Thursday, May 3, 2012

Board of Ethics Meeting

The Board of Ethics will hold a meeting on Monday, May 7th at 7p.m. The meeting will be held at Town Hall.


  1. For all of everyone's complaining about the ethics of the current "majority" on the board...I will look for an explanation from them just as soon I hear one from Defruscio, Langley, Matters concerning the underhanded dealings that went on before the election and Langley's total acceptance of them. If he was not okay with the actions of Chris, he wouldn't be "buds" with him...which he obviously is since he has been seen riding around with him and visiting him at his place of business.

    1. Timmy - yup ~ yup !!May 06, 2012 1:00 PM

      Langley is nothing but a "puppet" for Denfruscion and his master - CHRISTO ! This town is screwed so long as CHRISTO has any say at all - which he does - Denfruscion simply isn't smart enough to act on his own. The absolute mean and nasty part of the REPUBLICAN CHAIRMAN comes directly from CHRISTO and his side kick - "little miss giggle~giggle- boom-boom ! This town will suffer from the inadequate Supervisor - his overbearing secretary and the likes of Denfruscion until we vote Matters away and get back to business ! This Town is way better off without Langley, Matters, Defruscion , Eileen Grant and the Johnson crew! They are so out of touch and way out in left field!

    2. Whenever someone asks the puppets for an explanation for the goings on of the Republicans or whatever they call themselves these days, notice how they clam up. They never have another word to say...give it a few days...and then start right in with another rant. Of course Cristo, Defruscio and Co. are running the show...Langley most likely does as he is told. As far as Ann and Mike not doing a political can see their comments under the names of's all in how you play the game.

    3. You hit the nail on the head Steph !
      Cristo and his band of merry idiots don't want to answer any questions regarding the dirty , under-handed dealings of the Republican Chairman and his henchmen !
      Many people are fully aware of exactly who the dirty wanna-be's are and what they're up too. You simply can't disguise stupid !

    4. I see Taylor is back writing again - anonymously - over on the Don Johnson blog. Go figure !
      Her vile and venomous tongue wasn't missed. She must be out of work again !

    5. To Timmy (5/6)
      I'm sure Langley will see the light of day soon if he hasn't already. What was Tom Grant's comment about at the TB Mtg. Those Grants are a bunch of bullies; they're not for the SUPE - they want what they want; they want their son to get a job; maybe even "good old Dad." The Dems like Langley; its the Republicans who are going to screw him over; and he doesn't seem to see the light of day on that one! As far as Ms. Grant, she's in it to keep an eye on everything for the Repubs. She's real good at being nosey!

  2. How do you know that Taylor is writing on the Gadfly blog if the comments are anonymous?

    1. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, smells like a duck.....its Taylor !

  3. dearest 3:17 - puhleez tell me your not that naive? You must surely remember her vicious diatribes from the past and God forbid you disagreed with her or cristo......whoa !!! Mouth wash was never strong enough for Anne !
    Bonnie writes passionately about things that were written during the 2010 campaign, when Taylor and Cristo went head first into the destruction of what was left of the Town Republican party.
    The day Cristo anointed his best friend Defruscio as head of the DPW - most anyone who has been in EGB more than a year knew that nothing but trouble was sure to follow.!
    Johnson was one of the biggest complainers about what people wrote on the TALKS blog....well ~ well ~ well ! Look at what Ole Donnie boy is approving over on his blog ! HYPOCRIT ?!?!?!

    1. Whistling Past the CemeteryMay 15, 2012 6:17 PM

      Don is the epitome of a hypocrite.
      He constantly whines and complains about what HE thinks is important in Town and how HE thinks the Town should be run. His news interview with his pal Dwight , tomorrow evening ought to be very interesting ! And how - pray tell is the Town supposed to fund all your demands Don ? If they raise taxes to meet your demands, you'll scream and bitch then too !! You can't have your cake and eat it too. The business agenda that the Town Board follows is within their means and obviously has NOTHING to do with what you , Jenkins , Mooney and the rest of you think is important. Get over it. You'll sleep better !

    2. Dear Whistlepuss...The interfund borrowing from Sewer/Water in the amount of $2.5 million (when the $2.5 million was supposed to be used to benefit the Sewer/Water projects) was the direct cause of the Moody's dropping the EG Bond rating to Junk. Some folks with the authority to make policy over 10 years was not thinking very clearly, and they are responsible for the poop in the Hudson and the Junk bond rating. Time to step up and take the medicine.

      You can ask the former Supe and his Board what happened to that money.

    3. easy - it was used to pay off the municiple bonds accrued under Angelini. That's a no tax increase for 4-6 years - where did you think that money was coming from? He bonded everything !
      Get your facts straight....

    4. I believe it went into the General Fund, and was not repaid within the provisions of the law - and that makes it illegal. Not being repaid, made the transfer the direct cause of the Junk bond rating. And there was a whole bunch of unapproved spending from the General fund. Are you trying to make the case that no tax increase in the General Fund justifies a Junk bond rating?

      If this kind of mischief was not hidden from the taxpayer, this kind of mismanagement wouldn't get out of hand.

    5. Anony @12:57... Just a couple of things. Since only a portion of the Town's taxpayers pay Sewer/Water taxes, wouldn't it seem a bit unfair (if not illegal) to take the S/W funds which belong to a smaller group of taxpayers and pay off the general bonded debt of the municipality, as you suggest? And shouldn't the debt service on a general municipal obligation be built into the Town's budget? A perfect example of ad hoc governing - otherwise known as "making it up as you go along."

    6. Lets see … only one Board Member present for the debacle remains ... Rick Matters.

      Ginny O’Brien was on the Town Board back in 1999 and returned in 2010.

      Phil Malone and Sue Mangold came on the Town Board in late 2010.

      Danaher was on the Town Board from 2004 – 2010. Cristo from 2006 – 2010.

      Matters came on the Town Board in 2008.

      So let's not try to lay blame on the current mambers. Their the ones trying to fix the situation.

    7. But that doesn't fit into Dons grand plan to tarnish and destroy Ginnys reputation !! The simple and instant fact is that the REPUBLICANS knew about this problem WAY LONGER than ole Donnie wants anyone to remember ! What did Cristo and Danaher do about it??!! NOTHING!! They never even tried !
      Don and Ray are trying to come off as the saviors of EGB - OK- Ray hasn't lived here but a second and Don - well his past history speaks volumes for his character ! My thought - go ahead donnie - publish your little blasphemy in the Advertiser for all the people to see what a total fool you are ! Do it ! Your losing credibility by the second ! Keep going - your the Dems best asset !

    8. Here we go again with the "it's all your fault because you didn't stop me" excuse so recently used by Mr. McCabe. I think we've seen in the behavior of the current Board majority that it is possible for three people to roll over two without much trouble, especially when the general public is not aware of the goings on.

  4. How priceless the Cristo/Defruscio minions are,and hypocrites as well !
    Think back people, to when Officer Boel was getting jammed up for bringing two under-age girls into a downtown Albany Nightclub. Mike Cristo wrote passionately about how it was such a complete disservice to the taxpayer to not be able to fire Boel or bring him up on charges criminally. Boel resigned from his position .
    WOW- now Cristo and his fan club want Boel to be the Deputy Chief of Police ! Go figure - flop around much? - change your opinion to suit your political agenda much ? Speak outa both sides of your mouth much ?
    There's one thing that appears to be true - is that regardless of how badly cristo gets beat in Town elections - his EGO is still out of control !
    He still thinks people have some amount of respect for his political double-speak ! His self infatuation with his public perception is second to none ! Thank God the people of East Greenbush can see thru his veiled political B-S !

    1. Does anyone really care what Mike Cristo says? Anyone?? He has demonstrated over the past few years that he clearly dislikes the Deputy Chief of Police and Cristo will take every opportunity to discredit him and the East Greenbush Police no matter what the topic is. The published decision reads quite clearly that the members of the New York State Police and the Town Police were cleared after the initial investigation.
      Nice try Cristo - there are way too many around who know your real story - you should focus on defending yourself and your friends rather than attempting to deflect your much deserved criticism and well deserved and well earned negative image ! When do we vote you out ??? We ALL need to mark that day on the calender ! Ethics?? WOW - before those over on the Gadfly start churning up too much - they need look no further than the Party leader himself !! He should have been arrested for his stunt this past October .

    2. Cristo at it again ??? Go figure ! The man doesn't know when to quit! Condo has more credibility than that defunct little has-been will ever have! Stay strong Condo - people know the truth !

  5. They think he writes here !! Laughs on you. He would be forbidden to speak until the appeals process is over - ask Suzanne people are disgusting !

    1. They have no idea of the half of what they write about . Its obvious. Watched with great anticipation the BIG REVEALING INTERVIEW! WOW !
      Don - you need psychiatric help - immediately !
      Dwight - I see nothing has changed - oh....BTW : your village called again !

  6. OK- enough already . Until the appeals process is over - we're done with this. If those on the Gadfly want to keep it going - that is the prerogative of the blog master over there. We are finished here. Move on .

  7. Did anyone see the 11:00 news? Lambdin did a follow-up on his 6:00 news report and he stated that he would continue to monitor the sewage issue to see whether the town would follow through on its promise to comply with DEC's order. Apparently he does not think Dwight or Don have a credibility problem. Now I suppose you are going to say he is crazy too.

    1. on the contrary....Bill Lambdin is a well respected reporter for many years in the Capital District. What you all fail to see is that while discussions are ongoing between DEC and EGB, it would be wholly inappropriate to comment or speculate. Lambdin knows this , he is just pandering to Johnson and Jenkins, looking to sensatioanlize this story a bit !

  8. The Board authorized hiring Robert Gonzalez to moderate a group seminar for the purpose of determining the short and long range plans for modifications to the Wastewater Treatment Facility, associated pump stations, and infrastructure at the APRIL meeting.

    Appears their working on it.

  9. Did anyone see last night's news? Again Bill Lambdin covered pollution in the Hudson -- this time PCB's and mercury contamination. EG was again mentioned. And now the Feds are involved. All of this pollution violates the Clean Water Act.
    I am glad that Bill L got involved so that we are all informed. It is clear that the DEC was complicit in the EG pollution issue. So now, hopefully the Feds will intervene. No doubt this has encouraged our Town officials to address the problem once and for all.
    This is our grandchildren's lives and health at stake here

  10. On the Ray/Don Gadfly blog, the rhetoric is running rampant. Ray/Don says they are not political and there is no manipulation on their blog...everything is factual. Yet, why is Ray/Don always condemning the Democrats and their leadership and saying that the Democrats control the Board. If we refer to the Ray/Don blog on Poop Perps, you will see that in 2008 and 2009 Danaher, Matters and Cristo were all on the board together with 2 Democrats, Kennedy and McCabe. What did Cristo, Danaher, and Matters do about ethics, poop in the river, deficits and any of the other problems that the Democrats are being accused of. Lets be fair Ray/Don, Danaher was on the board for 6 years - not a word on any of these issues. Cristo - 3 years - not a word and Matters 7 years...again not a word. Ray/Don, do you believe we the voters, should take your word about not being political when you cast blame on every Democrat you come in contact with, but refuse to question the actions of Cristo, Danaher and Matters? Cristo is the self-professed savior of East Greenbush, yet no questions on his action as a board member. Sorry, you have no credability Ray/Don.

    Also, on Special Board Meeting blog, a person commented on May 25, 11:12, calling Phil Malone a punk. I must say, someone calling another person a punk without using their own name is really a punk and a coward. Grow a pair and tell Phil to his face or at least sign your name..or forever be thought of as a scared, little man.

    1. J.C. - I anxiously awaited for a reply from Ray Mooney or Don Johnson as to what Cristo, Danaher and Matters have done with their time on the board. Everyone knows they had total control of the board for 2 years and obviously wasted their opportunity.

      I really didn't expect Ray or Don to respond to your questions, but hoped I was wrong. Read the Gadfly response and you'll see that he totally ignored your questions and continues to blame the Democrats. Yet, they claim Ray and Don are just good guys, concerned citizens - what a joke!

      I don't expect to get an answer from Ray or Don but here goes....What do you two find so scarey about Cristo, Matters and Danaher that you are afraid to acknowledge that they are just as guilty as anyone?

      My opinion is, J.C., that the only one who might have the courage to admit Cristo, Danaher and Matters did nothing when they had the opportunity is Dwight Jenkins. He seems to be able to speak his mind without fear. We shall see.....

    2. Okay...let's look at the facts. Ray and Don have come up with a list of complaints - ethics code, poop in the river, and bond ratings among others. Matters has been on the board for 7 years, not his fault...Danaher for 6 years...not his fault, and Cristo 3 years...not his fault either! Now we have O'Brien-3 years..her fault..Mangold..less than 1 1/2 years...yep...her fault....and Malone 1 1/2 years...and again....his fault....Ray and Don actually want us to believe it's their fault.

      Ray and Don, we can see what you obviously can't. If most of these issues have been around for many years, wouldn't the group of people who have had extended terms on the board be culpable to a higher degree? Ray & Don...stop claiming to be non-political when it is obvious that the both of you are bullies and manipulators of the facts for your own agenda.

      Ginny, Sue and Phil - don't lose faith - the majority of residents support and have faith in what you guys can accomplish. We know you're working on the issues. Ginny, you will find out how much we appreciate you in November 2013 when you are re-elected.

      Ray, can we get some Friehofer's Chocolate Chip cookies to celebrate Ginny's re-election? We can agree on the fact that they are good cookies!

    3. They are the most arrogant,obnoxious and self-serving pair ! Expect nothing but denial and a smoke screen. They like to portray all the folks on their "hit-list" as under-handed politicians and people with connections - yet they fail to acknowledge the " less than stellar" performance of Cristo-Danaher-Matters while those three clearly had direct knowledge of ALL the same problems.

      As far as Ray and Don are concerned - WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK! Obviously the voters in EGB don't give a damn - and apparently neither does anyone who watches TV either ! No real uproar from anyone except the very few people who clearly have an axe to grind with the Town. STBU !

  11. We published the list of all Board members and Planning board members. We published the links to all the documents we could get related to the Orders on Consent. Fact is that DEC's letters went originally to the Town Attorney in the first several instances, and then to the Supervisor. There is no record of any Resolutions for Board approval of DEC fines - until the current one.

    The failure to address began in 2000 with names like Halloran, McCabe, Benko and Mangold. Weren't there 4 Orders on Consent before your favorite targets even came on the scene?

    Is there any record of questions from Benko or Mangold on the Planning board early on about the environmental impact of projects?

    1. see Anonymous May 25, 2012 6:49 AM

      Didn't CDM have to authorize the Orders on Consent?

      Didn't the Orders on Consent specify the fines??

      Did CDM not know what they were doing?

      Theres PLENTY OF BOARD MEMBERS TO SHARE THE BLAME! Not just the Dems! Ray/Don won't dare admit it.

      Also the earlier Orders on Consent, including the Fifth Modification, gave the Town credit for "an estimated total of 100,000 gallons per day (GPD) due to the closure of two industrial users in the Town (Fuji Film & Albany

      SOOOOOOOO, the Planning Board was very likely operating in compliance when considering development proposals.

      Ray/Don hate when the facts don't fit their distorted perverse reality or position!

      Take a hike, boys!

    2. Those are GREAT questions, Anonymous. Now suppose you do some of the grunt work and produce the Minutes and Resolutions which document the Board's activity related to the Orders on Consent - like authorizations to disburse funds to pay the fines.

      You might also want to find the Planning Board minutes which document the evaluation of the environmental impact of development projects in the context of remaining credit from Fuji and AI.

      From what I've seen of the records, the Orders on Consent were sent to the Town Attorney and later the Supervisor. It would be interesting to see the nature and extent of the shared knowledge. The only way to do that is through business records.

    3. the prosecution must prove its case not the defense. dig away

    4. Ole Donnie boy just refuses to see that his boyz , Danaher, Matters and the second son of Christ-(christo) are as complacent in this mess, and even more so than OBrien, Mangold and Malone ! Don and Ray: your both political stooges for Denfruscion and his mentor - Christo! You two have nothing ~ NOTHING but distorted points of view. AND when this sewer treatment plant gets the 2million+ renovation - I hope every taxpayer in EGB screams at both of you ALL day , every day !! You morons bother to check with other local municipalities along the Hudson to see that ALMOST EVERY ONE OF THEM DUMPS INTO THE HUDSON AS WELL ??? NO--because that doesn't fit your plan..idiots !

    5. The 2 million plus cash was in the sewer/water funds years ago until your mentors looted it for stipends and an MOA and illegal hiring.

    6. 5:49....Aren't you prosecuting CDM? Where are your documents?

    7. Gadfly,

      Not prosecuting CDM at all … pointing out alternatives.

      Couldn't agree more when 6:07 says Theres PLENTY OF BOARD MEMBERS TO SHARE THE BLAME! Not just the Dems!

      Just easier for some to blame the Dems and forget the rest, eh?

      Check your site to see who was on the Town Board in 2006 and 2009. There's blame for them, too.

      Oh yeah, the 2009 Board Liaison for DPW, Building Department, Planning, Zoning and Solid Waste was the one and only Mike Cristo.

    8. 9:38 did you benefit from lower taxes while the surpluses were used?

    9. It's clear that you don't understand the provisions of NYS General Municipal Law. Interfund borrowing is only legal during the fiscal year in which it takes place, and funds borrowed must be repaid with interest at the end of the fiscal year in which they were borrowed. Transferring from one fund to another for whatever purpose is just not illegal.

      The competent approach would have been to use the surpluses in Sewer/Water for that infrastructure. General fund issues should have been addressed by controlling expenditures. This is exactly what the State Comptroller said in the 2008 report.

      An additional point is that Sewer/Water funds are collected from a smaller number of EG taxpayers than the property tax levy which supports the General Fund. And to use S/W for General disbursements is simply not fair - and maybe not legal. What you seem to be arguing is that it is OK for S/W taxpayers to underwrite the tax bill for all taxpayers. Doesn't work. We deserve a better quality of "thinking" in Town government.

    10. Wouldn't simply following the environmental law and the Municipal Law on interfund borrowing have avoided both problems????? Don't we have a Town Attorney??? Is he ever consulted as to the lawfulness of any policy or decision?? If he becomes aware of any unlawful activity, does he express himself??

    11. great questions, both again, per 6:49

      Lets see … only one Board Member present for the debacle remains ... Rick Matters.

      might beg a comment at the next board meeting

      what say you?

    12. I'd say....from what I've heard, but not yet validated in the record, that the fines from DEC were not approved for disbursement by the Board. We'll see from the record as it becomes available. There's a story in the TU in 2000 which displays some awareness of the POOP problem - from the lone Republican on the Board - which was not picked up on by the majority. Why the hell would you go after Matters when there are a multitude of people of your own stripe who did not address the issue in the previous years. Just the same old "it's your fault because you didn't catch me." We heard that from McCabe before, remember.

    13. I don't think the Board has to approve payments.

      CDM controlled the 2010 budget and did squat to repay the interfund borrowing or address the orders of consent.

      They did appoint two Breigs, one Grant and one Defrusio.

      So don't cry about inaction or patronage, ladies. Your heros just sat on their hands except to hand out jobs.

    14. Lest we forget Cristo cleaning house two years ago and appointing all his friends to patronage jobs.

    15. - or - the "fabulous" 0% fabrication of a budget that CDM came out with - that failed miserably. People should clearly remember Cristos wholesale clearing out of anyone who dared to not agree with him. Most folks viewed his actions as communist-like- eh comrade??!

    16. Stan...before you start popping off about what happened in 2010, perhaps you should be asking for the independent certified audit on that year's financial activities. Things go better with facts.

    17. But maybe I was there in 2010 . I may not need "financials" to make my point. Did that ever occur to you?
      Things are better with direct experience- maybe I was one of the people who Cristo cleared out to make room for his crony's and nepotism. Did that thought ever occur to you?

  12. the poop scandal aside (I personally place the blame at the feet of Mr. McCabe) do any of you really believe that O'Brien,Mangold and Malone are operating in the best interest of East Greenbush, because I just don't see it.

  13. Of course you do. Once again you are ignorant to any facts. Let's guess, your a windbag too

  14. a windbag! ouch! you miss the point. The question is; do you believe that O'Brien,Mangold and Malone are operating in the best interest of East Greenbush? I ask because it is easy to argue over single issues but when you look at what they have done over time do you think they are considering what is best for East Greenbush or what is best for them and those in their inner circle.

    1. Oh Langley and crew are operating in the best interest of EG. I don't think so. You've got the "big bully" assistant running the show for Langley! walking up and down the halls like the gestapo! Laughing out Loud!
      The Repubs are ready to put one of their own in when Ginny O'Brien loses next year. yeah right. How could she possibly lose?
      She is the matriarch of the Town of East Greenbush. Enjoy your four years, Supe!

    2. Langley is a nice guy. That's it. He has virtually no idea what he's doing , and Matters is absent more than he's present. People can question the Board majority but at least they are there. The folly and fantasy being perpetuated by Johnson Mooney and Jenkins is nothing more than Hype. The problem existed under their boys Cristo , Danaher and Matters and those three totally ignored it. To attempt to lay blame to suit a political agenda is arrogant and ignorant. But then , we are talking about Johnson,Mooney and Jenkins. I still marvel that they need the Times Union, Prays,Taylors trashblog and Gadfly so that they can attempt to slam their point of view down peoples throat. Thank You to EGTALKS ! You allow the opposing point of view to these fanatical hypocrits.

  15. Anonymous:

    You say Matters is ABSENT more than he's present? Look around you, my friend? Someone else thinks their position is only part time!

  16. Whistlepuss !!June 05, 2012 9:29 PM

    Jacka** #1 is crying away and no one is listening! He thinks anyone might care what he wants ! Keep whining- your making it so much easier to sell people on your arrogance and ignorance. No one cares what you think or want.
    Are you listening - whiner ??
    If there was an election in Town tomorrow - whoever you gave an endorsement to would die like Cristo and Taylor. It would truly be the kiss of death !

    1. I DO NOT agree with anything or any point of view of Don Johnson, but can we all quiet down the rhetoric and kiddie games? I believe in Democracy and that each side clearly has opposing points of view. However I don't see why all the animosity and character assassination is necessary. What exactly does it accomplish?

    2. Just remember folks - its a two-way street !

    3. I will repeat what I've said over there and hopefully it will be posted here ,character assassination accomplishes nothing and detracts from the actual purpose of this and the other blog.

  17. I have a question.
    I read that there were two new hires for the DPW and that there's quite a bit of opposition to the people they put in those jobs.
    So besides the people hired, were there any other applicants?
    Was there a list of Town residents to be considered?
    Was there a person "friendly" to the other side that was skipped over? Why all the fuss over two DPW hires ?

    1. Let me guess....Money. The Town's in debt, big time. And Ed Gilbert's TU Post will help you understand this issue.

    2. I did not hear any opposition to the people selected for the DPW positions. In fact, I believe that all agreed the men are qualified. The problem is with the idea of hiring with the huge debt we carry and the poor economy. The Town should have a freeze on hiring until our finances are in better shape. The really big deal is committing to any more pension and benefit packages for anyone until the Town can afford it. When and if any of the long promised audits come out maybe all the voters will finally agree that we are in need of cutbacks, not additions.
