Sunday, July 27, 2014

Music in the Park

Apologies ... we copied from an old Supervisor's Report.

Can't find the current year's Music in the Park schedule on the Town's new and improved web site.

Thanks to "Rose July 28, 2014 6:37 AM" ... we have the schedule from Facebook.


  1. This is not the correct schedule...the dates are incorrect and so are the bands.

  2. I can't get an updated Supervisor's report. The only thing I see from Langley is from way back in June. Is the 2012 in your report a typo?
    I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see if the Supervisor will announce the Starbucks again. especially since the rest of the town is in a turmoil over the casino.

  3. The correct schedule for Music in the Park can be found on the Facebook page Town of East Greenbush Community and Recreation Department.

  4. Poll: Voters divided on Capital Region casino development
    Posted on July 29, 2014 at 12:16 pm by Matthew Hamilton

  5. Good morning,
    Has Keith Langley resigned yet?

    1. $70 grand a year to do nothing!! who'd resign that gig?

  6. LANGLEY IS A PUTZJuly 31, 2014 3:36 PM

    Langley is a PUTZ who doesn't know enough to walk inside out of the rain.

    Do you think he has the brains to actually resign....NO - he's too ignorant !
