Sunday, October 25, 2015

Voter Disconnect?

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the March on Selma - an historic event for America, its values, freedoms and rights!

Activists marched to protest Selma’s intransigence to black voting.  Reportedly, ridiculous questions were asked of blacks attempting to register to vote. … how many bubbles on this bar of soap? … how many jelly beans in this jar?   

Fast forward to the present and we see voters standing in day-long lines in many parts of the country, state legislatures enacting laws to disenfranchise certain segments of the population, the Supreme Court striking down portions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.  Are we going backwards? 

Voter turnout peaks in a Presidential Election year, drops in Gubernatorial Election years and plummets in the “off years” … the local elections.

Yet the local elections are where your vote can have the most impact, directly determining the outcome!   

Why the disconnect?  Why is voter turnout so low for local elections? 

Your vote in local elections counts far more than in a Presidential or Gubernatorial election:

As a Registered Voter YOU are:
1 of 146,000,000 in America.
1 of 11,700,000 in New York.
1 of 11,000 in East Greenbush!

Local elected officials are the most accessible – they are our friends and neighbors, possibly even our relatives.  City and Town Halls are nearby and open.  Meetings are open to the public and the public is often allowed to speak.  Try doing that in the State’s or Nation’s Capital!

Local elected officials’ decisions affect us on a daily basis, deciding issues like taxes, education, policing, snow removal, potable water, sewage treatment, residential/commercial development, parks and other amenities … decisions that make a community a desirable or undesirable place to live. 

The Selma marchers and voters waiting in day-long voter lines should inspire us to vote.  It takes all of 10-15 minutes to vote here in East Greenbush … why then do so many opt out?

Your East Greenbush vote counts!  Be sure to vote this November 3rd!

Pete Stenson
East Greenbush

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

East Greenbush Candidate Debate

The candidates for East Greenbush Town Supervisor and Town Council in East Greenbush will debate in two sessions on October 15th in the Columbia High School auditorium. 

The public is encouraged to attend and will be invited to submit potential questions for each session.

Town Council candidates will debate from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Supervisor candidates will debate from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m.

All Supervisor and Town Council candidates have been invited to participate. 
* * * * *
Columbia High School to Host Political Debate

Thursday, October 8, 2015


UPDATE: Democratic town board slate's billboard vandalized
The billboard was erected YESTERDAY morning (10/7/15)! 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Emergency Meeting

Posted: 05 Oct 2015 12:33 PM PDT

Please be advised that there will be an Emergency Meeting on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 8:30AM  to provide the Town Board an opportunity to review conditions of the Waste Water Treatment Plant relative to damages sustained due to recent weather conditions.