Chump and the Putz really screwed up big time ! This WWTP mess is ALL their fault ! They can't blame this one on McCabe ! Nice job Chumplee Dumbfruscio and Putz Langley !
I'm actually worried about those of us who do not and cannot use this new WWTP. I live "out in the country" where there is no water or sewer or natural gas. Are we going to be slapped with this bill as well? I just barely get my street plowed let alone enjoy Town water and Sewer or natural gas.
WHO is going to be hit for this unprecedented Tax hike? Once again, I and my neighbors do not have the sewer or water hook ups. We survive on wells and septic. Are we getting blitzed as well? I foresee ALOT of 4 sale signs going up this spring if thats the case.
That is the million dollar question 5:00pm. Exactly how do they discriminate between those using the service and those who have no oppertunity to use the WWTP? Hopefully, those who pay high taxes now and have no ability to use the WWTP will NOT see any increase. To burden them would be almost criminal.
Ok, agree - there needs to be an answer about how these rates are going to be charged and if people who are not connected will be affected. But, everyone stop with the sad story of how high of taxes you pay, WE ALL PAY!!!!
NO SH*T 1:52 ! Maybe some of us wouldn't b*tch if we had use of the amenities such as water and sewer. Its no benefit to be on septic and well. There is no savings. But again, many of us don't want to get saddled with this added increase for something we have no ability to use. Thats my point.
Gilbert is absolutely unhinged. The Langley/DeF incompetence is being further exposed on a daily basis. We are fortunate that the old guard didn;t get any more time to screw things up further.
Gilbert grape is so bent out of shape that he is now fully relagated to a worthless flip and he can't stand it.
Dear Eddie Gilberry Grape: your more worthless now than you ever were. No one cares what you think or say ! You and the PUTZ and CHUMP Dumba** ruined your oppertunity at the troth. STBU !
Go to the Truth Blog to see the original proposal by Delaware Engineering to study the sewer districts and rates. MAM has been begging for this study since last February, a freaking year ago! By reading the proposal you can see what needs to be done before they should even consider raising the rates. Langley ignored MA's study reso just like he ignored her but in doing that, he also ignored the town's NEED for this study so residents and commercial users and non-users alike are billed appropriately and fairly not only for maintenance and operation costs of the WWTP but for the capital improvement of the plant as well. The districts are out-dated because they haven't been looked at since the 1970's but we've had a lot of growth since then, including the enormous Regeneron! The figuring of the rates for water and sewer never had to take into account a $15 million capital improvement loan before, so it's a lot more complicated this time. So, who are the experts who are helping JTTMAD figure out how to bill us? This is serious shitay because as Langley liked to say, your bill will be your bill for the next 30-40 years. Taxes are already too high for what we get in this plain jane town. This blows.
Would you apply the same argument to school taxes if you don't have kids in school? How about the Library or the fire districts? Roads? It could be argued that the WWTP is part of the Town's infrastructure and supports property values and quality of life.
Had kids in school, and I use the library because I can and the Fire District is a no brainer. I have no ability to use the WWTP - EVER. Thats the difference and why I am so concerned. My taxes - like everyone elses , are sky high already. I do not need to be slapped with this extra for something others have the ability to enjoy yet I and my family do not.
3:40 Sorry, but you're wrong. In a civilized society even non-users of public water and sewer BENEFIT (key word) from it, so they are expected to contribute towards the capital improvement costs associated with "improving" the infrastructure of the plant, which is done through the tax levy. To disagree with that would be like saying people without kids shouldn't have to pay school taxes but that would be wrong again. Because we all BENEFIT as a society from educating the children (and from having a sewerage treatment plant), we all have to chip in through they tax levy and that makes sense. BUT non-users of the WWTP should NOT have to pay the costs associated with the maintenance and operation of the plant. Why? Because they don't use it, so those costs are rightly payed for by users only. The plan to increase the rates for water and sewer has not been publicized yet but the concern is that we're going to be blended together when it comes to billing, almost as if the tax levy was raised, and making little or no distinction between users and non-users. I won't get upset because the plan remains to be seen. We got our water and sewer bill in the mail today. I may just frame it in remembrance of the good old days.
What a crock of sh*t ! non-users BENEFIT from it ?!? What a blindly stupid statement ! School taxes benefit everyone , fire taxes benefit everyone...but the taxing of those who clearly cannot use the WWTP is obscene and ridiculous ! Your logic is flawed comrade.
ZBA Mtg 2/9 7:30 What does anybody know about this? OLD BUSINESS: ZBA Appeal #2014-20-Brian Hart-1 Cooper Avenue-Conversion of a garage with open storage on the second floor into a two story office building to operate a business -Use Variance-Application Withdrawn by Applicant
Sorry to change the subject, but I feel this is of MAJOR IMPORTANCE: Bruen and the fact that Tina Tierney may side with MAM to get rid of Bruen; and now possibly Jack; I was one of those people who did my best to get out there and GET JTT elected; worked my tail off; I've been in this town for 27 years; and I know for a fact that a handful; which isn't many will sell their houses and move out of this town as soon as jack and company take away our own and only Rescue Squad that has been AMAZING to deal with; who would we call? May MAM thinks her or her husband will never need assistance of any kind. Find it hard to believe that Jack and Tina would take that road; but whatever will be will be. I hope this never happens
Where are you getting your information from? Have you contacted Mary Ann, Tina, or Jack to ask them directly if they are going to get rid of Bruen? Or are you reading blogs for your information? If it is the latter then stop posting unfounded information.
The ambulance service should be put out to bid, and a condition of bidding should be the requirement of a certified audit of the bidding applicants. Years ago we were promised a certified audit by the leadership of Bruen. Never happened.
What we need to face is hard decisions need and will be made. They may include tax increases, they may include shared services which will mean jobs will be lost. These are decisions that to save this town may need to be made and unfortunately sacrifices, just like in life need to he made.
We practice Shared Services already. No jobs were lost. If thats what you think Shared Services means, your part of the problem facing this administration !
No, just realize reality. There are other shared services, but in this case (1) it's just a rumor by an anonymous blogger, which will always mean nothing until proven true because of - Gilbert and Defruscio to name a few. (2) I highly doubt they'd close Bruen just because they felt like it.
Re Bruen, the Town pays Bruen almost $700,000 per year, and given the allegations about gift cards and cash being given to the "members," the Town should require a certified financial audit. The State Comptroller has said that there are internal control issues with Bruen and that all financial operations should be brought "in house" and managed by the Town Comptroller. Hasn't happened. Just another example of the loosey-goosey past which has cost tax-payer money.
To close Bruen Rescue would spell disaster. I find no plausible reason why the Town Board cannot intercede and take over. Tax dollars are being squandered and this was all brought a head two years ago on this blog ! The currenty Borad of Directors are completely incompetent. They need to be removed and a new series of directors installed. Its funny how this has become a talking point yet two years ago, it was completely ignored by many. The Board of Directors at Bruen is responsible for all the wasted tax dollars and the mis-management of a much needed Town service. Do away with that Board and solve all your issues.
I believe that Bruen is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation with whom the Town contracts for ambulance services. So the Town can't "do away with the Board." The Town can put the contract out for bid, however. As an aside, related to the cash/gift card matters, it is illegal for the "member" of a 501(c)(3) corporation to receive any of the corporate assets of the corporation.
How about municipalizing ambulance service so that the town can take it over and take control. That's the best way to control costs and everything else having to do with ambulance service. We can do better than Bruen for a lot less money without compromising service. They're not the only option for our town. It's disconcerting that we can't get a certified audit out of them. I wonder if their credit rating is less than junk bond status too.
Bruen chased out all their volunteers and they've lost lawsuits filed against them for the abusive way they treated former employees. The old days of letting Bruen slide by unaudited and unchecked should end. We can and must do better.
Once again, get rid of that Board of Directors and things will get cleaned up almost immediately. The Board of Directors is clearly and ALWAYS has been the problem . EGB has a large amount invested in Bruen to just throw it away and bid out. It can easily be salvaged by removing the poison called the Board of Directors !
The stipends and giveaways were clearly the result of arrogant zealots with no idea what they were doing. The foolish behavior of the current Board of Directors as well as past members of that Board have arrogantly wasted tax dollars all for the sake of their ego's and mostly because they were ignorant of their fiduciary responsibilities. The Rescue Squad has a very proud history in this Town and to simply erase it because of the morons on the Board of Directors would be a true travesty. Once again, delete the Board and JTT appoint a uninvested team to take over. Then we can get the overdue audit and find out exactly what everyone is dying to know.
O.K. 932 , so all the sins of the Rescue Squad were perpetrated by a select few. Are they still there ? Why are the Board of Directors not elected like the Fire Commissioners are ? Seems like a simple solution.
Its so nice to attend Board Meetings without the immature distractions of Gilbery and the Chump ! No burping or cat calling to contend with and the utter nonsense that comes out of Gilberts mouth. What the hell was Langster thinking ?
Yes it is nice that the TB Meetings are "civil." Now if we can get the TB Council people and Supervisor Conway working together instead of meeting at various restaurants or houses to participate in an "agenda" all of their own. Thats one of the beefs of the people of this town; to stop the back-stabbing that always went on and to work together; everyone has an opinion; if only they could work together for the betterment of the Town and not get into negative conflicts that will bring us "down again." People say Tom and Tina will eventually sway from Jack and show disrespect for him as Supervisor; Time Will Tell.
Actually, there's several of us just waiting for Don to get his panties all in a twizzy when Jack disagrees with him ! Bets are placed and someone will win the pot. Dons insatiable appetite for believeing that he is the only one who knows what he's doing will prove to be the complete dismantling of EG1st ,all at the hands of the Gadfly ! Care to take that bet ??
Why assume that their plotting against each other? You do realize your just feeding into Gilbert and Co.'s boredom. Could it be that some of them were busy and couldn't make the get togethers? Isn't possible that they all actually get a long and can be civil? Disagreeing and bringing different viewpoints to the table and working together is exactly what we need. Just because the board members didn't all vote in symc doesn't mean there's trouble. So let's all give them the benefit of the doubt and more than two months into office before we try to tear them apart. These anonymous rumors of speculation just sound like Gilbert and Defruscio rants - pointless yet toxic.
Yup. People with intelligence and solid experience will differ from time to time, and that may happen. What's important is that JTT have the sense to be "loyal" to their intelligence and experience as they pick their way through the mess they inherited. They don't have to answer to a "boss" or a "machine." They know they have to answer to the people. The two previous administrations didn't understand that, and it didn't work out so well for them.
Regardless of the opinions of Gilbert and Defruscio , the clear lack of anxiety in Town Hall is refreshing. The ability to sit in a Town Board meeting without the continual interuptions of Tirino and Defruscio is actually enjoyable. Gilbert undoubtedly will show up and say something profoundly stupid and ignorant. That is almost to be expected. However, it is clear that Langley and his administration was a huge mistake for the Town of East Greenbush. Gilbert , Corellis and Defruscio are glaring examples of the mess Langley created and allowed !
The actions of the current Board show people attempting to get along. Time will truly tell. MAM is still not the best choice for Town Board nor is Deb , but we're stuck with them for two more years. JTT are clearly independent thinkers , which is vaguely refreshing. So long as Corellis, Defruscio,Langley are gone, there can be no other description except delightful in Town Hall !
The Town of East Greenbush is currently accepting applications for a Secretary to the Commissioner of Public Works at the Town Highway Garage. The position would be on a part-time basis working primarily Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday. Please submit applications to Lisa O'Brien by Friday, March 4, 2016.
11:01 Do you really think that MA and Debbi stood a chance under the three stooges Langster, Chump, and Special Ed? C'mon... They ran a good campaign and won but it was all downhill from there when the Langster told them to take their campaign and shove it cuz he's calling the shots. Ya gotta love MAs guts cuz she helped a lot to take those three idiots down. She didn't crumble. How would you like it if someone put up a trash blog like that against your wife? Gilberry's a major creep and a loser.
Gilberry is washed up. The next moron stepping up to the plate is Phil Vecchio. We threw him off the school board years ago. Time to send this idiot packing again !
PV hates the Police Department and wants to eliminate the police dispatchers. He wants all the EG emergency calls to go to Troy. That's what he is all about.
Vecchio is the new Ed Gilbert. Arrogant, insincere and self centered with a clear agenda that does not conform to any logical, reasonable thought. He was a pain in the a** on the school board and was thrown off and I suspect he will wear out his welcome here as well. People are naturally offended by his b~s diatribes and his arrogant demands. He will surely self destruct once again, all at his own doings.
Vecchio is a moron. I remember distinctly his rambling and carrying-on when he was on the Board @ EGCSD. ALL the other board members hated him. I see he still thinks he's of some importance. STBU- Vecchio....
The Supervisor seems like a good man but does he really need to thank the town staff every meeting when they do there job ? Maybe he should thank me for paying my taxes this year that pays there salary ?
8:46 a.m. If they thank Jessica one more time, I'm gonna barf. All they do is thank this girl Jessica at every meeting but 10:15 is right too. Langley never thanked anyone. He just wanted to know if you were going to vote for him. I really think he hated the job and expected his employees to make him look good for re-election so he could obcess all day long on who was for him or against him. He and his minions told all the town employees they would be fired if he lost. Well, he lost but a lot of them are still there. Word out is that he's back to contruction with Casale. Guess Rifenberg didn't have a vacancy.
Jack is simply a very cordial individual. He appreciates effort and diligence to duty. Not a bad trait considering Langleys inability to even speak to people.
Langley was a mistake. He was by far the very worst politician this Town has ever had to endure. SWF was clearly election rhetoric / voter fraud. It was nothing but a ploy to get votes. It worked until it was time to put up. Then everyone knew it was nothing but a fraud.
2/25 12:52 - its was Chump Defruscio and TrashBag Tirino that were going around EG and telling any Town employee they could find that they'd all be fired if Langley lost. Thank God those two worthless, unemployable jacka**es are gone !
There have been serious issues with the HM water for years and the residents have always showed proof of this, each administration shrugged it off and did nothing about. Langley even went as far as claiming he has never heard anything about there being a problem with the HM water when a resident brought her filter to a meeting.
Chump and the Putz really screwed up big time ! This WWTP mess is ALL their fault ! They can't blame this one on McCabe ! Nice job Chumplee Dumbfruscio and Putz Langley !
ReplyDeleteI'm actually worried about those of us who do not and cannot use this new WWTP. I live "out in the country" where there is no water or sewer or natural gas. Are we going to be slapped with this bill as well? I just barely get my street plowed let alone enjoy Town water and Sewer or natural gas.
ReplyDeleteI encourage ALL residents to Town Hall this evening. Its clearly worth attending.
ReplyDeleteJTT answering the call for much needed upgrades at Town Hall.
ReplyDeleteYou can't do the work of the people, for the people with outdated , inferior equiptment.
Chump Defrusch and his boy toy Gilbert are really losing it.
ReplyDeleteWHO is going to be hit for this unprecedented Tax hike? Once again, I and my neighbors do not have the sewer or water hook ups. We survive on wells and septic. Are we getting blitzed as well? I foresee ALOT of 4 sale signs going up this spring if thats the case.
ReplyDeleteThat is the million dollar question 5:00pm. Exactly how do they discriminate between those using the service and those who have no oppertunity to use the WWTP?
ReplyDeleteHopefully, those who pay high taxes now and have no ability to use the WWTP will NOT see any increase. To burden them would be almost criminal.
Ok, agree - there needs to be an answer about how these rates are going to be charged and if people who are not connected will be affected. But, everyone stop with the sad story of how high of taxes you pay, WE ALL PAY!!!!
ReplyDeleteNO SH*T 1:52 !
DeleteMaybe some of us wouldn't b*tch if we had use of the amenities such as water and sewer. Its no benefit to be on septic and well. There is no savings. But again, many of us don't want to get saddled with this added increase for something we have no ability to use. Thats my point.
Gilbert is absolutely unhinged. The Langley/DeF incompetence is being further exposed on a daily basis. We are fortunate that the old guard didn;t get any more time to screw things up further.
ReplyDeleteGilbert grape is so bent out of shape that he is now fully relagated to a worthless flip and he can't stand it.
DeleteDear Eddie Gilberry Grape: your more worthless now than you ever were. No one cares what you think or say ! You and the PUTZ and CHUMP Dumba** ruined your oppertunity at the troth. STBU !
Go to the Truth Blog to see the original proposal by Delaware Engineering to study the sewer districts and rates. MAM has been begging for this study since last February, a freaking year ago! By reading the proposal you can see what needs to be done before they should even consider raising the rates. Langley ignored MA's study reso just like he ignored her but in doing that, he also ignored the town's NEED for this study so residents and commercial users and non-users alike are billed appropriately and fairly not only for maintenance and operation costs of the WWTP but for the capital improvement of the plant as well. The districts are out-dated because they haven't been looked at since the 1970's but we've had a lot of growth since then, including the enormous Regeneron! The figuring of the rates for water and sewer never had to take into account a $15 million capital improvement loan before, so it's a lot more complicated this time. So, who are the experts who are helping JTTMAD figure out how to bill us? This is serious shitay because as Langley liked to say, your bill will be your bill for the next 30-40 years. Taxes are already too high for what we get in this plain jane town. This blows.
ReplyDeleteKey phrase 8:02 - "non-users". They should not be billed at all ~ ever !
ReplyDeleteWould you apply the same argument to school taxes if you don't have kids in school? How about the Library or the fire districts? Roads? It could be argued that the WWTP is part of the Town's infrastructure and supports property values and quality of life.
DeleteHad kids in school, and I use the library because I can and the Fire District is a no brainer. I have no ability to use the WWTP - EVER. Thats the difference and why I am so concerned. My taxes - like everyone elses , are sky high already. I do not need to be slapped with this extra for something others have the ability to enjoy yet I and my family do not.
Delete3:40 Sorry, but you're wrong. In a civilized society even non-users of public water and sewer BENEFIT (key word) from it, so they are expected to contribute towards the capital improvement costs associated with "improving" the infrastructure of the plant, which is done through the tax levy. To disagree with that would be like saying people without kids shouldn't have to pay school taxes but that would be wrong again. Because we all BENEFIT as a society from educating the children (and from having a sewerage treatment plant), we all have to chip in through they tax levy and that makes sense. BUT non-users of the WWTP should NOT have to pay the costs associated with the maintenance and operation of the plant. Why? Because they don't use it, so those costs are rightly payed for by users only. The plan to increase the rates for water and sewer has not been publicized yet but the concern is that we're going to be blended together when it comes to billing, almost as if the tax levy was raised, and making little or no distinction between users and non-users. I won't get upset because the plan remains to be seen. We got our water and sewer bill in the mail today. I may just frame it in remembrance of the good old days.
ReplyDeleteWhat a crock of sh*t ! non-users BENEFIT from it ?!? What a blindly stupid statement ! School taxes benefit everyone , fire taxes benefit everyone...but the taxing of those who clearly cannot use the WWTP is obscene and ridiculous !
DeleteYour logic is flawed comrade.
ZBA Mtg 2/9 7:30
ReplyDeleteWhat does anybody know about this?
ZBA Appeal #2014-20-Brian Hart-1 Cooper Avenue-Conversion of a garage with open storage on the second floor into a two story office building to operate a business -Use Variance-Application Withdrawn by Applicant
Sorry to change the subject, but I feel this is of MAJOR IMPORTANCE: Bruen and the fact that Tina Tierney may side with MAM to get rid of Bruen; and now possibly Jack; I was one of those people who did my best to get out there and GET JTT elected; worked my tail off; I've been in this town for 27 years; and I know for a fact that a handful; which isn't many will sell their houses and move out of this town as soon as jack and company take away our own and only Rescue Squad that has been AMAZING to deal with; who would we call? May MAM thinks her or her husband will never need assistance of any kind. Find it hard to believe that Jack and Tina would take that road; but whatever will be will be. I hope this never happens
Where are you getting your information from? Have you contacted Mary Ann, Tina, or Jack to ask them directly if they are going to get rid of Bruen? Or are you reading blogs for your information? If it is the latter then stop posting unfounded information.
DeleteThe ambulance service should be put out to bid, and a condition of bidding should be the requirement of a certified audit of the bidding applicants. Years ago we were promised a certified audit by the leadership of Bruen. Never happened.
ReplyDeleteOpinions vary...
DeleteWhat we need to face is hard decisions need and will be made. They may include tax increases, they may include shared services which will mean jobs will be lost. These are decisions that to save this town may need to be made and unfortunately sacrifices, just like in life need to he made.
ReplyDeleteWe practice Shared Services already. No jobs were lost. If thats what you think Shared Services means, your part of the problem facing this administration !
DeleteNo, just realize reality. There are other shared services, but in this case (1) it's just a rumor by an anonymous blogger, which will always mean nothing until proven true because of - Gilbert and Defruscio to name a few. (2) I highly doubt they'd close Bruen just because they felt like it.
DeleteRe Bruen, the Town pays Bruen almost $700,000 per year, and given the allegations about gift cards and cash being given to the "members," the Town should require a certified financial audit. The State Comptroller has said that there are internal control issues with Bruen and that all financial operations should be brought "in house" and managed by the Town Comptroller. Hasn't happened. Just another example of the loosey-goosey past which has cost tax-payer money.
DeleteTo close Bruen Rescue would spell disaster. I find no plausible reason why the Town Board cannot intercede and take over. Tax dollars are being squandered and this was all brought a head two years ago on this blog ! The currenty Borad of Directors are completely incompetent. They need to be removed and a new series of directors installed.
ReplyDeleteIts funny how this has become a talking point yet two years ago, it was completely ignored by many.
The Board of Directors at Bruen is responsible for all the wasted tax dollars and the mis-management of a much needed Town service. Do away with that Board and solve all your issues.
I believe that Bruen is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation with whom the Town contracts for ambulance services. So the Town can't "do away with the Board." The Town can put the contract out for bid, however. As an aside, related to the cash/gift card matters, it is illegal for the "member" of a 501(c)(3) corporation to receive any of the corporate assets of the corporation.
ReplyDeleteHow about municipalizing ambulance service so that the town can take it over and take control. That's the best way to control costs and everything else having to do with ambulance service. We can do better than Bruen for a lot less money without compromising service. They're not the only option for our town. It's disconcerting that we can't get a certified audit out of them. I wonder if their credit rating is less than junk bond status too.
ReplyDeleteSince Bruen is staffed almost entirely by paid Medics and EMTS, exactly why does there need to be a Board of Dictators ?
ReplyDeleteBruen chased out all their volunteers and they've lost lawsuits filed against them for the abusive way they treated former employees. The old days of letting Bruen slide by unaudited and unchecked should end. We can and must do better.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, get rid of that Board of Directors and things will get cleaned up almost immediately.
DeleteThe Board of Directors is clearly and ALWAYS has been the problem . EGB has a large amount invested in Bruen to just throw it away and bid out. It can easily be salvaged by removing the poison called the Board of Directors !
The stipends and giveaways were clearly the result of arrogant zealots with no idea what they were doing. The foolish behavior of the current Board of Directors as well as past members of that Board have arrogantly wasted tax dollars all for the sake of their ego's and mostly because they were ignorant of their fiduciary responsibilities.
DeleteThe Rescue Squad has a very proud history in this Town and to simply erase it because of the morons on the Board of Directors would be a true travesty.
Once again, delete the Board and JTT appoint a uninvested team to take over. Then we can get the overdue audit and find out exactly what everyone is dying to know.
O.K. 932 , so all the sins of the Rescue Squad were perpetrated by a select few. Are they still there ? Why are the Board of Directors not elected like the Fire Commissioners are ? Seems like a simple solution.
DeleteMakes perfect sense. I would suggest that the current Town Board explore that option of elected commissioners. That is a reasonable solution.
DeleteEthics Board is meeting. Yippee !!
ReplyDeleteIts so nice to attend Board Meetings without the immature distractions of Gilbery and the Chump ! No burping or cat calling to contend with and the utter nonsense that comes out of Gilberts mouth. What the hell was Langster thinking ?
ReplyDeleteFor years , no one cared at all and there were maybe 10 people at Town Board meetings. Chump and Trash Bag changed all that.
DeleteYes it is nice that the TB Meetings are "civil." Now if we can get the TB Council people and Supervisor Conway working together instead of meeting at various restaurants or houses to participate in an "agenda" all of their own. Thats one of the beefs of the people of this town; to stop the back-stabbing that always went on and to work together; everyone has an opinion; if only they could work together for the betterment of the Town and not get into negative conflicts that will bring us "down again." People say Tom and Tina will eventually sway from Jack and show disrespect for him as Supervisor; Time Will Tell.
ReplyDeleteActually, there's several of us just waiting for Don to get his panties all in a twizzy when Jack disagrees with him ! Bets are placed and someone will win the pot.
DeleteDons insatiable appetite for believeing that he is the only one who knows what he's doing will prove to be the complete dismantling of EG1st ,all at the hands of the Gadfly ! Care to take that bet ??
Why assume that their plotting against each other? You do realize your just feeding into Gilbert and Co.'s boredom. Could it be that some of them were busy and couldn't make the get togethers? Isn't possible that they all actually get a long and can be civil? Disagreeing and bringing different viewpoints to the table and working together is exactly what we need. Just because the board members didn't all vote in symc doesn't mean there's trouble. So let's all give them the benefit of the doubt and more than two months into office before we try to tear them apart. These anonymous rumors of speculation just sound like Gilbert and Defruscio rants - pointless yet toxic.
DeleteYup. People with intelligence and solid experience will differ from time to time, and that may happen. What's important is that JTT have the sense to be "loyal" to their intelligence and experience as they pick their way through the mess they inherited. They don't have to answer to a "boss" or a "machine." They know they have to answer to the people. The two previous administrations didn't understand that, and it didn't work out so well for them.
DeleteRegardless of the opinions of Gilbert and Defruscio , the clear lack of anxiety in Town Hall is refreshing. The ability to sit in a Town Board meeting without the continual interuptions of Tirino and Defruscio is actually enjoyable. Gilbert undoubtedly will show up and say something profoundly stupid and ignorant. That is almost to be expected. However, it is clear that Langley and his administration was a huge mistake for the Town of East Greenbush. Gilbert , Corellis and Defruscio are glaring examples of the mess Langley created and allowed !
ReplyDeleteThe actions of the current Board show people attempting to get along. Time will truly tell. MAM is still not the best choice for Town Board nor is Deb , but we're stuck with them for two more years. JTT are clearly independent thinkers , which is vaguely refreshing.
ReplyDeleteSo long as Corellis, Defruscio,Langley are gone, there can be no other description except delightful in Town Hall !
Saw this job posting on the town website:
ReplyDeleteJob Posting - DPW Secretary
Posted: 24 Feb 2016 01:21 PM PST
The Town of East Greenbush is currently accepting applications for a Secretary to the Commissioner of Public Works at the Town Highway Garage. The position would be on a part-time basis working primarily Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday.
Please submit applications to Lisa O'Brien by Friday, March 4, 2016.
Job Description - DPW Secretary
East Greenbush Employment Application
11:01 Do you really think that MA and Debbi stood a chance under the three stooges Langster, Chump, and Special Ed? C'mon... They ran a good campaign and won but it was all downhill from there when the Langster told them to take their campaign and shove it cuz he's calling the shots. Ya gotta love MAs guts cuz she helped a lot to take those three idiots down. She didn't crumble. How would you like it if someone put up a trash blog like that against your wife? Gilberry's a major creep and a loser.
ReplyDeleteGilberry is washed up. The next moron stepping up to the plate is Phil Vecchio. We threw him off the school board years ago. Time to send this idiot packing again !
DeletePV is another leech whose always looking for the quick, easy buck. Just when you think he's gone, he pops up again.
DeletePV hates the Police Department and wants to eliminate the police dispatchers. He wants all the EG emergency calls to go to Troy. That's what he is all about.
DeleteVecchio is the new Ed Gilbert. Arrogant, insincere and self centered with a clear agenda that does not conform to any logical, reasonable thought.
DeleteHe was a pain in the a** on the school board and was thrown off and I suspect he will wear out his welcome here as well. People are naturally offended by his b~s diatribes and his arrogant demands.
He will surely self destruct once again, all at his own doings.
Vecchio is a moron. I remember distinctly his rambling and carrying-on when he was on the Board @ EGCSD. ALL the other board members hated him.
DeleteI see he still thinks he's of some importance.
STBU- Vecchio....
The Supervisor seems like a good man but does he really need to thank the town staff every meeting when they do there job ? Maybe he should thank me for paying my taxes this year that pays there salary ?
ReplyDeleteYES - he does ! Langlost could never bring himself to thank any town employee. Its actually refreshing !
DeleteWe ALL pay our town taxes...your not special
8:46 a.m. If they thank Jessica one more time, I'm gonna barf. All they do is thank this girl Jessica at every meeting but 10:15 is right too. Langley never thanked anyone. He just wanted to know if you were going to vote for him. I really think he hated the job and expected his employees to make him look good for re-election so he could obcess all day long on who was for him or against him. He and his minions told all the town employees they would be fired if he lost. Well, he lost but a lot of them are still there. Word out is that he's back to contruction with Casale. Guess Rifenberg didn't have a vacancy.
DeleteYES- thanking people is a good thing. Thanking them too much is patronizing and insincere.
DeleteJack is simply a very cordial individual. He appreciates effort and diligence to duty. Not a bad trait considering Langleys inability to even speak to people.
DeleteLangley was a mistake.
DeleteHe was by far the very worst politician this Town has ever had to endure.
SWF was clearly election rhetoric / voter fraud.
It was nothing but a ploy to get votes.
It worked until it was time to put up.
Then everyone knew it was nothing but a fraud.
We're seriously complaining that a man is saying thanking someone too much?!?! Good grief, get a life.
Deleteyup..! sad isn't it
Delete2/25 12:52 - its was Chump Defruscio and TrashBag Tirino that were going around EG and telling any Town employee they could find that they'd all be fired if Langley lost.
ReplyDeleteThank God those two worthless, unemployable jacka**es are gone !
Whats up with the Hampton Manor wells ?
ReplyDeleteOK..why is this just now coming into view? The Hampton Manor wells have been in operation for years. What is all this new fuss about?
ReplyDeleteSo we're the wells in Hoosick Falls.
DeleteThere have been serious issues with the HM water for years and the residents have always showed proof of this, each administration shrugged it off and did nothing about. Langley even went as far as claiming he has never heard anything about there being a problem with the HM water when a resident brought her filter to a meeting.
DeleteOk... go to the meetings & you can educate yourself!