Thursday, September 15, 2016

East Greenbush Proposed Code of Ethics

The East Greenbush Town Board is holding a Public Hearing on September 21, 2016 at 6:15 p.m. concerning amendments to the Town Code of Ethics. 

The proposed amendments would prohibit Town employees from being Committee Members “in a political party represented on the election ballot.”  Whither the 1st Amendment?

This prohibition is far more restrictive than those contained in the current Ethics Law, which are more restrictive than those contained in the NYS Office of the State Comptroller’s “Model Code of Ethics for Local Governments”.

For the record, I strongly support, endorse and demand ethical behavior by elected and appointed officials at ALL levels of government. 

I also, as Chair of the East Greenbush Democratic Committee, strongly support and endorse the local party Committee structure.  Committees find qualified candidates for local office, carry petitions to get them on the ballot and help elect them.  Ditto State and Federal candidates.  Any enrolled party member can perform these same duties!  This is democracy in action!

Reminds me of the spate of voter ID laws enacted in many States to eliminate voter fraud – a non-existent problem.  Courts have stricken down many of these laws!

The proposed Ethics Law addresses a similarly non-existent problem – campaigning in Town Hall! 

Overreach?  The Town Board recently allowed the DPW Commissioner to reside in Rensselaer, Albany, Washington or Columbia County. 

The proposed Ethics Law would prohibit DPW Commissioners from being party Committee Members in their home town, even though they may live in the far reaches of these adjacent counties! 

Also, the Town Board intends to review its residency requirement as it applies to all Town positions.  More outsourcing of Town jobs? 

The Town Board’s overreach is outrageous and must stop now! 

Pete Stenson, Chair
East Greenbush Democratic Committee


  1. Campaigning in Town Hall ? Who and when ? NYS election law strictly prohibits any sort of campaigning in Town Hall simply because its a designated Polling Place. The only person ever to do such was Chris Defruscio because he was too ignorant to know any different and too arrogant to listen to anyone.
    Which brings me to the residency requirement.
    I lived a good portion of my life in a different community. They had no such residency requirement and so far as I can research, EGB is the only remaining Town in the area to have such an archaic requirement.
    Time to flush that puppy and step into the 21st century.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Delete the residency requirement and move on

  4. If there is no state or county law that bars a town board from prohibiting town employees from being committee members of a political party - cough it up or pipe down. Chris D was not the only one to campaign in town hall. It was done on both sides. This stir is merely one person's opinion.

    1. There doesn't have to be a state or county law, the town ethics code can be more stricter. Read the rules and regs!

  5. This proposed Ethics Law is overly restrictive and panders to a very few mal~contents.
    Those who seek this type of strangle hold are people that have an axe to grind.
    Sure there are those that are in the employ of the Town that will push the limits , so deal with them.
    This "over the top" approach will ultimately prove to be counter productive and limit available resources in the future.

  6. Silence by residents does not mean compliance or agreement. The statement that the proposed changes pander to a select few is accurate. Most town residents do not know nor do they care.
    The fact that less than 40% of Town residents even bother to vote in the general election proves this point.

  7. Let's not forget that not too long ago, the DPW Commissioner Chris DeFruscio was also the E.G. Republican Chairman. Why not ask the non Republican DPW men how that worked out.

    1. Ercole was a mistake. He had no idea what he was doing and was only in there to make the Union mens lives miserable.
      Langley gave him strict orders to break the Union. He failed because he was nothing but a political pawn with no brains.

    2. To Anonymous and FUE: You are right that it was inappropriate for Mr. DeFruscio to have been appointed to hold dual roles. Your support of the proposed Ethics code will help to avoid such appointments in the future.
      You are a little off on the appointments. McCabe had DeFruscio in the DPW slot. Langley had VanWormer and Corellis.

    3. DefCon was appointed by Cristo, Danaher & Matters short-lived majority and had to be paid to leave.

    4. 9/24@1012 - the proposed Ethics code is overkill. You , in your attempt to give yourself some credibility , have the DPW Commishs all wrong.
      Ercole was appointed and lasted 10-11 months by Cristo and Co. VanWormer was brought in by McCabe. Corellis was brought in by Langlost.

  8. The proposed Ethics Code provision being discussed here covers certain named policy making employees. It will not prohibit Political Party Committee Membership for most employees.
    Pete, I thought you promised a retraction at the meeting the other night. How is that coming along?

  9. dear 1012 glad to see you are on top of things McCabe fired DeFruscio VanWormer was put in by McCabe Langley had Correlis ah the wonders of misinformation

  10. DeFruscio and Corellis were appointments approved by the EG Repubs and Chris DeFruscio as political payoffs. They were both disasters. I'm for giving the JTT merit based approach a chance.

  11. And let's not forget the reappointment of Chris DeFruscio as Baliff in the Town Court by the Smart Way Forward Republicans! That was also a disaster.

    1. Lets face it , everything with Ercole Defruscios name attached to spells disaster.

    2. Isn't Ercole and his clan supposed to be moving to N.C.? I keep hearing they're moving, been hearing it for years. Must be just a rumor?
