Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I feel compelled to submit a few comments about two of Ann Taylor's posts  in which she apparently attempts to DENY people who don't agree with her or she doesn't like not only their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS (FREEDOM OF SPEECH), but their FIFTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS (DUE PROCESS).  In what might be considered a frenzy of efficiency, she does so in one post (#30).  Nice job, Ann!

For background, someone posted a comment on the EG Blog about the Assistant Police Chief for EGB having a Phil Malone sign in his yard.  They're also complaining Phil Malone's notarizing documents in error.

My question for the Assistant Police Chief for EGB is "Do you need more signs?" 
I quote EG Blog: 

"Ann Taylor said...30     #28-- And that is just disgusting and shameful! He is getting his raise in 2012 due to the contract negotiations conducted by Supervisor McCabe earlier this year so there is no need to polish Phil Malone's apple. That's so sad. Again, I could not care less about their personal lives but to see an Asst Police Chief publicly support a man who committed misdemeanors AND threatened a NYS DOS investigator--that's just wrong. Which side of the law is the Asst Police Chief on? If he has a Phil Malone sign on his lawn that is just backwards. (Sunday, October 30, 2011 8:12:00 PM EDT)"

"Ann Taylor said...44     In addition, the above document posted in this blog shows the proof of misdemeanors he committed. In addition, his resume lists employment positions for the time period he received unemployment. (Monday, October 31, 2011 4:42:00 PM EDT)"

To ANN #30: People in the AMERICA that I know and love are free to endorse and support whomever they choose.  The Assistant Police Chief for EGB is dedicated to protecting this Town and its residents, be they Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, Independent, Working Family, Green, etc.  Also, I believe the Assistant Police Chief for EGB is considered management which means NO UNION RAISE.

Furthermore, I believe that EACH of the Employee Unions endorsed the ENTIRE DEMOCRATIC TICKET.  Should the unions' members not be to display any Candidates' signs on THEIR PRIVATE PROPERTY?

I am an Alternate Member of the Planning Board.  Should I not be allowed to display any Candidates' signs on MY PRIVATE PROPERTY?

To ANN #30 & #44: It's ALLEGEDLY "committed"!!  The document that LEGISLATOR CRISTO so proudly posted states (emphasis added) "BY REASON OF THE FOREGOING, the Respondent is charged with engaging in the following, acts of professional misconduct:" 

The OPERATIVE word is "charged", Ann.  Yes, "charged".  People in the AMERICA that I know and love are PRESUMED INNOCENT. 

What is perhaps even more frightening than Ann Taylor attempting to deny people their FIRST AND FIFTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS is the thought that Mike Cristo and Ann Taylor would be the puppeteers controlling the Town should the Republicans somehow be elected.

Pete Stenson



  1. VOTE ROW A and solve the problem with rANNt and her vicious blogging!

    When her advisor comes up for re-election , we'll show him the door as well !


    Great Political Ad for the "M" Team on TV this morning....really highlights the Boards accomplishments. Looking forward to their continued hard work.

  3. Hate me if you want - but I vote !November 01, 2011 11:07 AM

    Typical Taylor-made b-s ! She's a disgusting example of what the Republican party authorizes and is complacent with. Dirty~dirty~dirty !
    She is a Babe in Total Control of Herself and it is beginning to glow like a NEON sign.

  4. 1230pm....right on time !!

  5. They are Sooooooo predictable - and jealous too!

  6. FREE to VCTE MY CONSCIENCE!!!November 01, 2011 2:14 PM

    Oh Failure: guess who made the NATIONAL/GLOBAL TOP 5 companies to be employed by ??!?

    YUP - FED-EX!! Recognised globally to be in the top five of industry leaders for employment excellence!

    You political minions over there couldn't see that though....too much HATRED in your hearts....that's why NO ONE votes for you !

  7. But FedEx didn't make the list of top 5 things anyone wants in their town. Why would anyone want a trucking center in a suburban town, and give away the farm to get it?

  8. She thinks she can censor everyone and everything just like on her blog. LOL!

    What would this town be like if she and Sir Cristo had been elected? Same as if Langley, Fiacco and Gilbert are elected! Pitiful!

  9. Pete, you can display any sign you want in your lawn. However don't you agree that it is a good thing for taxpayers to be able to question, if you got your 'Alternate Member of the Planning Board' because of merit, or because of the sign(and your other support)? The same applies to Assistant Police Chief Condo, Joe Lamountain, Anita Nero, Mike O'Brien, or anyone else who works for the Town and simultaneously supports a political party. Don't you think it's appropriate for a taxpayer to ask if you are in your position because you are the best candidate for the Taxpayers of East Greenbush, or because you are the best fit for the Democratic Party?

    Please note this isn't a defense of Ann, rather a general question on the practice of being able to openly promote a particular politician, and then getting a job after your politician wins.

    -Nate Hans

  10. Voting ROW A - All the Way !!November 01, 2011 3:29 PM

    226 - opinions vary and apparently yours is clearly in the minority - locally and globally !

    Also, Nate: let me be one of the first to explain to you the true underlying cause for Ann to write what she wrote about the Chief: outright jealousy- period.

    You want to infringe on someones guaranteed rights - specifically someone who is mandated to reside within the Town...get your gloves on and be prepared.
    Your a rookie at this game, so I'll cut you some slack. The Police Department as a whole was villified and victimized by Camp Cristo throughout the last two campaigns. Cristo picked a fight with the dispatchers and the cops because he originally thought it would buy him some support and votes. He was WRONG ! Sucks to be him now.

  11. 329 - your post brought back some bad memories of the past two political campaigns. I remember the B-S Cristo started with the cops and he tried to back peddle after he found out he was barking up the wrong tree. I see Taylor keeps yelling about the overtime again. She clearly has NO idea or even the slightest clue about what drives OT in the "real" working world. Worst part: she isn't willing to listen either !

  12. 226 is not in the minority. Most people do not want a truck depot in town.

  13. 415 - only dwight and some of the quasi-republicans were against Fed-Ex....

  14. Really? Most people I know are not happy to have that thing in town. The only redeeming quality would be the tax benefits, but we negotiated like wimps and lost anything of value. Now we are FedEx's toilet, they can poop all over us.

  15. Nate.....

    I can only speak for myself. I obviously am not looking for a job after my politician wins. I've chosen to support the Democratic team and put myself out there because I believe in the candidates and what they are trying to accomplish.

    Some people disagree and that is their perogative..vote as you will. I will support and put signs on my lawn for whichever candidates I choose. If someone wants to say there is an ulterior motive - they are wrong.. but go ahead.

    This is America and people need to be involved in the political system and support and vote for whoever they choose and not be intimidated by people or groups of people who dislike their choice.

    I will stay firm and support whoever I want...period!

  16. Joe : well put ! Who the "f" does Taylor think she is? I had to go read what everybody was yelling about. I found it and was like - WOW- you've got to be kidding !
    I know Ann and Mike have a personal grudge against the Police and it seems especially the Asst. Chief , but really ! Is she for real? Is she really trying to admonish a resident , regardless of what they do for a living, for supporting the Dems?!?! That's just plain bullsh*t !
    It never fails - every time that woman opens her mouth gives me all the reasons I will never vote for a Republican candidate in this Town - ever again !

  17. Ariel...Not The Little MermaidNovember 02, 2011 8:01 AM

    Here's a question for Nate....

    Are we to believe that all of the lawns with Republican signs have a person in that home looking for a job? We can like or not like a candidate...it shouldn't need an explanation for the likes of you.

    It seems like you go out of your way to try to stir up trouble. While I choose not to have signs on my lawn, I respect anyone that is willing to put themselves and their choices out there for everyone to see. Cristo and Taylor try to find a conspiracy in everything done in this town....I hope you are not falling into that pattern.

  18. Pete,

    I don't share your faith, but I appreciate your candor on the subject. I would be much better pleased if resume's were posted for anyone who has donated to a political party, and works for the town. I believe the Ethics Board has been debating a similar question, and from what I hear, they were very hesitant about it.


    What is it they/you are trying to accomplish? According to McCabe's TU Blog piece, he thinks the "top challenge of course is getting the economy to turn around so we can move forward in the economic development and financial stability we seek."

    How do the democrats you support intend to 'get the economy to turn around?'

    Not that Langley sounded much better with his tired old political mumbo jumbo, but the Economy? Is that the only hope EG has?

    -Nate Hans

  19. In a perfect world, the republicans and democrats would live in relative harmony and would together laugh at Nate for his nonsensical accusations.

  20. The National economy has tanked! How the hell are these smaller municipalities supposed to flourish if the National and State and Counties are screaming from unimagineable debt?

    Colonie is 27 million in debt!! The biggest Town in the Nation !

    Also for all the Christro-ites, Denfruscions and Failures: just a very simple FYI: The Supe doesn't have a election contribution account- every single one of his donations goes into the EG Dem account. Whatever money the Supe receives as a campaign contribution goes directly into the Dem account. He can't file a campaign contribution sheet if the account doesn't exist...

  21. Nate,

    I'm sorry that you don't share my faith in people. One of my favorite sayings is "You say I'm a cynic, I say I'm a realist." But I pale by comparison to you, my friend.

    You state that "I would be much better pleased if resume's were posted for anyone who has donated to a political party, and works for the town."

    To my knowledge, the candidates and their committees comply with NYS Election Law. I'd hope that if something is good enough for the NYS Board of Elections, it would be good enough for you.

    If memory serves, you are familiar with the NYS Board of Elections web site and have performed searches on your own for contribution info. Go for it.

    I think that you have an obsession with seeking data that you don't know what to do with or how to analyze. What info would resumes and contribution data provide to you or anyone?

    I'd also think that employee resumes might be considered confidential, but I am neither an attorney nor an HR guy.

    * * *

    I'm sure you're aware that the national economy has wreaked havoc on business, citizens, States and municipalities throughout our Nation.

    Notwithstanding, some residential and commercial development projects that were shelved because of the economic downturn are now being re-evaluated and coming to the Planning Board (PB agendas are public record).

    The current administration is working with these developers and the Rensselaer County IDA to attract development to East Greenbush.

    People may mock FedEx, but positive economic benefits will accrue to the Town, the East Greenbush business community and our residents.

    Pete Stenson

  22. Nate, I think I speak for the vast majority when I say I don't give a poop what would better please you. You get on these blogs like people owe you explanations. Who are you anyway? We are not here to please you. On some level if I knew what actually pleased you I would be sure to do the opposite. Go please yourself.

  23. Mr. Stenson, Want to elaborate more on the FEd Ex on the benifits that will accrue?

  24. I'm not Pete Stenson , but the clear and obvious benefit is that Fed-Ex is guaranteed to expand from its initial load of employees, and that means people will naturally shop and eat lunch in the area of their employment- for starters.
    And..the tax - base benefit is a plus for the area and - other companies in competition with Fed-Ex will most certaintly look in the East Greenbush area. That's just the most obvious and I clearly am not speaking for Mr. Stenson.....

  25. Not to mention the $1,000,000 that Fed Ex gave the town for Mitigation fees.

  26. Pete,

    Ann and Mike have every right to their opinion as you do. Why do you read their blog--you do know they are NOT running this year? You seem to be just as hard headed as they are. Just moved to E.G. and as someone who is a reg.independent, this town needs people in the middle of the road not the ultra right OR ultra left. Town problems do not get solved that way. I feel both blogs give state their cases fairly well. However, freedom of speech goes both ways. If someone has a sign on his/her lawn, others have the right to comment on the sign. Also, the police should remain neutral in political discussions. I would not want my police force openly supporting the republicans either.

    New to both blogs,

  27. 10:09 Seems to me we've danced this dance before ... you might take a look through back EG Talks and you may find it.

    Or you might go to the Town web site's Documents Download section for the Planning Department where you can read the source documents at your leisure. Here's the link:

    "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

    Pete Stenson

  28. OK, $1M for mitigation...probably needed to be $3.5M. We are spending more than $1M on a single traffic circle alone. And a few truck drivers will eat lunch nearby? Well that seals the deal for me...worth all the traffic, fumes and unsightly presence of a trucking depot.

  29. Nate...if you think you can come off as the "Voice of Reason", forget it! You are just trying to stir the pot. Are you looking for a job from the Republicans?

  30. #1) "we" are NOT spending 1million - NYS DOT is spending the $$$$ -- NOT EGB.!

  31. Ariel,

    Any resident has the right to support whoever they want. It's when someone is hired after donating to a campaign when taxpayers

    deserve the right to ask questions. I promise you I will treat the winners of the election the same regardless of party.



    To my knowledge, the board of election doesn't control each municipalities hiring policies, only campaign contributions.

    Resumes show credentials. Contribution data shows the logistics of a candidates campaign funding. Since you asked, I'll crunch the data on how many of the winning candidates supporters recieve some sort of paycheck from the town when the dust settles. In the meantime, I'll run the numbers from last year.

    And yes I love to crunch data, and yes I usually have no idea what to do with it.


    The national economy is not responsible for 8 straight years of budget deficits by the town from 2000-2008, totaling a budget deficit of $4,675,282 over those years. The one main difference between 2008 and 2009 that prevented it from being 9 years in a row? A 14% increase in the 'Real Property Taxes' budget line. The next highest increase over the 10 year span? 6% between 2006-2007.

    Pete, you are a member of the CFAC and know much more about finances than I do. How does the national economy play into this equation?



    No one owes me anything. I'm merely asking a question. You all are free to ignore me. As to your question, I am a nobody.




    -Nate Hans

  32. Hi Stacey,

    If no one has done so yet, please allow me to welcome you to East Greenbush.

    If you've been reading both blogs, you might have seen that I am occasionally challenged or questioned on the EG Blog but rarely respond. You might have even wondered why I rarely answer (hopefully your life is full enough so that you don't wonder about these things).

    The truth is that I have attempted to provide meaningful and civil responses to those challenges and questions to no avail. It appears that the moderators of EG Blog will not post my signed comments.

    I have similarly attempted to provide meaningful and civil responses to challenges and questions that are not specifically directed towards me but on matters where I can provide a constructive comment. These also do not pass the moderators' muster.

    I occasionally reiterate my 'unposted' comment here with background on the EG Blog comment. I do so to answers to their challenges and questions and to provide a counterpoint to their comments where I feel warranted.

    Surely if one only read EG Blog or EG Talks, one would get a very one-sided impression of things here in East Greenbush.

    That, Stacey, is why I read EG Blogs … to see what they are saying and to be able to respond.

    Thanks for your interest in my thoughts and in East Greenbush I general. May your life here be long and pleasant.

    Pete Stenson

  33. Just ignore Nate. He gets off on the attention he gets from being a little pest. There is a better way to insert yourself into the conversation than by being a buttmunch.

  34. Mr. Robert C. Wells: I have seen your entries on this blog, in which you have made reference to your participation in other blogs, as well as telephone conversations regarding your presentation at the last Town Board meeting. I read your statement in the Times Union that you read the New York Times, and London newspapers, but that you do not read The East Greenbush Advertiser.

    If you read this blog, I am recommending that you read The Advertiser today. A paid entry attribued to Martha Andiago claims that Toni Murphy was rude to you at the last Town Board meeting, and commanded you to SIT DOWN. that conflicts blatantly with your own reports and clarifications in other venues that Toni has always (and I'll say typically) been professional, reasonable, kind, and helpful in her dealings with you.

    It may interest you to know that noone with the name Martha Andiago appears as a property owner, or taxpayer on the East Greenbush Town Records or is registered to vote in Rensselaer County. I was at that Town Board meeting, and saw no woman unknown to me in the room, so I believe that Martha Andiago, was not there to witness your remark that you were not feeling too well and would prefer to sit while you read your presentation.

    Thus it appears to me that someone has decided to use you as a game piece in a political attack ad that suggests actual libel, in the guise of a probably non-existent person. The lies published in the name of Martha Andiago are obviously not the first person testament they allege to be, and they blatantly distort, and contradict your assertive efforts to clarify your positive impression of Toni Murphy.

    I think it behooves yourself, and all others, as election day approaches, to consider who is actively at work trying to do positive things in this Town with widespread support and recognition from an involved community, and who is lurking on the periphery, taking (and manufacturing) every opportunity to criticize and distort, what they choose not to be a part of.

  35. Yes Mike.....And Lynn Hyde's letter is a complete fabrication. The OSC document referred to does not exist. Nothing but BS

  36. Mikey gave himself a soft-ball pitch to swing at in his first self-identified post. Up to your old tricks again.

  37. Martha Andiago - just like the "substance" on Anns car last year - just like Mikey going on TV and lying his brains out - GO FIGURE !
    And what can any of us expect next?? More Cristo/DenFruscion bullsh*t for sure !

  38. Mike,

    What about "Anywho.com"?
    "We didn't find any results for Martha Andiago"

    How about "Whitepages.com"?
    "We did not find an exact match for Martha Andiago"

    Did you Google Martha Andiago? Zilch.

    Facebook? Zippo.

    Should we be suprised at anything they do?

  39. WOW. There are two Andiagos in the U.S., one of which is in Wisconsin and one in Puerto Rico. Neither is Martha. This is disgusting.

  40. Is one of them named Ercole?

  41. Ercole is a complete fraud and total disappointment to the memorny of his father. I hope your happy Chris - your disgusting and a complete fool !

  42. The " Martha Andiago" trick is another Denfruscion,Toreeno and Christo trick.....same bunch of buffoons from last year- same old juvenile tricks.


  43. I got a real chuckle out of the Martha Andiago fairy tale...and Bonnie made me chuckle too. Are we supposed to take these seriousle when they say "Paid Advertisment" at the bottom? Wonder who wrote that for Bonnie...that was not her style.

  44. Keith Who ...?
    Corine who ...?
    Ed who ...?
    Dan who ....?

    OK Dan is a Fiacco - I'll cut him a little slack, he still has absolutely no idea what he's in for and that scares me - ALOT
    -Gilbert needs Chris Hummel as name recognition,
    Sheldon clearly isn't isn't what we want handling any Town funds- she's a proven LIAR like her flag carrier " Failure/Taylor " ...

    -and quite frankly - Keith just hasn't got a clue. Maybe he is a nice guy - but now isn't the time to elect nice guys - now is the time to keep people in place that will keep the Town solvent and afloat during these trying times.

    Repooblicans will try to say that their candidates are the "team" to restore fiscal responsibilty and keep taxes down - NOT!!
    Not one of the three running for Town Board have a clue of what they're doing - which means they will ask " Who???" for advice !?!?!

    You got it - Christo - the man who did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHILE HE WAS A TOWN COUNCILMAN OR COUNTY LEGISLATOR! Mike Cristo COULDN'T MANAGE HIS WAY OUT OF THE TOWN LANDFILL - HAS NO IDEA OF WHAT HE'S ACTUALLY DOING AT ALL- and when he was questioned about some of his responsibilities when he was a Town Councilman - he denies everything - because he's incompetent and ignorant!
    And that ladies and gentleman - IS A FACT!

  45. Got caught there didn't you???? Wish I was quicker in making a copy. I'll stand by my theory that Mikey put himself up with a soft-ball for his long post - signed for the first time.

  46. Your the silly "Mikey gave himself a soft-ball pitch to swing at in his first self-identified post. Up to your old tricks again."

    Jeez, I thought your talking about Mikey Cristo - the king of the soft-ball swing! Not to mention the 2nd and 3rd anonymous swings.

    Won't you be surprised!

    You'll get your chance to make a copy so keep your trigger finger at the ready, when we're ready to spring it.

  47. All this doesn't make any difference. You should be preparing to be "visited." The stakes are a lot higher.

  48. How about those guys ... complaining left and right about the lack of an audit and the person most knowledgeable about the situation replies and they get their knickers in knots.

    "paid for by the “Friends of Rick McCabe”? My copy of The Advertiser says "paid advertisement".

    It's been on the Town web site. Anyone could've bought the ad. Maybe it was Martha Andiago or her third cousin once removed Ercole.

    Do they have any idea how foolish they look?

    Do they have any idea what they want?

  49. I believe it will be someone from Camp Cristo who will be visited - SOON!

  50. 7:37 business or pleasure? Threat?

  51. 9:29 Time will tell....Promise
