Saturday, November 5, 2011


Don Johnson asked "Where are the East Greenbush Financials???" in the October 27, 2011 edition of The Advertiser. 

EG Town Comptroller Jim Breig, provides the answer on the TOWN'S WEB SITE and in the November 3, 2011 edition of The Advertiser and is chastised for it.  Yes, it was a paid ad in The Advertiser.  Perhaps the only way he could guarantee a timely reply to the citizens of East Greenbush.  As Comptroller Breig states: 

"The Town Board and I have been open regarding the finances of the Town and the progress made on the Audit findings from 2009.  Both topics have been discussed numerous times in Town Board Meetings and Citizen’s Fiscal Advisory Committee (CFAC) Meetings." 

Mr. Johnson (10/14/11) and at least one Anonymous poster (10/26/11) have asked about the audit on EG Talks …

I respectfully suggested that Don Johnson raise his "question about the status of the 2010 AUD and Audit to those in the position to answer ... the Town Board at Wednesday's meeting or the Town Comptroller on Monday."  (10/15/11) He didn't ask at the Town Board Meeting and, as he saw the need to raise the question in The Advertiser, evidently didn't ask the Town Comptroller either.

I assured the Anonymous poster that "As Chair of CFAC, not a week passes without me asking Comptroller Breig about status of the audit." I also provided a link to a Times Union article entitled "Colonie audit triggers dispute", that revealed that Colonie's audit only came out last week.  (" (10/27/11)

I find it interesting, amazing and amusing that townsfolk will ask about the audit here and in The Advertiser rather than the one forum where someone could provide an informed answer - an East Greenbush Town Board Meeting.  Town Comptroller Breig is always in attendance at the Town Board Meetings.

It honestly makes me wonder if they really want to know or it the audit is just political fodder to them.

Questions and complaints about the audit, although not specifically directed towards him, are questions and complaints about the performance and integrety of the Town Comptroller, as he is the 'point person' concerning the audit. 


To see Jim Breig attacked for being upfront with the townsfolk is sickening.   

Pete Stenson


  1. Jon Dohnson-(hic) brainiac at largeNovember 05, 2011 10:19 AM

    Because....with Don Johnson and Ray Mooney and the's clearly " do as I say ,not as I do".

    It doen't fit Johnsons design to embarass and embellish about something that NO ONE else cares about, but that he demands we pay attention too!
    Don - your pathetic and washed up and it is beginning to clearly show that your little one-man show is nothing more than a veiled attack campaign because your still burning about getting spanked in court and refuse to acknowledge that you were ordered to pay the Towns legal fees from your failed lawsuit! I can display that order if you forgot ! Your appeals are over - PAY UP !!

  2. The Town Board, and most importantly Jim Breig, know very well that my letter to the Advertiser had nothing whatsoever to do with Jim’s performance as Town comptroller. On November 1st I sent an e-mail to Jim, with copies to the Town Board which contained the following statement:

    “I also just want you to know that my letter to the Advertiser has nothing whatsoever to do with you and your job performance. It was aimed specifically at the policy priorities of the Board. Had they wanted a timely independent audit, they could have had one - simply by making it a condition in a request for proposal issued in a timely manner.”

  3. Don Johnson,

    Had you asked the Comptroller about the audit on Monday, 10/17/11, as I suggested, you'd have gotten the very same answer you now have.

    Nice try, though.

    Pete Stenson

  4. Pete....I have a series of 5 e-mail exchanges dating from the beginning of August through the end of September related to the status of the independent audit. I'm sure we could arrange to print them.

    What became perfectly clear was that Jim did not have the leverage which should have been in the engagement contract to set benchmarks and time-frames. The Board dropped the ball, and I think it is shameful that you would try to throw Jim under the bus for something which the Board, as the contractor, had control of.

    Further, as a semi-official Town officer as the Chair of the CFAC who inquired weekly after the status of the financials, why don't you report it? Nice try.

  5. NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York state's agencies were told this week to make plans to cut their budgets for next year by 2.5 percent to help close a deficit that could top $2 billion.

    The latest round of state budget cuts, which Budget Director Robert Megna ordered in a letter dated October 31, follows last year's 10 percent year-to-year cut.

    And all you ridiculous screwballs from over there think that McCabe raising the Town taxes by 1.7 % is so atrocious ?!? Get a grip and realize that East Greenbush is such a small part of a much larger economical picture and that NOT EB+VERYTHING can be blamed on the currect administration!

    Get a grip people and VOTE ROW A ~ ALL THE WAY!!!

  6. Well Don, all your posts and letters to the Advertiser certainly look like you are blaming Brieg, Stenson and all of Town Hall. And where exactly did Pete throw Jim under the bus?..

    Also, what exactly is a semi-official Town officer as the Chair of the CFAC? You are either official or not..Does it mean you only have to be right half the time?... You have a long way to go to hit that 50% mark....Like 49%...

  7. I truly hope that when this is over and the dust settles and the same losers from last year are sitting around wondering what happened - they look back - and see that the smear campaign they've orchestrated simply is not appealing to the voters.
    VOTING ROW A for sure !

    ABC-FEG-ST2 !

  8. Wow, this is so obvious.....Ms. Chia Pet Taylor has taken on yet another 'ID"...Just look into the nastyness and the reference to Jack Daniels. Also look at the name backwards.. Same writing structure, same key words and capitalization. She needs professional help.

    Here is the conversation.. My last post wont get posted, but who knows with Sybil...

    Anonymous said...
    30 #26, Why wouldn't they have the right to look into this? #1,the letter is a scam, nobody by that name exists. It is an outright lie and could result in a civil suit. # 2. You guys want to FOIL every little thing, and frankly, you are costing the taxpayers money with your frivolous actions. Its ok for you guys, but when the shoe is on the other foot its not?.....

    Whats next? You going to FOIL to see how many times the toilets are flushed at Town Hall??

    Saturday, November 5, 2011 5:35:00 PM EDT
    OGAIDNA said...
    31 #30--#26 responding... She does exist and that shows how much you people do NOT know about the ads. Ads in The Advertiser, that are signed letters, are confirmed by The Advertiser. That means The Advertiser confirmed the letter with the author before they printed it. Have another drink, getting drunk IS what you do best. It's too bad Jack Daniels & his committee are running this Town.

    I am anon 30 and here is my response..These people are too easy...

    Oh OGAIDNA.... How wrong you are..Stay tuned.. Read the T-U tomorrow...And yes, thank you, I think after my hard work this week I do deserve another drink... And no, not Jack Daniels, I will have a Sam Adams....Why dont you have another Kool-Aide?

  9. Timmy - Brainiac #2November 05, 2011 7:43 PM

    ..."Chia-Pet" !! ROFLMAO!!!!!

    If the shoe fits - rANNt wears it !!

  10. I wouldn't pet her chiah with a 10-foot pole. How does someone spend the whole day angry like that?

  11. Mr Stenson I have never met you but you seem like a nice person.Why do you talk to the likes of Don Johnson and that other crew?If he was anything but a pest he would run for office himself.But I can tell you he wouldnt because he knows he would lose.That would upset his ego.I can tell his ego gets in the way of his conduct just like many others at the Kool-Aide blog.A head nod is suffice for that entire crew. Cant wait to read the Times Union tomorrow 7:16 and anon30 I am pretty good at reading between the lines.LOL LOL Have a good day all.

  12. EAST GREENBUSH -- The town's Republican committee chairman, Chris DeFruscio, paid cash to publish a political-attack advertisement in a local publication that was made to appear like it was a letter-to-the-editor from a town resident.

    Read more:

  13. I'm sure, by now, people are reading the story in the Times Union about the dirty trick Chris DeFruscio played on Toni Murphy and the town residents. Unfortunately, anyone who knows Chris DeFruscio cannot be surprised.

    What I want to know is what does Ray Mooney, Don Johnson, Bonnie Lester, Sean Mulvey, and certainly Mike Cristo and Ann Taylor have to say. This group most certainly attacked Phil Malone over and over for accidentally signing a notarized sheet. I think Chris DeFruscio's actions were deliberate and calculated and to harm someone as decent as Toni Murphy, and were outrageous and despicable.

    One has to feel for the town Republicans to place their future and trust into the hands of a man like Chris DeFruscio. The Republicans were once a proud and decent party in East Greenbush but under Chris DeFruscio, will be thought of as.....well maybe people should draw their own conclusions.

    I will say this however, do my Repulican friends want someone like Chris DeFruscio running the party? Let's not forget Keith Langley who put his trust in Chris DeFruscio. Keith has been out riding with Chris, moving signs from one location to another as I hear. Poor Keith has also gone door to door with Chris DeFruscio at his side. Keith, I hope this doesn't show what can be expected of your good they say...we are known by the company we keep.

    I can't wait until the investigation discovers who the woman was on the phone that Chris DeFruscio called. It will come out. As has been said...You can run, but you can't hide!

  14. Just read the "Dirty Politics in East Greenbush" article in the Times Union.......

    Michael Cristo......WHAT SAY YOU???????

    Ann Taylor.......IS THIS NOT DIRTY, DIRTY, DIRTY??????

  15. Oh my God! I knew it! Those accusing everyone else of lying are the real liars!

  16. Next steps? How about the EG Dems notify the board of elections about this fraud and Toni Murphy sues DeFrooshy-Hole for libel? It's a slam dunk.

  17. Don Johnson,

    I had my eyes examined about a month ago.

    Exactly where do I "try to throw Jim under the bus"? May I remind you that I've stated my confidence in Jim Breig every time a comment on East Greenbush Blog indicates that I'm looking to replace him as Town Comptroller?

    I've also re-read "185-2010 Resolution to Abolish the Town Finance Committee and to Create a Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee".

    CFAC's duties and responsibilities involve "assisting and advising the Town Board" and making "recommendation to the Town Board for consideration;"

    FYI, CFAC meetings are open to the public and meeting notices are posted on the Town's web site and I believe here on EG Talks. Minutes are also posted on the Town's web site.

    Also, when I post or comment here or elsewhere, I do so as a concerned citizen unless I otherwise identify myself as Chair of the CFAC, as I did in my reply to "Anonymous said... October 26, 2011 9:53 PM"

    Pete Stenson

    PS Anon November 05, 2011 8:03 PM asks "Why do you talk to the likes of Don Johnson and that other crew?" To provide another side of the story or issue.

  18. Don,

    I forgot to mention that I'm glad to see that the anonymously written "Guest post...Misusing the Comptroller's Position" finally acknowledges that "By law, the Board is responsible for the Town’s financial operations, not the comptroller." Quite a declaration, don't you think? I'll take the "and not the Supervisor" as implied.

    Or perhaps the guest only meant this year? Rhetorically speaking, of course, as the point of an anonymous guest post is anonymity.

    Pete Stenson
