Thursday, July 31, 2014

Town Crew Cleaning Up Private Property?

The tree looks to be at least 25 feet back from Route 4, a State Road.

Can anyone explain why a Town crew is apparently cleaning up a tree on what looks to be private property along Route 4, a State Road? 
We understand and appreciate removing branches from the traffic lane, but really?
Word is that the crew was dispatched to help a private contractor allegedly hired by the Town remove the tree.

Any input would be appreciated.

Channels 10 and 13 reportedly had news crew on the scene.


  1. Carpinellos house - friends with Anthony Corellis and huge SWF supporters.
    It figures.....probably ordered there by Ercole

  2. So the town paid a contractor to cut down a tree on private property? Why? Who lives there?

  3. Was Keith Langley "supervising" the cutting?

  4. And the hits just keep coming, If this is true, we now know one of the reasons that Keith Langley can't figure out how to share the financial information or balance the would reveal his wrongdoing.

  5. On another note, I hope the little darlings who destroyed the Hampton Lake Park Gazebo can be made to reconstruct it themselves and pay for materials and supervision. Then get probation for 5 years!

  6. Please do the right thing Mr. Langley and resign. You can't be happy with the way things are falling apart because of your lack of ability.

  7. As a taxpayer, I would like an explanation. I had to pay for my tree work. We have such ineffective governing in this town. Langley needs to open his mouth and explain this one.

  8. ANONYMOUS yes Maryann - ANONYMOUSAugust 01, 2014 10:01 AM

    The workers are NOT at fault here. They were ordered by the tyrant Corellis to do this work. There is no doubt that some of them complained but were ordered to do the work. This man Corellis needs to be fired.

  9. Anyone who expects an explanation from Langley or Corellis is going to be disappointed. They do what they want when they want and could care less what anyone thinks.Try talking to either one of them and you'll see what I mean.

    1. SWF is exactly what we DON'T need in town.
      Defruscio and his gang of misfits and theives are running our town into the dirt.
      Please remember this in November 2015.

      MAM and Dimartino have clearly been the two worst disappointments in recent history. They, along with Commander Clueless Langley , should resign immediately and do us all a huge favor.
      Cheryl Vallee doesn't look so bad after all - huh ?

  10. Would anyone have any updates regarding the Keith Langley Labor-Management negotiations?

    1. How about an update on Republican screw-up Rich crist and his recent arrest ?
      Labor negoatiations will have to wait for the new Town Board. This SWF bullsh*t is clearly out to screw the Town workforce.

  11. SWF is Screwing the Taxpayers of EGBAugust 01, 2014 5:22 PM

    I feel sorry for the men who were on that job. Except for a very few , most of those men @ the DPW garage are openly discriminated against by Corellis and his infamous temper tantrum personality. Fiacco stands by and says nothing. Some leadership !

  12. leadership is like poo - it flows down from the top

  13. Has anyone made a formal complaint on this? It cannot be allowed to die. This is a fireable offense, but the commissioner.

  14. Who ya gonna complain too ? Langley ? Defruscio ? The people who put him in this job.
    How could we forget the impassioned letter Anthony Corellis wrote in the Advertiser screaming about the Dems while extolling the virtues of Keith No-Balls Langley. It was a letter written by Rich Crist -

  15. On the news last night Anthony Corellis came on and said the Town will be replacing the a cost of about $5,000. What? As a taxpayer, I just do not think that is something the town needs to take on at this point. I believe the town is trying to make themselves look like good guys. They are trying to divert the attention from the tree fiasco...take another look at the above photos...We are still waiting for an explanation.

  16. Really ? Corellis is clearly attempting to divert attention away from his little fiasco where he ordered town workers to assist his personal friends and SWF supporters , the Carpinello family on Route 4 .
    The joke is clearly on all of us because the gutless,ball-less supervisor will do nothing about this at all !

  17. I don't know the exact circumstances of this case and it's important that we hear from the DPW Commissioner as to his reasons for removing this tree but it might be helpful for people to review Section 13 - Use of Town Resources - in our Code of Ethics. It reads:

    (a) Town resources shall be used for lawful town purposes. Town resources include, but are not limited to, real property, personnel, money, vehicles, equipment, materials, supplies or other property owned or retained by the town.

    (b) No town officer or employee may use or permit the use of town resources, including time, for personal or private purposes, but this provision shall not be construed as prohibiting:

    (1) any use of town resources authorized by law or written town policy;

    (2) the use of town resources for personal or private purposes when
    provided to a town officer or employee as part of his or her compensation;

    (3) the occasional and incidental use during the business day of town telephones and computers for necessary personal matters such as family care and changes in work schedule; or

    (4) The occasional or incidental use when special circumstances necessitate, providing the employee has prior approval of their direct supervisor.

    Of course, if this is an ethics violation there's probably no point in filing a complaint with Ed Gilbert and his Board of "Ethics." Again, I'm not accusing the Commissioner of an ethics violation without hearing his rationale for this action but he needs to explain it. If he doesn't, a complaint to a real Board of Ethics would force him to do so.

    1. Anthony Corellis is fully aware he's a one term commissioner and just Like Chris Defruscio , he fully intends to exact revenge upon the DPW workers who failed to support SWF. Anthony could care less about the Towns Ethics laws- which is why Langley put Gilbert in there - to deflect any real complaints against SWF and their illegal movements throughout town. Helping all of the friends and family of Defruscio and his close supporters is exactly what SWF has been doing and will continue to do until November 2015.
      I suggect we all get used to the outright brass thievery of Defruscio and his merry band of thieves!

  18. The thing that made the gazebo so valuable is that a young person from the community had the vision to conceive the plan, raised the funds to support the plan and put a team together to help him build the structure. His idea was a good one and many people, myself included, enjoyed the gazebo.

    This was a PRIVATE project, donated to the public. There are currently many young people in our town who would like to make a positive contribution and restore the public's faith in our community. We have a community & recreation department why don't they contribute the coordination necessary for the young people to replicate this project. If young people raise the money necessary to make this work they will also respect it. Who Is Anthony Corellis to rob the young people of this opportunity? Has Mr. Langley given Mr. Corellis the authority to spend $5,000 without Town Board approval? Was Mr. Corellis speaking on his own authority or was he speaking for for the ever absent Mr. Langley?

  19. Got an odd piece of mail today from Mr. Correllis. It gives 5 dates for leaf pick up two months from now. Corellis cc's Langley. Is Corellis, like Gilbert, now speaking for Langley when Langley should speak for himself? Why are they talking about leaves now? Do they expect the website to go down in October? Do they expect the Advertiser to stop carrying their notices? Or is this mail a diversion, a foolish attempt to distract the citizen watchdogs from pursuing the town workers being ordered to work on frivate property?

    1. maybe he'll be away the next couple of months

  20. It sounds as if Corellis and the town would like to redirect the attention in any way they can. People.....please remember this tree fiasco at the next town board meeting. I am sure Langley and company would like us to forget about it.

  21. This is my first time writing on a blog. A friend of mine told me about Talks an I tuned in. I can't believe what I am reading, I hope the tree episode is not true. If it is I must say this town is full of corruption. If it was reported to the authorities, where are they?. Where is the county attorney, where is the attorney general, why isn't anybody doing something about this. If the Tree episode is true the Commissioner should resign or be fired. What will the town board do? I can remember when Supervisor Mike VanVoris and Commissioner Thomas DeJulio Were in charge, one a democrat and the other a republican. They both helped me immensely. They did not play politics when it came to doing their jobs. Now I am reading about all the malfeasance and misfeasance that is occurring. I am a old time republican and very dissatisfied with what my party is doing. Hopefully its only a few and not the majority of the republican party. Glad I tuned in, if some is half truth it is enough for me to start questioning.

  22. The gazebo guys are in training for Town government.

  23. Get rid of the Corellis's!August 02, 2014 6:44 PM

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  24. Clean it up a bit and resubmit.

  25. Anthony Corellis I would like to know how you can spare DPW employees and equipment to take down a tree at a private residence.... yet, everywhere I drive in town there are pot holes that can damage a persons car and have been there since last winter. I understand the house in question is a relative of yours and you want to play big shot. Instead of playing big a big shot, how about playing DPW Commissioner and doing your job! If this is too much to ask then go back to replacing septic tanks and let someone qualified do the commissioners job. Just saying.

    1. Anthony could care less. He's "protected" by Ed Gilbert and the faux ethics board put n place by SWF .
      Defruscio-Crist-Gilbert-Tirino-Langley are all complicit in this scam to rip off the taxpayers of East Greenbush - to benefit themselves and a very few,select friends and party faithful.
      Cheryl Vallee and Mike Bottillo are looking better every day - huh ?!

  26. I heard Langley is going to take Corellis to lunch to discuss the tree debacle. I asked myself how is being taken to lunch a punishment? Upon reflection I had to be honest who in their right mind would want to sit through lunch with Langley? Is this punishment enough for Corellis you decide.

    1. I feel sorry for the men who must work for Corellis. Can you imagine working for such an arrogant a-h*le ?
      Those men deserve a raise - even if Langley refuses to come to the table to negotiate.

    2. Why doesn't anyone have to pay for their consequences anymore? If your related to the person and they need a favor whether it be illegal or not, you just go ahead and do it. You walk around with your "small chest" out and think your the "big cheese" when all you are is a rat who stinks. What if I wanted a tree down in my yard? In fact I need a stump taken out; Anthony - how much would it cost for the DPW guys to come over and remove it for me? Is that what "normal" DPW crews do in Colonie and Delmar if they know somebody well enough? Is there compensation there? Maybe Corellis figures "what the heck; I'm not going to get re-elected because Supervisor Langley won't be here; so I might as well do everything for my friends and family now." I feel sorry for you, Anthony.

  27. "Lunch with Langley" sounds like a good idea for a TV sit-com. Too bad the joke's on us.

  28. Poor Corellis he doesn't stand a chance. Langley wanted to fire a town employee for accidentally handing in the wrong shoe receipt. Obviously the transgression Corellis did using town employees to do the tree job on rt.4 is far and away much worse. If Langley the man he says he is he has no choice but to fire Corellis. If not he's the phony piece of crap many of us suspect he is.

  29. I don't have any tree work but my driveway is a mess. Perhaps Corellis could get this done for me....I live on a town road...

    The last thing this town needs is a casino...we are corrupt enough already without adding to the mix!

  30. What kind of man does Langley say he is? And by the way, has Langley resigned yet?

    1. Langley always tells people he is a nice guy. He thinks he is such a nice guy that he got elected for it. People have tried to explain to him that the votes that provided the margin of victory were votes against McCabe but he refuses to accept it. Not too bright, ya know,

  31. LANGLEY IS A PUTZAugust 04, 2014 10:33 AM

    Defruscio and Red are at it again ? Out stealing peoples "NO CASINO" signs.....some things never change .

    1. Red has been stealing campaign signs for years. That will never change. That will be his legacy -

  32. In response to Anon 8:37AM....While campaigning Langley said he is a great family man...makes the right choices no matter the consequences.....a man of integrity, no matter how difficult the choice may be he will do what is right.

    Let him use that bullsh*t line when he is selling cars for DeFruscio in 2016 when he needs the job!

  33. Mary Ann Matters has a chance to show that she has really turned the corner. If she is truly about good government and representing the tax payers she will call for a full investigation of Anthony Corellis and why town resources were used to work on a tree at a private residence. The owner of the private residence, as I understand it, happens to be a relative of Corellis.

    I think the District Attorney is a good place to start. If she doesn't get any results there, then the Attorney General should be next as it appears that Corellis was using town equipment, town employees and town funds in an illegal manner. If found to be true this should carry stiff consequences.

    Unfortunately, I have zero hope that Langley will do anything...why would he start now. DiMartino is too close to the Corellis family so she will be mum on the issue.

    I encourage Malone and Mangold to also get involved and assist Mary Ann in this endeavor if Mary Ann is up to the task - which I truly hope she is.

    1. J.C.

      We tried all that with the stipends and other illegal acts committed by the prior administration. Good luck.

      I am not for a second trying to discourage you. If you have the facts go for it. Seriously, no kidding around and no politics. Go for it.

      Let us know, please, how it all turns out.

  34. WHISTLING PAST THE CEMETERYAugust 04, 2014 12:46 PM

    WANTED: someone who is willing to step up to the plate and demand accountability from Corellis and Fiacco.
    Tax dollars were wasted doing a personal friend a favor on Route 4.
    There's no chance the Ethics Board will address the issue and be able to come to any reasonable conclusion. Langley made sure the Ethics Board was rendered useless with his appointment of Gilbert.
    Matters and Dimartino - are you out there ? How about this for a change - you actually DO YOUR JOB and demand a full explanation from Corellis ?! Huh? What';s that ?? Oh - I see- he's and SWF supporter and can't be touched. Too bad for the taxpayers of east Greenbush who just got screwed ~ AGAIN!
    SWF- placing your hard earned tax dollars in Defruscios pocket - at least until December of 2015 !

    1. Welcome to SWF ! - You were you have no recourse until the next election. Chrissy DeF. is laughing at the stupidity of the voters that fell for his concoction and voted to give him more $ in his pocket. He really thanks you from the bottom of his heart ! - ( no pun intended)

  35. The August Board Meeting is shaping up to be quite the crowd pleaser. Get your seats early.. The Meet the Putz show may be a sellout...

    1. Langley is a PUTZAugust 04, 2014 3:05 PM

      Meet the Putz ! I LOVE IT ! O.K. - which Putz ? Langley - Gilbert - Defruscio - Tirino - Mulvey - Corellis - Crist - Danaher - Dimartino - Matters ?

    2. I can think of other descriptions for that crew...but TALKS will never print it.....

  36. Anonymous 2:38 I agree when an investigation was asked for by the public it went no where. Thus why I asked Mary Ann Matters to initiate the investigation along with Malone and Mangold. They are elected officials and may carry more weight.

  37. LANGLEY IS A PUTZAugust 05, 2014 9:40 AM

    Commander Clueless would do well to take a lesson from Rensselaer City Mayor Dan Dwyer.
    Mayor Dwyer appeared on local television and was a true professional. He spoke intelligently and professionally about his cities desire to host the upstate Casino and gave numerous reasons why his city is the perfect site for such a venue.
    Langley is too busy driving around with Defruscio all day long to bother to sufficiently educate himself to speak with the news media and look like he has half a clue what he's talking about.
    We're screwed if this Casino comes to EG under this morons leadership - or lack thereof !

  38. So MAM goes to a "Party" with Crisco and Taylor and next shows up on a piece about the Hard Rock site. The site is right next to Crisco's place. I guess MAM is still a puppet she just has a new puppeteer.

    1. We all know Langley is ignorant and incompetent. No more need to "pour it on". We all do need , however, top stay vigilant in our efforts to hold Langley and the SWF accountable for all their actions and inaction. SNAFU's such as Corellis ordering Town employees to do work on private party need to be kept on the forefront of peoples minds so it can be mitigated in the voting booth next November !

  39. A number of people on this blog complained previously about theft of town resources by Chris DeFruscio. But, in the end, no one did anything about it.

    Try contacting the OSC, the media, local prosecutor's offices, and yes, file an Ethics Board complaint. You should not pre-determine how the Ethics Board will handle any complaint on this issue. You should file and keep the public informed throughout the process. Otherwise you are just shouting at the rain.

    Go for it, please. Holding town officials accountable is critical to good government and, in the end, we all care about that regardless of our politics.

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  42. Our fine little Town was doing better until Defruscio came back into the picture. Not perfect - but better.
    I fully understand why so many people dislike him. He's a proven liar and very immature. Why do the Republicans continue to allow him to plunder their party into obscurity ?
    Our town is NOT a joke or punch line - whcih is exactly how Defruscio, Langley and Gilbert seem to want to treat it !
    Cheryl Vallee would have never allowed this unprofessional atmosphere to continue.
    Langley should simply walk away and leave the job to someone who really wants to be here and cares about the future of our Town.
    2015 can't come soon enough !

    1. They- the Repubs. - clearly do not see that he is bad for EGB.
      You can't force people to see whats directly in front of their faces every day.
      Quite simply , Langley was a huge mistake. He was embraced by the Republican party and they put all their chips in his basket.
      They were fooled and must now deal with the likes of Langley,Gilbert,Tirino,Mulvey and MAM and Dimartino as a result of their short-sightedness.

  43. Not all were fooled. Many Rep/Con are laying in wait for our opportunity to get Langley out. The hope is that by the 2015 election MAM and DiMartino will have seen enough of Langley and support a good candidate on the Rep ticket.
    Make no mistake about it: if Langley seeks the republican nomination he will be facing a primary.

  44. Langley is dead meat in the next election by his own failings. Yet he continually embraces the failed policies and guidance of E. Chris Duhmbfruscio.....tsk~tsk~tsk...

  45. Langley is a PUTZ

  46. I want to make a point here...

    A lot of you good people wrote about DeFruscio stealing this and stealing that.

    You wrote about Gilbert's conflict of interest. Couldn't agree more.

    You wrote at length about the tree removal matter.

    What have you done about any of it except blog?

    Seriously, what prevents you from uniting, coming together and taking some positive action about these issues?

    I am not trying to be a wise guy. We all want and need good government. Do something positive about these things - please.
