Monday, May 28, 2012

Today is Memorial Day

Although established to commemorate those who died in the service of their Country, Memorial Day (formerly Decoration Day) is virtually indistinguishable from Veterans Day (formerly Armistice Day) which honors all veterans of all wars.   

Regardless, be sure to think of those who gave their lives for this great Nation and their families who endured their loss. 

Thank those veterans who are still with us. 

They fought and many died so that we could enjoy the liberty and prosperity that we do today.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Please keep the family and friends of Daniel Tobin in your thoughts and prayers. 

Mr. Tobin is the worker who was electrocuted Friday at the Couse Roundabout.

Friday, May 25, 2012

2012 Memorial Day Parade

The 2012 Memorial Day Parade will be held on Saturday, May 26th. The parade will begin in the parking lot of the Spare Time Bowling Alley, 570 Columbia Turnpike, at 10:00 a.m.

The parade route is as follows:

-East on Columbia Turnpike

-Right on to Hays Road

-Services to be held at the East Greenbush Cemetery

-Continue on Hays Road to the East Greenbush VFW 7338

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Shred Day - May 19th

The City of Rensselaer and the Town of East Greenbush will join together on Saturday, May 19th, 11a.m. to 1p.m. at the East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike to host a document shredding day.
The East Greenbush and Rensselaer Police Departments encourage all residents to help prevent identity theft by bringing unwanted papers containing personal information to be shred. It is open to Town of East Greenbush and City of Rensselaer residents and is free of charge. No businesses.

 •Only documents containing personal identifying information will be accepted (i.e. bills, bank statements, old checks).

 •Please do not bring books, magazines or newspapers and other recyclables.

 •Staples and paper clips do not need to be removed.

 •Please remove all metal from hanging file folder and spiral bound notebooks.

 •Please limit the amount of items to be destroyed to 2-3 file boxes.

•You will need to dispose of any boxes, cartons, etc. used to transport your items to be shredded. These items will not be shredded or disposed of by the Town.

For more info, contact:
Angelina Cadena – Town of East Greenbush
(518) 477-5842

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee

The Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee has scheduled a meeting for Monday, May 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held in the Community Room at Town Hall and is open to the public.

Friday, May 4, 2012

East Greenbush Central School District Vote Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - 7:00AM - 9:00PM

The following comes from the EGCSD 2012/2013 Budget Issue of FOCUS.  You may wish to consult FOCUS for Budget Details, Candidate Statements, Voter Information, Voter Registration and Voting Districts Information.

(see for more details about the Porposed Budget)
0.46% School Budget Increase
2.39% Estimated Tax Levy Increase

Proposition #1 - 2012-2013 BUDGET: $85,121,842 as proposed by the Board of Education, be adopted for the school fiscal year 2012/2013 and the levy of taxes be assessed therefore in accordance with law.
Proposition #2 - SCHOOL BUSES: The purchase of two (2) wheelchair buses at a cost not to exceed $157,400. The funds for the purchase of these buses will come from the May 2010 voter-approved Bus Purchase Reserve Fund.
BOARD OF EDUCATION CANDIDATES: Voters will be asked to fill three Board of Education vacancies: The vacancies are for three-year terms commencing on July 1, 2012 and expiring on June 30, 2015.
Candidate #1:    JoAnn Taylor
Candidate #2:    John J. Dunn, Jr.
Candidate #3:    Susan Garrigan-Piela

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Board of Ethics Meeting

The Board of Ethics will hold a meeting on Monday, May 7th at 7p.m. The meeting will be held at Town Hall.