Thursday, February 20, 2014

Its NOT the workers

One thing needs to be made  perfectly clear regarding the snowplow and removal woes of  2014.

Its NOT the  workers, its the new DPW Commissioner Anthony Corellis.

The drivers and  wingmen are the same,  same as last year and the year  prior.  The man making the call, or lack thereof, is Anthony Corellis.

He's to blame for the refusal to call the men out in a timely fashion. No one else is at fault.

No one likes the cost of storm cleanup and the almost guaranteed OT the comes along with it.  Its a necessary evil that we have dealt with for years in this Town.  Residents have never liked OT but most realize that is the cost of a true emergency - both DPW and Police.   Nothing has changed except the man who makes the call.    

Kudos to the person who wrote about this on the Gadfly . We've been thinking exactly the  same thing for  weeks.


  1. Congrats. Couldn't have said it better !

  2. We didn't have these issues last year or the year before !

    1. It didn't snow last year.

    2. Yeah - right ! 51 + inches last didn't snow Dilbert !

    3. ed gilbert, keith langley's personal meteorologist? aka the angry weatherman.

    4. Howie Shine - is that you ??

  3. Great post!! true dat!!

    the crews can't do their job if they're not sent out!

    @ 9:45 yeah, only 51.4" in Albany

    Keith Langley, Town Supervisor, 477-4775
    Anthony Corellis, Commissioner of Public Works, 477-6103

  4. What did anyone expect ? With Defruscio making the decisions, chaos is surely to follow !
    Used Car salesman + Septic installer = no real knowledge of how DPW should be run.
    Its that simple people.
    Clueless Keith has surrounded himself with inept and incompetent individuals who did nothing more than provide a check to the Republican campaign coffers. Too bad for the resident taxpayers.

    1. Speaking of Republican Campaign coffers... go on the NYS Board of Elections website and take a look at how Republican Chairman and Court Attendant Chris DeFruscio's has run an almost $8,000 deficit for his EG Republican Committee. So much for Fiscal Restraint and Accountability.

  5. 87 inches in VanWormers first winter, 2010-2011. Didn't hear these complaints then did we? This "learning curve" for the new guys is a total copout. The fact is, you put a perfectly good man who was doing a good job, on the street, with 2 new guys who don't know what they're 44k more per year. You blew it SWF.

  6. Show up now and then!February 21, 2014 11:05 AM

    Whats this in the Advertiser? Outstanding residents in the Town celebrate their birthdays; many votes from them, lots of taxes paid by their families, throughout the years, and who shows up for their 105th and 100th party, Deputy Supervisor? You may think this is not a big deal, but Come On, Supe - start showing up to some activities; you can't always hide and stay away; whats really wrong with you anyway?

    1. The Supe must have been afraid someone might ask him a question in a room full of people.

    2. Dear Show: you are right but there is another related problem. Gilbert has often shown his nasty temper and inappropriate behavior. He has twice been turned away by the voters. There is real potential for him to embarrass the town when he is our official representative at a function. Why would Langley take that risk?

  7. To: Show Up: Sounds like your a warm and fuzzy kind of person. You do not Keith the way I do. His only worry in life is winning the next election; he delegates and hopes all of his so called "friends" do the right thing and make him look good, he's not going to stand up to the plate and be forthright in what he does as a person with a personality. You, Show Up sound like a dreamer; his only interest is cutting costs, firing people, having as little staff as needed to plow snow or do whatever to make him look like he's been cutting costs and saving money so he gets re elected; Dream on Supe, you at some point will have to be your own person and stop holding Defruscio's hand. Grow Up and Put your Big Boy Pants on! Don't bother; its not like your going to get another chance at this in less than two years!!

  8. Dilbert's putting on the public face so he can run again in 2015.

    all part of defcon's plan

    1. That is nice. Ed is the easiest to beat. The more he shows up, the easier he will bed to beat.

    2. Well how easy does that make it for the DEMS if Gilbert runs again! Easy Peazzzy!

  9. To: Show Up Now and Then: My relative was one of the people who were honored and I was told the Supervisor did not show up. I wanted to write him a letter and ask him what was so important that he couldn't of shown up for FIVE minutes to wish those 2 Seniors well. I guess if he's behaving that way for these people who have lived so long, he'll behave in this manner with any of us residents and taxpayers. Shame on You, Supervisor Langley; I may be a Republican as is the whole family but you'll never get our vote again. As far as "Show Up" don't waste your time blogging about him, he's just a human being that doesn't care about anyone but himself. Don't open your doors to him when he comes a knocking!!

    1. The Supervisor has a problem with older people. He won't walk down the hall to say hello when they're meeting in TH. HIs now defunct DEMands blog had two episodes of referring to two different prominent female citizens in our community using their age as an unflattering way to be dismissive.
      I don't think he is just self centred. He feels a need to disparage those around him and is especially resentful of those who are successful.

    2. Langley didn't show up because he was probably hiding out in the back room of his "good friend" Chris DeFruscio's used car shop. He spends a lot of the day there.

    3. What the heck does the Supe do there?

    4. yeah, chances are slim and none that he was busy at town hall and slim just left

  10. Ed Gilbert - the man who has brought leisure suits back into the mainstream spotlight !

  11. Anyone hear the rumor K.L. goes to town hall on Saturdays to review the audio and videos that are secretly recorded.He was there today.

    1. Doesn't surprise me that the recluse would be at town hall when no one but Chris D. is there to keep him company.

    2. yeah whats going on with those 2; its weird!

    3. They certainly seem to like their alone time.

  12. Was he also reviewing the video from the old Yip's?

    1. Word has it Clueless Keith is the one who pushed Ercole into having Donahue arrested. Word also has it that Clueless Keith went to the Poo-Poo and tried to have Donahue removed from Town Hall while he was working ! Langley really is a spineless-gutless moron !

    2. Keith has always been very protective of his very good friend Chris.

  13. Langley is a moron. Defruscio is a juvenile delinquent.
    Smart Way Forward was/is nothing but a campaign gimmick ploy that worked.
    What totally amazes me is that so many people are now aware of how this election was based totally on fraud - yet they still give this idiot Langley a pass and "hope" that things are going to change .
    Hey - I've got some beautiful land in Utah I'd like to show you too !

  14. Fed up with Langster!February 22, 2014 10:37 PM

    Just the fact that he got rid of Laura Ingoldsby and Eileen Grant tells ya what a jackass he was. Both cancer survivors and over the age of 60!
    Dems, we gotta work hard to get rid of these jack asses. Anyone that knows these two ladies will know what credible gals they are; and they had to take the boot, one didn't get to make her 20 years by very little time left; and the other one more than likely didn't like his shenanigans that he played - so therefore its out the door for her too. Don't forget he cut the single mom's salary by 12 grand so she has to either take a second/ and possibly third job to pay the mortgage and the bills that go with it or move out of town. This is the kind of jack ass we want to re-elect! RIGHT. Is there a way we can IMPEACH this moron now before any other residents and taxpayers are HURT.

  15. Where did the Supervisor put the spy cams. Why doesn't he just come to work during the day if he is interested in what is going on? Maybe he could have a staff meeting where he could provide direction to the staff. It is not likely that they will be able to guess what he wants if he can't articulate it ,

  16. Wake up Anonymous. He wasn't interested in this job and never will be. Its all about the power of being the Supervisor of the Town and the seventy grand. How's he going to have a staff meeting when he doesn't have a clue about what's going on? If it wasn't for his two "office assistants" always in his office, he wouldn't know what the heck is going on? Another case of a politician sitting on his brains.

  17. Dilbert the deputy soup chefFebruary 23, 2014 12:10 PM

    They got cameras going up all over the place !. Paranoia has officially set in !

  18. Isn't it illegal to put Spyware in a work place or tap the phones? Sad to say you can't even trust your employees to the point that you have to SPY on them. What a sad world; what a sad Supe! People you never knew how lucky ya had it with Angelini and McCabe - they were like Pope Francis compared to this yo yo!

    1. generally not in the work lace

    2. Who got the contract to provide and install the cameras? A Langley/DeFruscio crony?


  20. Instead of spying on town employees, why isn't Supervisor Langley telling us what his plans are for the soon to be vacant K-Mart Building. Seems like Langley was very short sighted in eliminating the Town Planning Director position at his Organizational meeting.

    1. his short-sightedness extended well beyond eliminating the Planning Director. Some of his politically motivated decisions are costing us money !

  21. Do you mean like he's looked for business opportunities all along Columbia Turnpike. OK. Be greatful when he does put a full day in at his job, let alone find plans for the soon to be vacant K-Mart Bldg.

  22. Poor Ann on the fly , so misunderstood

    1. There's no misunderstanding about the juvenile behavior of Langley and his Very Good Friend, DeFruscio though.

    2. Not really poor Ann, although she may be getting a dose of her own medicine. I am happy to see that alot of people are seeing the SWF for the fraud it is !
      As for clueless/gutless/ballless Keith - you should be afraid to show your face around town.

  23. I don't think its Ann that's misunderstood ... its that the majority in now becoming understood

    1. Langley just cares about what Defruscio wants. It's as simple as that.

  24. Whats going on between those 2? Freakin weird if ya ask anybody.

  25. As things are shaping up, there's a real nut case in the corner office. Why doesn't he just do his job and let the results (positive or negative) take care of themselves?

    1. cause he's got no freakin idea on how to do his job!

  26. As long as DeF tells him he's doing a good job, Keith is happy.

  27. And vice versa... isn't it great to be back in kindergarten? I'm so happy for the Supe and DeF.

  28. Has Keith Langley's desk decided to discontinue its Supervisor's report on the Town's website. The last one posted is still the January 17th "Happy New Year" greeting. I'm sure something of note has been accomplished by Mr. Langley's desk between January 17th and February 27th?? Or not??
    Not good Mr Langley (Chris), not good at all..

  29. There's talk about a replacement for Langley on the Rep line next time because he can't articulate a program or policy. Just seems to want loyalty. To what nobody can figure out.

  30. Gadflies seem to be angry and disappointed They openly backed the SWF team only to be let down. They blog and hope that Langley will wake up , but that ain't never gonna happen.
    There is no open government coming no matter how hard you want it. The Supe is completely incapable of facing anyone and Def will never ever relinquish his stronghold over Clueless Keith.
    You all wanted this - you got it. Complain and blog all you want but it ain't worth your breathe!
    You folks were openly warned what was coming if Def. was given any power. Now you all write and want change ! Hah ! Its not happening. Def. is a juvenile delinquent and he's laughing in your face !
    The jokes on you!
    BTW: I have not missed the point on any of whats going on or what anyone wants! Save your breath- many~many of us knew exactly what was coming January 2 and its all there and now we all suffer for the next 22 months. Deb and Maryann are nothing but puppets. You can plead and write whatever makes you feel better -SWF was nothing but a cheap joke. DEMands was the icing on the cake. Gilbery and Mulvey are classic examples of exactly the foolish incompetent morons Defruscio and Langley surround themselves with. Wonder why Mulvey has started showing his face again ?? Wake up people...SWF has been fully exposed and it has nothing to do with bettering EG for anyone except a very select few !

    1. Step by step, guys. I've heard that the reason the audits are so slow in coming is that the financial records which Wojeski/Toski are trying to decipher are in a mess. (And that problem goes right back to the new "behind the scenes" guy.) We had to "loose" the bunch in charge of that business. If Langley/DeF screw up, they are history too. We'll get to good government eventually.

  31. Run the Cristos. Ann and Mike.

  32. sure hope its dilbert

  33. Its Mulvey ! He can't get a job anywhere ! His wife is supporting the family and Sean is begging Ercole for a job.
    We all saw how incompetent he was as Finance Director..........the best is yet to come

  34. Mulvey is rumored to have abandoned his job with the Town. His many errors are known to have cost the Town a lot in time and money. His offensive behavior put off all TH nemployees including Meaghan Hart who just got a $10,000 raise to run the show. Even Langley couldn't be stupid enough to consider Mulvey for employment.

  35. Langley will do whatever his good friend Defruscio tells him to do, including re-appointing Mulvey to a town position. Keep your eyes on this one folks.

  36. Langley has NO BALLS. Worthless and clueless will be his legacy .
    He rightfully deserves all the criticism that he is getting.

  37. Update-- Keith Langley's desk has finally posted its updated Supervisor's (DeF) Report on the Town's Website. Obviously the desk has been following the Talks blog. Maybe it will learn something. We look forward to the Desk's March Report.

  38. Has Ann Taylor, Murphy, Cristo lost her mind ?

  39. Ok ok. I guess we messed up on her name. Sorry. Champagne for everybody

  40. While I agree with the commenter on the Gadfly about Tom Grant, KL has more problems than he knows. KL needs Mary Ann Matters to implement his agenda. Mary Ann insists on Rick Matters being involved, which KL knows. What KL doesn't know is that Mary Ann and Rick are setting things up for Rick to run for Town Supervisor in 2015 when he retires from the State.

    1. Matters should go back to Schodack where he grew up !
      EG deserves better than these two !
      Maryann is no brain trust. Her inaction thus far is very telling.

    2. Rick Matters wasn't involved when he was on the Board. Now he wants to be involved??!! what a silly plan

    3. Maybe the Matters would let KL be their court attendant after the 2015 election. I'm sure KL and DeF would have the court running smoothly.

  41. Gadflies are content to keep wishing that Langley will lead the town forward. They still hold hope that this completely inadequate man will recoup stipends. Keep dreaming ! The stipends are NOT illegal, they only said that they disagreed with the way they were handled.
    There was no such bitching and complaining when Werking was handing them out years ago to every single Republican on the town payroll !
    Get over it- it ain't gonna happen. Why not go after Red for all the gasoline he stole over the years ? Why not make Ercole re-imburse the Town for his stolen work clothes ? Why not go after Red for all the scrap metal he steals daily from the transfer station ?
    Why not ?
    If your worried about monies being returned- the legal costs incurred defending Don Johnsons worthless legal suit against the Town would be a much better starting place - especially since it was ordered by a SUPREME COURT JUDGE !

  42. Had an interesting conversation with a friend who is an insider in the Republican party. It seems a growing number of Republicans are concerned about Keith Langley leading the ticket in 2015. Keith has become so unpopular among town residents and employees the thought is he could bring down the entire ticket thus giving control back to the Dems. I've even been told that Chris is getting some names together incase things don't improve so he can cover his rear end and nominate someone else for supervisor.

  43. DeF will never abandon Langley. They are very good friends.

  44. Who in their right mind would vote for Keith Langley in 2015?

  45. One thing you need to learn about DeFruscio is that he's only your friend as long as he can get something out of it. When Keith is no longer useful, Chris will throw him under the bus.

    All you have to do is ask Cristo and Taylor...they found out the hard way.

    1. I'd normally agree with you Bucky, but from what I've seen the Keith DeF friendship is very, very strong.

  46. We'll said 739. The fly has been spewing lies and falsehoods since and even before he lost his case. He was also against the miracle league. He loves spreading fear and uncertainty, hence his involvement with the East Detroit bullshit. He compromised the last audit with his harassment He. And his small flock have no answers. What some losers will due for thier 15minutes.

  47. The person would have to be NUTS to vote for him. He's done not a thing for the residents of the town. It won't take a lot for the DEMS to come up with a name, as I'm sure the Republicans are trying to find someone to fill his shoes also. I'm sure the Matters are even thinking of running. Why wouldn't they? It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out Mr. Recluse is not going to win.

  48. Oh, but we're having an employee appreciation day this Friday. Time to start building the bridges back up, since there is an election around the corner. Anyone who can't wee through this social misfits act, is blind. Just look at what happened yesterday, the assessor went out in an ambulance and he didn't even have the class or consideration to go down and see if she was ok. This guy is a sociopath. He has exactly 1 friend and that one is a pathological liar. Can't wait till the next election.

  49. Holy cow! What in the world will employee appreciation day look like? Will Keith say hello to people? Will he unclench his fists? Can he stay in Town Hall for more than an hour? Will his star employee, Court Clerk DeFuscio be present to make the event festive? please let us know.

    On a more serious note this man is totally irresponsible. Any leader, even a kid fresh out of college, would understand that a CEO has certain responsibilities when an employee falls sick on the job. It is an embarrassment to be represented by Keith Langley. Is the assessor okay.

    You know, I think it might have been Benko or Liccardi who "guided" Keith into socially acceptable behavior in the past. Now he has the majority that he was begging for and his shortcomings are more apparent than ever.

    1. Is it an Appreciation Day, or does ONE employee get an award? I'm sure he'd give it to Eileen (in the Courts). Poor girl had 12 grand taken from her; least he could do is give her a cupcake for Appreciation Day!! Come on old boy, be nice!

  50. Langley doesn't have a snowballs chance in hell of winning again....if they have half a brain, they won't even waste the campaign dollar on him.

  51. Don't the town employees get health insurance? Why doesn't Keith get the mental health help he needs? He must realize he is a social misfit.

  52. Anonymous 3:57 Agreed Keith and Def's friendship is very strong until it benefits Def to look out for himself. I do hope you're right and Def stays with Keith - it will make things a lot easier for the Dems.

  53. Tom Grant , the elderMarch 06, 2014 8:59 AM

    Dear Talks:
    I just finished reading Pete Stenson's excellent report in the Advertiser about the activities of last month's Town Board meeting. I hope Pete plans on making this a regular column.
    All the best,

  54. The 2/28 report from the desk of Keith Langley on the Town Website starts off with, "While keeping busy is important and keeps the Town running,"
    Now Keith Langley's desk may be keeping itself busy, but there is little evidence Keith Langley himself is "keeping busy" with the business of running the Town. Unless you count time spent by Keith Langley in the back room of a certain used car dealership as "keeping busy..."

  55. Langleys a bum ! He stole that legislation from Phil Malone about switching the water over for the folks on Stock Lane.
    Clueless Keith isn't smart enough to do it himself, so he bullied forward on Phil and Tom Kennedys hard efforts.

    1. The Supe isn't smart enough , but his cohorts are clever enough to piggyback on someone else's ideas.... such a shame...the man is truly a incompetent fool !

  56. Drip ~ drip ~ drip....... i hear the water shed a comin'......

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  57. I find it amazing that the DPW workers have been able to continue the level of expert service under this misguided administration.
    Corellis is way out of his league and his temper tantrums are becoming legendary,
    KUDOS to those men who are stuck for the next 21 months tolerating this mans childish actions.

  58. It was just a matter of time until they brought up Phil Vecchio.
    Really folks, is that the best you can do ?

  59. If you want an ambulance chased he's your man

  60. They are at a complete loss to provide quality candidates for any positions. Vecchio is just the tip of the iceberg. Wait til Cristo fronts his name~ again.

  61. Sure as the day is long , if Taylor is bellowing , Cristo isn't far behind !

    1. Interesting, put the thought in your mind. One behind the other while the other bellows. Great pair.
