On that same day, I submitted a FOIL Request for an excel copy of the 2016 Tentative Budget. No response has been received.
Subject: 2016 Tentative Budget Questions
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2015 11:19:51 -0400
Hi George,
I realize the 2016 Tentative Budget won't become public until this afternoon, however, I'm hoping to beat the rush by submitting this in advance.
Please provide me with an excel copy of the 2016 Tentative Budget as quickly as possible after the budget is made public (I'd like to go over it this weekend).
I'd also like the following questions answered as quickly as possible after the budget is made public.
Are there property tax increases?
Is the Tax Levy Cap exceeded?
Are there fee increases, especially Sewer & Water?
What date is used for the YTD column?
What are Sales and Mortgage Tax estimates based on?
How is the 2016 WWTP debt service funded?
Staffing levels
Maintain current?
Current vacancies to be filled?
New positions to be created and filled?
Existing positions to be abolished?
Equipment (including vehicles)
Replacement equipment purchases?
New equipment purchases?
Are any Fund Balances used to support projected expenditures?
Is Contingency Account funded?
Are new BANS required?
Are unreimbursed costs associated with the WWTP sludge spill funded in the current year budget or the 2016 Tentative Budget?
Collective Bargaining Agreements
CSEA - Term and annual salary %age salary increases and 2016 cost
Dispatch - Term and annual salary %age salary increases and 2016 cost
Police - Term and annual salary %age salary increases and 2016 cost
Thanks, I'm sure I'll have more as time passes.
Pete Stenson
George Phillips did an excellent job at last evening's Budget Hearing. I've been there and done that! Kudos to George!
ReplyDeleteOn another note - let's not forget the less fortunate among us:
Rensselaer food pantry helps make ends meet while maintaining dignity
Pete Stenson
Langlost nowhere to be found .....wow, what a complete loser !
DeleteThat can't be allowed
ReplyDeleteIf he is a no show he can't collect his total annual salary
What an absolute coward!!!!!! I always knew Langley was, but the sore loser really took the cake on this one.
ReplyDeleteI'll second that motion.
ReplyDeleteSo it appears that Corellis is staying ??!! Wow ! There's just no way a responsible Town Board keeps that incompetent man at the helm.
ReplyDeleteIf in fact EG1st retains the incompetent , arrogant fool Corellis, who will handle the multitude of citizen complaints that are sure to come after another series of inactions during snow storms? Who will order Corellis to do his job and stop screwing around?
Why not simply send him packing and pick a better candidate?
Why retain such a sh*t magnet that has no idea what the hell he's doing?
There are plenty of others available who are better suited for DPW commish than that angry fool Anthony Corellis....
Please stop making assumptions based on rumors and wait and see what actually happens. More than likely the majority of appointees will be holdovers unless or until the time comes for someone to be replaced. Whatever happens, it will be an orderly transition absent the politics that has driven these decisions in the past and with only the best interest of the town at heart. Please just stay calm and wait. Eventually, every question will be answered.
Deleteand now who is making assumptions?
DeleteLets make it very clear where the "assumption" came from - it was posted by one of the gadfly readers.
DeleteIt was made clear here prior to the election that Denise Corellis was out with MAM and Dimartino campaigning heavily for EG1st. There's only 1 reason Denise Corellis was doing anything for EG1st - to keep her husbands paycheck coming !
Deny it , do whatever , but there's one person who clearly is the WRONG person for our DPW - Anthony Corellis is and has been , the worst commissioner in recent memory. He's a political plant from the LANGLEY administration who had/has no idea wtf he's doing !
4:37 p.m.
DeleteDC, DD and MAM helped EG1st get elected because they believed that they were the best candidates on the ballot. It was done with NO STRINGS ATTACHED because Jack, Tina and Tom don't acknowledge the existence of strings. Anthony Corellis may or may not survive the transition period, which is likely to take months, but if he does survive it will be because JTT think he's the best person for the job, NOT because his wife hung some campaign material on residents door knobs. Clearly you're panicked that AC might be staying but no such thing has been determined yet. JTT are NOT for sale under any circumstances.
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DeleteKCaCO: obviously , you don't know Denise Corellis nor Deb and MAM very well ! Thats a nice thought , that they campaigned because you think that JTT were the best candidates , but there's no way in hell thats the truth !
DeleteDenise was Mike Poormans b*tch and made no bones about it to save her husbands job. When Poorman got sent packing, she jumped ship and swore allegiance to JTT and we all knew why - to save her husbands job !
8:20 p.m. I hear you but it won't work with JTT. IF Corellis is determined to be the best person for the job, he would remain but how likely do you think it is that after JTT do a monster search for a real Commr. of Public Works by profession, Corellis would turn up the best person for the job? Not very. You can relax.
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ReplyDeleteI wish I knew Eddie Gilbert better so I could send him a sympathy card "There's no way that Jack's going to win on one like; its impossible and its sad to think they even remotely have a chance~" It goes to show ya he and Langley are a couple of jack asses; who's the sorry loser now, GILBERT? As far as the above statement; your right; stop making assumptions as to who Jack will hire; he will hire who he thinks is the best and most qualified for the jobs. There's no way he could EVER EVER do a worse job than LANGLEY without a doubt? Langley hired Mulvey and his best bud was Chris DEF.........two awful people to be associated with; and I know it all GILBERT.
ReplyDeleteDVW and PS were men enough to come to the Elks on election night to congratulate Jack, Tina and Tom. Langley? Tidbitts? Lenart? Gilbert? DeFruscio? No, no, no, no, and hell no. Pathetic. They were shocked that they lost though. More than anything, don't we all wish we could have been there to see their faces when the numbers rolled in? They were so puffed up, so smug, so sure they would win. Now, Langley doesn't even have the stones to come to work. Bet he'll have no problem cashing his paychecks though.
DeleteNOPE ! There's no way that Jack leaves thee most disasterous man in as DPW commissioner ! I can't fathom that Tom nor Tina would entertain such incompetence and arrogance !
ReplyDeleteHa! Check his resume. Most qualified DPW Commissioner in years.
DeleteSo says his neice ...! And , quite frankly, his resume means exactly NOTHING because he doesn't have the ability to lead , which is critical to a position such as DPW Commissioner !
DeleteThose "men" he's to lead, think they own the town. They'll always bash who is in that seat. Since all those "men" think he can't lead, id like to see one of them do the job.
DeleteMissy.....resume is only part of it....personality and ability to lead are other factors. He treats people like crap. That factor alone means he needs to go.
ReplyDelete8:08 and 7:10 a.m.
DeleteYou're 100% right. The ability to lead, motivate, and inspire worker loyalty, especially in a job where men are being called into work in the dead of night or the crack of dawn for some of the most wretched assignments in brutally hot and humid or bitter cold weather, is crucial. In all fairness, Corellis was hired, in part, for his toughness because Langley and DeF thought that the men were taking advantage of the former commissioner's decision to "trust them" to do their jobs. Langley and DeF literally begged Corellis to take the job (he didn't want it) to get the men back to work and charging their time properly. The men didn't appreciate his heavy-handedness but that's exactly why Langley hired him. The real problem started when Langley abandoned Corellis after his failed bid for a cross-endorsement from the Democrats. No matter what people think of Anthony Corellis, he should be respected for not quitting. A lesser man would have quit under the pressure long ago.
This blog is so much better when conversation is civil.
Not even close. Corellis was hired, because they wanted to get rid of the democrat who was in that job.....period. More work got done in the years with DVW, than any other in memory. Taxpayers were regularly at meetings, praising DVW and his men. The men worked hard for him and he treated them right. Hopefully we can go back to that.
DeleteLet's be fair as bad as Corellis is there is one person who was worse. That would be Bitchy Missy what a joke she was as secretary on those occasions when she even showed up at work.Our gain is Florida's loss now they have to put up with her...
ReplyDeleteBlah, blah... You people don't know what work is.
DeleteOh.. the days I didnt show up? Look at all the time your prescious DPW men have off. Add in Langley and Fiacco ... Them add up your numbers. Pathetic losers!
DeleteWhere is Langley these days? He was never there to begin with; always out in left field, but now he definitely will be a NO SHOW for the next 6 or so weeks. Does he realize the taxpayers are paying him til January 2nd? What a gutless wonder? What's he going to do during the Holidays for the Tree Lighting? Hide? Now you knows how bad it was when McCabe lost? . What goes around comes around Keith Old Boy? Its not fun, is it? But at least Rick congratulated you; and in time had you in his office showing you the ropes and being pleasant to you; we know you'll never do that, you MORON. If your nice to the next regime, maybe they'll hire you as the Maintenance guy! What a pleasant almost two weeks it's been to know the next Supervisor on Board won't be going into the employees offices saying "Will you vote for me next time!" It would be my pleasure to walk you out of the TH on December 31st; if you hang in there that long! KUDOS to You with a Big Fat Turtle Wave.
ReplyDeleteGo back to the Organizational meeting 01/02/2014. That day , the ridiculously foolish and very political SWF cut the throats of many outstanding Town employees. They hid behind the " its going to save money" bullsh*t but in reality it was all CHRIS DEFRUSCIO being an a**hole and f-ing with peoples lively hood.
DeleteWell, how'd that all work out for ya CHUMPLEE? Once again- YOUR on the outside looking in wondering what coulda been!!
Bye-bye CHUMP DUMBFRUSCIO ! Good Ridence and hopefully you'll never be seen in Town Hall again ! You were a disaster !
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DeleteAt the budget hearing last week, DeFruscio sidled up to Rick Matters and said, "Ya did a good job." These a-holes actually blame everyone but themselves for the pie in the face they took on election day. Langley brought it all on himself but he doesn't see it. He's just a victim of all the mean people who didn't like him. He had every oppty over 22 months to straighten up and fly right. Instead, every decision he made was wrong. Poorman came outta nowhere are put him through a primary. DVW saw him as beatable. Jack trounced him while idiots like Gilbert put his foolish predictions in writing. Well, who's sorry now, y'all? Who's sorry now?
ReplyDeleteLangley, be a man, ya dumb shit and congratulate Jack. Take your babboons to his house and man up. Thats right put your big boy panties on and demonstrate a little class which is about all we can ask for out of OUR PUTZ.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you expect, Blue Bear; thats a class less individual; no one in society would ever be that way?
ReplyDeleteAnthony took the town job for two reasons,1]-$68,000.per year for two years.2]-and most importantly,health insurance.If I,m not mistaken he gets benefits for the rest of his life,correct me if I'm wrong. As for "Messy",nobody cared what she had to say before,why do we care what she say's now?
ReplyDeleteI believe he needs to retire w/ 10 years service to get the health benes.
DeleteAnthony took the job because Langley and DeFruscio flat out begged him to take it, he didn't want it, then the putz kicked him in the you know whats so that Danny boy could take his job away from him in January. Well, that ain't happenin now. Ha! If Langley, Larry and Trent won, oh no, I don't even want to think about it. They wudda been struttin around town hall like peacocks flippin everyone the bird! Instead, they're hard pressed to be found. Good! Losers all.
DeleteLangley, DeFruscio, Hart, Maney and Benko have a serious reality testing problem. They actively stated that EG1st was "not a factor" in the election. They should go quietly into the night. Ego possessed and not very bright in the final analysis.
DeleteYeah, those corndogs really did get their heads handed to them on 11/3. You gotta love it since they were so cocky, so sure they had the election in the bag. Langley treated everyone like crap and now he's been flushed. Swishhh! Who will Eddie Gilbert worship now? What is his reward for unfailing loyalty? Will Langley be Gilbert's BFF? Gilly certainly earned it.
DeleteThats right; 10 years. Years ago; insurance was FREE to those that worked there for 10 years, as long as they retired from there; now everyone PAYS something; whether its 90 every two weeks or 130, not sure. Not sure if they're going to keep that 10 year thing going or they'll raise the years to 15 or 20. Those days are gone (FREE) I mean. Those days are gone that people last for 10 years unless they're in the Union. Today, the new regime comes in, and the oldies but goodies are goners!!
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ReplyDeleteMissy Nusbaum should be arrested and charged with the things she did at DPW. She is useless and just a lousy relative of useless Corellis.
ReplyDeleteYes, the days of the give aways and excessive overtime payments needs to end. The police and DPW contracts will need to be carefully scrutinized. Realize that the politically motivated union contracts of the past are gone. JTT will run the town in the best interests of everyone, not just the workers for votes. If you don't like it, start looking for another job now or in the case of Langley, Gilbert, Fiacco and DeFruscio another town.
ReplyDelete"Excessive" is a word you clearly do NOT understand! The Police and DPW contracts are sadly lacking in many areas and depending on how long the employee has been working , there is no happy "golden parachute" such as your trying to suggest.
DeleteYou town residents that want the Town workers to make minimum wage and no rewards for years of faithful service need to get a grip and get a life !
Careful scrutiny by EG1st will last about as long as it takes themto read and understand that not one single town employee is getting rich off any Town job ! Take THAT to the bank !
In fairness, no one is saying that town workers should make minimum wage. Frankly, I'm sick of people kissing DPW's ass for political reasons. Let them do their job, yes they should have proper supervision just like any other job. This back and forth with DPW is nothing more than a political game. There are many issues with the town, stop using DPW as political pawns.
DeleteYou may want to remember the words of Mary Ann Matters when she referred to our town collective bargaining agreements as Rolls Royce contracts, that need to be substantially reduced. That's what you may be taking to the bank.
DeleteMAM is a complete nut job taking her marching orders from a failed political candidate and her husband , both of whom have an axe to grind.
DeleteWhen these labor unions force arbitration on the Town and the arbitrator see's 1st hand the $ wasted on political appointments , watch MAM scream then !! Thats the reality of whats coming people !
4:49 p.m. You have no idea about the reality of what's coming. Stay tuned.
DeleteOK ~ staying tuned in !
DeleteNo they're not getting rich; but its a damn good salary - nobody kills themselves there. Take it from a retiree that used to hear town hall people say "Oh I'm so swamped, I'm so busy!" Oh My, this gal is milking the system for all she can and loving banking her checks. There's at least FOUR SENIORS in that bldg; whether they work PT or for the Union that need that money (NOT) and yet they stay there. Most of it is for socialization; they have NOTHING in their lives to do and they choose not to stay home with their partners FULL TIME, so why not work, and save MORE AND MORE AND MORE. Would you say these are the lonely and lost of the Town that work "SO SO HARD." Believe me, I know first hand, they work and they milk the system and want people think its always so busy. Ya Gotta Love this Country!!
ReplyDeleteInteresting comment. I assume you are talking about 4 women. Flags: they don't need the money and they socialize. Also lonely and lost. First off - who are you to determine who needs the money and you must have a lot of time on your hands to skulk around and watch people work. Get a life.
DeleteSpeaking of salaries, since Jack is a retired NYS pension recipient who starts a new full time job in January as supervisor, will he return his pension or keep it and be a double-dipper? Congressman Chris Gibson of Kinderhook was in the same boat and does NOT accept his Army pension while he gets paid as a U.S. Congressman. Is Jack Conway of the same caliber as Gibson or will he be a double-dipper?
ReplyDeleteCongressman Gibson makes $174,000 a year.
DeleteState law allows and even encourages double dipping - elected officials' salaries are exempt from any pension system-imposed limits or waiver requirements.
Jack's earned his pension and I'm confident he'll earn his Supervisor's salary.
Pete Stenson
Never in my lifetime did I expect to see and hear so much counterproductive hype from people that really do not know what they are talking about.
ReplyDelete844- seriously ? Did you believe half the crap coming out two years ago with that b~s Dumbfruscio called the SWF ??
DeleteDonnie lying again on his blog haven't we all had enuogh
ReplyDeleteSupposedly , JTT is spending time with a select few employees @ Town Hall.
ReplyDeleteIf in fact thats true, there should be a revelation and some eyes opened and hopefully JTT all see exactly how poorly Town employees have been treated. Enough of the bullsh*t coming from the gadfly crowd about overpaid employees and the amount of OT a very few make. Get over it and learn exactly why there's OT and why it will NEVER go away ! The sooner JTT becomes educated and stops pandering to the few who clearly have NO IDEA what they're talking about - the quicker the healing and we ALL move forward together. I know thats not what in DON's bag ofd tricks nor is it what he wants. DON wants dissention in the ranks, it plays into his game plan and his hatred for Town Employees ! A real understanding of reality in Town Government and what really happens each day is necessary and needs to happen !
FUD....You're clearly a partisan more interested in imputing motive than dealing with reality. Please don't try to tell me what I want.
DeleteI'm going to have almost no time to comment on blogs as we move forward but 7:59 p.m.'s comment needs to be corrected. Yesterday we met with all of the employees in Town Hall, with the exception of those who are on vacation. Every employee was offered the same opportunity to sign up for a meeting and most did so. It was an excellent chance for us to meet people and learn what people do in their jobs. It's going to take some time to get used to it, but the selective treatment of town employees because of their political affiliation is over.
DeleteI'm really tired of the imputing of motives. I'll just take come credit for getting a couple of oppressive administrations off your backs. You should be happy that the Dems and Reps are not exacting their just dues from your hides.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Donnies getting nervous hes not going to control JTT your right he lives and feeds off of others fears and misfortune a true bully you would think he was tough hiding in his basement 20 hours aday spewing hate and fear but having no solution you had your 15 minutes time to go away
ReplyDeleteYou are all so wrong it's hilarious...you are a step away from Ed Gilberts pathetic obsession with MAM - GROW UP!
DeleteNo obsession here - just call 'em like I see them ! Don is thee most interfering , tweedle dumb fool this Town has ever witnessed. When JTT realizes that he has no idea about anything he claims to be the authority on, they'll dump him like yesterdays garbage ! And rightfully so !
DeleteI totally agree with 10:44. Donnie boy needs to go away and take Suzy with him. They both are nothing more than festering bugs in this town. I wish Jack the best and hopefully he will have nothing to do with Don.
ReplyDeleteWell said 450
ReplyDeleteJack, Tina and Tom clearly have a tough road ahead. Back filling critical positions will first and foremost be the hardest task initially.
ReplyDeleteLets hope that politics stays out of it . Only at the organizational meeting will we ALL know the reality and at that very moment, whether or not the Town is headed towards true recovery or just more of the same b~s we've suffered the past two years .