Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Arrogance,Hypocrisy and Ignorance

Hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have beliefs, opinions, virtues, feelings, qualities, or standards that one does not actually have. Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.

The above definition is  the  epitomy of  Legislator  Cristo's  entire  political  existense. The proof is  there- his  vote on the County Budget and his  back-peddeling  while he tried to explain why he voted yes ,  his  vote for the  ridiculous  raise he  agreed to for  HVCC  staff - the same one he then openly  lied about  while he  criticized  Town  employee contracts. Lest we forget his  Town Board tenure -  ok  lets  forget it . He  really did nothing of  note and what little he  did do , he  screwed up-( transfer station, scrap contract, town vehicle auction) . We would be  remiss if we  failed to mention his hiring of his  friend and private business partner ,  Chris Defruscio who ran the DPW budget  $ 160,000  into the  red for  2010 and  he did it  while only  being there  10 out of  12 months !

The past two years , voters in East Greenbush have  sent  a clear message to Mike Cristo , yet  his  ego  will not allow him to fathom that  people are not  falling for his  continual attacks on Supervisor McCabe, Councilwomen OBrien, Mangold and Councilman Malone.

Lets  get to the basics of this  entire  mindset that our  County Representative  possesses.  For  starters - he's been beat the past  two elections, got  slapped pretty hard  this year , and to make matters  worse, Mangold only announced her  campaign about 45 days  prior to the  election while Cristo and Taylor  campaigned  for a  full year !  Not  bad  Sue , Good for  you !

Probably the best example of the  arrogance exhibited  has to be Cristo's empassioned  article  supporting his  friend - Lou Desso.    I believe  that anyone  who needs proof of  Desso's under-handed political tenure  should  simply  refer to :  http://www.northgreenbushpipeline.blogspot.com/  
They've got his number over in North Greenbush , and if you read back thru the  history of that blog , you'll see that they clearly have Cristos  number  as  well. 

After  reviewing the  County Budget page , we learned that contrary to the assertion of  Legislator cristo , 4.1 million  taxpayer  dollars  is  earmarked for  HVCC -  yup  4.1  million !    That is an  undisputed  fact - not  fictionalized , not imagined,  its  real  folks and  Cristo voted for a   roughly  3.75%  employee raise over  each of the next three/four years  for  staff @  HVCC.    The  sad part is  that he  owns  that  fact , but  then turns around  and  torpedoes the  Supervisor for agreeing to a  0% raise for 2011 and  3% for 2012 and 2013 .  -  OK  I'll say it - HUH?  Come on Man !?!

Normally , we would  walk away with our head held high after such a fantastic  victory this past November.  The  team of  resident  taxpayers who  clearly  wanted to  put a  stop to the  Taylor/Cristo ticket spoke loud and  clear and we all had one heck of a  celebration.  It was  worth all the  work and  effort. No one  is looking to  rub it in - just  want to get down to business.  The  losers  can't  seem to allow that to happen. 

  Town employees who were openly mocked and threatened  can now  relax and get back to work without  fear of  retribution and the loss of their  jobs.   The  labor unions  came out strongly and  sent a clear message to the  reform party and even though reform is  attempting to paint a  different picture of  the  Town workforce , our  Town employes have sent a very clear message by accepting the  0% wage increase for 2011.  In these uncertain financial times, that had to be one of the hardest  terms to agree to, especially when over the years , municipal employees were grossly underpaid.

Where's this post  going  and what's all the  fuss?    Simple - a clear message to ALL viewers - the  Town Labor Unions  have  stuck together AGAIN - to the benefit of  ALL taxpayers.  They ALL live in  East Greenbush as well, and this is  their  Town  too !  They vote and pay the  same  taxes  we  do, School ,   County , Ambulance District , Fire District, Library  and Town taxes - we all pay the  same !  

Just needed to clear a  few of those small misconceptions  up. 

Labor Unions are a  fact of life - they are the  cheapest form of  guaranteed  laborers for your workforce.  They have  evolved over the past twenty or so years. They are a force  to be reckoned with and that fact needs to be  recognised.   McCabe knows that , Cristo and Taylor still don't get it.
 Keep  poking  fun at the  labor  force and  watch your hopes for  2012 go down the drain again.  Be mindful and  wise to their needs and  wants - work with them and see the progress that your looking  for.   Once again, McCabe  is  savvy to that mindset. Cristo fights it with his  every  ounce of energy.


  1. I have to say, this whole post is on the money. The problem with with being a hypocrit and a liar, is that you can't remember the lies and stories that you have told. Here is one HUGE example. Quote from Mikie on his blog:
    "What is interesting is the fact that not only were positions added this year, but as you suggest a freeze when someone retires, not only did we not freeze the position, but we hired back three of the people who retired FROM those positions. The lack of logic is amazing... we are actually paying the same person twice to do the same job!"
    Well, buddy boy, didn't you hire Paul Mason AND Red Guynup last year to be DPW deputy commissioners?? Hadn't they both just retired??
    Doesn't this directly contradict what you railed about the current board doing??
    Dance your way out of that one!!
    I think we should all make it our job to find and post on this board all of the DIRECT and obvious lies and distortions this man has spewed over the last couple years. I gave it a good start!!

  2. I notice Christo has not answered the question I posed about the HVCC lies he was throwing around. Like I figured, he is up to the same old nonsense on his blog, not even publishing the question I sent.
    My question to the reform supporters: here are 2 blatant lies and examples of Christo's hypocrisy, how can you defend it? Bonnie, Ray, Don, Jim C??? Lets hear what you have to say.

  3. This was on the other website (Source: the Federal Govt):

    In 2010, among full-time wage and salary workers, union members had median usual
    weekly earnings of $917, while those who were not represented by unions had median
    weekly earnings of $717.

    Then you state: Labor Unions are a fact of life - they are the cheapest form of guaranteed laborers for your workforce.

    How do you reconcile your statement with that statistic? I'm not looking for a fight, I'm just trying to understand. You use the word "guaranteed". Is that they key factor in your statement? And what does that exactly mean? Thanks.

  4. 11:28- read USA TODAY paper - todays or yesterdays edition. You will find that 71% of Americans approve of labor unions.

  5. post from Gerald McEntee - President of AFSCME - AFL-CIO;

    "Late last week, Gov. Scott Walker introduced radical legislation that would deny nearly 200,000 union members in the state their full collective bargaining rights. Contracts would be limited to one year. Pay for members of our three Wisconsin councils would be cut and capped. Home health care and child care workers would be denied all collective bargaining rights, as would many employees working in the state universities and hospitals. The governor even threatened to send out the National Guard to our rallies, protests and demonstrations.

    And that’s not all.

    All other collective bargaining units in Wisconsin would be required to take annual votes to maintain certification as a union. Employers would be prohibited from collecting union dues. Members of collective bargaining units would not be required to pay dues. Unions would no longer be able to negotiate on issues such as health care, retirement or working conditions. All of these proposals are included in a thinly disguised ‘budget repair’ bill that also imposes pay cuts in the form of cost shifting for pensions and health insurance.

    These extraordinary and dangerous proposals may be voted on very soon by the state Legislature.

    Busloads of union members from surrounding states are pouring into Wisconsin to help stem this disastrous tide of union busting. You may live too far away to join your brothers and sisters on the Wisconsin battlefield, but you can still help by contributing to AFSCME PEOPLE, our political action fund. We need all the money we can raise to fight this fight and the ones to come."

    Union busting - is that what Cristo is up too?? Sounds like he and Taylor are going down that path. Dwight clearly could care less about Unions , or Government for that matter. Most of us are smart enough to dismiss Dwights ramblings - but a sitting County legislator ? WOW ! Union busting - serious charge - yet comparitively easy to prove based upon his writings.
    Pay attention - the above post is from the State of Wisconsin, NY has ALOT more unionized workers that could change ALOT more things than Wisconsin.

  6. Timmy...yup I'm still here !February 23, 2011 3:00 PM

    The comment above reads : they are the cheapest form of guaranteed labor - in other words - key phrase: guaranteed to show up more or less. If you've never experienced a non-union shop and the pitfalls of having people just simply not show up and could care less about it, then you apparently have NO IDEA what the author is referring to. There's a reason that most every municipality has union laborers employed. They need people to show up for work. I've never seen a group like you reform-( for lack of a better phrase) people. You can't read whats in front of you and if you don't agree with it- its obviously flawed. That's why your so predictably ignorant about real world.
    Go ahead and write some snappy comeback now because you absolutely have to - your EGO can't stop your fingers from writing some arrogant retort! Your not looking for a fight - bullsh*t ! Your baiting a conversation so you can write some crap like you've done the past two months. I watch and read - your easily identifiable . You left out the important part of the statement above : cheapest form of guaranteed labor - maybe not the best ...but the key words are cheapest and guaranteed. I got it and fully understood it reading it the first time!

  7. Timmy, I do not know any of the people on this blog or the other blog and I am not looking for an argument. And I did not leave out anything. I did specifically ask about the term "guaranteed". And I did quote the exact phrasing used. Your assertions and your anger is misplaced. I am not looking for an argument but what's wrong with asking a few questions and discussing these things?

    11:49am did not answer my question and I sent in another comment stating that, but at least you provide some answer. The key is showing up to work. That seems a little weak to me. There are others who work for the Town (and the State and the Feds) who are not unionized and they seem to show up to work with no problem; especially these days when people want to hold onto whatever job they may have. And if showing up to work is guaranteed, then why does this Town have an incentive in place for employees to show up to work and not use sick leave? And if Union members are guaranteed to show up to work, why then did we see what happened in Wisconsin when 40% of the unionized teachers did not show up to work?

    I just found the term cheapest form of guaranteed laborers a little odd. Why would there be unions if it meant that they would bring about the least amount of pay and benefits to their members? I am actually pro union, and have been in unions, and believe that there needs to be a balance between corporations (or govt management) and workers. But I do believe union members are among the best compensated employees and I believe there is nothing wrong with that (but as a taxpayer I believe in some reasonable limits for govt unions; we only have so much money). But I do believe that to say Union members are the cheapest is contary to the aims/ambitions of Unions and also contrary to the facts.

  8. Napoleon doesn't get it. What a mistake was made to elect him to anything. He does nothing but pontificate and lie! He takes little facts that he thinks support his tiny part of the argument and then disregards the rest. GOV. WALKER WANTS TO BREAK WISCONSIONS UNION RIGHTS TO COLLECTIVELY BARGAIN. When unions negotiate it is called bargaining MIKEY. Not take it or leave it. MIKE CRISTO WANTS TO BREAK UNIONS. This is from his blog in reference to Wisc.
    "The Wisconsin debate isn't against Unions, it is an attempt to redirect the shift or focus of how we allocate tax payer dollars. At some point it will be prudent for people to move to an area where there is a great proportion of workers than those who receive from the government. The government can not take care of the people, without the people doing their fair share. Municipal Unions depend on tax payers to fund them. Continual increases and one sided contracts that benefit the unions and support politicians that negotiate those contracts, is not a formula for success."

  9. Anony 3:55.....Very well said!! I simply wish that the name calling and the pejorative language could calm down a bit so that issues and ideas could be addressed. Seems that a lot of folks who visit here are more interested in calling people names and making wise cracks (yup, yup, giggle giggle, etc.) than in engaging in constructive conversation.

    It would be interesting to take a calm look at the recent Town contract. Did anybody do analysis of the outyear impact of the deal? There was a missed opportunity to get some compromise I think. A small example: Since the transfer station is not an emergency service, why can't hours be adjusted to avoid overtime? May I have a calm answer to the question? I'm beginning to think that OT has been "institutionalized" as a method to secure raises without Board action.

    There are also lots of cash add-ons to stated salaries which get disbursed in addition to raises - insurance buy back, longevity and of course the legendary "sick-leave incentive." There is a real problem with the last one since taxpayers pay for it twice - in cash when it is not used and then when the retained credits are used to pay for retirement health insurance. (This provision was "sunset" four years ago and got added back under dubious circumstances. I don' think we've seen the last of that issue.) Lots of "hidden" stuff in addition to the percentage raises. Our discussion in EG is really not about the importance of unions (which I support), but the abuse of the relationship between the administration and the workforce. I think it is a "mutual admiration society" which leaves the interests of the local taxpayer in the lurch.

  10. Sick-leave incentive is there but quite frankly - its very rarely awarded. To make such a big deal out of it is premature. I would recommend that we ask Jim Breig exactly how many employees were actually awarded the sick leave incentive for 2010. I believe the number to be very low - but hey - I've been wrong before. Compared to the amount of overtime that would have been needed to cover some of the medical leave - if there's a way to compare those numbers, I believe the sick leave incentive to be a financial success - limited but successful.

    Once again - I believe it also very important to remind all of us reading and writing here that these employees are also residents of this Town , and they all pay the same tax burden we are complaining about here. Up unitl about 7 years ago, the employees of East Greenbush were grossly underpaid when compared to other municipalities. Parity only came after years of negotiations.

    OT; - quick and dirty here : a necessary evil - not the best explanation but its honest and quite frankly - its the truth. Can it be controlled better ? You betcha it can.

  11. Cristo is a Union buster and so are the people who support him and Taylor. Its real clear- they hate Union workers - they both come from the private sector - and neither of them could care less about municipal employees. Mike has a history of hiring any bloke off the street - working him like a dog and terminating him immediately when the job is completed. That's how Cristo works, uses people-( friends included) and throws them away when they are no longer valueable to him. Taylor acts much the same way.
    Interesting article in yesterdays USA TODAY -


    takes the steam right out of mr union busters arguments.
    UNION-BUSTER also made it very clear when he first was appointed to the Town Board that he could bust a union with little or no problem. Way to go Mikie ! Hows that working for ya ??

  12. I believe the purpose of labor is to get the most amount of pay for their labor and the purpose of management is to get the most amount of labor for the least amount of money.
    The problem with public employee unions is you do neccesarily have a "management"negotiation.It is logical to me that if you do a budget on a yearly basis why then wouldn't labor contracts be the same way.
    thanks,just my two cents--mike mcdonald

  13. Timmy.........lmaoFebruary 26, 2011 1:51 PM

    I believe that the complaining over there is absolutely hilarious! They are all yelling because the PBA didn't give any money to Ann or Mike - ok WHY WOULD THEY??? Why in the name of Don would they give money to candidates looking to eliminate the Police, the Dispatchers and anyone associated with the Police?? Mike cried because he says he was misquoted- I don't think so! There's too many people who heard and knew better. The PBA , the Police Officers Union all knew exactly what they were doing. They made the correct choice !

  14. How funny is that...they are complaining because the EG PBA didn't give Ann & Mike any donations. Duh....

    The drones are trying to make it seem like a cardinal sin that the Democrats accepted money. I'm pretty sure the Reformers would have accepted any donation offered. What a sad little group.

  15. Speaking of ........what did Mike Cristo ever accomplish while he was a Board member? Anyone??

    And...he took credit for the cyber-bullying legislation that Phil Danaher actually authored. Cristo just smiled for the camera- as usual.
    So - what has he ever done for East Greenbush?

  16. Folks: Here's the concern about the PBA...

    The recent mail solicitation the PBA sent out seeking donations listed a number of very nice organizations the PBA supports. But they somehow "forgot" to include the fact that they also made political donations to the Democratic Committee. And the PBA being less than fully truthful or completely honest with taxpayers is very much the issue.

  17. Way I see it is this - the PBA may have been sending a message - " stop talking about abolishing our jobs and then denying that you said it " Just my thoughts! And- quite frankly - exactly how much money are we talking about anyway? - NATE? Issue about $25.00 or so is a NON-ISSUE. If its a substantial donation - ok. Kinda makes me feel good that they chose winners though! I donate to the PBA every year and will continue to do so - regardless of whatever. I think the real issue is just like Cristo and Taylor bitching because Jimino and many of the County Republicans walked away from the reform campaign - and many-many others in East Greenbush walked away from Cristo and her sends a very clear message and they don't like it. Mikes "power grab" didn't pan out - too bad!

  18. How much we talking here - $600.00 - like the check Cristo wouldn't pay for two years??? Looking for a little distraction Mikie?? Your a loser and an liar to boot. Jimino knows an idiot when she see's one - its little wonder she wouldn't endorse or contribute to your campaign- your a LOSER!

  19. $175.00 - that's what they're complaining about?? Unless I miss my guess, I do believe it was for the annual golf tournament - and I checked back - republicans never had a golf tourny...so quite honestly - what's all the fuss? Once again - SORE LOSERS -

  20. The staff at HVCC did get generous raises. But guess what...when they retire they don't get free health care, they have to pay the entire cost. If I worked there I would rather they pay my health care costs than get the raises they negotiated. As a taxpayer I would rather pay for those raises when the employee is working than pay for thier health care when they retire. Any EGB employees want the same deal? Betcha not...they get raises and health care after retirement.

  21. 12:33 - you have absolutely no idea what your talking about - do you? You just spew garbage- prove your facts or is it just political rhetoric to try and deflect some of the damage attributed to Cristo and Desso? Your barking again with nothing of substance to back your point.

    Health care for EGB employees is not free after they retire either- where are you getting that information? They get cola increases once in a while...not guaranteed.

  22. Do ya think this is why Wisconsin Gov. Walker (R) wants to kill collective bargaining for State employees??? Unions tend to support Democrats!!!

  23. retired EG worker- and damn proud of itFebruary 27, 2011 6:19 PM

    I'm retired from the Town and I contribute to my health care - where's this free healthcare? My wife and i had to plan for my retirement.
    I'm covered under her health care, where's the free health care for retired EG employees?

    1233 - show or prove TO ME where you get your info from.
    Oh , I'll take the 3.75% raise Cristo gave them the next three years , I don't get that, why should they? Prove your information or shut up !

  24. $175. is more than the economic development coordinator ever brought to the Town in revenue!! That's where the jealousy lays apparently.

  25. yeah, there's a few numbers to go after, Nate. Why don't you put your big boy pants on and tell us just how much money AT and MC cost this town? Why don't you add up all the money, time and effort that was spent on the Town of EG Staff in all the senseless audits, FOILS,etc. that came from you people. Instead of dealing with the real issues, and they so know and knew of them, they chose to do everything in their power to demote this town instead of promote this town. Wasn't that what AT's $7,000 a year position was for as Economic Development coordinator. Again, a total disgrace to this town and its residents, instead of dealing with the real issues of this town, they chose to be the political gadflies that they totally are. Way to go, hey Nate, why not go after your own and ask why??? Maybe when you get above curfew age, you'll have more time to address these issues and the true damage your people have done to the residents and businesses of this town.

  26. That's the operative word...contribute. What your contribution doesn't cover is free and paid for by the taxpayer's of EGB. By the way, since the town doesn't share info what is your contribution rate?

  27. Hey Anon@8:06....You might want to tone down your jaw flap a bit about what has been discovered via FOILs and audits. By my quick count, might just be up in the neighborhood of a million or so (that's dollars). This includes both inappropriately controlled and just plain GONE into unentitled pockets. I'd quit crowing if I were you. The Piper hasn't been paid yet.

    And by the way, I don't think Ann Taylor was paid anything by the Town.

  28. that figure is YOUR math - not everyones,and is tainted by your desire to embarass and trash the current supervisor and board. ALL because your candidates LOST.
    "Gone into unentitled pockets" is YOUR version - and its OLD news.
    Pay your bill and shut up - you owe the taxpayers. Stop trying to deflect your debt to EGB. Your wasting tax dollars with your senseless and endless foils- all for what? what felony crime have you found- what prosecutor is going to do anything about it? I didn't think so!
    Go blog over there- where you and the rest of your delusional followers roost - people interested in getting along with the business of the Town couldn't care less with your psycho-babble.

  29. My dear anonymous person 7:22 -- unless you have read every document yourself (as many of us have) and drawn your own conclusions you are just mouthing the words of the very people who continue to bleed us all -- including you -- dry.
    There is no old news as long as there is no attempt by the current administration to engage in some real reflection regarding how money is spent and do some serious belt-tightening.
    Have you kept up with local, state and national news? The operative word is "enough".
    But oh no, not this administration. Keep spending and raising taxes.

  30. OK then riddle me this - why are you NOT b*tching and complaining about the County Tax Levy? -( because Mikie voted YES for it?)
    I enjoy this Town and paid my taxes without complaint. I find not nearly the malfesance:
    "The commission of an act that is unequivocally illegal or completely wrongful"
    that you and your supporters over there claim.
    So - other than you disagree with the way things are being run in Town - what felony -level crimes are being committed here in EGB?
    There is plenty of effort by the current administration to handle finances - you just don't agree with any of it. Unless you have some other form of direct knowledge of wasteful spending on behalf of the Town - please do tell - I can't help but watch the news every single day and I don't quite get the "enough" part - unless of course your referring to the rising price of crude oil !
    Most of our Nation is still realing from a recession fueled-( pun intended) by Big Oil being overly greedy. Other than that - if you continually terminate employees and they all go on unemployment - who's paying the bill then? - You and me anyway - NO? Unemployment is funded by all of NY - NO?

    Town spending is and has been tightly controlled over the past 18 months. What exactly are you referring too? McCabe ordered an "austerity" budget when your boy cristo was still breathing town board air - or didn't mikie tell you that? Your all flapping away over there because you have no say and your people are clearly on the outside looking in - sucks doesn't it? You make enemies quicker than Moammar Gadhafi. Keep the unrest and backstabbing over there in reform -land. We're doing just fine here - whether you like it or not !

  31. Dear 4:04 -- you act as though you know me but I daresay you do not.
    If I failed to specifically mention Rensselaer County, sorry but frankly -- if they are overspending then they should get their act together also. I really don't care much for Jimino's tenure there -- but then I have never been a supporter of Republicans in general.
    You mentioned termination of employees but you know that there are lots and lots of other ways to pare down costs.
    You mention the Supervisor has called for an austerity budget. Can you give me a concrete list of cuts that were instituted by the Supervisor before Cristo et al did the 2010 budget? I'll bet you can't.
    This town had a 2.5 million dollar debt long before the world's fiscal crisis was a gleem in Bernie Madoff's eye.
    I guess you must be an insider since you say you are doing just fine.
    By the way -- did you see the article in the TU today about Bethlehem's DPW father and son? To change the topic -- what do you think about nepotism in the workplace?

  32. Retired EG TaxpayerMarch 02, 2011 12:34 PM

    512 - YOU failed to answer any of the questions posed to YOU. Your just looking for an argument.
    you MUST be one of them.

  33. YES ! I'm extremely content and VERY HAPPY with the way the Town is progressing forward - despite ALL the bullsh*t coming from team Taylor. The Majority of East Greenbush residents are happy as well! You all over there can throw all the mud you like, spin all the non-issues you want, write all your "innocent little questions" which are nothing more than bait so you can yell- NO ONE CARES EXCEPT YOUR LITTLE GROUP OF MAL-CONTENTS!

  34. The below is posted by one of them over there - will answer it here because we all KNOW that Taylor will never-ever print the truth !

    "One is why does it seem so hard for Supervisor McCabe to share the whole, complete and accurate story with taxpayers? Why are we always scrambling to collect information he should supply openly? Why does getting the whole story require FOILs and multiple questions?

    Two is why does the Town Board either give the Supervisor so much apparent authority or put a different way why doesn't the Town Board do its own job and fully manage what is going on in our town?

    There has to be answers to these simple or basic questions. The Supervisor and Town Board obviously see anyone who asks a question as an opponent when the reality may well be all someone wants to know is whole story behind something that is going on in town."
    - Answer to #1 : the supervisor conducts the business of the Town ALL DAY LONG and he basically summarizes his hours of meetings and talks. Because he doesn't give you the blow-by-blow of eveery single thought and tid-bit is just too damn bad ! You think that he's always holding something back - HE's NOT. His day is over full and he basically summarizes what he's been exposed to, and half the time he's doing his very best to negotiate ALOT of business on behalf of ALL Town Residents and all yoou do is find fault! Give the guy a break - he doesn't have a traveling secretary going with him all the time- he's doing ALOT more than you complainers know about.

    Answer to #2: The Supeervisor is FULL-TIME- board members are PART-TIME. Ask your own Rick Matters the very same question. The supervisor does all he can and the board does what they can when they can- including your own Rick Matters

    You people feel that there's always something being hidden. Get a life and stop thinking everything is a conspiracy theory.

  35. "Before you go thinking I'm anti-union, on the contrary. I believe Unions have a significant place and need to be protected, but to a certain extent. While we live in a day when paying for the rights of others becomes more and more difficult, we need to adjust our expectations a bit. Perhaps keeping your job is more important than increasing the rewards paid to it by the general public especially in an environment where many people are out of work and can't make ends meet."

    Above is a direct quote from Mr. cristo - I rest my case about hypocrisy ! I knew he would change his tune again to suit his political needs !
