Friday, November 18, 2011


The holidays are approaching.  Following are a few thoughts we'd like you to keep in mind as you prepare.  You CAN make a difference in people's lives and in our community!

Concerns-U donates more than 6,000 pounds of food weekly and the situation has grown worse over the past year. There is a collection box located in Town Hall near the Town Clerk's Office for your donations of canned foods, dry foods, toiletries, anything non-perishable that people need on a day-to-day basis. 

Thanksgiving donations will be picked up next Tuesday (11/22); however, Town Hall will be collecting through the end of the year to help our less fortunate neighbors.

Small Business Saturday
The 2nd Annual Small Business Saturday is a day dedicated to supporting small businesses on one of the busiest shopping weekends of the year.  On November 26, we’re asking residents to "Shop Small" at their favorite local stores and help fuel the economy. When we all shop small, it will be huge.

Local Gift Certificate Gifting
Help out our local businesses by buying Gift Certificates from a local restaurant, bakery, book store, craft store, hair, nail or tanning salon, barber shop, fitness center or gym, car detailer, oil change shop, car wash, restaurant, bakery, book store, craft store, etc., etc.

Perhaps someone would their furnace serviced, driveway plowed all winter, or think Summer as the mercury drops - driveway sealed, flower beds mulched, or lawn mowed.

Remember Concerns-U, the Small Business Saturday concept and Local Gift Certificate Gifting and throughout the Year!


  1. Concerns U also asks for gifts for their clients at the holidays. Often they are looking for a small toy, clothing items, or a small gift certificate. The clients are then allowed to "shop" for these items for their children so they can provide a gift or two for Christmas. Concens U usually has a list and St. Mary's in Clinton Heights has tags on trees during the holidays for people to pick and buy that gift. They collect the gifts back as well. I'm sure other churches in the area also collect so you can check with your church. It's a wonderful thing to help provide a nice Christmas for the needy and something I do yearly with my own children. What a great lesson to have your child help buy a gift for a child who otherwise would go without.

  2. Copied from "Congratulations to all of the Candidates"

    "Anonymous said...

    I wonder if Concerns-U wants their good name associated with this blog which spends its time helping to divide the community just like the other blog does.

    November 19, 2011 10:32 PM"

  3. This post is an effort to unite our community behind some positive initiatives.

    If you want to criticize EG Talks for this, so be it. You have the choice of participating in these initiatives.

    EG Talks will continue to post such initiatives as we learn of them.

    If any of our readers know of other activities to help our businesses and neighbors, please submit a comment.

  4. The point is that this blog spends 95% of its time bashing people and then pulls out a good 2 shoes plug for Concerns-U and says it is trying to unite the community that it otherwise spends its time dividing. Just like rAnnt being a nasty woman then plugging a fund for the needy. Both blogs are very hypocritical.

  5. You are free to think what you want and read what you want.

    We even post your comments. Have you tried posting your concerns elsewhere?

    You must enjoy the "bashing" as you put it. You apparently kep coming back.

    Thanks for your support.

  6. No, you misunderstand, bash away. Just don't pretend to be the loving caring blog. I would miss the anti-Ann and anti-mike comments.

  7. Hypocritical is a little strong (of course most of the comments I read here are a little strong)I think it is admirable when adversaries set aside their differences for a good cause.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Sleepy in the CarolinasNovember 21, 2011 10:27 AM

    There is no doubt that differences could be set aside - however when people such as Chris Defruscio keep running his mouth ALL OVER East Greenbush , especially when he has absoutely NO IDEA what he's talking about, there's really no possibility for cooperation! Too many people are truly pissed off with his ridiculous comments. His ignorance of exactly how the Town operates and runs is very obvious.
    There's a great number of people who have been subjected to Defruscios venomous diatribe each day and look at him as the "mouthpiece" of the East Greenbush Republican party.
    Do any of you lurkers from over there wonder why people are not so excepting of Langley and the possibility of cooperation between parties??

    Let me put it into plain English for you: DEFURSCIO openly plotted to steal the election from - ( of all people Toni Murphy) and got caught ! No big deal - how about an apology or some form of the same?? Not a chance huh!!??
    Well, then stop your bitch*ng and complaining when the Langley gets NO RESPECT or cooperation from ALOT of people in the Town!

    Make the effort to heal that wound and ALOT is possible ! and.... for 12:48 above - I don't pretend to luv anyone from the Cristo/Taylor bunch - they're the most self-serving bunch of self-indulging incestual freaks I've ever read!

  10. def con and his tricks r history toast

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. the very least, Cristo could be quite the motivational speaker on that subject! Not that people generally look for advice on that kind of stuff.

    Anyone looking for a chuckle, go to the TU blog for East Greenbush, do a search on Michael Cristo and read his self written introduction. That's funny stuff.

  13. 1048 - not that we disagree - but put it a different way - please

  14. OK Talks - its 1048 - lets try this one :

    Some people never grow up but get stuck in one phase or another of human development. They look just like normal adults, but inside, they're petulant, narcissistic children with oversized egos. Since their overriding goal is to get attention, to be adulated and worshipped by all, they're often charismatic and charming, almost chameleon-like in the way they appeal to all sorts of constituents. And their positions and strategies can flip and flop from one day to the next based on one data point, meeting, or conversation.
    ***Sound like anyone we all know !?!?

  15. - or - maybe this is more accurate :

    The smartest man in the room :
    is the guy who has all the answers and can never, ever be wrong. He doesn't just breathe his own fumes or drink his own Kool-Aid, he makes and mass-markets it, as well. He wants everyone to agree with his grandiose vision of how things should be and makes sure of that by surrounding himself with yes-men and women and ruthlessly beating down dissenting views.
    The reason these people fail is they're blinded by the power of their own vision and therefore lack objectivity. They tend to be rigid and inflexible in their thinking and unwilling to see what's really happening until it's too late.

    I believe this is a tad bit more accurate of little Shakespeare....

  16. Friend of East GreenbushNovember 23, 2011 9:03 AM

    1048 excellent representation

  17. I'll try to be as brief as possible. All I'm saying is , if you read our County Legislators interpretation of the 2012 budget and how he perceives certain lines and what they mean - it should give you a pretty clear picture of exactly why he will never be re-elected to his county post.
    People need to take the time and really learn how completely incompetent he is and how truly inept he makes himself look with his over the top arrogant statements regarding what he clearly does not understand.

    You would think that maybe ole Donnie or Mooney or his "numbers " lady friend would help the boy out.

  18. He won't win a county seat again because he won't be running. All the republicans at the county level hate him so they will take him off the ticket. He is a liability to them.

  19. You boys have a lot more to worry about than Mike Cristo and Ann Taylor, yet you seem fixated on them as though they were some kind of ominous threat. Seems to me that the "acting out" by the Democratic Committee and the tenuous Board majority is problemmatic. I'd think they would be looking at governing with competence rather than the attempts at sabotage which we've seen so far. Doesn't bode well for the future, I'd say.

  20. Many people DO see Mike and Ann Cristo as a threat. A threat to civility, a threat to the town. Their hate spills out everywhere and is a very negative force in this town. It would be best for everyone if they would just elope and move away.

  21. 1st - we're not ALL boys!

    2nd - if you'd actually take off your rose colored glasses - you'd clearly see that the reform party is a complete failure and nothing but a bunch of disgruntled former dems.

    3rd- NOT EBERYTHING is a scandel intended to disrupt the new Supe! Remember he's virtually powerless and please stop threatening the majority like you actually have some sort of power to do anything !

    4th - please have a great and peaceful Thanksgiving !

  22. Yes...but you are all "da' boyz." Your leadership has screwed up. You followers have been hoodwinked. In two years the bunch you follow will not be able to maintain a majority because the the purposes have been devoted inward to "family and friends." The good of the community has been ignored. I think even Jack Conway will tell you that.

    What I can't figure out is why you can't think beyond the end of your nose. Wouldn't it be better to live in a community which was operated for the benefit of all the people than just for the benefit of a few "friends and family?" It wouldn't be a great cash loss to the few who are now on the take, but we could actually boast of an honest government.

    I think it's all over but the shouting for you "guys."

  23. I'm not positive but when Cristo was on the Board did't he vote vote yes on hiring Obrien, at the time Ginny was not a town board member, he also voted yes for Toni's daughter. Of course at the time his mom was working for the Town, then Mike changed sides and mom had to quit!

  24. da boyz will run the town and either langley cooperates and steps up to the learning cureve or is left behind - like matters. Matters is NOT the savior of the taxpayer - but rather just an obstinate dupe for cristo and company to stall progress. The vacant buildings on the turnpike are NOT the fault of the town board. You flaming morons from the cristo/johnson/jenkins tribe need to wake up and see the economy - both local and national , for exactly what it is !

    You people are ridiculous with your continual carrying on and blaming everything on everyone else. Look no further than your savior- Cristo- for ineffective action while seated as a Town Board member. Stop trying to defelct the Defruscio debacle and have the langley step up to the plate and learn exactly that NOTHING at the Town Board level is a simple as you all think it is . I can't wait until Langley admits that hes in over his head and can't figure anything out. Matters is lost every single day of his life but he's too simple minded to admit it !

  25. I just have one question for the Cristo/Taylor's.

    What would you and your cohorts know about Ethics??? From everything that has been publicly shown...not a heck of a lot!

  26. Check the tally, Sue (2,508) and Phil (2,473) EACH got more votes than Mr. Langley (2,435).

  27. Friend of East GreenbushNovember 26, 2011 10:49 AM

    The rule for being in the Taylor/Cristo camp is simple: dazzle them with bullsh*t , baffle them with made up and embellished facts and figures , and when all else fails , concoct some sort of story to try and get people to feel sorry for you !

    ETHICS coming from Cristo or Taylor ??? They are the epitome of disfunctional in their personal lives - they cling to people like Don, Ray, Sean and Dwight to pump them up- and when all else fails - cry foul and get your mother to blog how great you are !!

    And all this just from sitting back and making casual observations !

  28. Once again, Sir Michael rANNts about things he knows nothing about! And of course, he won't post opposing views!

    The Town Board adopts the Ethics Code, not the Ethics Board. The Town Board is entitled to change the draft Ehics Code.

    He'd rather go on and on about possibilities than let the prescribed process run its course!

    Also, what a citizen might consider a conflict may not necessarily be so under State law.

    If Mikey paid as much attention to his County job he might know what the hell was going on up in Troy.

  29. 1:31....It is my understanding that the draft code done by the Ethics Board reflects the model code promulgated by the NYS Association of Towns. This code is consistent with the NYS Public Officers Law. I believe that it would put the Town at some jeopardy if it enacted a code not consistent with these documents. It appears to me that it is the "self interest" of one Board member that has been holding up the process. And that is "self interest" and not the "public interest."

  30. The Ethics Code must comply with NYS Law (General Municipal Law), not the Association of Town's interpretation.

    The NYS Office of the Comptroller states that its Model Code of Ethics is "is intended to be a guide for a municipality to develop a code of ethics to meet its own circumstances."

    Do you have firsthand knowledge that "the 'self interest' of one Board member that has been holding up the process."? HIGHLY UNLIKELY.

  31. There needs to be a rational, logical and publicly defensible rationale for departing from the model codes used by the vast majority of municipalities in NYS. This includes departure from the norms related to financial disclosure and employment after office holding, as well as conflict of interest. So if the Board doesn't want to be "guided," it should be providing the argument for departure from the guidance in a form what will stand the light of day and the circumstances which are being addressed. Seems to me that the code adopted should be applicable to ANY Board elected at ANY time, and not be crafted to cater to the specific circumstances of a particular member or members. Those situations should be considered before running for office, and are related to whether a person can faithfully fulfill the duties of the office.

    What's so hard about this? Can't we start thinking about what's good for ALL the people?

  32. I really have to give old Ray Mooney credit. He has those over there believing that Sue Mangold is up to something sinister with the ethics code. Old Ray wants everyone to believe that because of the rampant nepotism in this Town, that Sue and the dems are up to something because they are stalling the ethics code. Nepotism was championed by Mildred Cipperly, Jimmy Werking, Charlie Assini, Nelson Williams and Bob Seward! You want everyone to forget the cronyism and nepotism that ran rampant for years under REPUBLICAN Leadership in this town !

    Guess what ?? Hey Ray - your completely out in left field - ( as usual) . The board can not hold up the ethics law- and when Jack is good and ready , he'll release the draft so you can pick it apart and complain about every detail like you always do.

    Langley will have his hands full just keeping your incessant interference in check. This Town does not owe you anything at all - and quite frankly - if you can't make your point in five minutes - don't come to the meeting - windbag !

  33. We're in a different time now. You guys are still re-living medieval EG political history. Jimmy Werking did so Ginny OBrien can??? Where the he** are you?

  34. Jon Dohnson - ( hic )November 27, 2011 7:51 AM

    Not re-living - simply reminding that both sides play the game the exact same way !

    For years , the repubs ruled with absolution in this Town . The twon virtually stalled progress at every level. Taxes were raised each year under the repubs. The first tax break was given under DEM leadership!
    Different time is all about perspective !

  35. So you jerks are "saving" us from the Republicans? Not that way at all. Your way is dead. Not available to either party anymore. The people are not going to stand for it any longer. You're just taking a long time to croak.

  36. Well, here we go again....already! The queen of mean and her minions have begun their assault on Ginny, 2 years before the election. What filthy rotten people they are. They are going to pound this woman for the next 2 years in hopes that she will not run again. Someone even mentioned she run for a county seat again. It is so clear they know they can't beat her, they are going to try to run her out of town. Sorry losersers, we ain't gonna let that happen!!

  37. You can tell they are desparate for attention and to take pressure off of Langley. They call us names and are trying so very hard to start an argument.
    Point is that the people of East Greenbush still don't trust Republicans - and it was PROVED AGAIN IN THIS ELECTION!! Need me to post the numbers again to prove my facts ! Call me a jerk if you must - bottom line - Langley better step up to the learning curve and he'd better perform - right out of the gate. Otherwise , I suspect you wolves over there will slaughter him because he doesn't meet your ridiculously high expectations !

  38. 7:34am - you expected anything to change ?

    Taylor is the most bitter, annoying, desperate , conniving ,lying ,unemployable juvenile I've ever read .

    I can't believe her relationship with Cristo hasn't imploded yet - usually two ignorant , domineering and arrogant personalities cannot survive - yet those two clowns seem to thrive on the lies and twisting of facts.

  39. Friend of East GreenbushNovember 28, 2011 11:36 AM

    its funny how they all like to take cheap shots at Board members - they have nothing else and really can't make Matters look too good. He's pretty much indefensible anyway. Nice guy but not a clue .

    They-( mostly Ann and ALL her anonymous writing) are just miserable. They took in Defruscio - again - and again he made them look like fools with his childish antics. What will be there strategy when the State starts looking real hard at how much indefensible mileage and gasoline he took and racked up in the very short time he ruined our DPW !??! Yes - RUINED- which is exactly what you get when you trust a used car salesman with the daunting task of keeping our streets,sewers and transfer station operating smoothly.. !

    Oh well- they keep taking cheap shots - we all know the real truth !~!

  40. why must we obsess over MC and AT and their merry followers? WHO CARES? theres so much to discuss.

  41. I agree Anonymous. It really has become an obsession soap opera like thing; ooooo whats Annie and Mike up to today? Who cares? We've got to give the new Supervisor a chance and hope that he doesn't even read these vindictive and ugly blogs and I'm talking BOTH blogs. What happened to humanity? I'm so discouraged - to think of all the poverty that is going on in the country, tons of sadness within families and then we have the blogs. People are bitter. If we all got together to help one another instead of "hating" constantly, the Town of East Greenbush would be alot better to place in which to live.

  42. I could care less about the Cristos - what I care mostly about is the new Board member and why he refuses to address the Town on several issues.

    He has alot of explaining to do about the foolishness that was done by his "Home Town Team " prior to election day. There is alot of people who were directly maligned by Defruscio and his criminal behavior.

    347 - what is there to discuss??

    726 - the "hate" comes from over there - namely the bitter biotch/queen herself - Taylor ! People who support the 4M's have taken ALOT of unwarranted BS - and why?!? Because we support the Dems?!?!

    Humanity is a broad term - and decency was openly displayed by this blog and villified by followers of MC and AT - they take great pride in knocking anyone who supports the Board. - post your comments over there and see if it gets printed!

  43. I admit I am anxious to see Langley address the foolishness...and to see if he is smart enough to distance himself from that bunch of jackasses.

    DeFruscio should be taken to task for his scam - publicly. Ann and Mike...just a couple of losers and haters with personalities that only a mother could love. I read their blog strictly for laughs...much like funny papers.

    I say give Langley a chance...he will either work well with others or make it hard on himself to get any town business is still a Democratic majority board.

  44. Didn't Langley speak with Toni about the incident? Also, Langley distanced himself from Cristo and company during the campaign. Langley doesn't have to further publicize that sad situation. Let him do the job he's elected to do.

  45. to 7:42 am. I did post something this morning; a warm and fuzzy blog about humanity and feeling and "famiglia" as Mikey always said "is the most important reason for living" it wasn't posted! Nothing I write over there is posted.

    I also told them, "Bonnie you're a nice enough woman" but nobody wants to listen to you ramble on and on and on again; it goes on forever and ever and ever!

    Ray, seriously everyone can get a fair shake at speaking but when you come to a Board meeting with 15 pages of something Mike and Ann more than likely wrote, people get bored and want to go home - to their families,most of us have families to go home to. Hope the new Supe gets a time clock for you lengthy speaking people.

  46. Langley had a very brief conversation with Toni. It actually was about 15-20 seconds in length. He refused to apologise - Fiacco so far is the only one to openly apologise for Defruscio and his childish actions.

  47. 8:03...Ray wrote what he wrote, nobody else. When are you going to begin to show some respect for attempts to get this berg out of the downward spiral of corruption it has been "enjoying" for the benefit of the few for too long? Your life would be better if everybody's life got a bit better. All we would like to see is some accountability and transparency. What we get is a budget shuffle shenanigan. Doesn't build much trust in you folks.

  48. If what you are saying about Langley is not true, the people that run this blog can be sued for libel. Fact. So you must have inside info that he refused.

  49. 1013 - its a fact and several people know about it.... go find a lawyer if you think you have something....take your foolish threat elsewhere

  50. TIMMY! Yup - I'm still here !November 30, 2011 8:59 AM

    ROFMLAO 1013pm ! You are one of "them over there" !! If you think the people that run this blog could be sued - you'd better get your "big-boy pants " on !
    The garbage that Taylor has authored and allowed over there clearly outshines ANYTHING ever allowed here !


  51. I heard he didn't refuse, just didn't apologize. Toni wouldn't have asked him to so he couldn't refuse.

  52. 737 and 859, that is not a threat as I have no horse in that race. It is a fact. You shouldn't post things that are not true. Langley had nothing to do with Defruscio's actions. Taylor Cristo Defruscio scum SHOULD be sued and I know that they are going to be by McCabe. What I am saying is that you COULD be...and don't insult your friends for trying to help you out.

  53. Is there anything funnier than Cristo writing under the name "Emma" on all the blogs?

  54. Anon 10:02AM I think it's cute - he is just getting in touch with his "girly" side!

  55. On the other blog you will read #43 telling people they should have a meeting for one hour before the town board mtg. to discuss "things." I'd like to know who is so bored out there that they have nothing at all to do than to talk jibberish for one hour before the actual TB meeting. Sounds ridiculous. I'm saying they should get a clock to set it for 5 minutes and these people want to go there one hour before the board meeting. Go to a church and pray, go to a soup kitchen and make yourself useful - a Pre Town Board session? Are you kidding me?
    I wonder if they'll crucify Langley the way they did McCabe; you got to blame somebody; oh no thats right; they'll take their pot shots at Ginny or Phil or Suzie! Whatever makes them happy!

  56. Man On a Moose (think about it)November 30, 2011 4:46 PM

    Here’s what I find hilarious: “Anonymous” commenting on Anonymous’s posting about another person posting under an assumed (anonymous) name. Really? Too too funny. Just so you know “Emma” has been posting on the TU blog under different names since it pretty much began. She even commented on several of Mike’s old post. It’s highly doubtful that Mike was using an
    assumed name on his own post several years ago just so he could use it now.But just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean nobody’s watching me…right? Find something worthwhile to talk about. Seriously Pete, I have no idea why you let half the crap out there. Of course you probably won”t let this out … oh well

  57. way too much time on your hands

  58. To Man On a Moose....while we are all pretty sure Anonymous isn't the real name of the person making the comments....we are sure your real name is Man On a Moose...twit! Of course it is highly doubtful that Mike would use an assumed name...after all - he is just too honest and forthright...correct? That's some funny stuff!

  59. Man On a Moose (think about it)November 30, 2011 9:25 PM

    interesting you bring up honest and forthright anyone seen a salary schedule to go with the budget yet. juz wonder'n

  60. Emma = Cristo with 100% certainty. He/she slipped up and it is a fact. The only question is whether Ann gets jealous of the time Mike spends with his alter-ego Emma in his own mind. Schizophrenia is sad but entertaining.

  61. ROFLMAO !!! read this poor lost souls request:

    "where do we go from here? I am asking our leaders-Don Johnson, Ann, Mike, Ed Gilbert, the author of East Greenbush Prays, Ray, Bonnie and others of whom I am not aware."

    Those are the "leaders" ??? Oh my stomach hurts from laughing !!!

  62. Friend of East GreenbushDecember 01, 2011 7:40 AM

    It gets better ! Read East Greenbush's self proclaimed saviors-( Johnson and Mooney) latest carrying on,on the Ed Gilbert propaganda page - ( and once again , I TOLD YOU SO !) .
    Gilbert is the hand-picked stooge for whats left of Camp Cristo- and hes got Ray and Ole Donnie slamming away at made up facts and embellished innuendo - AGAIN!

    Now they all pretend to look at video and accuse the Supe and Ms. OBrien of exactly what Bonnie does at almost every Town Board meeting she speaks at : she starts to speak, and must turn around to look at Ray Mooney for idea's .....are you people for real !?! Emma is Cristo or one of his hand-picked stooges....these people are all paranoid. Sleep well you idiots....your in good hands with Gilbert and Johnson running your little dog and pony show.

  63. Mangold, OBrien, Malone and McCabe made a BIG mistake in operating the "old way" in the budget mischief. It's our budget, not theirs. The people are not going to stand for it. The smartest thing they could do would be learn the lesson and quickly amend the budget to fully fund the Supervisor's office.

  64. Mistake? the mistake was made two years ago with the farce that Cristo called his 0% budget ! Reality is what it is - Langley is a big boy - let him speak for himself!

  65. Recently saw the quote:

    "Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots" and thought...hmmm....somebody has been reading the Cristo/Taylor blog!

  66. On the other blog Ann speaks of selfless acts and I put up a comment which will not be posted.

    Ann, it's only selfless if it is not spoken of.

    I know many people that do charitable acts but never say a word...those are selfless acts.

  67. So let me see if I got this right. A substantial article is written outlining the severely inappropriate behavior by the current Town Board. Namely, the bait and switch tactics in presenting the budget to the public-putting forth one budget then six days later drastically amending it for political reasons. But you want to focus on a comment about a section of video that was posted so people could make a judgment themselves. Can’t see the forest for the trees I guess. Mark Twain once said “The proper office of a friend is to side with you when you are in the wrong. Nearly anybody will side with you when you are in the right” you’re a true friend but at least admit what they are doing is wrong.

  68. So let me get THIS right : a substantial article slanted towards whatever position that Camp Cristo is currently barfing, is written and they all scream "bait and switch" and we're all supposed to buy into it , sorta like the kool-aide offered by Taylor,Mooney,Gilbert and Johnson!??!!

    I guess we're all just whistling past the cemetary - huh Don?? Drastiic embellishment on behalf of the steroid crazed tea-party faithful again.....gee- C'mon man , lets all relax and have a glass of Champagne and see what Ole Langley is going to do with his new found position......can't hardly wait for this dog and pony show !

  69. Ann has no idea what a self-less act truly is !
    She is nothing but an un-employable and bitter woman who must fabricate stories of the people she hates to make herself feel important! If she was really a "numbers lady" a she likes to anonymously refer to herself - she would clearly be employed , especially in this economy !

  70. Linda....I think you folks need to tone down the "employability" issue you keep throwing around. The most recent "fire-ee" in this neighborhood is the Supe.

  71. Once in how many years is nuttin like chia pet.

  72. Braniac 3 (misnomer alert) let’s see… we are told in the preliminary budget that we have a 1.1 percent tax levy that the supervisor line is approx. 87,000 then 6 days later it is a 1.3 percent increase and the supervisors line is $ 73,100. What would you call it if not bait and switch and more importantly are you really defending this type of behavior from your elected officials? I really hope not.

  73. Brainiac #3 - Don's pet nicknameDecember 03, 2011 11:47 AM

    and your point is?? If McCabe was still the Supe - you'd almost be demanding a pay cut ! You people disgust me! Its all about tou and your grandiose plans so long as YOUR people benefit! Make up your minds - pay cuts or pay freezes so long as they effect Dems or Dem families - huh !?!

    No tax increase = so long as only Repubs benefit !>! huh !!?? Yeah - sure !

  74. Braniac (absolutely a misnomer)do you sit in the dark and make this stuff up? there were no cuts in the preliminary budget (at least no significant ones) and I heard no one complain at the meeting. The complaining now is about the secretive destructive tact taken AFTER the Preliminary meeting. I can't explain it any more simple then that

  75. The AT blog is looking for someone to write a letter in the Advertser, why don't they get that Santiago lady, it worked real well for her the last time. Chris D would probably even pay for it (in cash).

  76. @Mikeu Now that’s funny! Almost as funny as your Town Board lying to your face about the budget. Or your town leader picking your pocket with stipends or….. Hopefully you get my point.

  77. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  78. Jon Dohnson - ( hic)December 04, 2011 2:23 PM

    I don't feel like the Town Board has lied to my face - that's your anxiety to deal with- and as far as the stipends, when the previous REPUBLICAN controled town boards return all the stipends they granted themselves, I'll start to worry about what little your worried about. And - how 'bout that Langley guy huh !?? Who ????
    Exactly - who ??

  79. Whistling past the Cemetary.......December 04, 2011 6:32 PM

    And here we go, this is a no-brainer , but apparently not for some:

    Don Johnson said...
    - The TU gave 48 column inches on successive days to a story uncomplementary to EG Republicans over the really dumb Advertiser letter issue. - ( ok - Duh !!)

    The TU printed one sentence - in a correction - related to the loss of the Supervisor to Keith Langley. I think it's a pretty significant local political story when the head of a ticket looses an election and the rest of the ticket wins, particularly where the kinds of issues we have are concerned. - ( AGAIN - duh )

    NOTE TO DON : Obviously your opinion means nothing to the majority of people in the "real world" ! You keep chriping away and quite frankly - your driving people in the opposite direction your headed. NO one is really ALL that concerned about you and whatever Dave Hancox has to say.
    And...the overall feeling around East Greenbush is that no ones really too happy about this virtual unknown being elected Supervisor. In fact , I'd go so far as to say if the election was re-counted tomorrow - Langley would lose !

  80. And what is your name, Whistling??

  81. Where do those people on the other blog get their info? #60 says from what he/she hears the new Supe isn't even going to get a secretary? Do they really stay awake all night dreaming of "crap" to say? Honestly?
    The new supe doesn't stand a chance if he is listening to the immature behavior of those nitwits on the other blog!

  82. If my opinion is of no importance, you needn't spend 200 words responding/commenting upon it.

  83. DJ:

    Who's writing 200 words? I don't see any blogs here with 200 words. Now Annie and Mike Cristo are long winded! Opinions are like A......S; everybody's got one!
    Nobody pays attention to you or me or anyone for that matter on these blogs; its just a way to get your frustrations out in writing; nobody cares what anyone writes - its a form of therapy; probably makes ya feel good at the time. I'd rather have a Dewars on the Rocks anyday rather than listen to this garbage!

  84. Dear Dwight: your village called again !

  85. looks like YOU'RE being missed Timmy. But seriously, anon 9:04 all this could be cleared up by releasing the salary schedule as they did when the Preliminary Budget was presented. almost 3 weeks later and still no salary schedule. kinda makes you wonder. (or at least it should)

  86. I believe that a simple question to Mr. Matters would clear this all up ! He was involved in the budget process and whether or not he agreed with any of it - he was a part of it ! Also, how ' bout we ask the comptroller what role he played in the development of the budget.

  87. Let's please work to get open government for all EG's tax payers. That's all I want for xmas !

  88. Point taken - and corrected.....

  89. Amen to open government , but the repugs need to get their mind out of conspiracy mode.

  90. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  91. The "Guest Post"?

    Hope they have some good defense lawyers over there.

    Have you seen Ed Gilbrt's rANNts? Boy, talk about BITTER!

  92. Whistling past the CemetaryDecember 08, 2011 3:58 PM

    I have no dispute with a difference of opinion, however the low-life level that Ann Taylor and Ed Gilbert have stooped too is beyond the limits. I will gladly assist with a legal defense for the sitting Board members if they so chose. I would dare say that at the very least - the acknowledged accusations written/authored by Gilbert and Taylor are enough for a lawsuit !

  93. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  94. Whistling Past the CemetaryDecember 09, 2011 8:31 PM

    Gilbert is apparently feeling his oats - calling the Town Board members cowards - yet he refused to address the criminal behavior of the Republican chairman. Yeah - your a real "stand-up guy" Ed. Tough talk from the lowest vote getter in more than a few years. I do believe the correct terminology is HYPOCRITE ! I also believe that the T-U should be reviewing some of the overly slanted articles and mistruths you allow because of your political under-handed relationship with the Cristo's. Defruscio sure has spawned a gaggle of ethical ministers- huh !?

  95. aren't just whistling Dixie with that assessment of Gilbert! He is becoming so much like Cristo that it will prove to be his political undoing also.

  96. Undoing? He is already undone. How do you undo someone who is already the lowest vote getter? Negative votes?

  97. Yes, Mr. Gilbert, you who went from a grade 11 to a Grade 23, woo! Hoo!! Let us discuss on your blog the antics of your leader, Mr. Chairman Defruscio. That is why you have absolutely no substance at all. All of the despicable, hurtful, baseless issues you continue to pound the Dems on. You are sooo easy to read. You hate Democrats, pure and simple. You never write about one positive thing in this town. If you are so unhappy, why don't you go make a better life for yourself in some other town, if you think the town is such a horrible place to live. I almost feel sorry for you that, especially at this joyous time of year, you have
    nothing better to do than be so miserable, angry and instigative. You must lead a
    very lonely, shallow life. Why don't you go pay off someone's layaway account at
    Kmart........maybe you might actually start to feel good and start chiseling away
    at some of your own ridiculous meaningless assertions. We elect officials to
    carry out the business of the town as feasible as possible. Are you not a
    government employee? You know the drill. Next time around, win, then you get to have more say. It's not a hard concept. Hmmm, I wonder if you and your followers have ever gone to a school board meeting and questioned any fiscal
    responsibleness on that level. Check your school taxes Ed, or maybe you
    needed to have been promoted to an M1 or higher to actually have been able to comprehend those figures. You are the biggest phonie anyone has ever met and a true disgrace to be allowed our town's (yes, Ed, OUR TOWN,as you call it) insignia to be visible on your stupid blog. I truely hope you can find some quality time, that equals that of your hateful blog time, to search for the real meaning of these holidays, even if only for a few hours. Try volunteering at the Children's Oncology ward at Albany Med. for starters. Maybe then you will start to regain some perspective in your life. Merry Christmas Grinch!

  98. rAnnt (the Queen of Mean) is now taking a short break for a "military holiday moment". The military is in fact her xmas prenent every year. After her parents moved in with her she transferred title to also be in her father's name so she could pick up a veteran's property tax exemption. That is disgusting and is abuse of the system. It was meant to give vets a break not meant so someone could put a vets name on it and take the break. Filthy Ann, filthy.

  99. Why can't we all get along? Keith Langley seems like an alright kind of guy - and we should work as a team instead of a bunch of spoiled little hypocrits that always need their own way. Lets make his future with the Town of East a happy one.
    Rick did a great job; he took alot of slack from many people; he's been called a drunk, a thief, coward; you name it - he was it by a chosen few. Lets not start off on the wrong foot by making Keith feel uncomfortable; as well as Ginny, Phil, Sue or Rick Matters. Stay home if all you want to do is be negative at those board meetings. Unfortnately, its the Tea party totlers that cause all the animosity; going over the same stuff at everybody board meeting. It gets old after awhile.
    The future Supervisor needs to cease with that crap right from the beginning. Everybody puts their pants the same way; they may be a different color, but initially they all go on the same way!

  100. Ann actually did that? OMG I believe it and that is despicable. Where is the outcry from her minions about abusing the system?

  101. FYI, there are food and toy collection boxes in Town Hall for CoNCERNS-U and Toys for Tots, respectively.

    Let's all chip in until they're overflowing.

  102. They keep saying everybody "hates" Mr. Langley...that sounds so Junior High....

  103. Whistling Past the CemetaryDecember 11, 2011 10:25 PM

    We don't "hate" anyone. They - over there - hate EVERYONE who dares disagree with them and the ridiculously twisted version of politics they preach!
    Read the Ed Gilbert B-S and just about anything that Taylor writes as proof of the above statement !

  104. whistling I'll try one more time because the powers that be have not shown the integrity to post opposing views. What has Ed said that was not true and how can you defend what they did with the budget. Love to hear a rational response.

  105. Whistling Past the CemetaryDecember 12, 2011 7:25 AM

    Maybe what Ed said is totally premature! Maybe he jumped the gun ! Maybe you all should have asked Rick Matters what he knew before you jumped on the bandwagon. Maybe....maybe...maybe ...your all wrong !!
    Once again, little bitter Annie has taken it upon herself to simply complain again about something she knows NOTHING about ! Maybe....the Powers to be have no intention of answering the relentless foolish banter coming from Taylor and Co........maybe....

  106. Whistling: okay rational,But full of Maybes while Ed's article reports the facts. Certainly he goes beyond that with his admonishment of the people responsible but the facts are irrefutable.So let me ask you this (since we're dealing with Maybes),If he didn't Jump the gun, if Rick Matters was even kept in the dark if this is what it seems, Do you approve?

  107. Can you post my classified ad? WANTED: Military Vet to move into my house and be placed on the deed on paper only so I can get a tax break I don't deserve. It is called the Taylor move and although it is despicable, it works.

  108. Bonnie,

    Check the Comptroller's PowerPoint presentation … Total Debt Expenses (external debt) drop from $1,424,000 in 2010 to $1,269,984 in 2012!

    The inter-fund debt is also dropping. Yes, Bonnie, REALLY!

    Check the Planning Board Minutes to see the developments Sue's referring to:
    - Forrest Pointe II
    - Mavis Retail Site Plan
    - Witbeck PDD
    - Elliot/Michaels Road Subdivision

    RELIEF will come when these developments are on the assessment roles as homes and businesses and not vacant lands, Bonnie. Furthermore, mitigation fees will be paid to the Town on all of these projects.

    Bonnie, no one attacked any citizens at Board Meetings. What about the infamous attacks by Martha Andiago?

    We're confident the majority will work with Supervisor-elect Langley and that he will work with them.

    Supervisor-elect Langley may "not wear the same shoes as McCabe" but he certainly has to fill them!

  109. 10:15.....Without fundamental reform in the internal control environment and management practices cited in innumerable reports, new development will just provide more money to steal.

  110. or so you think 10:50. You've been wrong in the past - and when this audit is completed by your former office - you'll see exactly that your WRONG AGAIN ! You've inflated and embellished for the past few years - and the very sad part is that when your proven wrong - you NEVER take the hit you so richly deserve.
    That is a character flaw and easily identifies someone who is desperately trying to hide something - kinda like lil Mikey when he went on television last year and lied thru his teeth !

  111. Friend of East GreenbushDecember 12, 2011 12:36 PM

    I believe you should speak with the Supe-elect before you get up on your soap-box. he may have a completely different perspective and may not necessarily agree with Taylor or Gilbert !
    All may not be what Taylor and Cristo and Gilbert want everyone to believe....again !

  112. Friend of EG: Yeah you never know he might want to have had his salary reduced by $10000 and his secretary reduced by $6000. "thank you sir may I have another" take the blinders off

  113. well...maybe your wrong ! I think that ALL the money is there and that's exactly why the Supe-elect isn't saying anything about this matter. I think that it was allocated in different lines , but ALL of it adds up to the same $$ as McCabe was making. Just my humble opinion though.
    That is an accepted budget practice used in many different levels of Government..something no one in Camp Cristo would know anything about. But then again , they would have nothing to bitch about if they actually knew anything about how real government works !

  114. 10:15 "new development will just provide more money to steal"

    In case you haven't heard, Mr. Langley becomes Supervisor in January.

    You imply that would do this or allow it.

    And stow the "internal control environment and management practices" mumbo-jumbo already.

  115. anon 9:44

    blind faith is a beautiful thing however I prefer to verify what i'm being told by my elected officials.
