Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Public Notice: Rensselaer County IDA Public Hearing

Rensselaer County Industrial Development Authority (IDA) is holding a public hearing on a new Regeneron Parking Lot on Discovery Drive this Thursday, September 1, 2016 at the East Greenbush Town Hall at 10:00 AM.


  1. there is a nice article about this in this morning's Times Union. I love it! No more of the county playing fast and loose with our tax base.

    1. What makes you think the county will stop?

    2. The County Finance committee chaired by Phil Danaher ?

    3. Phil Danaher would never allow EG to be ripped off by the County. He is a powerful ally of our taxpayers.

    4. in what universe do you live?

    5. Are you kidding me? Danaher is for Danaher. After all, he was part of the crowd that tried to shove a casino down our throats......

    6. Danaher is out for himself ! Always was , always will be. Danaher is a mediocre attorney and a horrible advocate for the EG taxpayer.

    7. I always found Phil to be arrogant and disengenuious regardless of what ever topic was being discussed. He was extremely pompous when the casino debacle came to light and it was learned how he cut a couple of back door deals.

  2. glad the battle is finally over.

  3. It's not!

  4. There's no way in HELL that this town puts Rick Matters back in ANY position. He was the biggest waste of a vote previously and his foolish behavior at Town Board meetings, texting his wife during the meetings , telling her what to say , his complete failure to handle the Bruen rescue mess, his admonishment by his employers for doing political work, and the list goes on and on !
    btw; the post on the Gadfly was most likely written not by MAM but rather Ricks "other woman" Ann Taylor !

    1. No surprise there. MAM and Rick have been pals with Taylor and Cristo for years.
