able to avoid the runners.
Under Dave VanWormer, there was always a man detailed to clear the sidewalks......always
ReplyDelete@ AnonymousNovember 29, 2014 4:07 PM--- Seriously?! Those people smoke pot?! Illegal at any age in this state but at those ages, that is deplorable. They should be ashamed of themselves and GROW UP!
ReplyDeleteJust a quick question; is it true that many of the ill-gotten hires from this past January are in need of re-appointment this coming January?
ReplyDeleteDoes that mean Defruscio is not getting his court job for 2015 ? What about the other secretaries and so forth? Pete? Jack?
Best of my recollection; political positions such as the "court attendant" would need re-appointment each year.
DeleteWith MAM clearly not in line with Langley and Defruscio, I would say that Defruscio is out for 2015, as well as many of the other SWF appointees.
The panic in our Town is not what is perceived as a " HUGE-DEBT" but rather the continued fleecing of taxpayers by the SWF crowd!
ReplyDeleteTrash-bag Johnny and Chumps Dumbfrush are the reason this town is flailing and not prospering ! Recycling a used up political hack such as Mike Poorman only further contributes to the downward spiral and is a testament to how inadequate and incompetent the SWF team truly is !
The Anti-Casino initiative is an honorable pursuit by many Town residents.
What is important is that we not take our eye off the ball and every day foolishness of Putz and Chumplee and their cohorts as they screw up the basics this town needs to operate.
Once the Casino debacle is over, we still have to operate and with Putz calling the shots and Chump pulling his strings, we're all still in hot water until JANUARY 2015 !
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DeleteChump is aware of his political mortality.
ReplyDeleteHe's been trying to be extra nice to folks lately.
Especially now that he's been told he no longer leads the majority.
Well idiot - you had your ten minutes of fame , and as predicted - YOU BLEW IT !
EGPRIDE and supporters:
ReplyDeleteYou are just now starting to see exactly what many of us knew prior to the 2013 election, Chris Defruscio and his supporters are juvenile delinquents !
I and a few others , tried in vain to get voters to see the ruse put out there by Defruscio , obviously to no avail. Now, we are stuck with incompetent individuals in key positions who are inflicting damage every single day to the taxpayers of East Greenbush.
Ed Gilbert is a shining example of the b~s that is ushered into the end office at Town Hall , all by a man named Langley. A man who wanted nothing to do with Town Government prior to his election and still to this day tells many people that no one was more surprised than he when he learned he won !
Basically, we're ALL screwed until January 2015 !
It's been rumored through the years about how bad our town has been and many of us chalked it up to the usual political corruption. Instead, it is filled with arrogance and incompetence and the EG way can no longer be the way. It's time to give the town back to the residents, not just a few family and friends. You make enough noise, you're bound to wake the sleeping dragon. The residents of EG are now awake.
DeleteHere's one from the FLY. Looks like they are now realizing what many of us have been screaming about for months !
ReplyDelete"AnonymousDecember 2, 2014 at 9:00 PM
Just when you think Keith Langley is the most despised man in town, along comes Ed Gilbert who slithered into the library meeting last night like some kind of celebrity and proceeded to look for someone, anyone, to talk to. Ordinarily, I would feel sorry for a person like that but not for Ed. When he failed to find someone to talk to, he sat down and started to play games on his phone until the presentation started and/or text bossman Langley about the attendees at the meeting. Torino stood in the back the whole time hovering close to the exit. What's amazing to me is the endless nerve of these fools who show up where they're not wanted and proceed to try to blend in as if we all don't know that they're spying on us for Langley. Truly, when will all this nonsense stop? Grown men acting like extras in an episode of the Sopranos. Pathetic!"
Defruscio/Langley/Tirino/Gilbert/Mulvey - slimeballs - ALL of them !
Many of us now are aware and actively participate in Town functions. There are many~many eyes and ears all over the politico's in Town and some of the shady dealings of Langley and Co.
ReplyDeleteCasino debacle aside, there's still the day to day incompetence of people like Anthony Corellis.
Last count was 20 labor grievances filed against him.
Thats unprecedented , even when Defruscio was there !
January 2nd 2015 gives the Board a chance to do the right thing and bring some closure to these bad choices that Defruscio made last year.
I would encourage MAM to stick to her guns and say good-bye to some of the nasty and ignorant people employed by SWF.
They were a joke last year and have inflicted much irreparable damage in Town Hall and throughout the Town. Many mistakes have been made costing us precious tax dollars.
SWF has failed in all of their campaign promises!
Financially, we have NO IDEA where the Town stands. That is unfathomable at this juncture . Langley is fully to blame for that - sh*t runs uphill on that one. Langley is the chief financial Officer of East Greenbush and thus he carries all the water and responsibility for not having a legitimate answer as to where the Town stand financially.
Time to pay up SWF . Time for MAM to sewnd the Town down the road to real recovery and say good-bye to some of these people !
Don't forget cousin Eddy Gilberry ! He is singularly responsible for garnering more hatred towards a public official - ever !
DeleteElroy and Chumplee are thee two most vile and disgusting people to ever grace the hallways of Town Hall !
Trashbag Tirino follows closely !
@ I H L---Trashbag Tirino follows closely?! Ugh! That loser is at the head of the line. Trashbag is bad news.
ReplyDeleteThe town is in serious trouble. It looks as though the City of Rensselaer is getting the Hard Rock and Sheehan has changed her allegiance.
ReplyDeleteNow Langley can't dodge how incompetent he really is.
He has no financial solutions for EG as promised. His team of misfits , otherwise known as SWF , are so far out of their league that they can no longer hide how inept they all are at their jobs.
We shall all now see first hand what a complete fraud and joke Chris Defruscio really is . He masterminded this b~s, now he'll have to own it !
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ReplyDeleteRensselaer may get the Casino; Woo Hoo! Hopefully that will come into fruition; lets face - you've got Dan Dwyer running the city along with his competent and friendly task force; you've got The LangSter running this Town with Defruscio and Tirino the crooks; in the end it will all work out for the better. The only saying what goes around, comes around will certainly be true in this instance in Rensselaer gets it. Isn't it time that we get rid of the scums in this town and start FRESH. Do we have to wait a WHOLE year to get rid of Dumb Dumber and Dumbest; the 3 mentioned above. Come on MAM step up to the plate and do the right thing; VOTE to get these OUT by January of 15. Looking forward to the CHANGE. God Bless. Happy Holidays.
ReplyDeleteLittle Eddo Gilberry is quite full of himself lately huh ?
ReplyDeleteToo bad the entire 16700 residents now know how much of a moron he really is.
The Defruscio authorized blogs have done nothing but help expose how juvenile SWF really is. When Gadfly or Talks exposes them for what they are, Gilbert gets orders from Defruscio and Langley to write something in an attempt to muddy the waters a bit.
Too bad our Supervisor doesn't have control enough to be able to solve his own dilemma without the criminal guidance of Defruscio and Gilbert.
Gilbert was successfully exposed as the creator and author of the Demands blog as well as the Matterss blog!
ReplyDeleteNot that anyone didn't already know, but there's no doubt any longer.
Sadly, this man served as the Deputy Supervisor of EG and currently still sits as the chair of the worthless Ethics Board.
This exposes completely, Langley and his inadequacies as a leader. By having Gilbert in any position, :Langley lacks credibility and exposes himself as incompetent to hold his position as Supervisor.
The gadflies have given him more than he can handle with this Casino debacle, Talks calls his boy~toy Corellis on the carpet every day for his illegal carrying on, and there sits Gilbert , home alone and wondering where they went wrong !
One word Gilbert ; DEFRUSCIO ! The "bus driver" of the SWF has hit a dead-end. Chairman of a minority party and unable to make and further foolish decisions. He has NO POWER any longer and it's about time !
Phil Danaher thinks he's running for Judge ?
ReplyDeleteNOPE- might as well make that thought go away from your heads right now !
Not gonna happen ~ ever !
Slick Philly hasn't got a prayer in any upcoming election.
DeleteHe's linked to the casino mess and too Rich Crist, which basically makes him un-electable in any future contest.
Never mind that he will also be forever conjoined to CHUMPLEE and the PUTZ !
Thanks for nothing again - Anthony ! Hope no one was hurt driving on the ice skating rink better known as the streets of East Greenbush.
I'm not defending Anthony or his family by any means, however the crappy roads today and other days is also due to the lack of funds our town has. I'm sure Anthony's family and friends are taken care of, no mistaken that. The mismanagement of our town's funds plays apart in this as well.
DeleteAre you just waking up to the fact that he's the most miserable, incompetent person in the world. Did he have a resume ? Does he have a high school diploma, at least a GED. This town will accept anybody and anybody's family. Brain-Dead
DeleteThere's NO LACK OF FUNDS ! Its Anthony being Anthony. The man is an idiot and has absolutely no idea what he's doing. He has no intention of learning either - which is sad.
DeleteThe dork has no salt in the shed , no wings on the trucks and refuses to call them out in a timely manner so they can effectively deal with the weather. Thats arrogance combined with ignorance , which equals disaster for the roads and residents of East Greenbush !
Bring Van Wormer back - quickly ! Before someone gets seriously hurt !
ReplyDeleteREALLY!!! Van Wormer one of the biggest thieves that the DPW has employed, stolen equipment (ask Sue Mangold re: that one)... missing computers....allowing the town employees to do nothing day after day, GET REAL, that the last thing EG needs & when it comes to incompetence he's got that in the bag. For all we know this was probably written by the man himself as are most of these ridiculous posts are written by the same 20 people over & over again.I AM FULLY AWARE THIS POST WILL NEVER BE POSTED ON THIS BLOG as for Van Wormer is one of the publishers/creators of the blog. Happy holidays everyone!
DeleteYes - REALLY ! Van Wormer a thief? You surely mean Defruscio ! Defruscio stole more in ten months than any previous Commissioners combined ! What stolen equiptment?
DeleteNot written by him , but by a retired employee of the Town who knows full well the difference ! Who cares who does what on any of the blogs , especially after learning that Gilbert was in FACT responsible for the very worst of all of them !
What is wrong with our DPW Commissioner? I live in Sherwood Park and still haven't seen a plow from this storm. A little rock salt was dumped yesterday and that's it.
ReplyDeleteI know Corellis wants to keep the overtime low so he can brag about it. What's more important Corellis...the public safety or keeping overtime low? Corellis....what happens if a school bus goes off the road or a mother crashes her car taking her children to daycare? Can the town afford that kind of lawsuit all because our roads are untreated?
We pay a lot of taxes in East Greenbush, one would think we would get some services - especially in the winter when road conditions become hazardous. your job or step aside. What is our Town Supervisor doing....he must be aware of the terrible road conditions...or does he turn a blind eye as with everything else going on in town?
Anthony was busy reading the New York Post yesterday. He refused to let the trucks out prior to 0930 ! The men were ready at 0645 when they came to work , but ANTHONY would not let them out to clear and salt the roadways !
DeleteOthers here and on the other blogs have said it repeatedly, but my oh my , how much are we all expected to tolerate ?
LANGLEY - get rid of Corellis !
You're talking about the same man who looks to Tirino, Gilbert, and Def for advice, you want him to actually do something smart?
DeleteRumor's got it that SUPE wants to get rid of Corellis; but then what does he do with the WIFE? Can you imagine working with her on a daily basis - knowing her hubby got the AX; oh get rid of the niece too! Who needs a Corellis? DeadBeats.
DeleteSupervisor Casino Langley has no worries. He just hooks his plow on his truck. He really couldn't care less about anyone else except his very good friend C. Def.
ReplyDeleteC. Def--we all laugh at you! You want to belong so badly and you end up making yourself look like a moron!
ReplyDeleteCHUMPLEE - reel in your idiot DPW commander. Make him do his job before someone gets killed ! This isn't funny any more !
DeleteKudos to the DPW crews who do a great job when Tony C lets them!
ReplyDeleteAs for Tony C
Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination, the more you slip sliding away
Just like 2015, there Keith!
Why do we have an idiot as a DPW commissioner ? Next thing will be a snow emergency in Town and this moron will have snowplows off the road and he will be at home sleeping. Not to many in our neighborhood can get to their driveways. Most roads county and state were plowed and salted to pavement, Our hero is content with icy and slushy roads. Dummy , start using straight salt, that has been the procedure for many years with great results. The salt sand mixture you are using has been proven to be less cost effective and is more labor intensive than salt. Most agencies haven't used this mix in twenty years. Educate yourself by speaking to county and state supervisors on the proper procedures of snow removal, but I guess that is beneath you.
ReplyDeleteWhat's with all the campaign photos of Supervisor "Casino" Langley on the Town website? Is it appropriate for Casino Keith to be in campaign mode eleven months before the election?
ReplyDeleteIt will take more than gingerbread houses to re-elect this clown, but he doesn't know it yet. DeF keeps telling him to keep at it.
Delete11 Months is not a long time; 4:42, he's got to do something to prove his competency (lack of). I'd bet anything that these town folks are not even remotely thinking of having Langster back again.
DeleteThey'd rather shoot themselves in the foot. Wake Up Langley. Rifenburg is calling ya - it must sound good to ya; you won't fail at that. You know what your doing, I guess. Why don't you resign now and save yourself and your party some money. Oh thats right DEF will always give a few bucks of his wife's money.
ReplyDeleteCHUMP brought him in and gave him this job with direct instructions to screw with the men at DPW.
CHUMP is still grinding his axe with those guys.
And so it begins ....again ! Hello Mike Cristo. We've been told your sticking your face and opinion around looking to get back in .
ReplyDeleteFair warning to the people that actually think Cristo knows anything...there's nothing worse than a liar , except the liar that thinks he's telling the truth !
Mike Cristo was sent packing and needs to stay there.
There's no room in EG politics for that little womanizer. You've used up all your favors Mike.
Bye~bye Chumplee. Your all done January 2nd !