Saturday, July 19, 2014

Stepping Up By Stepping Down!

Note - This article was submitted to The Advertiser on 7/18/14.

Councilperson Mary Ann Matters surprised those attending the 7/16/14 East Greenbush Town Board Meeting by stepping up to protest (my word, not hers) Deputy Supervisor Ed Gilbert’s serving on the Town’s Ethics Board by stepping down as Liaison to that Board.

When Councilperson Matters was appointed Ethics Board Liaison, I wrote “We applaud this appointment and wish Councilperson Matters the best of luck in this role.”  I am truly sorry to see her step down.

Town Law §42 states “The deputy supervisor shall be appointed by the supervisor to serve at the pleasure of the supervisor”.  Sounds a lot like beholden to one master!

Deputy Supervisor Gilbert was appointed to the Ethics Board, along with four other members, via party line vote at the infamous 8:45AM, March 14th Special Meeting.  Councilperson Matters voted in the affirmative.  This was legal, in that General Municipal Law §808.1 requires that “at least one of whom shall be an elected or appointed officer or employee”. 

Legal, yes.  But was it proper and ethical? 

Many have expressed opposition to the Deputy Supervisor Gilbert’s Ethics Board appointment, citing his uber-partisan behavior and attacks against those with differing opinions (myself included), as you’ve no doubt seen in his articles in previous Advertisers.
Also, many at the Board Meeting spoke in support of Ms. Matters’ courageous and noble action, unfortunately, the wrong person stepped down!  I believe Ms. Matters said she’d return as Liaison if he resigns.  One can only hope!

Perhaps Councilperson Matters should have publicly called for Mr. Gilbert to resign from the Ethics Board.

I don’t know, but I’d think Councilperson Matters would have discussed her intentions with Supervisor Langley beforehand, giving the Deputy Supervisor the opportunity to do the right thing and resign from the Ethics Board.

Am I correct to assume that Supervisor Langley’s and Deputy Supervisor Gilbert’s loyalties to one another are stronger than their loyalties to the Town, the people of East Greenbush and the Ethics Board?

Again, “the wrong person stepped down!

Deputy Supervisor Gilbert should resign from the Ethics Board!

Pete Stenson


  1. Mary Ann finally figured out what was going on and acted appropriately. I can't help but feel that Deb will be the next one to step up. Let's be fair Mary Ann and Deb are new and had to get a feel of what they needed to do. It's easy to see how they could have been manipulated at first but now their eyes are open. As for Ed, don't expect to much from him and you won't be disappointed.

    1. Ed Gilbert needs to resign. He is the walking, talking definition of conflict of interest.

  2. Pete -

    Very well put, as usual. The primary issue is how to establish a Board of Ethics that is independent of the Town Board. It's difficult to achieve full independence but the Association of Towns had a proposal that I thought was interesting. Their first recommendation is to pass a Local Law eliminating the requirement that one member be a town official or employee. They recommend setting up a three person panel consisting of well-respected citizens who have never run for or held political office (including committee membership), or made significant contributions to campaigns. Of course, this panel would have to be appointed by the Town Board, but since that is our elective body they must and should have final say.

    The three person panel would solicit applications, conduct interviews and recommend a five person Board of Ethics. The Town Board would agree in advance to accept the nominations unless there was specific cause to reject one or more. The specific causes that would disqualify a person would be laid out in advance. Otherwise, the Town Board would accept the panel's recommendations and make the appointments.

    The issue is independence and Ed Gilbert is not independent. I believe I was when I was appointed but I don't think I would be now because of the vocal and visible stance I've taken on the casino issue. It's hard to find people who can truly be independent and impartial, especially when one member works for the town. It's no knock on Ed that he takes a strong partisan stand. That's his right and his preference. But it compromises the Board of Ethics to have people like that as members. The issue is categorical, not personal.

    You got this exactly right: Mary Ann should stay as liaison, Ed should resign.

    1. Jack, one cautionary note. Under your proposal it might still be possible for Langley confidant, Johnny Muffins to be appointed by the TB to the three person steering panel. We need to keep a close eye on ANYTHING Supervisor Langley is involved with over the next two and a half years.

    2. I left out one important part and your response reminded me of it. Appointees to the three person panel would have to have bi-partisan support. At least one member from each side would have to approve the appointment. This way, the majority doesn't simply get three appointments which would destroy the purpose of the exercise.

  3. Thanks, Jack.

    And thanks for your constant excellent input on many diverse issues.

    I don't think the problem is whether "an elected or appointed officer or employee" sits on the Ethics Board. I think Jim Breig was an excellent choice.

    I also think there are any number of Town employees who could serve on the Ethics Board in an independent manner.

    Someone who is, as I write above, "beholden to one master" is not necessarily an appropriate or acceptable choice.

    It may be Ed Gilbert's right to take a strong partisan stand as a private citizen, but not necessarily as Deputy Supervisor.

    Even a non-elected Deputy Supervisor represents a Town the second he/she speaks on any topic, and should exercise prudence, courtesy and professionalism when doing so.

    I think Dwight hit that nail squarely on the head with his comments last week.

    Pete Stenson

    PS I can't count the number of times I'd bite my tongue during the Public Privilege Period in my brief stint as Town Comptroller.

  4. Tom Grant, the elderJuly 20, 2014 10:12 AM

    Thank you for once again taking the time and effort out of your busy schedule to submit this and your previous articles to The Advertiser. You have contributed greatly to the quality of public discourse of many issues of importance to the Town's residents.
    Be well,

  5. Any word on whether Ed Gilbert (or Keith Langley for that matter) has resigned?

  6. Gilbert is too arrogant to resign. He's up on his soapbox screaming and yelling at anyone who dares oppose the Langley administration and their warped positions on Town business. Keith knew exactly what he was doing placing Gilbert in those positions.
    Ed Gilbert was trounced in two elections by the people of East Greenbush. This is Keith and Defruscios little game and they are calling the shots. Gilbert simply carries the water for Langley because he's a coward and too scared to stand up for himself.

    1. Anonymous - yes Maryann - AnonymousJuly 23, 2014 2:11 PM

      Lets be very clear about one thing - LANGLEY IS A PUTZ!
      He was truly the boy who got his butt beat on the playground at school. He tries to bully those around him , but guess what Keith: most of us laugh out loud at you because your ignorant and incompetent !
      That fool Defruscio and the wanna-be Gilbert are just pawns to be played at a later date. Rich Crist is in legal trouble and Danaher is hiding in the county.
      Remember people, many~many of you wanted change. You asked for it - you got it~ change for the worse !

    2. Is the Keith Langley and Ed Gilbert Ethics Board still meeting tomorrow at 7pm? Has Ed Gilbert resigned as Ethics Chairperson yet, or will he announce his resignation at the meeting?

  7. Anonymous - yes Maryann - AnonymousJuly 24, 2014 1:29 PM

    While I do believe her resignation from the ethics board was wise, I do question her ultimate motive.
    With her self-serving article in todays advertiser aside, Maryann has one of the worst track records of blind partisan voting in her short 7 month career as Town Board member. Her moves on January 2nd cannot be forgiven, at least by many who know the difference. Many readers and autors of these blogs do not know what went on behind the scenes because they do not care - it didn't affect them or their family members.
    The unprofessional method used by the current Board majority and the tactices deployed daily by the Defruscio crew show many long time residents how completely inadequate and unqualified these people are to hold public office. Most of them aren't qualified to pack groceries. They're a bunch of political rejects who feel empowered to shoot their mouths off and flex what little political muscle they have - ( albeit short term ).
    November 2015 can't come soon enough.
    To MAM: prove that you are genuinly remorseful, straighten out the messes you've created and then you won't have to worry about anonymous bloggers hurting your feelings !

  8. Of course, MAM's stand in today's Advertiser isn't worth the paper it's printed on without two other Board Members following suit in a vote.

  9. The entire SWF team is flawed. Gilbert is the poster boy for political inadequacies and incompetence.
    MAM and her latest declaration of independence are not fooling too many of us. Time will prove this is nothing but a stunt to get her detractors off her back. She will show her nasty little temper within a few weeks and all bets will be off until she climbs back into the Defruscio fold with the rest of them.
    There is not going to be any real change until the next election when she and Dimartino are rendered useless and powerless- as they should be !

  10. How ironic is it that MAM would complain about an "elaborately orchestrated "bait and switch" scheme the likes of which have never been seen in East Greenbush."

    Remember all the SWF hoopla?? Talk about "bait and switch"!

  11. Whistling Past the CemeteryJuly 24, 2014 10:55 PM

    Tom Grant and Jack Conway are jumping with joy at MAM and her article she allegedly authored in the Advertiser. She may have NOT written that article ! Rich Crist is the acknowledged author of anything Republican in EG.
    While I greatly respect both men and their outspoken stance on the Casino and other important issues facing our town, I would caution each of you that I smell a rat !
    MAM is NOT to be trusted regarding ANY issue. Her latest little tiff with Ed Gilbert is exactly that - a LITTLE tiff.
    Defruscio and Rich Crist - while both are distracted by their own issues, worked very hard to ensure Langley has an almost bullet proof majority and then they put Gilbert in there to mouth off and protect their little scams.
    Casino or no Casino - Langley and Co. intend to continually screw this town into the ground. Langley is ridiculously incompetent and downright ignorant of his official duties. His majority Board members are no better.
    Besides this Casino debacle - we'd all be well advised to pay very close attention to the goings on in the end office @ Town Hall.
    1st of all - he's never there ! 2nd is his outright refusal to meet with anyone.
    3rd is his indignation when he speaks with Town employees - rude is an understatement !
    4th is the people he surrounds himself with -daily . Speaks volumes of his personal character traits- such as HE HAS NONE !
    5th - what about those audits Keith ? WHAT ARE YOU HIDING ?
    6th - Ethics Comittee - really? Ed Gilbert ? really ?
    7th - Anthony Corellis - really ? Dan Fiacco - really ?
    8th - Muffin Man Tirino - really ? Seriously ? What a JOKE !
    9th - cameras throughout Town Hall - what are you afraid of ?
    10th - just do us all a huge favor and resign ! - Soon !

  12. Things will never be the same in East Greenbush politics again. MAM has actually broken with a machine. This means that Dems can do it too. An entirely NEW electorate has surfaced in East Greenbush over the casino fiasco. Folks who never really paid much attention to Town politics until now. So it's all changed. No more buying an election with a perk in a contract or some pork or some OT. I think we've turned a corner. And what's beautiful about it is that the old party machines tried to "hold the line" in the old ways with the narrow self interest and the "campaign mode" of demanding loyalty.

    But vigilance is the price of liberty.....

  13. Has anyone been following MAM's rants for this week. She votes not once but twice in favor of a super sized casino for East Greenbush.

    In this weeks Advertiser she turns around and calls this Feathers group a bunch of parasites, and flips on her vote to support the Casino because Capitol View Casino downsized the number of hotel rooms at the facility so as not to compete with the local hotels already established in East Greenbush.

    Ms. Matters you are not showing an ability to express logical thought and no one would hold it against you if you were to just step down.

    You were elected to make important decisions and stand by them. You appear to be unable to do that.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. WAY TO GO MARYANNONYMOUSJuly 26, 2014 11:24 AM

    Isn't MAM's picture over on the FLY the same picture she used when she was campaigning for her TB seat on the Rebooblican ticket? Talk about a Bait and Switch. SWF, what a scam. Not good Mary Annonymous not good at all. DeFruscio sure can pickem. RMOTHFL

  16. That wasn't the only argument Ms. Matters made. The developers said that the casino would not compete with, but would enhance local business. They reversed that argument in the downsizing of the hotel by two thirds. Didn't they know how many hotels were in the area going in to this fiasco? The downsizing so they won't compete argument fails to address the matter of reduced revenue. Nobody has crunched any numbers.

  17. It's very curious and noteworthy that there has been no response from Supervisor Langley to MAM's comments. We've heard from Sue Mangold, but still nothing from Keith Langley. Is Langley preparing to back away from the Casino as well? Who knows? Langley has gone back on his promises before. Stay tuned boys and girls.

    1. That's because this is a well executed plan between them. She gets back in good graces and then helps him in his campaign next year.

    2. Langley's not that smart. He's toast next year if he even tries to run again.

  18. Mary Ann Matters shouldn't be trusted by anyone. Not the Democrats, not the Republicans, and not even the Gadflies. She agrees with people one day and bites them the next. She voted yes for the casino twice and turns around and stabs them in the back. Her Times Union quote "I've come to the conclusion that a casino is a parasite that attaches itself to the host community and bleeds it dry," Matters said.
    Matters has no character, and is totally untrustworthy.

  19. Having been around EG politics for the last over 20 years I would say Mary Ann Matters probably deserves the crash and burn award for having thrown her political career away in record time. She has betrayed the people who put her where she is. She has been rude and insulting to the Democrat Party, lacking any degree of professionalism. It has been quit a show to say the least. Now she is changing her position on the biggest economic opportunity ever seen in EG.. Keep up the good work Council person Matters. You've made next year a walk in the park.

  20. WAY TO GO MARYANNONYMOUSJuly 27, 2014 8:16 PM

    First Mary Ann Matters votes yes twice in favor of the casino.

    Then she calls the casino operators parasites that will bleed our town dry.

    Then she withdraws here support for the casino.

    Then she makes the following quote in the Times Union.

    "We want what we were pitched back in April: a world-class destination resort casino, not a local casino that primarily features what seems like a gambling parlor,"

    Can you really trust anything Mary Ann Matters has to say? I don't think so.

  21. I wish we had a world-class Town Supervisor, instead of a parasite who IS bleeding our town dry.
    Time to do the right thing and resign, Mr. Langley.

  22. I find it amazing it took something like this casino debacle for people to see exactly how worthless Langely really is and what a total joke SWF is.
    MAM and Dimartino are simply pawns in the Defruscio/Crist circus.
    Sad that we now must suffer 15 more months.

  23. Langley is no more than a resident living in this town - as far as Supervisor; he doesn't have a clue to things going on. He looks like a NERD, Talks like a Nerd and is a Nerd. We just have to wait it out to get rid of him; he's too stupid to resign; MEN do that, he's a parasite, sitting at a desk doing nothing; looking down at TB meetings, afraid to face people or to make decisions for fear they'll be the wrong ones. It'll be interesting to see which Matters runs for the Supervisor's position. Lets face it, anybody could run against him and win. All ya need is a personality and a back bone and you'd have it beat. 15 more months and its ADIOS MuChaChos!!

    1. The word nerd implies some intelligence, as in computer nerd. Langley has no expertise and makes no contribution to our Town. The thing that is so hard for me to understand is why he would want to hang around for 15 months in a job he refuses to learn, doing little or nothing every day.

  24. Langley hasn't resigned yet? What's he waiting for?

  25. $70 grand a year to do nothing!! who'd resign that gig?

  26. I read on the Fly that Keith Langley has been invited to the anti-casino meeting tonight. Think he'll go?? I'd like to hear what he has to say.

  27. Langley was a no show.

  28. Replies
    1. ANONYMOUS - Yes - Maryann - ANONYMOUSJuly 30, 2014 3:53 PM

      Langley was the "next coming of the messiah" according to Defruscio and some of his current detractors.
      Some of those current detractors conveniently like to forget the amount of support they threw behind "Commander Clueless". Some of them even came out and blindly fell in love with MAM after her bogus letter to the advertiser.
      Its amazing how gullible some people are , still.....

    2. MAM was never more than a toy on a stick - totally incapable of thinking or speaking on her own. That latest piece of drivel is nothing more than a feeble attempt to save face.
      Gullible is the understatement of the year !
