Sunday, January 2, 2011

Let's Start the New Year Right!!!

The following was submitted by Pete Stenson.

Jack Conway penned the following in reaction to an article forwarded to him by Nate Hans.  That article, entitled "The art of non-persuasion" by Tom Asacker, can be found at 

Asacker's article refers to an interview with screenwriter Robert McKee in which McKee maintains there are three ways for business people to persuade someone: Rhetoric, Story and Coercion and concludes that Story is the most effective.

* * * * *

Jack's eloquent observations (shared with his permission) are as follows:

Persuasion in politics is different from persuasion in the business world because the bottom line has as much to do with perception as reality. 

There is a book by Murray Edelman called 'Constructing the Political Spectacle' in which he breaks the political process down into three related components:

1. identifying social problems,
2. constructing leaders and
3. constructing enemies.

He uses this framework to show how politics works in an age of mass media and diverse new forms of communication.

This is only one way to look at politics but it is a useful way to think about the last year in East Greenbush. In Edelman's framework, problems are evoked to assign blame and praise and lay the groundwork for the construction of leaders and enemies.

Was junk bond status caused by mismanagement or the downturn in the economy and the rising cost of government, including energy costs, health and other benefit increases, rising contractual obligations, etc. If mismanagement, was it the responsibility of the supervisor or the town board or both?

Activists on both sides try to affect the perception of voters by identifying problems in such a way that blame and praise can be used to construct a vision of leaders and enemies that will resonate with residents. The most important part of Edelman's book for East Greenbush is his argument that contemporary politics requires leadership to be defined in opposition to perceived 'enemies'.

The public spectacle of politics now seems to require that those who disagree with you are seen as 'enemies' rather than opponents and I can think of no better example than our town and this last election. Emotions ran so high because both sides perceived that to lose would yield power to people of a virtually malevolent nature, not just those with different technical solutions to the problems of government.

This is why I argue for civility and a perception that we are all neighbors at the end of the day. The division of the political landscape into leaders and enemies has been a profoundly counter-productive development in American politics and has poisoned our political discourse. Persuading people who see you as the enemy is nearly impossible. I think the solution to our problems lies less in a formula for persuasion than in a reinterpretation of those with whom you have differences.

We have to learn to concede the same humanity to people who disagree with us as we do to ourselves.

* * * * *

Thank you for allowing us to share your observations, Jack. 

I’d like to add this quote from Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Inaugural Address:

President Lincoln said in this city on his way to his inauguration, “Citizens may swear allegiance to one party or the other and believe with all their might that they are right, but once an election is passed, and until the next election, they should be one people.”

Pete Stenson


  1. Pete…..Jack’s interpretive matrix might just work except for one thing, the issues concerning the administration were not “constructed.” Those issues came directly from documents which were themselves produced by the Town. What they illustrated was that there exists a serious inconsistency in the behavior of public officials which demonstrates that, at the present time, we are not in fact all neighbors. Those in power created that situation. It came to light because some of us asked the right questions.

    For the community’s social contract to work, the standards outlined in the law must be applied equally and transparently in all cases. There can be no “secret” disbursement of tax dollars. We should not be hearing statements like “we thought you were one of us.” Contracts must not be amended without the approval of the Board. There is a long FACTUAL list.

    If there is to be a change in atmosphere, those with the power to act must make the change. Start first with some accountability and transparency. Start with appointing Joe Liccardi as an independent contractor, not as a salaried employee with benefits. We know that “exceptions were made” for him and Bill Haney in the past which tapped the tax levy for inappropriate benefits. Start with a multi-year audit of “our friends and neighbors” at Bruen to remove the perception that there has been no oversight whatsoever of that $900,000 of annual revenue for ten years. And then run the District as it should be run. Start with investigating where the revenue from the transfer station has been going for the last few years. It’s not enough to just start budgeting and banking it this year. Start with creating job descriptions and a credible time and attendance system for employees – some real authoritative management that can actually be seen.

    It is up to the administration to establish its credibility if we are all neighbors after all. Arrogance and nepotism is not a good start. The administration has a lot to overcome. Those of us who have asked legitimate questions must not be dismissed as somehow creating an opponent to oppose. That’s what’s wrong with Jack’s construct. Don’t try to shove me in to some sort of explanatory story.

    Quite frankly, I just don’t care who is Supervisor or who the Board members are – as long as they obey the law with accountability and transparency. And this means that if someone violates the law, they face the sanctions provided in the law. There is no “Jesus clause” in NYS Town Law, inserted by the Legislature, to provide a way for us to be “neighbors” without accountability. Just doesn’t work that way.

  2. "Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signs executive order requiring ethics training"

    ALBANY - Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed an executive order on Jan. 2 requiring all executive chamber staff and other top state officials to participate in ethics training offered by the Commission on Public Integrity. The training, according to a press release, will be available beginning no later than Jan. 31 and must be completed within 60 days...

    Jack Conway, is that something in EG's future?

  3. Pete, great words. What one person might define as blame another person might define as accountability. And everyone in a position of trust and authority must be held accountable.

    Most or very large parts of the answer to the questions about blame can be found in the comments from Moody's, the mini audit and the Bruen audit. And unfortunately those examples, and many others, paint a very unflattering picture of the Supervisor and our Town Board. The Supervisor bears a higher degree of accountability in most people's minds becuase that position is full time and is defined by law as being a combination of CEO and CFO.

    Results are what matters - not excuses. Facts and information should matter more than who wins the blame game. If the re-constituted Board follows through on the openness and transparency that Phil and Sue campaigned on we will have information and facts and all of East Greenbush can minimize or avoid the blame game. Accountability for results needs to stay on everyone's radar screen.

  4. Unless I miss my guess...the transparency thingy was the Cristo/Taylor battle cry?!?! No ??!! Open government was also thrown around as a catch phrase by Team cristo - maybe Sue and Phil said it, but it was clearly the Reform Party catch phrase of the 2010 campaign.
    Not trying to start anything here - just making a point because I keep seeing people reference Sue and Phil to this transparency and open government thingy.

  5. You want to talk results, accountaiblity, openess and transparency??? If you were at the last board meeting where Mr. Matters mumbled and bumbled for countless hours about anything that was asked about Bruen and he came up with notta, nothing, and actually, it was soooooo painful to watch yet listen to, are you kidding me---define that!!! Then, the word is that he had the nerve not to show up at a mandatory appointments meeting tonight. Are you serious???? Really??? Same ole same ole from the Abstainomator. I say why don't you start with Mr. Matters when you want to continually use the word accountability and the rest. Bruen is his baby and he has no answers, not a one. Grow up already and go find something better to do than harp on the same old stupid stuff. This town has no time for you or the rest of the the way, did the town ever get the check for the dump truck that went to auction? Oh, that's right, you must be into "selective" accountability and the rest of your repetitious vocab. What a joke. Go move to Graftan already, will ya.

  6. Has anyone read the other blog yet? Witin a few minutes of the Organization Mtg., Ms. Crybaby herself was on the blog talking about nepotism; whan, whan, whan!
    What if the shoe were on the other foot? Who would have jobs, all of their GUMBAS! and family and friends; on and on and on! Where should I send the WHINE AND CHEEZ? Oh, if they had come to the Organizational Meeting, they would of gotten not only the wine and cheese; but some great punch; veggies & dip and good comraderie!
    Sorry you couldn't make it.

  7. Looks to me like Mr. Conway's agenda is being undone by his own "allies." Perhaps they don't get it. It's supposed to be a kinder and gentler Dem Party for the roll out of Ginny's Supe run. Problem is that we just got a Town Gardener for god's sake!!

  8. Are we still supposed to trust this Town Board after that debacle last night? I could care less who it is that got positions but the number of positions added is just hard to comprehend - especially given the sorry state of affairs for the Town's finances. Only the Police Ddepartment should have been allowed to add people. All over the nation local governments are cutting back but our Board knows better than all of them! They just lost my trust and have encouraged me to start thinking about moving away.

  9. Hey Olive...yes I did read the other blog shortly after the Organizational meeting. What a bunch of crybabies. It's not like they removed anyone from their jobs at the 2010 meeting right? Didn't bring in anyone they knew...just complete strangers. Chris D. was their biggest mistake....I saw on the other blog they said Joe at the transfer station pretty much got rid of Chris...sorry guys...he's just not that may have had something to do with the dozens of complaints lodged against him. If Chris is so innocent, why hasn't he defended himself? I'm guessing that he knows he deserved just what he got. Their trees are filled with bitter fruit and let's face it - bitter fruit just doesn't sell.

  10. I think it is fair to say that most people consider this blog as a balance to the Cristo-Taylor blog.

    Given that I wonder if readers of this blog would offer their own thoughts and comments on last night's appointments? I am not sure an official tally has been put together at this point but it is probably fair to say some 12 to 15 new or previously unfilled positions are now being funded by taxpayers. If you disagree with the C-T blogger's perspective on all these appointments how do people on this blog view them? Were all these appointments wise choices in today's fiscal climate?

    Note: In asking for responses in the way I have I am trying to sidestep the whole patronage and nepotism arguments so we don't into "they" would have done the same thing argument.

    I am aiming for the kind of dialogue Jack Conway and Pete Stenson are advocating. Let's skip the partisan rangling about who got the jobs. Let's ask ourselves do we need these jobs in the first place? Has the Board driven us only deeper into the fiscal spending situation that led to our junk bond rating?

  11. Mr. Bubbly !! :-)January 04, 2011 7:32 AM

    Ann Taylor is the epitome of a sore loser ! She cries and whines over EVERYTHING ! Cry me a river ole giggle~ giggle~ boom~boom ! Last nights appointments have NOTHING to do with Jack Conways agenda either way ! Get over yourself to be on the losing end of an election - huh ?!?
    The stunts pulled last year by Cristo and company were ALOT worse for the Town. I don't care how much you like Chris DenFruscio - he was a MISTAKE of monumental proportions and proved it within weeks of taking office.
    Too bad to be you ! lol !!

  12. Lets start this out by overstating the obvious - Ann Taylor is crying the blues. Her attempt to show that she's envious of the "democratic machine" fell far short , even for the faint bleeding heart types.
    She is clearly gearing up for another run at Town Board. I say - announce now!! Why are you hiding it? Your arrogant yet ignorant enough to run again. Just get it over with and annouce your candidacy.
    Your so stuck on yourself that you've made your decision to run for public office yet again. I'd love to see you waste more money and time. You are simply NOT electable. People are not fooled by your fake smile and never-ending sarcasm and faux impressions like your actually some type of accountant. I surely wasn't fooled and actually - twice now - neither were the voters of East Greenbush - ( Thank God !) and.....BTW - Rich Benko is a fabulous choice for Deputy Commissioner of the people have no idea what your talking about -( obviously) - you just b*tch to hear yourself b*tch. Take some geritol Ann - your starting to show your age !

  13. So lets get this straight. The reform party is complaining because the Dems brought back;
    Joan Malone
    Abby Bennett
    JoAnn Millens
    Mike O'Brien
    Joe Licardi
    Mary Pat Donnelly
    Rich Benko.
    Fred Nero
    Don't you idiots realize that the only reason they were brought back was because;
    And they were here for years before their relatives were on the board.

  14. Jim - I like Champagne - lol!!January 04, 2011 4:24 PM

    wingnut#1 and wingnut#2 are trying their damndest to unite some b-s group because none of their idiots got appointed to anything yesterday ! C'mon Man!!! Puhleez ...wingnut#1 -(Christ-oh) flat out terminated people last year with no prior notice !! At least the board this year gave people notice they wouldn't be returning. But then again , wingnut #2 -( taylor) can't stand it that NO ONE listens to her maniacal rantings and she's getting pissed. For the love of Pete - we havn't even opened the CHAMPAGNE yet !!! When wingnut #1 terminated 10-12 long time town employees and appointed his personal friends or their children to jobs last year - I heard NO bitch*ng from these reform whacko's. What's the matter ??
    Your thinking people have short term memory loss Ann- I don't think so though.
    The pathetic group who sat in the back of the room yesterday afternoon were the epitome' of what a true loser looks like. - wow...your so pathetic as a group and even worse as individuals ! You asked for got it and its our pleasure to dish it right back at each of you complainers.
    egprays ??? what a total joke !! Can't even respond because you can't handle anyone disagreeing with you - you want to stand on your soapbox and B*tch and complain because you think you've been wronged.....your delusional ,.and one look in your self serving blog tells me someone needs to call the NYSP computer crimes unit to have you watched closely and carefully. You think I',m started with it ! You make the snowballs...I'll throw them!

  15. dems won in November which means they get to appoint people they choose , not someone who supported the reform movement. Its politics thats been practiced for years in Eastgreenbush and never changed. Why is this so hard to understand. Taylor wants McCabe to appoint someone she likes? I'm not sure I can completely fathom that vein of thought. Pete - Jack ; maybe you guys could shed some light on the controversy- it simply seems like common sense to me and after the stunt pulled by Danaher,Matters and cristo last year , these appointments are pretty much the norm for political thingys and doo hickeys.

  16. Hay Pete! Why is this town doing exactly what they shouldn't be doing.. adding more jobs.. if we still have a deficit and our taxes have been raised already.. why more people? that cost is going to add up even more..
    Surely they are not following what Our newly elected Governor is doing and taking a decrease in pay.. I guess you are all suppose to turn your head the other way and let them spend spend spend.. ..
    Lets see how this all plays out.. for next years budget. Bet their will be another increase..

  17. I kind of take the "Walton" analogy as a compliment. A close knit family that really cares about one another....don't really see too much wrong with that!

    Better the Waltons than the Sopranos....trying to take what you want by whatever means necessary. See like it or not - they gave a backhanded compliment!

  18. 918pm January 4th - they are NOT adding more jobs...they simply filled the vacancies left from last years debacle perpetrated by the Republican threesome of Danaher,Matters and cristo. The cost should bear out because the Town actually spent MORE money having others fill in and cover for the vacated positions from last years highly touted 0% tax increase budget that failed.
    This board simply chose to fill those positions once again. No one is expected to turn heads - and quite frankly - sometimes ya gotta spend a buck to save a few bucks !

  19. Overtime was complained about last year. Shouldn't these new hires reduce overtime? One would think.

  20. 8:39 am January 5 - can you share with us how much more money was in fact spent having others fill on and cover for the vacated positions?

    If your premise is valid why is the state reducing headcount? Why do companies facing declining profits or losses reduce cost by reducing headcount?

    Why did every financial report prepared for our town recommend a hiring freeze?

    I am not trying to personalize this but do you know what you are talking about in a fact based way?

  21. Not phased by the negativity-January 05, 2011 12:49 PM

    There's ONE THING that Ms.Taylor has correct - the East Greenbush Democratic committee and the supporters of same - are a well oiled machine ! They STICK TOGETHER - NO MATTER WHAT GARBAGE YOU PRINT . Contrary to what you'd like people to believe - we are all friends UNITED in a common cause for the Good of ALL East Greenbush residents - not just a chosen few !
    We thrive on the mis-truths you print and all the negativity and nastiness coming from your supporters. Believe it or not - many of us voiced our opinions to NOT print or reveal ALOT more that we know !

  22. A hiring freeze means no ADDITIONAL personel...nothing whatsoever to do with positions that were vacated out of spite or to assure the infamous 0% tax increase last year. When positions were eliminated by council people who had absolutely NO IDEA what the people dod in their respective positions nor the amount og hours put in by some of the people they terminated.
    The State of new York is reducing mostly thru attrition , and some elimination of jobs , but mostly thru attrition.
    Yes Jean - these new hires shouod greatly reduce the overtime that was openly complained about last year !

  23. Here's the counter intuitive response to Ole Giggle! Giggle post on her VOMIT blog !

    C'mon Man !! Last January , 12 people who had given 10 years of service to the Town were unceremoniously fired. There was no letter of notification , there was no two week notice , it was " don't let the door hit you in the as* on the way out ! "
    C'mon Man !
    You hired individuals not qualified for the positions you put them in . You put people on boards that didn't even want to be there ! There were few resumes' received . Friends and partners and associates were hired !
    C'mon Man !
    Live in town for a period of time before pontificating on the way you demand things be done. You don't have all the answers , you probably have hidden agenda's and btw : libel and slander and defamation of character doesn't lead to constructive conversation either !
    Last years campaign was contentious - but not really what it could have been . "Many" issues were left untouched. In fact - you could say that the champagne wasn't even opened . C'mon man ! This should be fun !!

  24. Anon 2:34...A Town Gardener is going to reduce overtime? Attrition hell...NYS is doing layoffs. And Freddy is saying that you've got to spend a little to save a lot. Somebody is from another century. Next thing you will see is a golf course as a revenue source.

  25. It says MOSTLY thru attrition..NYS is a hell of a lot larger than EGB. Get off your soapbox - take a ZANAX and calm the hell down. Your another one of those " the sky is falling" people from Camp Cristo - an alarmist to the tenth extreme. Go read Dwights blog and really rile yourself up ! But...I caution you - if you read the Dwight propaganda page - you shouldn't take any illegal drugs or drink alcohol before you read may induce psycho-analysis of your subconscience in some fashion ! LOL !!!!

    I like golf !!

  26. I'd rather see a Town Gardner @ $8.50 an hour than seeing some DPW employee doing the same thing at $20.00+ per hour !! It's called picking your battles !!

  27. All depends on whether DPW has enough work to do. Not sitting idle and all that you know. Past experience certainly raises the question.

  28. Let's get practical, folks.

    Some say "to the victor belong the spoils". This phrase is attributed to New York Senator William L. Marcy, referring to the victory of the Jackson Democrats in the election of 1828. Yes, 1828!!! Although the phrase may have been first coined by Marcy, the "spoils system" has probably been around since mankind first selected leaders.

    It is only natural for leaders to surround themselves with those they trust. NOTE that I say "natural" not right or wrong.

    I much prefer a different saying - "live by the sword, die by the sword", supposedly derived from a proverb in the Gospel of Matthew, verse 26:52.

    Yes, patronage appointments occurred Monday afternoon at the Organizational Meeting.

    The vast majority of those appointments returned people to positions that they were forced out of during the 2010 Organizational Meeting and the appointment of replacements (some 2010 appointments weren't made until the 1/13/10 Town Board Meeting).

    A person accepting a patronage appointment should do so with at least two thoughts in mind:
    1. they are, in all likelihood, displacing someone else; and
    2. their position is on the line at each election.

    As I say above "live by the sword, die by the sword".

    Instead of "C'Mon Man!" I'll opt for Warner Wolf's "Let's Go to the Videotape!" or, in this case, "Let's go the 2009, 2010 and 2011 Organizational Meeting Minutes!" (and the above referenced 1/13/10 Town Board Meeting).

    The tally:

    2009: 42 appointments (excluding Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals members)

    2010: 44 appointments (ditto - also excludes non-paid Economic Development Coordinator)

    2011: 46 appointments (ditto - also excludes the three Police Officers)

    Where was the outcry in 2010 when two positions were added????

    Two positions were added Monday afternoon - - - one of which is the part-time ($8.50 an hour) Town Gardener. The other? "Go to the Videotape!"

    Pete Stenson

  29. Great analysis Pete!! An excellent statement of the history of appointments.

    There was one thing different about 2010 however. With the beginning of that short-lived regime came (1) a commitment to a real process of analyzing the necessary functions of Town government - and budgeting from that, and (2) a commitment to implement management practices which would insure full value from employee time paid for by tax dollars.

    It's not just getting to hire who you want, it's the management of the tax levy in making the Town work efficiently for public purposes which should be on the mind of an administration. We still haven't got job descriptions, a workable time and attendance system, an enforced computer use policy and a rational policy for the "earning" of benefits - to name a few issues which should be on the plate of those who got the "spoils," and there is no indication that these issues are on anybody's radar either.

  30. LOL LOL LOL ---- you have got to be kidding, you have got to be kidding. You don't eeeeeeeeeeeeven want to go there w/the appointments by the 2010 board that created the most dysfunction junction ever!!! Thank the Lord it was short lived!!! Time to sleep it off--go to bed already, will ya!!

  31. Good Lord...all that whining over in Clown Town.

    Could somebody just slap them and give them something to cry about!

  32. I'm a little surprised that the other blog just doesn't get it. The most obvious reason for the lack of support from the Republican Party might just be the total inappropriate behavior right from the get-go. They spent all of their time going over the same old, same old and trying to descredit Mr. McCabe when he wasn't even running for office. I would be suprised if they received any support in the 2011 election - it's something they need to think about.

  33. Jim - I Like Champagne !!January 08, 2011 1:25 PM

    Here we go again....little prince michael trying so hard to deflect the patronage and nepotism he openly endorsed and participated in one year ago. He tries to deflect the obvious by saying how he complained about his mothers appointment to the tax office. BIG DEAL !! You were joking then , your kidding no one now! Lets display for everyone the obvious - shall we !!

    #1 - Chris DenFruscio - business partner - best friend of MIKE CRISTO - had absolutely NO QUALIFICATIONS WHAT-SO-EVER for commissioner of the DPW - but he was mikes best friend - got the job !

    #2 ) - TOM GRANT - son of Eileen Grant - former work-mate and confidant to ANN TAYLOR - had 0% knowledge of the job that he was appointed to - but cristo had to get rid of Kate Bennetts daughter so he hired Eileen Grants son. Tried -( in vain ) to tell everyone in Town that the kid was doing a great job - was kidding NO ONE - Grant Ruined the Youth Department in less than a year !

    #3) - Mary Breig - super nice lady - no idea what she was appointed to - did her best to learn , but lets be honest - Wrong job to throw a patronage position at. Hired along with her son - Jim who did an admirable job as comptroller - was kept by the Democratic Board because he is competent. Breigs husband writes favorable pieces in the local paper for Taylor and Cristo - writes very little favoring the Dems. Go Figure !

    #4) - Joe Kelly - shares a driveway with Mike Cristo - qualifications - ??? ok I give up - what are his qualifications?? Was involved in snowmobile accident that nearly cost one of our Police Officers his life - refuses to acknowledge blame or accountability for same ! Real stand-up guy !!

    Lets talk openly about the Reform crew and their delicate ego's that are the result of the Taylor Cristo blog-( vomit blog) that exists for no other reason than to insite unrest and upheaval amonst the voting public. They all hang their hat on this transparency thingy - ( btw: that was the cristo/taylor line) Mangold and Malone really didn't use that term to the extent that these so called reform people campaigned with it. They throw it around like its the new moniker for the Dems and that we all must hold them accountable for it. WRONG- running Town Government does not require transparency - it slows it down and hinders progress at every level ! Transparency is needed but nowhere near the extent these whacko's from Camp Cristo think!! The funny part is that not one of them could really care less about transparency- they only want it to use it against the incumbents this coming November !
    Wingnut #1 and Wingnut #2 have all kinds of political ass-perations!! lol...Too bad they really are NOT electable people..-( Thank GOD )!!! Keep trying though - there are truley naive people still around who will drink that KOOL-AID you offer....just advertise your 2 for 1 special !! Can't wait to campaign against you delusional whacko-s again this November ! Bring it on !

  34. That's a real "keeper" Jimmy!! Hitting the sauce at 1:25 already? Transparency slows government down??

    "WRONG- running Town Government does not require transparency - it slows it down and hinders progress at every level ! Transparency is needed but nowhere near the extent these whacko's from Camp Cristo think!!"

    Good Grief!!!!

  35. Don (Don Johnson said... January 7, 2011 1:14 PM),

    One can't really give credence to your comments (1) and (2), as the "short-lived regime" was just that - short-lived. So we'll never really know how things would have played out, now, will we?

    Concerning the rest of your post, we'll just have to see what comes to be under the new Board. As you may recall Phil Malone and Sue Mangold were appointed at the 11/10/10 Town Board Meeting - Rome wasn't built in a day.

    Pete Stenson

  36. Jim - I LOVE Champagne !! How 'bout you??January 08, 2011 4:16 PM

    Hey there 3:32pm - #1) - I don't drink....I leave that to you morons from over there at the VOMIT BLOG!
    Good Grief Charlie Brown - someone actually DISAGREES with the garbage from Camp Cristo !! WOW! C'mon Man !!! How dare we?!?! Must be the Champagne !!

  37. C'Mon Man....Dont cloud the issues with facts..LOL..
    Don writes well for a man in a fog.Must have his aide looking over his shoulder. Still, all his ramblings are wrong.
    I am sure there are good Republican canidates out there for the town, but they don't want to associate with these stooges. Damn shame, I was a registered Rep....No longer...
    They just don't get it...
    As far as McCabe being related to Jimino(whom they are crucifying....and they wonder why no support).I offered a challenge to them, there $500 to my $10,000. Pretty good odds, huh?..If they take my challange,I will reveale my identity.....I could use the extra $500 for football bets .......

  38. Pete....I will be pleasantly surprised if "job descriptions, a workable time and attendance system, an enforced computer use policy and a rational policy for the "earning" of benefits" make an appearance in the next 10 months. And that's just the beginning of the list.

    Addressing the disaster at Bruen would be comforting too. Lots of tax money and insurance revenue rattling around over there, and nobody knows a thing about it.

  39. 332 and 416....I thought you guys were aggreeing....

  40. They are totally dillusional certified kooks; they are all about negativity, inciting unrest and mistruths constantly. Would they even know the truth or real facts if it stared them directly in the face. Of course not. The "others" apparently did not read the entire horrific story on what happened w/a Congresswoman and the many innocent, innocent people/children in Arizona this morning. Enough said.

  41. Jim - yup I really luv Champagne !January 08, 2011 8:10 PM

    450p- read the 332 again...they think they are being funny... NOT !!!
    Bottom line - transparency is one thing...but to demand it at every turn is simply going to stall progress. Transparency has its place , but not in every single move made by government - and CERTAINTLY not if its only going to be used as ammunition against the incumbents this coming November - which is why Taylor and prince Michael are demanding it so loudly !

  42. 5:14 - how completely correct you are !! Totally delusional kooks ! How 'bout this nut job that writes that egprays blog? He needs to check himself in at CDPC or 4 winds for a visit!
    I really hope people are watching this screwball closely ! I hope someone is keeping copies of the maniacal rantings and someone contacts the FBI to let them in on this nut job!

  43. Another keeper at 8:10 Jimmy.....You should be checking with Ginny. This stuff is almost better than FOIL's.

  44. Well, Mr. Johnson, go to your man Mr. Matters for all the answers on Bruen; he is an elected official and the one issue in town he's responsible for is being the liaison for the Town and Bruen---he is supposed to have all the answers---why, why aren't you going after him???? Why? why do you not have the quazooms to go right after him publicly like you so freely do everyone else, Mr. Expert? You who speaks of accountability and transparency, pretty selective, eh?? Why? Why? You are truely pathetic. And, I and everyone else is just as pathetic wasting one minute on someone like you. Newsflash: No one has to entertain any of your ridiculous requests of yours and no one is going to. Who is this Don Johnson guy anyway? Really? Really?

  45. I thought it was Matters who had nothing but the interest of the Rescue Squad in his sites. He was the one who was hell-bent to sell the rescue truck...he took photos, craigs list , etc... What happened??
    If he was so genuinly interested , how does all this other get blamed on McCabe and OBrien? Clearly Matters was the go-to guy for the rescue Squad stuff. This Jim Cozzy was a former member there - maybe he could possibly shed some light on this debacle. Jim..??
    Don Johnson is apparently NOT interested in seeking the answers he demands from Matters- he looks only to embarass and blame McCabe and OBrien rather than go to the Board member ASSIGNED to the rescue Squad. Sorry that sounds a little harsh Don - just an observation of the obvious after reading all your remarks. Internal control on this Rescue Squad issue begins clearly with RICK MATTERS.

  46. Ten years ago, OSC said in its audit report that the assets and financial operations of the Ambulance District should be under the control of the Town Comptroller. Never happened. This December OSC said the same thing again. And they cited unearned LOSAP points and vehicle transfers for a dollar - among other things.

    Mr. Matters does not have the authority - even as Board liaison - to require the assets and financial operations to be controlled by the Town Comptroller. Only the Board can do that in the promulgation of the contract with the squad. Mr. Matters, as liaison, has no authority to examine or audit the books or operations of the squad. Only the Board can do that as a provision of the contract between the District and the squad. The only management authority Mr. Matters could have (Internal Control Authority, if you like) would have to be spelled out in that contract - and there is none there.

    What OSC is saying to the Town Board (and not Mr. Matters) is that they need to exercise the management authority that only THEY have. The assertion/suggestion that Matters is the "responsible manager" of the squad for the District is just simple BS, and yet another attempt to deflect responsibility from where it belongs.

    By the way, I have not named any (Board) names. In the last 10 years there have been lots of people legally responsible as BOARD for the operation of the District. We just got the second OSC audit report saying many of the same things as were cited 10 years ago. Mr Matters cannot do anything by himself to respond to those citations. He doesn't write the Plan of Correction - McCabe, O'Brien, Malone, Mangold and Matters do.

  47. Why we're on the subject of Rick Matters, it seems as though the fact that he skipped the highly importantant organizational meeting, has totally been missed. This guy abstains constantly, when he is there, then just skips the most important meeting of the year. Where is the outcry? This man is incompetent and it shows everytime he opens his mouth. And what about this liason to Bruen stuff? How is he not the scapegoat for this? Lets hear your thoughts Johnson, Mooney, Bonnie, Mikie, Ann. Lets hear how you defend this guy. Hypocrits... all of you. How do you sleep at night?

  48. The audit you refer to Don was done before Malone and Mangold...but was done while Matters was tending the house of Bruen. Why did he do NOTHING to attempt to rectify this prior to the election? His one and only responsibility as Town Councilman was the Bruen Rescue Squad. If you are correct that the entire board would need to act to start to clear things up, why did Matters do absolutely NOTHING at all to get the ball rolling? He has been the liason therefore he would / should have been moving the Board towards some solutions...instead of all this coming down like Niagara Falls and turning out to be nothing more than ALOT of election fodder...why did Matters do absolutely NOTHING to at least get the ball rolling. No introduction of a plan, no sponsered agenda items to even begin to publicly acknowledge or address the faults outlined in the audit>> Why not?? You don't need to name names...there's ALOT of us who already know the names - names long before you got involved in any of this.

  49. I know I really shouldn't, but I really feel sorry for Ann Taylor. She obviously has no life at all and has a constant need to have her ego stroked. It appears that the blog is her life. If your Reform friends were "real" friends, perhaps you could spend some "people" time together - not just write to each other. What a sorry situation. She doesn't care how much humiliation (the hair gel situation) is dished out....she keeps coming back for more - a real need for attention. I think I saw she likes the eastgreenbushprays blog...whoever writes that one really needs watching...doesn't look like that person is wrapped too tight. I guess I'll have to work on not feeling sorry for her...

  50. Ok, Don, he doesn't have the authority to require anything by himself, but he did have the authority, being liason, to make sure these things are brought to the forefront and corrected. Isn't that why we have liasons? Face it Don, your whole existance now is to try to make anything and everything the Democratic Boards fault. You need to get another hobby, this vendetta you have against the Dems is getting the better of you.

  51. Some things that need to be understood about the Ambulance District……The Town Board is the Board of Commissioners of the District. As Liaison, Mr. Matters is liaison to the Board on which he sits. Kinda quirky huh? The legally responsible entity in the relationship to the Bruen squad is the Board of Commissioners. The audit reports are addressed to the Town Board/Board of Commissioners. They are public documents. In terms of the material contained in them, Mr. Matters is rather recent on the scene. This stuff goes back to Angelini and all the Board member who served since the formation of the District. The reality is that NOBODY wanted to touch the issues, and as a result they really got out of hand. (I think the “players” list could be easily drawn up.)

    My point is that THIS BOARD has an opportunity to address and fix all the problems which have been cited in both audits. OSC recommended that the Ambulance District be operated as a Department of the Town, not as a contracted service. It is the history of that contracted service, and the lack of governmental oversight of that contracted service, which has created the problems which OSC continues to cite. I am well aware of most of the “relationship history” (which I believe that OSC called an “arrangement” in the 2001 audit), and the difficulties such a history presents to people who want to set things on the right path.

    The fact is that there is almost a million dollars in tax levy money and insurance revenue which flows through that operation. And there has been precious little oversight of that operation and revenue over the years. That is what OSC is pointing to. Can’t we get the management and audit issues addressed without all this other BS? There is a lot of tax revenue in this operation, and if Medicare and Medicaid funds are any part of the insurance revenue stream which is supposed to offset the tax levy support, might we expect some additional attention from other governmental interests? If that is indeed the case, and those folks start nosing around, some real vulnerabilities present themselves. So let's get focused on the fact that this is a Board responsibility.

    Complain all you want that I am raising the issue. Fact is, if it isn't addressed there will be far worse difficulties to face.

  52. Wow -- I thought this was going to be a new attitude regarding the tone of this blog for the new year -- NOT! Still paying attention to the other blog and bashing anyone who suggests there might be a different way to go about governing in this town.
    Except for Pete S. there are few others who will engage in serious debate over the issues rather than belittle and call others names or make rude references to the personal appearance or ethnicity of others.
    Did any of you ever see the movie "Wicker Man"? I think that was the name -- I'm talking about the original movie, made in the 80's I think, about a stranger who shows up in a village populated by small-minded cult-like citizens. Some of the comments on these blogs give me the chills because they show a lack of reasoned thought.
    By the way 4:10, Mr. Johnson made it very clear in his earlier comment that he was not pointing the finger at any one Board since the Bruen practices had been going on for more that 10 years. It's one thing to refute what someone says but read or hear exactly what is said first before you start with the rhetoric.
    I would like to commend the leaders of this blog for at least posting Johnson's comments, which are obviously not in accordance with the "party line".

  53. the toxic political climate could be feeding violence.
    "To try to inflame the public on a daily basis... has an impact on people, especially those who are unbalanced personalities to begin with,"

    This was posted on CNN and other national websites......think about this lunatic who writes egprays for a moment. See any similarities??

  54. Steve, I find your thought that the organization meeting is the most important meeting of the year interesting. It gave every impression of deals already done well before the votes. It is not like the 4 voting members debated options and alternative candidates. Is my impression somehow flawed?
    And in terms of the vote what possible contribution was Mr. Matters going to make against a 4 to 1 majority?
    The meeting was held, once again, at an inconvenient time. Mr. Matters holds a full time job that does not provide the scheduling flexibility that all other board members enjoy. The Bruen liason questions have been well answered by Don Johnson.

  55. 7:02 - says you.. you obviously have no idea about politics at the local level. I have lived the political nightmare my entire life - on the Republican side to boot ! Matters had an obligation to be there - he had enough advanced notice and his job would have let him go. No excuse is sufficient - he misses way too many meetings and hearings....pitiful track record for a Town Board member.

  56. Well there ya go, 7:02 shows how biased you are. Now you are defending a guy saying the meeting wasn't important? Too early? He wouldn't make a contribution anyway? Are you serious? What a joke.

  57. Matters:
    Vote yes = Piss the Reps off
    Vote no = Piss the appointees off
    Abstain = Look like the undecided can't make a decision Cristo/Taylor puppet he is.
    Pull a no show = PRICELESS
    How can anyone defend/support a guy who has the track record that he has? Pitiful.

  58. The National Media has clearly pointed the finger at the Tea Party Movement and reform party radicals as being completely responsible for the toxic political climate that has permeated politics even at the local levels. WAKE UP EAST GREENBUSH - wanna trade barbs back and forth ? OK - but when people create a blog that talks like and carries on such as this egprays manifesto....lets all step back and take a deep breath for a moment.
    To whomever really writes this egprays - you need to sit back quietly with a cup of camomiele tea and reflect on your motives and maybe go to your happy place and think of exactly what message you want delivered - because quite frankly , your openly viewed as a "charles manson" type personality by many people.

  59. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  60. Gentlereaders (dare I use that term?) Let's control the spin a little. To focus only on the East Greenbush Prays blog when talking about creating a toxic political climate in this town is a little short-sighted don't ya think?
    That blog merely takes stories from the Old and New Testament and draws parallels to current events in our Town. Some may view these mini-sermons as garbage, some may think there is some value in them. Pretty harmless.
    Those of us who have read this blog from the beginning -- recall all of the older posts that were removed and the reasons why. Then tell me which blog is more toxic.
    Granted ours professes to have a new attitude but I can see the old ways slipping in more frequently.
    Maybe we should all give up blogging for Lent.

  61. 1:02 - message received - however to say what was written is harmless on the other blog is clearly your point of view. Most all of who have read what was printed there find it alarmingly disturbing. No one that I've spoken directly too have found anything authored there interesting or informative. Quite honestly, I think it was being written to cause alarm and it has done just that ! Unfortunately the alarm has not stirred the thoughts the author hopes for, rather it makes the reader question the motive of the author and exactly what the message is becomes clouded in the ranting mixed with bible passages.

  62. Your comment is well-taken 2:47. When an annonymous
    blogger uses the Bible as a, what shall I call it, teaching tool? it does make one a bit uncomfortable, doesn't it? Religion and politics have always been touchy subjects and linking them in such a way is best left to the experts who went to Yale Divinity School or the horse's mouth of one's choice. I don't like it myself. Seems that's why the Republicans are having so much trouble keeping a centrist position and why the more rational ones are losing out to the religious right.
    Me, I'll stick to finding out why my taxes are so damn high.
    As for that other blog -- if it offends, don't read it.

  63. In my view, the Bible is a wonderful teaching tool. If if you read it carefully, you will discover that its teachings address the political establishment on a regular basis. Some say Jesus got "whacked" for doing just that. Take a journey through the Minor Prophets in the OT. Amos and Hosea for starters. "Let justice roll down like waters, and righteous like an ever-flowing stream." Just wait until "Prays" gets started on them.

    Isn't a central theme in the Judeo-Christian tradition the establishment of righteousness and justice in the lives of human beings? The Hebrew prophets sure didn't have much patience for those engaged in ripping their neighbors off. Perhaps as 1:02 might be suggesting, we should all read the Bible for Lent.

    In my view, EG Prays is right on target. I didn't go to Yale Divinity, but I did go to a theological seminary just as exemplary - just my opinion.

  64. This is too easy Observer: its real simple....after ALL the derogatory comments regarding the Supervisor and OBrien and the horribly nasty campaign waged by Cristo/Taylor and authorized by DeJulio, do you REALLY think that the "olive branch" would be extended? I said it above and I'll re-iterate it here again....many of us have kept ALL the copiees of the crap authored by Cristo and company LONG BEFORE egtalks was created. We have the postings and allow me to remind the gentle readers here...EGTALKS was created to allow supporters of McCabe and OBrien a place to write their feelings and refute some of the baloney written by Taylor and cristo and their supporters. It obviously struck a nerve - no one from the reform party /teaparty like it when they cannot freely blog and disparage the Supervisor and his supporters. There in lays the have your point of view, we have ours....feel free to write whatever you feel - just don't expect many here to agree with your point of view - DEMOCRACY in action !
    I don't simply doubt the "wisdom" of egprays - I think it falls in line with a man who simply has lost his "edge" in life ...once in a sentence or so he writes a little something that kinda appears normal, otherwise..many of us feel its the ramblings of someone who's lost his grip on reality.

  65. Timmy - YUP you guessed it!!!January 11, 2011 11:27 AM

    EGObserver is one of Cristo's doubt one of the infamous "backrow" at the organizational meeting - no matter what happened short of annointing Cristo President of East Greenbush or Taylor as Vice commandant - they wern't happy ! Whoever-( Dwight) writes the egprays blog is clearly looking for some sort of attention. he must think that people will read his continual diatribe against McCabe and the "Democratic Machine" and liken it to something out of Karl Marx manifesto from 55years ago !
    So - please go over to the Kool-Aid vomit lined blog and preach over there. Nobody hear is buying into the marijuana brownies today !

  66. I like this dialog -- nice to get away from attack mode.
    Maybe we should remember some other "golden rules", like "love thy neighbors". What does that really mean? Or "Turn the other cheek" (Is that one?)
    I don't know -- it is really hard to practice that kind of behavior sometimes, isn't it? Especially in this troubled world we live in.
    7:06 you may have the old postings from the other blog but I remember the derogatory ones from this blog. Truly some of them were just as bad.
    Why can't we be the better team and set an example -- put all of the rancor aside and begin a new day. After all, we won.

  67. Who's "we" ?? Someone needs to call Taylor and remind her of the rules of fair play . There's volumes of slander from Cristo and Taylor from their days at the T.U blog before they were thrown off, and then the BS started on their garbage page. And...if you don't think for one fleeting moment that we don't all realize that its mostly Taylor blogging away over there under her name and about 10 different other names - your only kidding yourself !
    If she was my neighbor - I think I'd MOVE !
    and...why do I have to turn the other cheek while she throws darts at everyone that disagrees with her and her jaded point of view? I just have to keep "taking it" ?? I don't think so !

  68. Where is the money for the truck that went to auction? Oh, so typically selective in who and what you want to attack, you teapartyers are, eh?? Saying Matters doesn't have any responsibility toward Bruen as the liaison to the town and still no money for a truck, you are a total joke. You can honestly say that if these two issues dealt with Malone, Mangold or O'Brien, you wouldn't be alll over them? That's why you are all such a joke and your teaparty blog also that is solely all about attempting to stir up nothing but controversy, instilling anger, fear,constant inaccuracies, etc. just like the O'Reily's, Becks, Palins, etc. of the world. And, guess what? They are laughing (yes, at all of you) ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK! Your ignorance is just unbelievable.

  69. Anony @ 5:05.....Could you get some help with what you are trying to say? If you're talking about Bruen, the most recent audit of the Ambulance District did cite the transfer of two emergency vehicles from the Town (District) to the squad (Bruen) for something like a dollar. (We're not quite sure yet who did the transfer on behalf of the Town. OSC didn't say, but the date(s) of the transfer(s) may be instructive. The most recent audit had many of the same findings as the one done by OSC in 2001. A Plan of Correction is required from the Board (District). This means that McCabe, O'Brien, Malone, Mangold and Matters will write it.

    I hope I'm responding to what you are trying to say. If not, try again.

  70. struck a nerve, eh? wasn't there some talk about a town truck going to auction by Cristo--not related to Bruen and still no check to the town for payment? Always got your blinders on, don't you--constantly seeing and saying only what you conveniently want to see and say---just pathetic. Give it up already on defending Matters also. No one is buying it. gee, what did we ever do before all of you kooks who have allllllllll the answers?

  71. How can a County
    legislator allow such garbage on his blog unless of course he's writing it himself.

  72. Anony @9:18..... If the proceeds from the auction have not been forwarded to the Town, the Supervisor might want to write a letter to Mr. Cristo stating that, and inviting Mr. Cristo to issue another check. This is so stupid. It almost looks like you are getting more mileage out of the check not being cashed than if you had the money in the bank. There are some real lapses in judgement which have cost taxpayers a whole lot of money that you can't seem to get concerned about at all. Some of them are on-going.

  73. County Republican FriendJanuary 12, 2011 2:42 PM

    I have just read the insults to RIck McCabe on the Cristo Taylor Blog. Trust me he will be laughing his butt off when he eventually reads it.
    I know Rick and let me give you a quick synopsis. He was teacher of the year twice, Basketball Coach of the year 3 times. He is a member of the Hall of Fames. Was indeed a radio personality, amassing awards during the 80's.
    Has been honored with numerous humanitarian awards and will be honored this Spring in The Southern Rensselaer Co. Boys and Girls Club, Person of the Year. He has been elected 6 times to serve the residents of E.G. By the way, he did host a cable TV show.
    You may not like him, but you have no idea who he is and what he's accomplished.

    A County Republican Friend

  74. Anonymous 12:34PM


  75. GEORGE - proud supporter of McCabe !January 12, 2011 4:34 PM

    Rick McCabe is TWICE the humanitarian as cristo and taylor combined! Those two wanna-be's couldn't hold a match to the solid record of kind and credible acts of decency and caring that Rick has amassed over the past 30+ years ! cristo talks like he's some sort of Shakesperian scholar and her - well just read her jibberish and make your own determination. Those immature love-birds couldn't get it together enough -( other than privately) to form an opinion on whether or not the sun was shining ! Why does anyone with a shred of common sense ever listen to their self ful-filling spin? I wouldn't give those two - or their supporters - credit for flushing a toilet !

  76. Yes......It's about time something was posted positive about the Supe...Won't see it on the other blog...Rick is an incredible person. He has touched so many lives in a positive manner(me included). He truely cares about EG. Its not about the almighty dollar with Rick...Thank you Rick for the positive influence that you have had on me...........

  77. *** You've GOT TO BE KIDDING!?!?! Your up to something because neither of you have a filter when it comes to slashing McCabe, OBrien or any democrat!!!
    Here's ole giggle~ giggle's post:

    NOTE---An agreement was made between someone (that will remain anonymous), Michael and I. Michael and I agreed to NOT post any EG political posts for 30 days (February 12th). There was a misunderstanding in the agreement that I take full blame for--I did not realize that included comments submitted.
    To honor this agreement I wanted to explain why no political comments will be posted from now until February 12th. I apologize for this infringement on Freedom of Speech. It was an agreement made, somewhat in jest and somewhat in sincerity, and we will honor it regardless.
    I apologize to Michael as well--sorry Buddy.

  78. County Republican Friend said...
    I have just read the insults to RIck McCabe on the Cristo Taylor Blog. Trust me he will be laughing his butt off when he eventually reads it.
    I know Rick and let me give you a quick synopsis. He was teacher of the year twice, Basketball Coach of the year 3 times. He is a member of the Hall of Fames. Was indeed a radio personality, amassing awards during the 80's.
    Has been honored with numerous humanitarian awards and will be honored this Spring in The Southern Rensselaer Co. Boys and Girls Club, Person of the Year. He has been elected 6 times to serve the residents of E.G. By the way, he did host a cable TV show.
    You may not like him, but you have no idea who he is and what he's accomplished.

    A County Republican Friend

    Yes........I tried to post something simaler on the other blog, as well as you probably did.....Non post...what a surprise. I am glad to hear from others, how Mr. McCabe is appreciated. Stand tall Supe...We are behind you......

  79. Nice Warner Wolf reference!

  80. Did anyone notice in the paper this morning that the Colonie Town supervisor makes $118,000 per year? Wow! With a budget deficit of $16 million, which grows every year. Makes our guy look pretty good huh? What does McCabe make $70k or so? With a 5k stipend he would still be 45k lower. How do our other salaries match up? Bet they are much lower too. WE don't know how good we have it in town.

  81. I just want to extend my gratitude to the current Town Board and to the East Greenbush Police as a whole. I've lived in EastGreenbush for 48 + years. Thankfully , I've never required the assistance of our Police Department but I do find it comforting to know they are only 911 call away. I believe the infusion of the three new officers is a great addition for our Police Officers .

  82. OK get the stats for Bethlehem or Guilderland then.....EGB is WAAYY behind each of those towns as well

  83. OK 4:39 -- so show me some relevant statistics -- like population and budget numbers. Now we're talkin'

  84. Looks like Bethlehem is about $65 million (quick ballpark) and Guilderland is about $32 million (quick ballpark). EG is about $17 million (quick ballpark) excluding the fire, amb. and lib. districts. The budget formats are all different, and I didn't download and print them all to get a good look, but I think I got the summary pages.

    Looks like EG has half the action of Guilderland.

  85. In todays political world, majority rules. If the republicans want change, they have to change.Personal attacks rarely win elections.I hope the people that jumped on board with the republicans this year for whatever gain they had in mind realize the kind of people they voted for are not what they thought. Change enrollement forms are at town hall, fill one out,be a winner. submitted by a proud democrat

  86. 1:18 - they'll never change - its their arrogance combined with ignorance and the kool-aid they drink that absolutely forbids them from ever admitting their wrong about anything !
    Prince Michael and his muse Ann are currently designing their next campaign for Ann this November. He's trying to buy some Police and DPW votes while she's pissing people off as usual !
    They make a great combination or so I'm told ! giggle~giggle ^-^

  87. Timmy - Ann's greatest critic !January 16, 2011 8:13 AM

    just about choked on my coffee reading Taylor answer to someone on her vomit page. She once again attempts to placate some of the dems but then turns around with her hair on fire -( pun intended ) and lets her temper flare! So predictable ! What a shame her people can't see her for what she really is - A SORE LOSER !

    ps - blog administrator - time for a new thread to give them over there something else to b*tch about ! giggle~giggle tee-hee

  88. Reading the national news this morning and there's a story about the widow of that school teacher that was shot and killed after he barged into a home at 3am out near Buffalo. His widow got some scum-bag lawyer and is suing the homeowner who shot the drunk as he walked throughout the home. WOW ! Your not allowed to protect your home and family from intruders at 3am- says alot about where our country is headed today .
    Can only hope the judge tosses this one out in the garbage where it belongs.

  89. Timmy - the guy behind the curtain - I'm beginning to think that you had some real trauma as a kid - perhaps being locked in the dark closet or issues with toilet training. You seem unable to say anything at all which is not a personal "shot" at someone. You seem unable to engage on issues in any way whatsoever. Everything is a wiseass personal comment.

    There are serious issues to be debated in our community. You are not making a contribution. I realize that "venting" was the raison d'etre of this blog. I have also observed that some in your camp are trying to change it. Why don't you try to help?

  90. 1102 - while your certaintly entitled to your opinion - please refrain from using the "wise*ss" comment in the future. Thank you.
    Just remember - free speech doesn't always go hand in hand with what you may think are solutions to perceived problems.

  91. Good Grief, Talks.....Your comment is much more appropriately directed at Timmy and his constant comment, than at me. I just labeled his production for what it constantly is. If your can think of a better characterization, please suggest it. It certainly would not be "thoughtful" or "considered" or "wise."

  92. One more thing, Talks......asterisks do not change meaning or content of the term. You allowed Anonymous at 7:44 above to use "pissing" with out any asterisk insertion. You really ought to check his final character symbolism too ^-^.

  93. Whatever....... doesn't change the fact that all the garbage starts over there and you can't handle it when someone dares disagree with her point of view. -( ) < > ^-^ lol !!!

  94. Taylor and her minions have NO LIFE . They sit at their computers and dream of what could have been - they drink whatever it is they put in that Kool-Aid and get their pants on fire and sit a write some derogatory statement against McCabe , OBrien or any other poor sole who befriends the Dems in East Greenbush.
    She is the epitomy of a sore loser and quite frankly , apparently is unemployable as well.
    She's been fired outright from two of her jobs. That fact alone says ALOT about her character and whether or not she belongs in Public Office. Just because Mike Cristo likes her - well we all know where that's going ! Huh?!? Giggle~giggle~boom-boom!

    btw; is this now the new thing they'll complain about: <>-_()^-^ !!?? ok - i'll play along
