Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Flush the East Greenbush Sewer Fee Increase!

The 4/13/16 East Greenbush Sewer Fee Increase Public Hearing (4/13/16) drew a full house, with supporters outnumbering opposition.  I opposed.
Councilperson Matters appears to be the only Board Member opposing the Sewer Fee Increase proposal.  Good for you, Mary Ann!  

The proposal would pay the $700,000 WWTP debt payment, which begins in 2017, using fund balances ($400,000/year) and fee increases (worth $300,000/year) over the next four years. 

I see the opportunity to resolve many Sewer District issues and I’ve provided the Town Board with a strategic plan which:
  • Converts the General Sewer District to an Assessed-Value tax basis;
  • Replaces the four $400,000/year annual WWTP debt payment fund balance usage ($1,600,000) with one or more hits totaling $700,000;
  • Shifts funding of the $400,000+ in annual payments to the Rensselaer County Water and Sewer Authority from fees to taxes; and
  • Supports debt and capital improvements with taxes and day-to-day Sewer District Operations& Maintenance
    with fees.
I also proposed investigating the allocation of the RCWSA payments and Sewer O&M, ensuring equity among the Districts.

The end result isn’t pretty, with combined Sewer tax and fee increases of General +35.5%; Hampton Manor +27.1%; Couse +31.8%; Third Avenue +18.0%.  But Sewer District funding would be correct and defensible, with fund balances remaining $900,000 larger.  These increases could be implemented over 1, 2 or 3 years, per the Town Board’s preference.

There will be another Public Hearing on 4/28/16. Tell the Town Board to Flush the Sewer Fee Increase and do this right the first time! 

Otherwise, the Sewer Fee Increases will be approved, the Town will continue raiding $400,000/year in fund balances and everything will be right in East Greenbush.  Until those fund balances run out!  Then what, folks??

Pete Stenson
East Greenbush


  1. Question; who is getting pinned for this increase ? What about the folks out in Luther who have no ability to use the new WWTP?

  2. No hook up to Town sewer? No fee for you !

    Just a HUGE Thank You to the Putz and Chump for this sewer debacle. You two idiots really screwed the taxpayers of EG good. Nice driving job Chumplee !
    Guess your really NOT driving the bus !

  3. As far as Rick Matters and his little feeler as he prepares to run for County Office- note to Rick;

    DON'T BOTHER. YOUR WASHED UP ! You've got a metric ton of garbage in your closet thats simply waiting to be brought into the light again.

  4. Matters v. Estes is more than enough ! Stop trying to blame McCabe and whomever else. RickMatters is a big boy and knew exactly what he was doing ! I call bullsh*t on your stupid conspiracy theory. Matters f-ed up the bruen contract years ago and he has no one else to blame. He did not know what he was doing and it showed !
    Matters should remain away from politics. He is washed up and ignorant. And as far as a county run - Good Luck with that ! NOT

  5. What went on with Matters and the Bruen contract?

    1. Nothing - absolutely nothing !
