212-2016 Authorize Purchase of
a Point of Sale System Computer for Town Clerk’s Office
213-2016 Extend General Water
District to Include 150 Ridge Road, owned by Kamal Swami and Avani Swami
214-2016 Local Law #4,
Adopting/Ratifying the Land Subdivision Regulations of the Planning Board and
Adopting an Amendment Thereto
215-2016 Refund of the Filing
Fee for Small Claims Assessment Hearing
216-2016 Authorize Public Works
Personnel Positions
217-2016 Agreement with
Rensselaer County Concerning Snow and Ice Removal
218-2016 Purchasing Clerk to
Solicit Bids for High Flow Articulated Compact Loader for Snow and Ice Removal
on Sidewalks
219-2016 Provisionally Appoint
Christopher Ochs Motorized Equipment Operator Heavy (MEOH) in Public Works Congratulations and welcome!
220-2016 Adopt Annual Budget
for Fiscal Year 2017 Councilor Mary Anne
Matters voted “No”. 220-2016 included the following language “with dissenting
votes cast by Councilor Matters, duly approved a preliminary budget” on
10/24/16. I honestly don’t recall a
person’s previous vote reflected in the body of a subsequent resolution. Seriously?
221-2016 Addition of CDPHP EPO
120 Plan to the Town Policy
222-2016 Refer Application for
L. Browe Asphalt Services Pavement Batch Plant Planned Development District to
Town Planning Board for Review and Recommendation
223-2016 Create Assistant
Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer and Appoint Nicholas Petramale as
Assistant Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer and Part-Time Fire
Inspector Congratulations and welcome!
224-2016 Conditional Job Offer
to Griffin S. Hotaling for Police Officer Congratulations
and welcome!
225-2016 Honoring Gerald
Middleton for Fifty Years of Service to the Best-Luther Fire Department Congratulations and thanks!
226-2016 Appoint William Mahan
Bingo Inspector Congratulations and
welcome back!
227-2016 Create Part-Time
Operations Consultant and Appoint Terry Sharp to that Position Congratulations and welcome!
Thank you to Pete for keeping the public informed. Our Town Clerk is obviously to busy to keep us up to date on Town Board meeting activities.