Thursday, October 27, 2011

The following letter from Rick McCabe appears in today's Advertiser.  EG Talks is happy to reproduce it here.

Our 99%

I would like to express my thanks to “the 99%”. I have been involved in East Greenbush politics for a long time.  I was a committee person in the 1970s to the mid-1980s. I have been a councilperson, deputy supervisor, and Supervisor for 14 years.  I have attended hundreds of Town Board meetings, missing only 3 during those years.

At these meetings there have been numerous differences of opinions, problems to be solved, and questions to be asked and answered.  These have been expressed by Democrat, Republican, Conservative, Independent, Working Family, Liberal, and probably the  “Rent is too damn high” party members.  In all that time, and through all those questions, 99% of the people who have addressed the Town Board have been civil, polite and concerned.  As a Board, we have listened and have taken action to help whenever we could.  If unable to act exactly as the resident asked, we have engaged in one-on-one discourse and have attempted to reach a compromise position. We have not made decisions on personality. As one movie said, it’s business.

Unfortunately, it seems that this has changed, at least for a small handful of residents, who feel justified in publicly libeling, slandering, and defaming anyone who disagrees with them.

I would like go on the record about this despicable trend.  This administration and the good people who work in town do not deserve this treatment and I will not have them be publicly insulted. This small group has made countless charges, all without validation, against this administration, saying whatever hateful thing they can think of without offering any proof of wrongdoing.  As Supervisor, I can accept criticism and reasonable disagreements that are expressed in a civil manner.  I believe that those residents of East Greenbush who have continuously acted in a responsible manner expect and deserve no less.  The same is true for the Town Board and the good people who work for the residents of East Greenbush.

To the 99%-- I want you to know how proud I am to serve as your Supervisor.  Over the years, I have come to know many of you and to call you friends.  I ask you to go out and vote on November 8.  I am asking for your continued support for our team, Toni Murphy, Sue Mangold, Phil Malone, and of course, for me, Rick McCabe. In return, you can be assured of a government that cares about the needs of East Greenbush.

Thank you, Rick McCabe


  1. The reference to The Godfather was rather unfortunate. I think it was uttered by a mobster who was explaining "whacking" somebody.

  2. Mr. Supervisor:

    With all due respect...

    You have made the defamation, libel and slander case before.

    If you believe all that go do something about it.

  3. You two just proved the Supervisor's point.


  4. Sorry Talks...To make the case that the Supe asserts, the facts would have to be tested in an objective forum according to the rules of evidence. No way is he going to walk into that arena.

  5. Rick,

    99% of 51 % is not all that much to brag about.

  6. According to the supporters of little miss giggle~temper-tantrum- Ricks statement couldn't possibly be true . To the rest of us - its a true fact , witnessed by many attendees of Town functions. The "reform-republican-tea party faction that seems to think they have the right and authority to disrupt meetings and makeup the rules as they go along - are exactly why anyone who runs along that political line will be defeated - soundly.
    You people simply don't get it! There's no point in disagreeing, your continual carrying on only forces many of the rest of us to work that much harder at defeating you and your candidates!

  7. Wow...Ann Taylor has such obvious hate in her heart for just about everyone connected with to the Town Board. She should have no dealing with the public...she may not be old in years...but her heart is old and bitter!

  8. Retired and Loving it ........October 28, 2011 9:23 AM

    The hatred runs so deep over there- the bitterness and discontent are overflowing out of their hearts and mouths. And...its EXACTLY what rANNt Failure wants! She has engineered this entire hate campaign and it glows right back at her and she doesn't like it !
    rANNt never wanted anyone to find out about her failures in the banking industry , that she lives like a wart on her parents back, that her marriage is a fraudulent scam , that she absolutely needs Corine to win so rANNt can validate her own failed campaigns.
    It must be horrible to go thru each day living with that much anxiety and paranoia....I hope they find some good psycologist to ease their pain. Especially after they take a good, solid beating on NOVEMBER 8th !

  9. Did anyone notice there was a post on the Cristo - Taylor blog from the senior who spoke at the meeting the other night? It was there yesterday and while not happy with someone at town hall, he had very high praise for Toni Murphy, specifically stating that she has always been nothing but nice to him. That obviously didn't sit well with the whole reformer side, cuz it's GONE!! After bashing Toni and accusing her of being rude and nasty to the man, he writes to set them straight and they take it down. Just goes to show you what they are all about over there. Filthy,lying,spiteful, bitter sore losers. I'd love to hear their explanation. For their supporters; If this one thing doesn't open your eyes, you are officially in denial.

  10. Ann....

    There's an APP for's called Meds!

  11. Steve; they put it back up , after Bob Wells called Ann personally... she hasn't got a clue what she's doing and it shows!

  12. Steve, I snagged the second post Mr. Wells posted. I am sure it will be deleted also....

    Robert C Wells said...
    3 I did not expect to have to post another comment. (Please see comment number 41 under 'An Open Letter' comment section.) I WAS NOT TOLD TO 'SIT DOWN' at the recent board meeting. The comment regarding sitting down was, I believe, made ON MY BEHALF after I requested permission to sit down to make my presentation. I AM waging a campaign to fight what I feel was unfair and disrespectful treatment by several town officials over a recent tax-bill - but I WAS NOT TREATED UNFAIRLY OR DISRESPECTFULLY AT THE TOWN BOARD MEETING, and I shall defend those whom I oppose if they are attacked unfairly.

    Friday, October 28, 2011 9:14:00 AM EDT

    Looks like "Crap" is starting to fly back in their faces...Goes to show you, that whole crew will take a comment, rumour, few lines of an article and bend and twist it to fit thier twisted agenda....

    They make Steven King look like a non-fiction author

  13. I also called her out on the Supes pension....see if this gets posted.

    Anonymous said...
    4 Get your facts straight. the supervisor is not getting a pension from the town. You people distort everything.

    Friday, October 28, 2011 9:37:00 AM EDT

    AT responese:

    Ann Taylor said...
    6 #4--Did not say the Supervisor is receiving a pension from the Town. He IS receiving a teacher's pension--those pensions are paid for with tax dollars--fact and it is straight--look into it.

    #3--Mr. Wells--you were not the only person asked to be seated. There was another gentleman that was NOT allowed to finish his comment, which he had prepared for the Brd Mtg. In addition, telling seniors to sit down in a RUDE manner is common for Supervisor McCabe. In December, when my father questioned the audit results and if they had been put into practice he was told by Supervisor McCabe his time was up and he had to sit down. That was at a Board Mtg. You may have been asked to sit, as a matter of courtesy, please know others are asked in a rude manner. Thank you for your comments and submissions. You are welcome to submit comments anytime and your feedback is appreciated.

    Friday, October 28, 2011 9:57:00 AM EDT

    My response(won't get posted):

    So, let me get this straight. First you say McCabe is getting a fat pension funded by the town, then you flip-flop when I called you out on this stating he is getting a school teachers pension funded on state taxpayers dollars? Well thats the first true statement you have made.Yes he gets a pension from the school system, and after 30+ dedicated and respected years I think he deserves it.

  14. Caught her on another one...

    "#3--Mr. Wells--you were not the only person asked to be seated. There was another gentleman that was NOT allowed to finish his comment, which he had prepared for the Brd Mtg. In addition, telling seniors to sit down in a RUDE manner is common for Supervisor McCabe. In December, when my father questioned the audit results and if they had been put into practice he was told by Supervisor McCabe his time was up and he had to sit down. "

    Nice try backpedaling...

    In regards to your father, whom I do not know, but I am sure is a fine man and I believe a veteran(Thank You!!!!!) You and your cronies set your father up with the questions and basically used him.. I am sure he would do anything for his little girl, and yes, I am a father and and would do anything for my children, UNLESS THEY WHERE BLATANTLY WRONG OR INTENTIONALLY USING ME!!!!!

    You should be ashamed of yourself for useing a veteran for your own political and tax relief gain.....

    Yeah.....That will get posted...

  15. Sounding pretty desperate over there, can't say enough bad things about Phil or Rick, they know their gona lose, and they keep repeating Toni's 2 hour lunch, never acknowledging she and Linda work the same hours, guess that's all they got. PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!! Oh how happy the Bud would be if Toni lost!

  16. Why is there so much hate in this town? I know this blog is meant to support democrats, and you are targeting republicans, but why such hatred and so many mean-spirited posts and comments? FYI I will ask the other side/blog the same question and we will see a) who posts the question and b) who has a better answer.

  17. 803 - the hate was born over there. After taking months of absolute diabolical and maniacal slander by the minions who supported the failed Cristo/Taylor campaign, this blog was created at the behest of many.
    Many people who write and support this blog have their own personal reasons for writing what they chose...and opinions vary as to exactly who manages the Taylor blog. Anns temper suggests that it is her that refuses to post any opposing view point, you can guess all day long.

  18. 803 here again. Thank you for your candid answer. If you do believe that Mike and Ann "started it" have you considered rising above it and not slinging mud back at them? Sticks and stones, do unto others, and other kindergarten lessons come to mind. Thank you.

  19. It's not any single person 1241. Its numerous town residents who really have had plenty enough of the "do as I say" attitude of the failed Cristo-Taylor campaign. People such as Don Johnson, who can't stand anyone disagreeing with him, further fuels the disagreements. At least Don mostly signs his name - ( mostly) . Cristo dares to admonish anyone who blogs anonymously - yet 98% of the people who blog to him are posted anonymously! Go figure - " do as I say ......."
    Your "sticks and stones, do unto others , and other kindergarten lessons" are better suited to the person we all know as "Temper Taylor" . !
    She is the queen of nastiness. Just read some of her trash - whether she signs her name or posts anonymously-( she's really not hard to spot!). Did she even post your question over there? Did you get a true, unbiased response? -or- was this just another one of those "bait" type questions to satisfy your curiosity - again ?

  20. It was a relief when this blog was set up and our people could be defended,many things Mike and Ann said were very hurtful. Rick ,Toni, Ginny, Kim and many others did not deserve the things that were being said. many lies were being told, it hurt our towns reputation, believe me they lie. I'm sorry it came to this but you can sit back for just so long our good people and their families needed to be defended!!!

  21. You want hatred and nastiness?? Read the last series of posts over there! Now they attempt to defend ALL the b-s they have posted and make a feeble attempt to defend their position.
    They can't stand the fact that people can now openly disagree with them in a public forum, they hate it. They want total control of the blog-o-sphere and will go to any lengths to preserve their intentional liable and slandering of Town officials and employees!
    SHAMEFUL - especially for a sitting County Legislator ! Dispicable actions from the former head of DPW - yet no one is actually surprised that they would stoop this low!
    Thye really have made a mockery of the former Town Republican party. Older republicans must be in shock to witness this complete destruction of what was once a proud party.

  22. 10:15....Can you cite specific examples of what you are referring to? You make refererence to the "last series of posts." What is the "intentional liable (sic) and slandering of Town officials and employees" you are referring to?

  23. 803 here again (original poster about the hate). I can't say which side is more hateful overall, but I can tell you that Ann Taylor is beside herself hating my posted question and followups. I personally think both blogs kind of suck oversall but have occasional nuggets of value. I just wanted to confront both about adding to the hateful tone of this town. I can safely say that EG Talks addressed the issue head on, while EG Blog said "we don't hate" (in hateful language) and added my posts to the hate list. Again, both sides should tone down the hate (even if they refuse to admit they have any). Thanks for posting.

  24. 1241, I've tried talking reason and changing the subject on the back and forth. For the most part, neither side has any inclination to be rational or show an ounce of respect to the 'other' side. I'm not sure I blame them, but it is quite sad. I admire your line of reasoning, but I'm positive it's useless with these two groups.

    -Nathan Hans

  25. Gee, such an expert at the town board events, does anyone recall even seeing AT present at a one of these meetings over the past year, let alone the night she refers to? Was she there?Sloppy seconds, as usual. No class, no reputation, no substance. Gotta love it. Disrespect will not be tolerated in the meetings from now on according to the Supervisor, which, finally, is an admirable position for him to take. Five minutes is more than sufficient to state your issue(s) and anything more should and can be handled by appointment, phone call, etc. It's political gadflies grandstanding with an audience. Stop it already.

  26. 803- Thank you - finally someone else see's that no matter what question you pose to Taylor , she becomes instantly offended and accuses anyone who disagrees with her of nepotism,cronyism,and some other "ism", and will never admit she is a problem or that she has caused any problem. She is the "queen of mean" and has the temper to prove it too !

    Negativity clearly takes away from the real issues..but sometimes people just get carried away.

  27. 803 here again. I just posted on the Cristo Taylor blog a question about Mr. Malone. They keep saying that he worked illegally while collecting unemployment. I think we all deserve to know the truth. As i stated over there if it is true then Mr. Malone broke the law and is unfit to serve. If it is a lie then they are guilty of libel. I asked them to provide proof. I will ask if anyone on this side knows anything about this, too. Can you shed some light?

  28. I see that this blog post Anonyomous post also and It has come up several times on who is actually writing these post. There is never a name to any post? Why is that? I see the nasty in the things that are being said here also.
    Do on to others as they do on to you.. or turn the other cheek.. whatever it maybe I think we all agree to disagree.

  29. It is that Old Geezer senior citizen again. When 'the other side' critised Toni Murphy, unfairly, in my opinion, I jumped into the fray and defended her, even though she is a member of the team several members of which have treated me with rudeness and arrogance (in my opinion). *** Last week I spoke, on the telephone, with Ann Taylor, and was sharply critical of her. I found her to be very kind, and very fair. I am SICK of the crudeness and anger (bordering, yes, on hate) that is being expressed on BOTH of your blogs. Grow up.

  30. where is my post??? g.. I don't understand you people.. you do exactly what you accuse the others of doing...

  31. What exactly ? I just put up every post that was submitted !

  32. ooops - that should have been 'CRITICISED' in the first line of my previous post. (At least my 'blog' WAS posted here, even though it may not have pleased the hosts.) Thank you.

  33. No hatred over there? Good examples in ONE comment! 'Splain that, Lucy. COMMENTS ADDED IN CAPS

    Anonymous said... 38
    Monday, October 31, 2011 1:26:00 PM EDT

    And on just the question of character how does Mr. Malone stack up?


    Worked while collecting unemployment. Unless he reported that income that is illegal.

    Referred to citizens as gadflies.

    Tried to use the CFAC as part of his re-election effort.

    Violated his oath as a Notary.
    - - ALLEGEDLY!

    Refused to cooperate in an investigation.

    Used his position to secure a job in Town Hall for his mother.

    And to top it all off threatened a state employee.

    The guy is a character train wreck unfit for office - plain and simple.

  34. Mr. Wells,

    EG Talks is not afraid to post civil comments, whether we agree on not.

    Thanks for jumping into the fray and defending Toni Murphy. She and her family have been vebally abused on numerous occasions.

    Many would do well to emulate her and her family.

  35. Mr. Wells,

    PS You needn't apologize for a misspelling. We, unlike some, are more interested in your thoughts than your grammar.

  36. Timmy - yup - still here !October 31, 2011 7:18 PM

    Apparently no one who dares support Phil Malone has any 1st amendment rights in this town.

    There's no HATE over on the failure blog huh rANNt ?!
    Lying hypocrits seems about right.

  37. Taylor has lost what little credibility she may have had.
    It shows in her temper~tantrums in every post that she writes.

    My money is on stability, not taking a chance with virtual unknowns.

    VOTING ROW A - All the Way !

  38. Steve;
    she claims that she's NOT running for office, yet if you read her continual carrying on and finger pointing and vicious verbal tirades, you can't help but feel the love-< insert sarcasm > !
    She is dying for one of the repooblicans to drop out of the race so she can get back in there!
    She writes, then writes anonymously, then answers herself, then writes anonymously again, etc, etc, etc..... well, you get the picture !

    Me too ! Voting ROW A all the Way .

  39. FYI, I authored "Anonymous said... October 31, 2011 5:45 PM".

    I just noticed that I did not 'sign' it.

    Pete Stenson

  40. I did not expect to post again - but there is a 'paid advert' in this week's EGB Advertiser in which the author states that a senior citizen spoke at the 19th October Board Meeting criticising the way he was treated at the Receiver of Taxes' office and accusing Toni Murphy of being 'very vocal and rude' in telling me to 'SIT DOWN!' I have, in the past week or so, expressed, in these blogs, my appreciation of Ms Murphy's consistent courtesy and graciousness in her treatment of me. I have, also, recounted the fact that the comment regarding my sitting down was IN FACT in compliance with my request to be allowed to sit down. I am not a 'Christian', but the sense of honesty and ethics which I see appearing in these various exchanges is rather lower than the sense of ethics which I observe in my Atheist friends.

  41. Mr. Wells...please, let me apologize for the totally rude treatment you have received from the Cristo/Taylor clan. They are using you, plain and simple. For all of their talk of would be hard put to find any among them or their followers. They have personally ruined the Repblican Party in East Greenbush. If people don't get out and vote they can hold themselves responsible...some people don't want to vote Democrat and won't vote for what they have on the Republican side this year.

  42. I am very sorry that I included the last sentence in my previous posting, and I sincerely apologise to anyone whom I may have offended.

  43. Christ-Ho is now bashing Jim Breig on his blog. He must have forgotten that he was largely responsible for bringing Jim to work at the town. Now he turned on him. He also conveniently forgets that he was largely responsible for bringing Rich Benko on board, and turned on him too. If these people are such failures, does he have any responsibility for bringing them here to work for the town? The short answer is that they are actually good people but Cristo needs a new target and turns on his own.

  44. Ms. Andiago - ( aka Sean M. Mulvey ) was at Dem Headquarters today with his camera taking pictures. Get what you were looking for Sean?

    Its virtually impossible to not pity the juvenile behavior of the few minions - Cristo,Denfruscion,MULVEY,Taylor , Mahan, when you just simply watch them scurry like the pack of rats they resemble.
    Old Republicans will clearly vote DEMOCRAT again this year because of these fraudulent screwballs - and we'll gladly accept their votes.

    Above writes Mr. Bob Wells, whom I personally know from many years ago, his daughter Barbara went to school with me - and the man publically acknowledges the outright lies of Ann Taylor and company. How in Gods name does anyone potentially believe ANYTHING that they talk about over there? They openly lie about everything!!

    I can't wait for Tuesday - VOTING ROW A !!

  45. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  46. Mr. Wells,

    I think we're more offended by the fact that you're being 'used' as a pawn in their political game.

    I don't know who Fran is or if she can speak for "the Cristo/Taylor clan", as she put it.

    I see that you've submitted your comment to their blog as well and that it has been posted. I'll be interesting to see whether they share Fran's sentiment.

    Thanks for stepping up and coming to Toni Murphy's defense. She and you, sir, deserve far better treatment than has been exhibited by some.

    Pete Stenson

  47. I continue to be filled with utter disgust with ALL OF YOU. I have no idea who the person is making the comment beginning with the words 'Ms Andiago aka Sean etc'. He DOES seem to know who my daughter, Barbara, is, but I DO NOT KNOW THIS PERSON, as far as I know. I have never posted a comment without my name appearing. Why are most of you afraid to use your names? If you have an ounce of integrity (do you all know that concept??) you would not hide behind the cloak of anonymity. As many of my friends know (to my disadvantage) I do not have very high opinion of Americans - and you all are living up to the negative stereotype which I have in my mind. Good people: in the end, eventually, the Truth will come out, and it will not be decided by anger and hate, nor personal desires (GREED), nor subjective 'feelings', nor superstitions, but by the Light of Knowledge. (unless, of course, Humankind destroys itself through its' anger and its' arrogant ignorance)

  48. Leg. Cristo states: "First of all, in the recent preliminary budget, if you read it, the Supervisor has overestimated by a large degree, what our proceeds from sales tax will be. Even without Phil's overtures, it is irresponsible to think that in this kind of economy, your revenue will actually increase. It is not to be pessimistic, but it is prudent to be conservative when dealing with the public's money." (Michael Cristo said... 19 Friday, November 4, 2011 7:45:00 AM EDT)

    The Town's 2012 Preliminary Budget actually reflects a 0.89% DECREASE in Sales Tax revenues from $1,745,500 Anticipated 2011 to $1,730,000 in 2012. According to Comptroller Breig September 2011 Report, YTD 9/30/11 Sales Tax receipts were $1,379,987 or $195,485 above his projection. Nine months into 2011 the Town's Sales Tax receipts were 89% of the Adopted Budget's FULL YEAR amount of $1,550,000.

    ON THE OTHER HAND, County Executive Jimino's 2012 Tentative Budget reflects a 5% INCREASE in Sales Tax Revenues from $69,756,482 Anticipated in 2011 to $73,244,306 in 2012.

    County Executive Jimino's Budget Message states "Although we remain concerned with the overall state of the economy, collection of sales tax receipts to date this year shows an increase over the 2010 collections. Being cautiously optimistic that this trend continues, we have predicted a 2.5 percent increase over the anticipated 2011 collections for 2012."

    I can't wait to hear what Leg. Cristo has to say about County Executive Jimino's Sales Tax Projection.

    A 5% INCREASE at the County level versus a 0.89% DECREASE at the Town level?

    Does County Executive Jimino know something Supervisor McCabe doesn't know?

    Does Supervisor McCabe know something County Executive Jimino doesn't know?

    OR is Supervisor McCabe being "prudent"? I quote his "Supervisor's Report Through 10/6/11":

    "It is important to note that the 2012 Tentative Budget continues the practice of using conservative revenue projections which should be attainable, even in today's economy."

    Rather "prudent" on the Supervisor's part, I'd say.

    Pete Stenson

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. TO FRAN: I would have to say that my disgust and 'no ethics have you!' feelings are directed, pretty equally, to both sides in this amusing, sickening, disgusting pattern of behaviour. (This began, for me, with what I felt was somewhat questionable treatment by certain Town officials.)

  51. TO FRAN - AND ALL: I find myself repeatedly resolving to not post again in this affair - and then I find myself doing it. I find myself in the curious position of defending Toni Murphy on the Republican blog, and of defending Ann Taylor on the Democratic blog (see a much earlier posting of mine). A couple of hours ago a 'poster' ('Anonymous' of course) called me 'Bob' (as if an old friend) and mentioned my daughter, Barbara. He goes on to say something about how I 'acknowledge the outright lies of Ann Tayor' (I am paraphrasing). I DID NOT say anything, here or anywhere else, implying that Ms Taylor lies (she was, in fact, very polite, courteous, and decent to me - and I believe that I stated that on this blog). This, for me, all began, with a plea for FAIR rather than legalistic treatment over a tax matter - not only for me but FOR ALL senior citizens. (I am not nearly so confused as I may appear to some people as a result of the article in the 30th October issue of the Albany Times Union.) I feel that I have been / am being 'used' by both sides. I guess that I am very naive, but I am appalled by the anger and 'hate' on BOTH blogs. Your 'democracy' WILL NOT SURVIVE if people cannot treat one another with greater honesty, courtesy, and respect.

  52. See today's issue (Sunday 6th November) of The Albany Times Union.

  53. Thanks, Mr. Wells.

    The truth is out at last.

    Thanks for your defense of Toni Murphy.

  54. Is it any wonder that I prefer Beagles to 'humans'???

  55. I am compelled to report that the Republican 'blog' (as far as I can tell) has failed to post my fairly innocous posting (see above) calling people's attention to today's Albany Times Union article relating to the
    'Martha Andiago' letter. (Perhaps they will publish my lastest sometime yet. It is now about 1.30 p m.)

  56. Hi, Mr. Wells.. Thank you for standing up for what is right. I also perfer my Bassets over most humans.
