The following positions are available as of January 5, 2016. To apply, please submit a cover letter, resume, list of references and salary requirements. The deadline for submission of applications is December 4, 2015. Successful applicants are required to establish Town residency within six months of receiving an appointment. Applications can be submitted by post to P.O. Box #91, East Greenbush, New York 12061 or electronically to . Job descriptions can be accessed by clicking on the following link. Full Time Positions Commissioner of Public Works Town Comptroller Director of Finance Director of Planning and Zoning Town Services Coordinator Purchasing Agent Secretary (2 positions - secretary to the Supervisor and secretary for Planning and Zoning) Court Clerk Part Time Positions Bookkeeper to Supervisor Recreation Assistants PT (2 positions) Typist PT Town Historian Real Property Appraisal AideClerk PT (4positions) Contractual Services These are part time positions engaged on a contractual basis. Town Attorney Deputy Town Attorney Planning Board Attorney Zoning Board of Appeals Attorney The Town of East Greenbush is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. Hiring and promotion decisions for Town employment are based solely upon qualifications and ability, and the Town does not discriminate on any other basis. If you have any questions, please submit them to . |
Welcome to East Greenbush Talks! So very glad you stopped by. Feel free to comment, but please keep it civil ! Thanks !
Thursday, November 19, 2015
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Wow, this may be a first. The actual jobs are being listed to the general public AND they are asking for resumes!!! Honestly, it's really sad this hasn't happened before, but the past is the past. With the new administration in, and plenty of woken up residents watching, a long with people like Pete and many more - our town has hope. In the past Pete and many others would attempt to help the town, but all Langley was interested in was "politics." This town has the chance to bring politics back to place of respect. That being said - Gilbert is on another rant, posting blog posts and then commenting himself making made up ID's. The sad part is he was already called out on it, but doesn't get it - you can't even comment on the blog unless you're him!!!! Thank goodness his influence with Langley ends January 1st!
ReplyDeleteGilbert can influence Langley till the end of time. What we are greatful for is that neither one of them has any influence overtown policy makers. One man, one vote....democracy and all.
DeleteIt's pathetic how Gilbert posts topics on his own blog and then he responds to his own comments with made up names. He's like the kid with no friends who has to play with himself. What a loser! Give it up, Gilberry!
DeleteJack must be very proud a good man who is being led by a small group of know it alls who libel slander and defame good hard working people because they don't fall in line with their ego driven lame philosophies Don I realize this is hard for you and your close associates you are not more intelligent you are not the moral compass you think you are and you are not the second coming Jack good luck you ran a clean campaigne don't be done in by a group who doesn't give a rats ass about your team and are making you look bad by their ignorance
ReplyDeleteMust be CDef at 11/22-11:23-No periods,no comma's,and can't spell.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened at the special meeting today?
ReplyDeleteNot much, the Pledge lasted longer than the meeting. It was a 3-0 vote passing a 12 month extension on the Witbeck PDD, with Mary Ann missing. Deb said after the last meeting she heard from a lot of angry residents regarding her initial novote, she voted yes this time.
ReplyDelete12/12 p.m. Debbie DiM heard a lot of angry residents regarding her two yes votes for the casino, too, but she wouldn't budge on that. She stuck like glue with yes for the casino. It was weird to see her up there voting with no-show Langley and Malone. Does anyone think she has a clue about what she's doing when she votes? It's scary what's running our town.
DeleteLooks like DiM's favorite game is follow-the-leader. First it was Langlost, then Matters, now it's Jackpot. That's because I saw them talking at the special meeting and then the follower changed her mind and voted yes. Guess he didn't have the same luck with MA but whatev because then Langlost showed up and did his job for a change. What a screwy bunch.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Corellus. He says jump, DiM says how high?
ReplyDeleteDimwit Deb is so far out of touch....she has NO clue what she's doing.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks to Chump Dumbfruschio for giving us clueless Deb and MAM the moron. The town certaintly appreciates the stalling and b~s !
what did anyone expect? We put a lunch lady on the Town Board !
DeleteJTT certaintly has their work cut out for them. Just dealing with the multiple personalities of MAM will take weeks or possibly months.
DeleteJack, Tina and Tom ; Good Luck !
once again Mooney is lying been checking his past he should keep his mouth shut
ReplyDeleteNot gonna happen. Ray is obsessed with thinking he is of some importance to EG. When you disagree with his point of view, your immediately labeled as being either part of the McCabe democrats or the Denfruscio republicans.
DeleteThank God he moved away.
why do we need another court clerk ? We have three already - don't we ?
ReplyDeleteIts looking alot like graft and corruption at the State level are being handled appropriately.
ReplyDeleteJTT has promised and campaigned sucessfully on the stance of basically the same. January organizational meeting will tell whether it was simply campaign rhetoric or not !
Many of us will be patiently waiting for the list of "non-political" appointee's to fill the above referenced job vacancies.
Donnie ever tell you how he got his job in the Comp office didn't think so
ReplyDeleteDon never admits to things such as that ! Yet , he'll shoot his mouth off at any Town employee if he "thinks" there's graft, nepotism,cronyism.....hypocrite !
DeleteHas anyone seen Gilbert's blog on EG Matterss; he's still go sour grapes; I'm sure Langley is still going "How did dat happen?" Does he even know how to put his pants on the morning? We elected a nobody off the street four years ago for the betterment of this town; he was a Loser then and he's Still a NO SHOW loser now. In all seriousness Larry, Curly and Moe would of done a better job than the Langster. Useless all the way! Adios MORON.
ReplyDeleteWhy would anyone read Ed Gilberts ramblings?
ReplyDeleteAnd whose Gilly gonna latch onto now that Langlost is gone? He'll be like a dog without a master. Ruff.
Deletewould someone please tell Don the stipends weren't illegal the only reason it was mentioned in the audit was because of his harassing of the auditors now his court ordered cost payments are real and should be paid but then again anyone who fought against the Miracle League is not all there
ReplyDeleteActually, the OSC report explicitly stated there were illegal stipends/sick pay given out and that the town should seek legal counsel to recoup. This finding has been shared many times and is in print, from the OSC. Your claims that Don and Suzanne were ordered to pay money back have yet to be backed by anything but complaining. I know myself and other bloggers have asked for the findings that state they should pay back money, nothing has been produced or shared. So, either back your claim up with facts or move on.
DeleteFrom the Third Department Appellate Division decision:
DeleteWe decline defendants' request to impose
sanctions against plaintiffs (see
22 NYCRR 130-1.1 [a]).
Peters, J.P., Rose, Lahtinen and Kavanagh, JJ., concur.
ORDERED that the order is affirmed, without costs.
The Appellate Division trumps the Supreme Court. End of story. Time to put it to rest Rick.
Can anybody explain why Gilbert kept ranting after election day? Will he take over the now defunct republican committee? Will the clueless Mr. Langley do it? Fiacco's gotta be running for the hills yelling 'I'm not takin da blame for not filin the reports.' DeF's thinking 'I got out jus in da nick of time.' Could there ever be a worse collection of losers in one town?
ReplyDeletedear 917 I suggest YOU get the facts thank you
ReplyDeleteWell guess what Donnie boy. You still owe the town the cost of legal fees to defend such a foolish lawsuit about planting flowers on town property. Something wrong with you and Suzy. And against the miracle league? C'mon man!!!
ReplyDeleteRegardless of whether or not he owes fee's is actually irrelevent. The mere FACT that a sitting Supreme Court magistrate actually labeled him as having "no standing" and that he made up and embellished on his claim is way more important and extremely telling. Don has a knack for embellishing and "the sky is falling" to get people hyped up on what HE thinks is important. That will be his downfall someday. I personally could care less if he pays or not. I am aware of his b~s carrying on and give him no creedence for his endless ranting.
DeleteI would highly suggest all of you do the same. Don is an irrelevent resident who thinks he's of some importance-(NOT) !
great job 934 don in his warped universe fancies himself as the new messiah didn't work for Jones Koeresch Jeffs or any other of the self anointed profits but it did help him miss the draft
ReplyDeleteDon who ??
DeleteExactly !
DeleteI'm soo sick of seeing Donnie's posts under his name, other aliases, his ranting and ravings at meetings. He and Sue Airhead ARE the worst things to hit this town. We have a new board and things are going forward yet this idiot continues to rant and rave. He truly knows nothing about the true workings of the Town. The sooner people stop giving him any credence the better off we will be. Go away Donnie boy.
ReplyDelete6:08- totally agree. 9:34 hit the nail on the head.
ReplyDeleteNow that the new board has been elected, will this blog continue or will it end? It seems like it's running out of gas.
ReplyDeleteThis blog will continue without a doubt.
DeleteTalks - Thank You ! NOT every resident in Town are believers in EG1st ! I chose to wait and see until after the organizational meeting as to exactly how much they are on the "reform" platform !
ReplyDeleteWho do you want replaced? What reform do you want to see?
DeleteSo long as Anthong Corellis is sent packing - that would be a great start ! Those men at DPW have been terrorized for two years by that incompetent ass.
DeleteGood Riddence Corellis !
Early returns on appointments for 2016 are that Corellis is indeed GONE ! Thank You JTT !
Deleteand also that waste of tax dollars - Dave Gruenberg !
DeleteHe needs to be shown the door as well.
EG Talks...DiMartino and Matters are going to spring a 100 Million dollar project on the residents of this town by declaring the Town Board as lead agency on a Regeneron project without any prior public input? They are holding a preboard meeting tonight, and voting on the resolution at tomorrow nights Town Board meeting? This is the same B-S that took place with that Casino. How has anything changed? Why can't we have public meetings on these large projects before they get sent down the track of no return. DiMartino and Matters obviously don't value the publics opinion on a project of such magnitude. Backroom politics is alive and well in East Greenbush. Also worth noting is the construction of yet another restaurant on the agenda for approval referred to as Recovery Sports Grill being moved by Malone and Matters. This project is going to be built in the already over-crowed end of town in the parking lot of Walmarts. Is this Matter's idea of revitalizing 9&20. NOT
ReplyDeleteRecovery room has been on the books for over a year, just any fyi.
DeleteWas the Regeneron project vetted by the Planning Board?
DeleteWho would you rather have as Lead Agency?
Town officials can't force businesses to locate along Columbia Tpke. If a respectable business wants to come to EG and play by the rules, let's welcome it rather than turn it away!
I believe that "lead agency" designation has to do with the SEQRA environmental impact process.
ReplyDeleteRecovery room has been more than a couple years. You want new business , here's a good one.....stop Bitchin. Some people would complain if you hung Em with a new rope
ReplyDeleteShould be for an interesting year with the New, Upcoming and Vibrant Team of J&T&T. Hopefully, quite a bit of the dead weight from the Town will be REMOVED, without replacing these Dead Weights. Some of those making 85 to 100,000 a year positions will be cut down to half of that salary. The Chief, making that for riding up and down the Road; The Building Inspector making what? These salaries are insane, Jack! Find away to lower the salaries or get rid of the dead weight making way too much money.
ReplyDeleteIf more people went to the planning and zoning meetings on a regular basis they would know what is going on.
ReplyDeleteAgendas and minutes are supposed to be on the Town website. There shouldn't be a problem maintaining a database of the Town's business. Some stuff is hard to find from time to time, but it should be there.
DeleteBottom ;ine; if you cut those salaries , you invite less than desireable applicants to fill those positions. EG is actually behind in municiple salaries when compared to other local towns and cities. You can't attract an educated, qualified candidate with sub-par salaries.
ReplyDeleteCutting salaries is clearly not the answer.
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ReplyDeleteRay where you moving next when they catch up with your act
ReplyDeleteHe is very predictable and full of himself !
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ReplyDeleteWhat happened with Tom G Jr? I heard he was arrested.
ReplyDeleteAll you have to do,is go to any Stewarts location in town,and listen to the GOSSIPMONGERS,they'll set you straight.
ReplyDeleteThe best song for Friday's swearing in ceremony is "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!" See ya to Langley and his cohorts Gilbert and Def. Buh-bye guys! Don' let the door hit you.
ReplyDeleteI am sure Jack will begin to create a cohesive partnership that works together for the betterment of the town. He clearly can't do any worse than the paranoid bunch that we are kicking out Friday.
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ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know if Ed realizes that if EG1st hasn't run, Ed's team STILL WOULD HAVE LOST! If jack didn't run, Langley STILL would have lost. Ed's team--LAST, an embarrassing last! The voters found Langle, Gilbert and Def that awful...that's gotta hurt.
ReplyDeleteMany good wishes and blessings to the New Supervisor and his staff.
ReplyDeleteEG1st is now clearly in the spotlight and must live up to the expectations of its supporters.
Regardless - January 4th will tell the tale as too how exactly "unpolitical" EG1st really is.
Dumping Anthony Corellis was a great start ! Keep up the good work Jack !
I've got to commend whoever oversees EG Talks for NOT getting involved in the gossip going on in Town at the present time re: T.G. True men; or ladies; whoever is running this blog; KUDOS to you; Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteEd--again you prove why nobody likes you and why you disgust everyone. Again you prove why your party came in last on Election Day despite the number of lines you had. Again you prove you are an awful person. Nobody else claims to be perfect, nobody else claims to have higher morals than anyone else, nobody else ever claims to be perfect or sinless....nobody but YOU does that and when we all see the company you should reassess the reasons that you believe you can judge others.
ReplyDeletePete, Dave and anyone else who administers this blog--I appreciate the opportunity to post this comment. Thank you.
I don't know what's sadder, the fact as a human being he finds addiction amusing (even though he doesn't even know if it's true) or that he enjoys seeing his name allover the blogs. Does he know realize his poor family is connected to him and whenever their name is searched it brings up their father and husband and the man he has become? Ed, can you honestly look in the mirror and be proud of your actions?
DeleteWhy are you so angry, Ed? Whatever comes out of your mouth is negative? DO you have mental issues; family issues? There's help and hope for everyone if they want it. We've raised families, tried our best; some of us even lost kids (that was not easy). I'm sure you have a great wife and kids; but WHY do you hate so much? Something had to happen years ago to make people like you HATE so much. Do you want the name of a shrink?
DeleteSadly, this Town suffered for two very long years under the incompetency of Keith Langley and Chris Defruscio. Simply allowing the foolish tirades of Ed Gilbert and John Tirino at Town Board meetings said so much for Langleys inability to control a meeting and act like a true leader.
ReplyDeleteThere is hope though ! Anthony Corellis is GONE and now our DPW can get back to work and the roads will be clear and the men will get support , not a unjustified tongue lashing. Hopefully, JTT will also deal with the school bus driver posing as a Chief of Police. That mess needs to be cleaned up !
In the history of this town and I've only been here for 30 years; never have I seen that many people at a swearing in; usually its just a dozen; close friends and family. Goes to show ya this town is in desperate need of change, and good will. It was amazing; Kudos to all of the Town Board Members, their wives and family; no doubt that you will work together and do an incredible job, including Mary Ann and Deb. Leadership needs to be the KEY to making this Town what it used to be.
ReplyDeleteWell, I've been here in excess of 50+ years and I've never before witnessed the foolish,childish actions of people such as Keith Langley and E.Christopher Defruscio. Ed Gilbert is second to none when it comes to foolish self serving banter and he should be banned outright from Town Hall.
DeleteOn a good note ; Best of luck and good wishes to J.T.T. for the future. It is my greatest hope that the climate will change around here and that this Town can settle back down and get back to the business of serving its residents as a whole !