Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Special Meeting Notice - UPDATE

More From the Town Web Site:

Pre-Board and Special Meeting Rescheduled 

Due to inclement weather the Pre-Board Meeting that was scheduled for Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 4:00pm, and the Special Board Meeting that was scheduled for Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 4:30pm have been rescheduled to Friday, March 14, 2014  at 8:30 am (Pre-Board)  and 8:45 am (Special Board meeting).
* * * * *

From the Town Web Site:

Notice is hereby  given that the East Greenbush Town Board will be convening on Thursday, March 13, 2014, at 4:30 P.M. at the East Greenbush Town Hall, 225 Columbia Turnpike, Rensselaer, NY 12144 for the purpose of:
  • Resolution Concerning Proposed Birchwood Manor-Love Lutheran Church Senior Citizens Housing
  • Appointment of Additional Members to the Town Board of Ethics
  • Authorization to Purchase a 1996 Brothers Model 4075CCE Steel Closed Ejector Trailer
  • Authorization to Repair Sweeper Body
  • Authorizing a Settlement
  • Accepting the Resignation for Retirement of Officer Glenn Rauch
  • Accepting the Resignation of William P. Malone
  • Establishment of Summer Camp Fees for 2014


  1. Are these things all emergencies or they simply the things that the majority doesn't want under scrutiny at a regular meeting next week? Will there be an agenda? who is being considered for appointment to ethics. is there some kind of a trucking emergency in town this weekend that causes the immediate purchase of these items for DPW?

  2. Why the SPECIAL meeting? Doesn't the Town Board have a regular meeting scheduled for next week? Couldn't the purchase approval of an 18 year old trailer be considered at next week's meeting? What's up Mr. Supervisor??

  3. Special meeting so nobody will be there to see Langley piss away the towns money in a settlement of the lawsuit filed against him. Nice try, ain't gonna work!

  4. Will Bill Lambdin from NewsChannel 13 be there?

  5. Why now buying equipment? Maybe Commissioner brother got his way

  6. now, now.

    surely chris, err keith has a good reason for holding a special in the late afternoon. maybe buying that 18 yo rustbucket from chris before it disintegrates

    1. Is the trailer really from DeFruscio? The resolution doesn't specify a vendor.

  7. Clueless Keith is doing his best to avoid scrutiny and controversy.
    He's going to try and pull a fast one this afternoon on the pending lawsuit and he wants as few people to notice as possible!
    The payoff will be for the records. He will try his best to smoke screen the purchase for DPW and will order that there be no questions asked nor answered !
    You can bet your bottom dollar that Ercole and Mulvey are both present as well as the washed up former councilman- Rick Matters.

  8. Is that an error on this page: Town Wed Site; or maybe that's how the new regime spells WEB. Ya never know - Ercole & Langley, as dumb as ya can get! I'm sure no one else noticed!

  9. Did I read the agenda right? Ed Gilbert is a Langley (DeF) Smart Way Forward appointment to the Ethics Board.

  10. Supe, good job in the Advertiser; complimenting Jessica. Time will tell: Has she gotten the bands set up already for Music in the Park, how about Bocci, is that going to happen again or will that go by the wayside? The Dems had some STRONG WILLED workers like Anita Nero and Carmela Hicks who just "made things happen!" and were always successful. Will the SUPE show face this year at any of those events or will he wait til a month before election and beg for votes?

  11. Who owns All State Trailer Sales?

    1. they would have to be the low bidder of at least three competitive bids. Otherwise, the SWF team has violated another Town Law for purchasing.....but what else is new ?
      The SWF team has openly over spent in the 70 days they've had control. Can't wait for the end of year figures to come out.

  12. I would be more concerned with the purchase of the bucket truck. That came from the used truck dealer on Rte. 7 in Brunswick. From the sounds of it, it didn't go through any of the correct purchasing channels and it is a piece of junk that needs a ton of work. This looks like it has DeFruscios grubby little hands all over it.

    1. no doubt....most likely Defruscio funneling tax dollars to one of his buddies......SWF.???

  13. To Update,
    Were the 5:30 AM and 5:45 AM Special Meeting time slots taken?

  14. Anyone believe the weather had anything at all to do with the cancellation? Does anyone know what the real reason for the scheduling or the rescheduling of this meeting?

    What a sad state of affairs, we can't believe one word of what SWF says. Very sad, Mr. Langley, very sad.

  15. Disgusted with the road situation in HMMarch 13, 2014 6:55 PM

    On Facebook, an EG die hard Republican said roads have never been better throughout the snow of 2014; Don't know what part of Hampton Manor he lives, they're lousy. They wait so darn long to get here; then around the Lake BEWARE, the road is actually CAVING in. I realize its winter; but it truly is CAVING in; and someone said there will be VERY LITTLE blacktop done this summer due to the money the Supe wants to save to make himself look good; he ought to come through these ruts on a daily basis. Good one from Mike in the Manor; but your very wrong.

  16. Why dose the new Commissioner need the big detail on the back window of his truck? Between the bathrooms and new cameras we could of least kept one DPW worker

  17. Wait until you all see how much hush money Clueless Keith is giving Eileen Grant ! Let the real bitching begin !!!

  18. The SUPE has to pay up ? Or are we the taxpayers paying up for his negligent incompetence ?
    Who's next ? Mulvey ?

  19. The Supervisor has saddled the taxpayers with a hefty payout because he was ignorant and too arrogant to consult an attorney prior to his termination of Mrs. Grant ! Why do you all think Tom Grant is so vocal ? He just hit paydirt !

  20. LANGLEY - your a joke !

  21. Its official ! Clueless Keith pushed his boy Gilbert thru as his appointment to the ethics board ! What a f-ing joke this Town Board majority is !
    So now basically - the ethics board will cease to exist and will be viewed as nothing but a backroom political joke !
    Nice job SWF - you've ruined something else that could have been a benefit to the residents!

  22. Let's face it.....they could F*** up a free lunch! They are so out of there....

  23. Jack Conway , ever the consummate gentleman , wrote a very well thought out article over on the fly. Worth a glance.

    1. excellent analysis by Jack. bet town hall folks are seething.

    2. They certaintly should be....except most of them are brain dead

  24. One Happy TaxPayer!!March 14, 2014 1:11 PM

    WAY TO GO EILEEN GRANT! Should of been a couple hundred thousand! Woo Hoo! Tom, take her out tonight and celebrate BIG. Langley, why the sad face; Boo Hoo - get used to it for failure will be upon you next November; another WOO HOO!!

    1. 65k for getting terminated by the most inept man to ever haunt the supervisors office! WTF!!

    2. Give up, SUPE before you do anything else STUPID. "This is an unfortunate circumstance." Oh Please, unfortunate that you opened your big trap to the wrong person. How much more is it going to cost us before these town people wake up and boot your Arse out of office.

    3. This explains why SUPE refuses his right to remain silent at board meetings. Whenever he speaks, he costs the taxpayers money.


  26. Watched our pitiful Town Government on the news. Yes...Mary is an admission of guilt - no matter what you say. Sneaky meeting makes the town look like they have plenty to hide...we will have to keep the public eye on them even more.

  27. Langley is a complete FRAUD as a stuporvisor.
    Is there some regulation or ordinance that allows for his removal from office ?
    Can he be terminated for being incompetent?
    MAM is no better. She was a waste of a vote !

  28. Where's Waldo?, I mean Langley? He wasn't in his office this afternoon when Bill Lambdin from NewsChannel 13 stopped by to see him.

  29. Nice shot of Langley's empty desk in the middle of the afternoon on ch. 13. Bravo to the town workers who let the reporter in to see it.

    1. Now we know what Langley means when he says that "his door is always open."

  30. The WooHoo gang!March 14, 2014 8:03 PM

    One more harassment suit for our Stupidvisor; and he'll be Impeached; we'll have one of the cops walk him to his car and change the locks of the TH door! believe me, it will happen to our Illustrious STUPIDVISOR and His CLOWN Defruscio! Folks we've only got to put up with them for 1 year and months! Woo Hoo!

  31. If it gets much worse for them, Gilbert will come back from "fishin."

    1. YUP...duhmands will be back shortly for sure....Gilbery will need to shoot is mouth off soon !

    2. Remember, that's Langley's Ethics Board member Gilbert, we're talking about.

  32. There are other suits in the works as we speak ! Langley will pay dearly again ~ and again !!

  33. That's OK! Next year we can celebrate "The former Supervisor Keith Langley!" How's that sound to ya SUPE? That chair is always EMPTY. Don't kid yourselves taxpayers, He's a no show kind of guy making 70 grand for a no show kind of job! Ask him why he's rarely there, Bill Lamdin? OR Benita Zahn? You can't ask him that cause that chair is rarely sat in!

  34. WNYT NewsChannel 13
    Options for this story
    The Town of East Greenbush held a special town board meeting today... at 8:45 a.m.
    Why was it held?
    Why the unusual time?
    And what exactly happened at the session?
    Bill Lambdin explores those questions in a special Waste Watchers report >>

  35. We are all now seeing the full " Ercole effect" ! The childish behavior , the juvenile delinquent attitudes, the now infamous "Matters Temper"...

    21 more months of immature , irresponsible decisions and behavior by Clueless Keith and his supporting cast of incompetent morons.
    Can't wait to see my 2015 tax bill ! Good Grief !

    Hello Deb Dimartino - do you exist ?

  36. Shocked and DismayedMarch 15, 2014 2:02 PM

    I am not a big fan of politicians in general. They always know what to say to get your vote and then do the opposite. I must confess, Mary Ann Matters and Deb DiMartino had me fooled. Especially Mary Ann - I foolishly thought she would be the one person, for sure, who would be independent on the board and do what was right. You can only fool me once, not 1500 times. For Mary Ann to accuse Malone of playing politics at the meeting to approve the $65,000 settlement, made her look like a fool. YES....Mary Ann - $65,000, to be paid out for inappropriate actions, is a big deal - no matter who did it!

    Mary Ann - can you honestly say if Malone or Mangold were in Langley's position and being sued, that you would have the same response? I think NOT! Mary Ann - you and Deb were elected to make a difference, not to be Langley's bobble head dolls. If you don't see a problem with what happened - I pray for you.

    As to the comment on stipends being the same, I personally don't have a problem with stipends if done in the right manner and are earned. What people don't seem to want to acknowledge is that stipends are no longer given and not one member of this board is guilty of ever giving them out. This board, by a 3-2 vote, is guilty of wasting $65,000 of taxpayer money for what transpired.

    I have no qualms with the former employee getting the money and actually commend her for standing up for her rights.

  37. i think the supervisor's secretary and other supervisor appointments serve at the pleasure of the supervisor

    the stupervisor must have done something outside of the ordinary to settle a human rights complaint for 65K

    a normal termination wouldn't result in diddly

    any one else think the stupervisor should foot the whole 65K settlement?

  38. The supervisor told Eileen Grant he wanted to go with someone younger in her spot, instead of just telling her he didn't like her or the job she was doing. He's a weasel. That's the guy running our town.

    1. Oh really??
      And Denise Corellis is any younger ?

    2. To: I hate Langley: Ya get what you pay for!! You had to open your big mouth and tell someone you wanted younger and cuter! Denise was the "answer" ? ? ?

    3. Remember, she is part of that Taylor / Cristo / Johnson / Mulvey reformer group. Use some common sense here. Langley may have done us a favor here.

    4. Walla Walla WashingtonMarch 16, 2014 1:37 PM

      Has anyone gone into town hall and had to deal with Mrs.Personality ? She's about as friendly as a Northern Pike !
      She was Langleys pick for a younger person ? OMG !!!

  39. Our illustrious Stuporvisor is really letting his believers in the faux SWF - down ! The few of us who knew better are laughing out loud.
    Langley,Mulvey,Gilbert,Matters,Defruscio all got together and planned this over the course of the past 18 months.Gadflies fell for it and now sit and wonder if Langster will ever wake up and do " the right thing"? were fooled, Don,Jack,Ray,Taylor....what did you really expect? You ALL kept dismissing the warnings about Defruscio. Now look at the mess we're ALL in !
    Jack gets on TV and questions the majority motives . TOO LATE ! They will do whatever they want - legal or illegal ! We all have 21 more months to suffer wit the likes of Gilbert shooting his mouth off. Lucky Us !
    Next years TAX LEVY will further support the Langley and Defruscio families - all thanks to the elaborate ruse perpetrated by CHRIS DEFRUSCIO !

  40. Megan Hart got Eileen Grants job initially. As you can see Megan is much younger. Megan was moved and replaced with Corelis after the law suit was filed. Draw your own conclusions as to why Langley abruptly made the switch.

    1. Langley is a bum ! Throw him out !

  41. Maybe i'm off base but has anyone noticed how MAM stares at Malone when she sits next to him.I can't help but think she has a crush on Phil the way she seeks him out for conversations. MAM always wants to argue with Phil and push his buttons but maybe that's her defense for feelings she's trying to hide.Just wondering, if i'm wrong MAM tell me.

  42. Happy St. Patrick's Day to talks! Would you know if Keith Langley has scheduled a special St. Patrick's Day Town Board meeting? There's no notice on the Town Website, but since when does that matter to our "special" Supe?

    1. @ 8:38 AM, Anything is possible with the Langley crowd. I do know that as of 4pm on St. Patrick's Day the pre-board agenda for the March 19th Regular Town Board Meeting has been taken down by Langley.
      Is this just another example of the patented Langley incompetence? Or are preparations for another sneaky meeting under way?
      We need to keep watching Langley very closely.

  43. Happy St. Patrick's Day to You as well !

  44. If Ed Gilbert is a Conservative Party Committeeman, shouldn't that position disqualify him from serving on the EG Ethics Board, according to the Code of Ethics passed by the Town Board in October, 2013?

  45. Whistling Past the CemeteryMarch 17, 2014 11:58 AM

    Why would Langley,Dimartino and Matters follow any laws or rules at this point ? Jack - is there any violation here ?

  46. Whistling - I have to believe Ed has resigned from any and all committees since it is a violation for members of our Board of Ethics to do both. He needs to follow the example of Joe Slater who served with great distinction on the original Board of Ethics and then resigned to accept a position with the democratic committee.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!!! I'm still hoping to live long enough to walk in a free 32-county Irish Republic but if I don't make it one or both of my sons will do it for me. Erin Go Bragh!!!!

    1. Have Langley or Gilbert had anything to say about this yet?

  47. Whistling Past the CemeteryMarch 17, 2014 1:56 PM

    Best wishes to you and your family for a peaceful and joyous St. Patrick's day Jack !

  48. mam says that the 65,000 settlement to eileen grant is not an admission of guilt by keith.then why would town taxpayers be on the hook for this money,if nothing wrong was done?seems like another chicken s..t move by langley and company...this original meeting on thursday nite was cancelled due to inclement weather..nonsense ,kids had a two hour delay for school that day..thats it..hardly sounds like weather was a factor for that afternoon....more ploitics...changed the meeting for early friday morning.....done to move under radar to vote on eileen grant settlement...obviously keith you acted in a innapropriate manner to cause this huge lawsuit...MY QUESTION TO YOU KEITH IS.....WHAT RESPONSIBILTY HAVE YOU TAKEN FOR THIS HUGE ERROR?most employers would reprimand or fire employee for such indescretions...yes keith,you work for the taxpayers...not special interests or party favors.i know you believe in reprimands used them when you fired laura gutless woman...she was a great employee...politics as usual by keith/defruscio.just saw the new dpw commisioner...looks like hes walking dead...doesnt dress very professional...looks like he just got out of a backhoe...oh wait he just did...i guess if ya run a backhoe for 30 plus makes you qualified to be in charge of town roads and dpw has very little people skills...much like last thing id like to say to chris defruscio...(boo wants to know how your fat face feels after he taught you a lesson....squid

  49. Keith has made numerous blunders since he took office. He covers them up by either disappearing or having Gilbert make some off the cuff , obnoxious,arrogant remark. Gilbert seems to be the fall guy for the stuporvisor.
    Ercole sits in the backround calling the shots, and the rest of us taxpayers pay for the ignorance currently ruining our town !

  50. Shouldn't be long now before the Times-Union takes another "Martha Andiago" type look at their foolish and tax wasting actions.

  51. What about how Mr. Langley let people know they were laid off. By the Town Website. Did not have the courage to tell people or send a letter. Many went to the organizational meeting Jan. 2, 2014 to see if this was true. Way to go Keith

    1. and some of those layoffs are coming around to bite him squarely in his backside ! Word has it one of his political stunts on January 2d has really backfired. SWF ?? Not according to what I just learned.

  52. I sure hope Pete Stenson is writing up an article for The Advertiser about Langley's antics at the Friday morning special town board meeting.

  53. Its on You Tube for your viewing pleasure ! Specifically, watch Mary Ann Matters and her nasty demeanor. Not quite the SWF campaigner some thought she would be ~ huh ?!

  54. What will Keith Langley be remembered for?

    1. Being in his office as little as possible and knowing as little as possible about politics and how things are run. Hang it up Langley, ya big Dufus!!

  55. No agenda up for the meeting tonight...looks like they have their own style of doing things. Last month they put it up a few hours before the meeting too. I thought it was supposed to be up a couple of DAYS before - not a couple of HOURS.

    1. You are right. Thats what is in law. MoreoverIt is what SWF promised during their campaign..

  56. There are minutes from the Pre-Board Meeting here

    go figure

  57. Dear Talks,
    Thanks for the link. Every concerned voter should read this.

  58. Just thinking how do we have a Planing Dept. without a Director and just a Secretary?

  59. @ 12:55 PM- Langley doesn't think we need a planner, because he and C. DeF are busy making plans with each other every day.

    1. Planning??!!?? Langley is a 57 year old guy who doesn't like old people! Where is he PLANNING to be in 10 years! He can't do basic life plans that most of us are able to do on a daily basis.

    2. He doesn't like OLD people? The majority of town voters are so called OLD people. What does he think he is; a Spring Chicken? Another question, do you ever look up during a Board Meeting? Are you that much of a social misfit?

  60. He doesn't look up because he's embarrassed by how he has misled and let down so many people. The only one he looks at is his good friend Chris D.
