Sunday, January 16, 2011

A thought and a suggestion

Once again, we find ourselves writing back and forth over what some feel are important, and yet others see as somewhat less important.

The name/cat calling over the past few days accomplishes NOTHING! EastGreenbushTalks suggests that since readers and believers of the Taylor/Cristo blog have their opinion which is apparently 180 degrees from the opinions of readers here, save yourselves a few blood pressure pills, and simply stick to the Taylor/Cristo blog! Of course, feel free to chime in on EastGreenbushTalks, but realize that more often than not there will be an argument and tempers seem to flare easily over the craziest topics. Also realize your comments might not get published here.

EastGreenbushTalks was started to give people that didn't agree with the campaign platform of Cristo/Taylor, a place to feel like they were being heard. The uproar came when writers from the Cristo/Taylor blog realized that not everyone bought into their platform. Then the nastiness got worse. Taylor will never agree with anything posted here, and likewise, not many readers or supporters of this blog will ever agree with her opinions or perspectives. It's kinda like her latest attempt at not printing anything political for a month. Many of us knew it was bogus and wouldn't last, but importantly - she never abided by her own game rules! The Cristo/Taylor blog - she can do as she pleases. Likewise - when we publish something here that you Cristo/Taylor People don't like - quite frankly - TOO BAD - it's our blog and we publish what we want! No bad feelings, it's exactly the same rules the Cristo/Taylor blog practice. That all being said - if you're not pleased with what's written here - blog your brains out over there, we'd tell you to blog on East Greenbush Prays but comments aren't allowed there.


  1. By your own admission and statement, this blog is reactive. Maybe if there is no positive mission or statement, you should shut it down. Just knee-jerk otherwise.

  2. 10:07pm-

    Maybe no one is interested in your opinion either - your assertion that this is a reactive blog is your opinion also. Several threads ofinterest to the people of east greenbush have been put here - only to have the readers from over there do what they do best - cloud the issue with hatred and nastiness. Read over there - goodbye !

  3. We see no such admission ... we provide a forum for people to comment.

    If East Greenbush Talks' readers take issue with posts on the Cristo/Taylor blog - so be it!!

    We will continue to provide a forum provided they keep their comments clean and civil.

  4. Once again - its the egtalks people trying to stop the bs - but the others refuse because they don't know any better. They can't see clearly thru those rose colored glasses being handed out by the reform party/republican want-to-be's ! The first comment on this thread shows how slanted their reading ability truley is!

  5. EGTALKS has been the class of the blogs ! The people who look to do nothing but incite an argument and throw around their baseless accusations are the readers from over there. I am very happy that someone finally took the time to start a page to counter the vicious and unwarranted attacks authored by the two losers.
    Its too bad they don't focus on something positive - but then again look who writes their blog.

  6. 5:02pm - Thank You - we agree ! Many people get what this blog is all about - many do not get it - still!

    In the interest of what we all know to be decent , I can't post your latest , although I'm tempted. While many of us reading your article would know what you've said to be true , unless you can be a tad bit more specific - ......oh well.

  7. Can you believe it...Annie is back on Junk Bonds and transfer station? The town is working on making improvements. She need to get a life. As far as the transfer station goes...I really don't mind paying a portion to keep it going...I know many senior citizens that need that service. They are treated respectfully by the gentlemen at the transfer station and it is affordable to them. I haven't had any children in the school system in many, many years yet I still pay school taxes. If they want to be fair...maybe we should only pay school taxes for about 10 years after our last child leaves the system....let the younger folks take over. With' more about POWER than anything else. If she was really civic minded...I am sure she could find somewhere to help out on a volunteer basis every day of the week. One last husband had me read some stuff on that a real person or someone just doing a therapy exercise? I am not one to judge people at first glance...however...this one may just be the execption. I hope this individual has some watching him or her closely. I wouldn't want to be left in a room with that one!

  8. Why are you always responding to the other blog? Don't you have any ideas of your own to put in place, or are you just going to follow blindly. Pete, You seem to be responsible, the town does have problems and neither side has all the answers. Just because things were always done one way, does not mean we must continue. We must do what is best for the town.

    Also, I do have a problem with so many family members appt. to positions. I agree that you appt. members of the dem. party for the posts, but not family members. There were plenty of residents that worked on the campaign this year and could use so help in making ends meat--and you know many of them. So it would have been nice to award them with the positions---not put whole families on the town dole.
    Just to make it clear I like many split my vote this election. So I do read both blogs.


  9. SP

    Why do you care so much? People know that what they have to say (as long as it isn't crude) can be said on this blog and not the other. They are very closed minded over there. By the way, one of the funniest comments over there is in the statement:
    Comments do not reflect the views of Ann or Mike...
    Almost all of them do...they will let an opposing one in here and there to make themselves look fair-minded but most people know better.

  10. If you ever wondered what side of the fence you sit on, this is a great

    If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one.

    If a reformer/republican doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed.

    If a democrat is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat.

    If a reformer/republican is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for

    If a democrat is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his

    A reformer/republican wonders who is going to take care of him.

    If a deomcrat doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels.

    Reformers/Republicans demand that those they don't like be shut down.

    If a democrat is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church.

    A reformer/republican non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced.

    (Unless it's a foreign religion, of course!)

    If a democrat reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh.

    A Cristo/Taylor supporter will delete it because he's "offended."

    Have a Nice Day !! :0)

  11. Kudos to the Board ! Your getting back to work ! We need to support all of you and not pay attention to the nay -sayers! They'll never be happy no matter what the Board does.
    Winners get to do whatever they want ! This Board - after ALL the mudslinging and nasty rhetoric leveled by the LOSERS can feel free to do whatever they want - hire whoever they want and ya know what ? - Who cares whether or not Taylor and her cronies like it! They LOST!
    EG Town Board - HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH!!! Losers will always look to try and get you to swing at a pitch in the dirt - they have nothing else better to do with their time !

  12. HUH?!?!?!?

    Cristo & Taylor rave about how Watervliet "went from a 1.3 million dollar surplus in 1996 to a $450,000 debt in 2003. Eight years later they are back to a 1 million dollar surplus."

    They then ramble about how "Watervliet began collecting their own garbage" and remind us all that EG has a Transfer Station.

    "C'Mon Man!" mention the drastic tax increase in 2006 that's now about 3 percent each year!!

    Turn the spin off, you two!! Nobody wants to hear your blather anymore!!

  13. It would appear that Cristo and Taylor just like to put a spin on just about anything without any rhyme or reason. There are more than a few Former Reformers out there who have caught on to that fact. There have been times when you just sit back and scratch your head after reading something over there and say "HUH"....

    It's still pretty personal for them that they lost the election but hopefully they can get past it. If they choose to run again, with the same outcome - who knows if the bickering will ever end. One can only hope.
