Thursday, May 29, 2014

Casino Financial Impact

Saratoga Gaming and Racing has released estimates of the estimated financial impact of its proposed East Greenbush Casino.  According to the Times Union's Capital Confidential "East Greenbush casino planners estimate local financial benefits" the financial impact at can be summarized as follows (I've verified by my own independent analysis the County, School, Town, Highway, Bruen and Library estimates using 2014 valuation and tax rate data obtained from the East Greenbush Assessor and the Casino's estimated $250,000,000 valuation):

Estimated Annual Real Property Tax Payments$9,347,844
Host Community Annual Share of Gaming Revenues$11,400,000
Estimated Annual Sales Tax Generated$800,000
Estimated One-Time GEIS Fee$6,000,000

Town-wide East Greenbush-levied taxes are estimated to be:

Town of East Greenbush$694,878
Town of East Greenbush, Highway$398,778

These are revenues that could be used to:
  • Fix the Town’s financial problems
  • Reduce the property tax burden on East Greenbush taxpayers;
  • Incentivize responsible business development along Columbia Turnpike; 
  • Make the 2012 East Greenbush Amenities Plan (improving the Town’s Parks) a reality; and
  • Make the 2011 Albany-Hudson Electric Trail (hiking/biking path linking Albany and Hudson) a reality.

It would be a "no-brainer" if the decision was just about the money.  It’s not.  The Town Board must also consider the many valid concerns expressed at Columbia High on May 19th and the May 21st Town Board Meeting, and expected at the June 4th Public Hearing (7:00pm - 9:00pm at Genet Elementary School, 29 Englewood Avenue in East Greenbush), including the potential for:
  • decreased property values and quality of life;
  • increased problem gambling, crime and traffic;
  • increased need for police and fire support.
I sincerely hope the East Greenbush Town Board Members are doing their due diligence and spending many, many days and nights agonizing over the Casino question, weighing these and many other factors very, very carefully! 

Pete Stenson

Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day

Established to commemorate those who died in the service of their Country, Memorial Day (formerly Decoration Day) is virtually indistinguishable from Veterans Day (formerly Armistice Day) which honors all veterans of all wars.  
Regardless, be sure to think of those who gave their lives for this great Nation and their families who endured their loss. 

Thank those veterans who are still with us. 

They fought and many died so that we could enjoy the liberty and prosperity that we do today.

On May 26, 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a Presidential Proclamation recognizing Waterloo, NY in Seneca County as the Birthplace of Memorial Day. 


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Public Hearing Notice

The Town Board of the Town of East Greenbush will be holding a Public Hearing related to the Establishment of a Casino in East Greenbush.  The Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 7:00pm - 9:00pm at Genet Elementary School, 29 Englewood Avenue, East Greenbush, NY 12061.

Please note for the safety of all residents in attendance, no signs with stakes or posts will be permitted into the auditorium.

Parking is limited.  If you have the ability to carpool, we recommend that you do.  There will be officials directing traffic to make sure that no one parks illegally.   The Town and School District ask that no one parks on the grass.  Parking is only permitted in designated areas.

Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Kennedy
Town Clerk

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Game Changer – Yes! Mind Changer – Eh!

Aside:  I saw Councilpersons Mangold and Malone, as well as Deputy Supervisor Gilbert in attendance.  I did not see Supervisor Langley or Councilpersons DiMartino and Matters – my not seeing them does not mean they were not there - just that I didn’t see them. 

Also, it would have been so nice to have seen the presentation before the Town Board vote.

Last night’s Casino Presentation illustrated that an East Greenbush Casino would be a Game Changer.  Saratoga Gaming and Racing claims: 
  • 1,700 construction jobs;
  • 1,700 permanent jobs ($23,000 / year according to one member of the public – lots of unemployed and working poor would love that – not everyone is college material);
  • $6.0 million in mitigation fees;
  • $5.7 annual(?) revenue;
  • Local planning and zoning; and
  • Property and School Taxes - not PILOTS a la FedEx and Regeneron – it would’ve been nice to hear estimated tax payments.

The “Game” would also include the negative impacts that were evidenced in the public’s questions:
  • property values;
  • problem gambling;
  • crime; traffic;
  • police and fire safety.

All valid concerns.  All deftly addressed by the panel, but remember their job is to spin down the issues and concerns and spin up the advantages and benefits.

Interestingly, the speaker associated with Temple Farms seemed supportive of the project – he and his partner have a lot at stake.

I also found the gentleman from North Greenbush’s comments interesting – can you say Global Foundries?

Was the presentation a Mind Changer?

Probably not for the Times Union-estimated crowd of 500. 

          Casino pitched as a 'game-changer'
          By Kenneth C. Crowe II
          Published 11:43 pm, Monday, May 19, 2014

Those opposed are likely still opposed - nothing said would likely change their minds:
  • the morally opposed reject to concept regardless of location.
  • the 'locally' opposed may not object to the concept, just don't put a casino in East Greenbush  –  they're OK with Saratoga, Rensselaer, Albany, Troy – anywhere but here (NIMBY).

Those in support are probably similarly unswayed.

The wild card (sorry) are the undecided – did the presentation tip them one way or the other?  We'll likely never know.

I’m old enough to remember opposition to Off Track Betting (OTB), the Lottery and Quick Draw, aka ‘video crack’.  We as a society survived these.  The impact of a Casino is more localized, however.

I think that problem gamblers will travel to a local casino – build it and they will come – wherever it's built.

The questions:
  • Would pursuing a casino be tantamount to ‘selling’ the Town for the "promise" of jobs and revenues?
  • Do we have sufficient confidence in our Town Board and Planning Board to get enough concessions from Saratoga Gaming and Racing if the resolution stands and East Greenbush is chosen (Remember the Recreational Amenities Plan?  I can't find a link on the Town's web site);
  • Do we have sufficient confidence in Saratoga Gaming and Racing and its claims?

Pete Stenson

Thursday, May 15, 2014

East Greenbush ~ or Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey ?

Well, as was to be expected,  Deputy Supervisor Ed Gilbert and Board member  Matters respond  to a very well written article by  slathering the entire topic with mud and innuendo.

Like the clowns piling out of the clown car at the circus, Matters and Gilbert fall into lock-step and each continually cries for more time to allow Langley and his people to further pummel Town Finances  and  skirt the public at every turn.


Ed Gilbert  stated  that we now have a  " highly competent comptroller"  ~  ARE YOU KIDDING ?

A  very simple Google search of  George Phillips and the  Town of Glenville  will put that assertion to bed  quickly.

Time is up for the  SWF  team and the continual games that they are playing.     The overspending that has occurred since January 2nd  alone is enough evidence that not one single Langley appointment is worthy of  employment.

Then we have the Casino debacle.    We really  don't need to say much more.   "Duck and Cover" is the new motto for the SWF  team of  political misfits.      November  2015  really  con't come fast enough.

BTW Mary Anne -  no one  is buying  into your plea for more time to allow you and Deb to further screw things up !

Thursday, May 8, 2014

How Embarrassing Mr. Supervisor

Whether or not you like him , local radio show  commentator  Paul Vandenburgh called out  Keith Langley  this week on his morning talk show.

Many think he was correct in doing so !   The Supervisor has a bad habit of not returning calls, and his "no comment"  facade is wearing very thin.

The entire  "Casino" debacle is nothing short of a travesty for East Greenbush voters who are looking for answers to some very simple questions.   Why will you not answer  Mr. Supervisor ?

The next  Town Board meeting is Wednesday the 21st and rumor has it there will be many residents attending to either speak and/or ask questions.      We do hope the Supervisor is prepared.

Regardless of whether your for or against the proposed Casino , there are many questions that require an answer and explanation from our Supervisor.    

Keith;  are you listening ?   You were elected to serve the people- remember ?