Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Congratulations to all of the Candidates

The campaigning is over and the votes have been tallied.  We extend our congratulations to all of the successful candidates.

The work of moving East Greenbush forward must continue; however, and wish them our best in their endeavors to accomplish this.


  1. Timmy- yup - that one !November 09, 2011 3:04 PM

    The people have spoken! Toni was vindicated ! Congrats to Sue and Phil ! Best of luck this coming few months as you attempt to deal with a completely inexperienced Supervisor who has no idea what/when/where....but hopefully he can shed the Defruscio stigma and press on for the best interests of the Town.
    He really will be "lame-duck" so to speak , but lets hope he has some common sense and comes to the realization that cristo and Taylor are clearly NOT the answers for East Greenbush and neither are their ridiculous visions and opinions!

    and .....THANK YOU Rick for your years of service to the East Greenbush Community !

  2. Really, this note of congrats to ALL the winners!
    We should give him a chance--that is what you complain about the reps. doing all the time This petty politics has to stop--the town will never move forward. REMEMBER there were dems. who voted out Mr. McCabe as well as reps,indep. and cons. After all he did have 3 lines on the ballot.
    Pete, you are supposed to be fair--where are you?
    My congrats to ALL winners!!

  3. Not seeing what your talking about - Fair?? Petty politics? What don't you like? You've never commented here before - at least your name doesn't appear. Are you from over there? There's absolutely NOTHING wrong or demeaning with the 1st post- its one person opinion and there's nothing unfair with that persons opinion. No one knows Langley or anything about him by the way. His campaign literature was extremely vague - < on purpose? >
    The people have every right to be skeptical of someone who virtually didn't exist 8 months ago - who never attended a Town Board meeting , who never condemned Defruscios actions, who never made any attempt to apologise or at least distance himself from the Defruscion trickery. Why can't we be skeptical. There was no foul language used.

  4. - and - compared to what little miss Temper Taylor allows people to say over there - you want " FAIR"
    C'mon Man - Langley should be subjected to the exact same scrutiny that the tea-total party had held the current board too! Without exception!

  5. Hi Stacey,

    Thanks for your interest in my thoughts.

    Candidate Langley ran an effective and respectable campaign. The voters have spoken and have put their trust in him.

    I've not met Mr. Langley yet. However, I look forward to doing so. Come January, he will become Supervisor, a position that is more difficult and challenging than many think. I wish him the best and hope that he is up to the challenge.

    Pete Stenson

    PS Linda, Stacey has commented here before.

  6. REMEMBER he had 3 lines, as the numbers read Ms.Mangold was the highest vote getter--so not everyone dem,or indep. or cons. voted for Mr. McCabe. It is pretty hard to lose with 3 lines!!
    Linda, I did not realize that this is a closed blog. And why are you so worried the dems. still have the majority on the board. Give the man a chance--just as Ms.Mangold and Mr. Malone had a chance and proved themselves.


  7. This IS NOT a closed blog....but if you want to come over here and cry and complain that someone used words that you don't like, you'd better be ready for a difference of opinion. Taylor would have NEVER printed any of this because it doesn't follow her strategy.
    At the very least , you were printed here. No one is calling him names - simply stating facts! "Lame Duck" is an excepted political phrase used every day in main stream media. The obvious fact that no one really knows anything about Langley speaks volumes.
    Three lines means nothing - period...and you are very correct - Dems have board majority - hence the term - lame duck! Such the same as Mike Van Voris for years was basically a lame duck supervisor. Just stating facts- just a tad bit blunt about it!
    Time will tell if the man has the chutzpa to tackle the job.....if not - we'll all know - quickly !

  8. Timmy, I often read and have never conmmented here but for the sake of the readers I would like to correct your use of the term "lame duck".
    It describes a person whose successor has already been elected but still remains in office. I agree that it is used in the main stream media but if it were used in the case of East Greenbush, it better describes Supervisor McCabe than Supervisor-Elect Langley.

  9. I stand corrected !

  10. If Mr. Langley has one brain cell, he will go into the job and learn from all the staff that surround Mr.McCabe, who are all knowledgeable, very resourceful and extremely friendly. This has always been the case any time my family and friends have had any dealings with the Town, be it something or nothing. By the way, is there any kind of resume out there on the new Supervisor? Is he employed at the present moment? College? Ever worked in an office setting? Public speaking? Computer skills? Participated ever in a company's budget process? Parliamentary Procedure 101. Just kind of wondering as all his literature ever said was that he worked for a construction business, which everyone knows, times are slow, so just figured he was looking for something to supplement his income as was the Fiacco person. What kind of promises did he make going door to door? Did he work full time and what was his salary? These are just fair questions, nothing else, he won, McCabe lost, but this man will be publicly representing the largest town in Rensselaer County with state, county and local dignitaries and officials....and of course every resident in the town. Kind of
    scarey, actually, but he will have to get used to answering EVERY question and being accountable and take ownership of EVERY issue in his Town now. Does he have a plan for reducing taxes?? Good luck Mr. Langley.
    FYI......My parents have been paying taxes for 65 years through Democratic and Republican administrations and their taxes have NEVER gone down...and they never will. When is the last time any of us have gone to school board meetings regarding our school taxes? The school budget passes EVERY year. Wake up, it's our school taxes, look at your bills, and it doesn't appear it's going toward

  11. Anon 9:12, I don't know Langley, but I know people who do. He works at Rifenburg, a $100M + business in our county. He is taking a 50% or so pay cut to be the Sup. I voted for Rick, too, but let's give this guy a chance. He's no fool, except for maybe giving up a high paying gig to join this circus.

  12. I wish him the best. I had heard that up until about October , he actually thought this was a part-time position ! Wait til he gets there and sees for himself.
    I do wish he would address the Defruscio fraud/scandel and give it closure and maybe let some of us know what he knew and when he knew it. I also think he needs to denounce the shananigans of Defruscio/Cristo/Mahan and Taylor. Thats not likely to happen but it would go great lengths in giving him some degree of credibility to skeptics like me.

  13. Mr. Langley won...fair and square. Hopefully he will prove to be a man of integrity and try to distance himself from the negative people on the other blog. He should not think that he was elected "because" of them - it was "in spite" of them. Please work with the people who can help you ease into your job and take their advice.

    Welcome aboard - show us what you are made of!

  14. Ann thinks she's pretty amusing with her "bitter bus" comment...It is doubt she and Mike hold title to that bitter bus! She really has no interest in Eg government - if she did she could let the hate have a holiday. It will be interesting to see how things play out. Langley needs to back off where these haters are concerned - I just hope he sees that.

  15. TIMMY! Yup - I'm still here !November 10, 2011 11:15 AM

    Hey Taylor - Upstate Trailways is looking for a veteran " bitter bus" driver and I could think of no better qualified person than YOU!

    and.... Timmy doesn't eat pie !

  16. I am a bit confused, so, he is going to be working for the Town and Rifenburg?

  17. Mr. Langley thought the job was part-time . That leads to some very interesting questions.

    Is he the next Phil Gause?

  18. We all need to wish Keith Langley godspeed and good luck. Congratulations to Phil, Sue, Toni and Linda for their re-elections and thanks to Dan Fiacco, Ed Gilbert and Corine Sheldon for running strong professional campaigns. In the interest of moving foreward in a positive manner, the less said about the Advertiser fiasco the better. Above all else, we need to thank Rick McCabe for his long years of service.

    Rick has been a teacher, coach, radio personality, councilman and Supervisor. Very few people have made the contributions to our community that he has and he deserves appreciation and respect for a distinguished life and career. I appreciate his personal kindness to me and sincerely wish him the best of everything life has to offer.

    It is easy for the rest of us to sit on the outside and snipe at public figures and elected officials. I guess that comes with the territory if you run for office. But it takes character and commitment to step forward and try to make things better. As someone who became a Grandpa himself two and a half years ago, I know Rick has a whole lot of fun and great family satisfaction in front of him. I hope he leaves office with a sense of accomplishment and knows that he goes with the thanks and best wishes of an awful lot of people.

  19. Hi Jack . Nice to hear from you - and good point(s).

  20. They crack me up over there...the old good cop, bad cop act. Ann is as nasty as ever and Mike pretending to be Mr. Tact and Diplomacy! They were both on board with DeFruscio. I still say Rosebud and Mary TGM "have" to pretend to be proud. If they were my children I would be horrified at their lack of character.

  21. Went tothe preliminary budget hearing last night. Mr. Langley and Fiacco were present. I will give the proprs to both for being the gentlemen that they were.

    If they are capable of shedding the "defruscio/cristo/taylor" image- they may succeed in Town Government. If not , they stand to suffer from the childish antics and petty political games that failed this past election as well as last year.

  22. Jack Conway,

    Excellent comment. I couldn't agree more.

    Pete Stenson

  23. Ed Gilbert was also at the Budget Hearing. The only attendee to ask questions, I might add.

    As for Supervisor-elect Langley we'll see what happens when he assumes office in January.

    Pete Stenson

  24. Sorry - didn't know that was Gilbert !

  25. The Advertiser issue has not been forgotten, stat tuned !!!

  26. and it shouldn't be .....dismissing that fraudulent / illegal action by Defruscio because the election is over wouldn't be the prudent thing to do. I can only hope that the people who were damaged by the Defruscio failed plot have good lawyers and pursue this caase vehemently thru to the end. The republicans failure to address that issue publicly speaks volumes.
    It is my understanding that Dan Fiacco is the only one to acknowledge the inappropriate behavior of Defruscio - but what about Langley? Sheldon? Gilbert? - or - Defruscions best friend - Cristo??!!??
    Again - silence speaks volumes people.

  27. Ed Gilbert has announced that he will pollute the times union once again with his one-sided political doublespeak! He goes on to chastize some poor unknowing soul for "chasing" fellow Cristo supporter Cindy Glokler away from the Times Union. Nice try ed. She got caught in her one-sided banter and when she was asked about it, she openly defended the Cristo people and attempted to admonish the person asking a very simple question and an even simpler request! She ran and hid rather than just sit still. Not really a good defense of her chosen political party.

    I'd be very watchful of the lowest vote getter this past Tuesday - he clearly has an "axe-to-grind" !

  28. Anybody notice that Corine Sheldon is friends with Cindy Glokler in facebook? Could support the theory that Glokler was not quite as impartial as she preferred us to believe. Corine also lists her occupation as "town of East Greenbush TBD :))". Presumptuous, eh?

  29. What say we leave any further discussion of the "Advertiser fiasco" to the injured parties and their legal team.

    Pete Stenson

  30. Nobody chased Cindy away....that was her choice.

  31. I think Mr. Langley is a decent man. Also Mr. Fiacco. I wish Mr. Langley the best.
    As far as the comment about this being a part time, someone is in for a rude awakening. This is a fulltime + position.
    I know a lot of weeks Mr. McCabe as put in 60+ hours. I hope Mr. Langley is ready for this.
    If Mr. Langley is to be successful in this endevor, there are 2 very important things he must do..............

    # 1 Distance himself from Taylor, Cristo and the rest of the peanut gallery.

    # 2 Friend up with McCabe and have his # on speed dial....

    There are so many "connections" that Mr McCabe has built over the last decades. All for the good of our town. Mr. McCabe is a well respected man, and his record proves it.....

    The last few years in EG have been the worst in mudslinging I have ever seen... It all goes back to one camp.

    I hope Mr. McCabe stays involved in EG, but I think that ship has sailed..

    Thanks again Rick...........

  32. Slim

    Normally I would not validate anything as grossly of the mark as your rabid ramblings with a response but just as an exercise lets see what you have that backs up anything you have asserted. (my announced return aside)As for me having an Axe to grind because I had the least amount of votes you could not be more wrong. I am proud that over 2000 people voted for me my first time out the way I look at it someone had to be fourth.

  33. Eddie,

    Hook up with Mikey and Annie on their blog.

    The Three Stooges!!!

  34. I'd think you boys would be working on an image involving some gravitas and credibility instead of the magpie snipeing. What you are trying to say is undercut by the obvious obsessive compulsive perseveration. "Corine is a friend of Cindy on Facebook....." Good Grief!!

  35. There will be no peace in mudville. That idiot ercole is still slinging mud along with his mentor - failure taylor. You reap what you sow

  36. These next couple of months should be interesting. After all of the complaints on the Cristo/Taylor blog over the past year concerning nepotism and patronage appointments....let's see if they find that it is as wrong when Keith Langley comes aboard. Let's keep our eyes open for Taylor, Sheldon, the Lesters, Mulvey..and God forbid DeFruscio. It is said that Langley is a good man...we shall see. If there are no consequences for the underhanded actions of won't matter if he can walk on water....people will hold that against him.

  37. Agreed. As long as DeFruscio is involved, there will be no peace. If MrLangly truly wants peace an harmony, he will get as far away from Ercole as possible. 3 days after the election, he is running around town professing how "WE'RE" gonna change things. "WE'RE getting rid of Condo, LaMountain, Bonner,VanWormer.....and the list goes on. Mr Langly, please do everone a favor and distance yourself from that guy. He is no good, you know it and so do I.

  38. Things will settle down here as soon as Ann goes back to posting cookie recipes.

  39. I think you really need to lighten up a bit on the Advertiser thingy. Toni wasn't injured after all. She won by a landslide. And remember that there is a letter on Town stationary admitting to the phone call to a certain bank.

  40. Defamation—also called calumny, vilification, traducement, slander (for transitory statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a statement that makes a claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image. This can be also any disparaging statement made by one person about another, which is communicated or published. It is usually a requirement that this claim be false and that the publication is communicated to someone other than the person defamed (the claimant).

  41. I think Toni should pursue it. Sets a great tone for the next few years. I'm sure Kim is on board, but is Ginny?? She's the higest ranking elected official. Ginny, on board??

  42. I would have to say that any lawsuit that brings Defruscio/Cristo/Taylor/Mulvey/Mahan to their knees would benefit East Greenbush and the new supe as a whole. Langley doesn't need them- they were NO help to his campaign at all.

    As far as Defruscio running around shooting his mouth off - for those of us who have known Chris for more than a few years - ok - what's new ?!?
    Most of us wrote him off years ago. The Repubs were desparate and Cristo forced him on the repub committee- they found out too late he was a complete moron- sucks to be them !

  43. Halloran's in charge!!

  44. Dear Ed Gilbert :

    #1 - go back and read the commentary from Gloklers page yourself- you'll see that I'm not making it up!

    #2 - your clearly a taylor and cristo supporter - why deny it? Take your lumps like I take mine here.

    #3- your exactly correct - and quite honestly and with no ill- will intended - I am glad you finished 4th - only because I support the Dem ticket !

    Others will also watch how well you support the Taylor doctrine of blogging and sarcasm.

  45. Ole Donnie Boy is crowing away over on the Taylor fantasy blog. Well Don, I don't give a damn if 18,000 eyes are watching - Langley is virtuallty powerless and Matters will soon tell him exactly that !
    Langley could be the nicest guy in the world - politics isn't for nice guys. The instant second he gets his marching orders from Cristo- game over!
    He'll never live that down and never oversome the stigma and negativity of being attached to the biggest blowhard to ever hold office!
    Big words don't necessarily make you a good politician- something Cristo has yet to learn.

  46. I say we give Langley a chance. I didn't vote for him, but he won and deserves a chance. Hopefully he will be smart and distance himself from DeFruscio, Cristo, and Taylor. It's the only way he'll earn the respect of many in this town.

  47. I agree Jean - we give the man a chance- watch closely , but he deserves and has earned the right according to the voters.

    I also agree that he needs to quickly shed the Defruscio moniker which will be pinned to him unless HE makes the move to publicly address the foolish behavior and assure the skeptics that he will not be a part of it. Langley would be wise to take Fiaccos lead there and openly and publicly apologise to Toni and also to the residents. That , would go miles towards mending some fences. The decision is his !

  48. Mary, Jean, Liam.

    Give KL a chance but keep those 18,000 eyes on HIM!

  49. I find it very disturbing that Mike and Ann act like completely different people with their upbeat "tis the season" comments. They just spent months being mean and nasty to so many people. I would never trust either one of them...couple of phonies.

  50. I find it extremely disturbing that the SUpe elect has yet to establish that he had nothing to do with the Defruscio/Taylor debacle. Saddening and disheartening. I thought the man was possibly a "stand-up" guy ?!?

  51. I think no one is more surprised with the election results than Langley himself !

  52. You really find that disturbing 12:02? You are picking on a guy who got screwed by Defruscio, who has nothing to do with him. I'm sure Langley thinks Defruscio is as much of a hole as we do here. I know many of us are sad to see Rick go, but grow up and let Langley do his job, and don't pin anything related to Defruscio on him. Langley had as much to do with that mess as you or I did.

  53. How Langley handles the DeFruscio situation will be a true test as to what kind of man he is.

  54. You bet your a** people are disturbed! I'm old enough to know that Langley will have no respectability or the confidence of a great many people until such time as he makes a statement on the Defruscio/Taylor debacle.

    Your last lines reveal your apparent " inside" information - prove your statement ....inquiring voters want to know !

  55. Not only is it disturbing- its questionable behavior by the Supe-elect. You write like one of them over there 223-
    Supposedly Langley thought this was a part-time gig and tried backing out but was told by Defruscio and Cristo he couldn't.
    Way to go people - elect a virtual unknown who hasn't got the common sense to distance himself from that joke of a chairman - Defruscio.
    This ought to be a great few months for Town residents as this guy gets his "feet wet" !

  56. You are missing the point. He doesn't need to distance himself because the only people who think he's connected to Defruscio are the people on this blog. That's why he won the election. I am sorry Rick lost but to blame Langley for Defruscio's secret criminal behavior is immature and irresponsible. It frankly is the kind of crap rAnnt and Christ-owe would write on their turdblog. Give the guy a chance, I am going to. Cristo, Taylor and Defruscio have proven themselves to be stains on butt of EG, but Langley is not like them. He deserves a shot to do a good job for EG. Have the balls to approve this and to give Keith a fair shake.

  57. 5:37 is absolutely right. Though I'd take issue with the criminal behavior reference. I'd think a "signed confession" on a Town letterhead is a bit more problemmatic. Keith is going to be a very effective leader. It is very possible that EG has been turned around in this election. EG is (sometime soon) going to cease being a cash cow for special interests, and begin to function for the benefit of all the people.

  58. I am more than willing to give Langley the benefit of the doubt...however...he has been down on DeFruscio's lot at least 3 times that I know of...not much of a distance there if he is denouncing the underhanded dealings of Chris. If he is looking for a car....which I kind of doubt....there are plenty of lots around.

  59. Supervisor Elect Langley, where are you;why haven't you come in to see the people you will working with, Rick McCabe doesn't bite. He's really a "pussy cat!" Its nice to show up at TB Meetings, but you ought to see where the "real action" takes place and make yourself known! Take it from one who knows; trust Rick Matters; stay clear of Defruscio; he's an evil man with a vendetta. If you're a smart man, which I'm sure you are you'll stay clear of the Cristo family; they're out for themselves. see you soon! I guess!

  60. The people think that because he's done absolutely NOTHING to dissuade that persona!

    The man simply needs to make the statement - case would be closed ! That's the point !

    Criminal behavior is a tad bit extreme - I would characterize it more as juvenile and immature.

    Other than that - I have no problem with giving Langley a month or so to get his feet wet - but I also strongly believe he needs to make that statement and concretely distance himself from the childish actions of Defruscio and company.

  61. Sorry, 7:19 - When you mention Chris Defruscio or Mike Cristo its definitely criminal behavior.

  62. There's no way that Langley gets a break from the people unless he makes it clear that he didn't condone the Santiago scandel.

    The "new day" and "turnabout in local politics" that Ole Donnie is crowing about over there on the Taylor bullsh*t blog isn't likely to happen anytime soon!

    I just love how Donnie and Ray and company gloss over the illegal actions of Defruscio - yet DEMAND that others be held accountable for much less ! Hypocritical ?? Ya Think ? Just a little ?

  63. And to continue, I will instead call myself an EX-reader of this blog. You have lost me. This blog has become every bit the senseless partisan crap that the other one is. Congratulations.

  64. Mr. Langley was elected to a four-year term. We have no choice but to give him a chance.

    We have to trust that he will work for the good of the entire Town, but as President Reagan said, "doveryai, no proveryai". Trust, but verify.

    Pete Stenson

  65. 904- See ya ! If ya can't handle the heat - get ya butt outa the blogosphere. Not everyone agrees with your point of view - get over yourself. I luv democracy - which means opposing points of view

  66. I don't care which blog you follow -

    #1) defruscio pulled another one of his juvenile stunts
    #2) he got CAUGHT

    #3) Taylor was in on it - she openly blogged about it BEFORE it hit the Times Union

    #4) if Taylor knew - damn well that Cristo knew - which leads to...

    #5) LANGLEY KNEW !!

    Whenever your ready there Mr. Supe-elect - we'll take that apology ....

  67. Anon 1:07PM

    Add those 3 visits within a week to DeFruscio's car lot and I think it goes without saying that they were all in on it.

  68. Hey 1:07 - don't take this any other way as someone stating a simple fact but if Langley did NOT know, then what you wrote is called libel and you can be sued for it. So you better hope it is true and that you can prove that it is true, or Langley can sue. If you think you can't be traced from an anonymous post you are dead wrong. Good luck with your libel campaign.

  69. speculation is nothing but speculation......

    bottom line - Langley better get a good lawyer - he'll need it , especially if Ms. Murphy decides to pursue her legitimate speculation there !

  70. a little birdie told me that Langley spoke with Toni about the incident. anyone else run into that little birdie?

  71. I admit I am liking Ann and Mike being quiet for a change....probably on legal advice...but hey...still enjoying it.

  72. You've been quiet too. Maybe it's because Town Hall has a visitor.

  73. And this is the first visitor ? Felony level crimes will be uncovered and Don Johnson will be satisfied / vindicated !?!
    Hahahaha....keep dreaming...

  74. golly gee anonman, your only the 72nd in 8 days

  75. Hate to say " I told you so "
    - Ed Gilbert has once again turned the Times Union into a Dem - Bashing venue for his political minions to throw accusations at the Dems and this blog.

    Dear Ed: you are completely predictable - and "Emma" clearly makes YOUR point that your going to take every opportunity to trash any positive initiative by the Town Board.
    You should be banned from the Times Union , just like your accomplice Cristo was.

    The funny thing is ALL the repooblicans and their followers need 4-5 blogs to bash and slander and libel the dems...its actually pathetic and shows the utter lack of organization by chairman Defruscio and his advisor - temper Taylor.

  76. Langley did approach Toni and acted like a gentlemen. Andiagogate as it relates to Keith Langley needs to be put to bed. DeeFruscio, Crisco & Failure are complicit and it will all be sorted out in the appropriate legal venue.

  77. Slim the irony of Emma being banned like Crisco is that if you take even half a look at the writing, Emma is probably Crisco. Cisco writes that in a way with such obvious forced errors to try to shield the identity, but he shines through.

  78. Thanks 938 - I just re-read the "emma-chrisco" slam-a-thon over on the TU slander page and I have to agree...

    Mr. "Million dollar words" really can't disguise his ignorant/arrogant political stance !

  79. I think one of Langley's first memos ought to be advising that the Town's computer use policy will be followed. Or are all of you posting this stuff (as Pete says) on your Blackberrys on break time.

  80. - or - maybe none of us are Town employees =- and maybe we are self employed and its none of your damn business what I do on MY time !

  81. 1110- I agree 100% . I am retired and loving it. I read and write whenever I feel like it. Because people like Don Johnson don't agree with my point of view , I am automatically labeled as being a " town employee".

    The hypocricy coming out of the self annointed Home Town Team is overwhelming.

  82. There goes the Babe In Total Control of Herself!

    Making up stories about Ginny OBrien again. I was there Failure-Taylor and she DID NOT SNARL at Rick Matters ! Lets review the tape - shall we??!! Your still driving that bitter bus every day of your miserable life - huh rANNt?

  83. Nor did Sue strongly object to having to abstain from the vote on a project in which her brother is the engineer. Sue stated she was abstaining, just in case there was some conflict of interest, but she didn't really think there was one. She added she would confer with the ethics committee to see what they thought.
    For anyone who wasn't there, including you Ann, you can see how it really went down when it is aired on channel 3.
    Don't you just love how she doesn't even go to the meeting, then embellishes and lies about the goings on?
    Ann, I have to say, you are one Angry little troll and need help. By the way, when do you start your new job in Town Hall? Oh yeah, you're not getting one, cuz NOBODY LIKES YOU!!!!!

  84. What's a matter guys to honest?... too close to home? it can't be too mean because it is well within some of the crap that gets posted here. "hello kettle this is pot glad to meet you"

  85. oh my there 4:36 - what planet did you just arrive from ? You clearly weren't not at the Town Meeting either- day dream much??

  86. Timmy - yup - still here !November 17, 2011 8:29 PM

    Here it is - from the "mrs" - Don Johnson herself:

    "Suzanne Aiardo said...
    Dear Ann --You asked for further comment about the meeting last night and since I WAS THERE I would like to set the record straight. Yes Mrs. Obrien did comment on Rick Matters' no vote last night. However, she was not nasty and bitter. It was an inappropriate comment in my view since a no is a no. I told her so after the meeting and also mentioned that two years ago when she and Rick McCabe voted no on the budget no one chastized them for voting no. Bonnie was with me. She listened to what we had to say and was not rude or obnoxious.
    This entire board meeting was taped by Nate and someone else and apparently will be available for viewing.
    Now here is another thing. I did not see you at the meeting so I am assuming you heard this version from someone who was at the meeting and they are entitled to their opinion but I saw something else. In an effort to be civil to all, I ask that you print my version and then people can judge for themselves.
    This is the beginning of a new administration. There is no room for exaggeration and unnecessary swipes at people."

    It doesn't get any better than this folks - ANN TAYLOR IS A LIAR!! She embellishes and makes up whatever suits her agenda- period.
    My God people - how much more is this Taylor going to be allowed to fabricate??

  87. Timmy, tell me that you are not just now figuring out that Ann Cristo is a liar. We have all know that for years!

  88. Ann Cristo forgot to mention that during yesterday's meeting, Toni Murphy told a bunch of school children to sit down and shut up, just before kicking their puppies.

  89. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  90. It becomes more and more apparent, that Queen Ann is a liar, even you supporters have to see that now.
    Can she be belived when she says she wasn't involved in the false newspaper story? NO
    How about the substance on her doorhandle last year. Anybody believe she is above making that one up? NO

  91. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  92. Can only hope that the new Supe doesn't tolerate little miss giggle~giggle~boom-boom and her foolish, juvenile behavior.

    She must sit all day and dream of her venimous diatribes that she prints. Completely bitter and nasty ! Her and her boy-toy Cristo make a great pair!

  93. Chris Thump-Zahn,
    To wake up in the morning and read that one about Toni telling a bunch of school children to sit down and shut; and then she kicked their puppies; oh my God I'm laughing my butt off. I've become good friends with her for the past nine years; and she is the sweetest, kindest lady I've ever met. There's no one in my estimation that could hold a candle to her; ya hear that Annie Bannanie-Cristo wanna be. You are too much!

  94. actually my post was to the admin- as a note for a post he refused to put out there. regarding slim dipman. he was just being cute.

  95. Larry...Unfortunately I have a feeling that she doesn't have to sit and dream of her venimous diatribes.....they are probably just roll off her nasty tongue with no problem. No one would ever accuse her of being a sweetie!

  96. This was submitted as a comment last night to Ann's post. She hasn't approved it yet.

    I think 'snarled' is a bit over the top.

    Ginny was politicking. She's done it before on other votes(FedEx comes to mind). I don't particularly like it, and if I were Rick Matters I would have a comeback.

    That said, she makes a good point, that if Rick wants to vote no, where is the counter proposal?

    I would have like Rick to have said 'I was involved in the entire process and made several suggestions that were turned away, but I appreciate your posturing' or something that indicates he WAS in fact involved. Instead of the 'ok' he gave Ginny. Now we are left wondering if Rick was involved at all, which I think we all agree we need him to be.

    It is not enough for ANY of the board members to vote YES or NO 'without reviewing every angle.'

    I also think it's presumptuous to assume Ginny didn't review the entire budget. She may disagree with you, me, and others about cuts to make, or the importance of certain topics but disagreeing isn't the same as ignoring they exist or not putting time in to review the budget.

    I also don't think Sue said anything close to how you are framing it.

    She was unsure of whether to abstain, and abstained just in case. A little naive on the rules? perhaps. Should she be clearing these things up BEFORE a vote comes up, definitely. But to characterize her as you have is irresponsible reporting on your part.

    I give Sue credit for explaining WHY she abstained which I don't recall seeing before from any board members.

    BTW, I will have a video up tonight or tomorrow and people can decide for themselves what adjective describes Ginny's/Sue's attitudes. Ann I will post the link in the comments.

    Finally, Ann, I hope to see you at the Board Meeting in December so you can give a first hand account as opposed to basing your information off of other people's accounts.

    Nathan Hans

  97. bet they won't post it!

    besides, as Ann told Suzanne, "I believe I began with the word "Apparently" as if that completely absolves her.

    It appears that Keith Langley and Dan Fiacco spoke with Toni Murphy. If so, at least they had the class to do so.

    Distancing themselves is a good move.

  98. This is now twice in the past 25 days that little miss Temper has written openly about what she absolutely knows to be fabrications.

    The Martha Andiago debacle was vehemently supported by Taylor before the Times Union opened the entire fantasy and proved it was bogus.

    Now she again writes about a meeting she never attended! Does it ever end Ann ? Are you that immature and petty that you absolutely must just write and fabricate lies about the Board members just because your boyfrined has an axe to grind with the Democratic party?? Huh Annie?

    Inquiring minds really want to know exactly who piss*d in your cornflakes this morning !!

  99. Clearly someone messed with her cornflakes long ago. That woman is mad at the world.

  100. Slim Whitman - brainiac #3November 18, 2011 8:11 PM

    The self proclaimed savior of the East Greenbush taxpayer- Ray Mooney - gives a long-winded explanation of how great he, Don Johnson and Ed Gilbert are and that without them - the residents of East Greenbush would be completely lost ! PUHLEEZ !! Your modesty is totally overwhelming.

    And...again I will say "I told you so " about Ed Gilberts perpetual carrying on- on the Times Union. His one-sided version of Town events is further bolstered by the nonsense written by pompous buffoons such as Mooney !

  101. In reply to Taylor blog beginning with:
    Mr. Breig's e-mail is on the town's website. Ask him what funds the salary for the new Supervisor and his secretary is coming from. The secretary to the Supervisor must be very important for McCabe to have one for all these years. this is a part of Taylor/Cristo blog

    I just want to comment that I have thoroughly enjoyed my job, and yes I did hold an important position within the Town. Normally these positions can last anywhere from 2 to 4 years and I have the honor to be secretary to 2 of the most dedicated and wonderful men that I have ever met in my life. I worked hard in this position as well as being Senior Liaison since 03. I have a good repoire with the Seniors and it is an enjoyable job; Music in the Park is just great as far as I am concerned. I do wish Supervisor elect Langley all the best. Why wouldn't I? I may have had bitterness toward those that chose not to vote for Rick, I certainly went through my own grieving process when Supervisor Angelini passed away; I became a good friend to both of their families and I will always have the utmost respect for the Angelini children and for Rick's family. I thought of them as my family. Do I like the blogs and the animosity that is shown; absolutely not. My working at the Town Hall has been one of the best times of my life. I am forever greatful for all of the wonderful people that I have worked for, no worked with. So yes, Rick McCabe did need a secretary for all of those years, as will Supervisor Elect Langley.

    Good Luck to all of you. May 2012 bring you much happiness.

  102. Town Board Video

    Nathan Hans

  103. Carmela - Once again you show what a class act you are and have always been. From someone who pays attention to what happens in this town, thanks for a job very well done on behalf of us all. You will be missed in that role but I look forward to seeing you stay involved and hope to see you around and about. All the best.

  104. When did Mike Cristo change his name to Emma? So obvious - everyone knows.

  105. Mary - NTGM eitherNovember 19, 2011 4:34 PM

    When rANNt Cristo writes - it's almost ALWAYS a fabrication or at the very least , a wide distortion of what little fact she may have.

  106. Thank you Jack Conway for your very nice words.

  107. I wonder if Concerns-U wants their good name associated with this blog which spends its time helping to divide the community just like the other blog does.

  108. Anonymous 10:32 PM:

    Your comment has been copied to "YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!"

  109. Now rANNt's mouthing off about Sue's comments when she abstained on the Witbeck project.

    Just posted this over yonder:


    NEPOTISM: favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship.

    CONFLICT OF INTEREST: a conflict between the private interests and the official responsibilities of a person in a position of trust.

    No nepotism, no conflict of interest.

    Had Sue voted, it would be on the merits of the project. Sue would have no private interest in the project moving forward … only the interests of the Town."

    Bet they won't post it!

  110. In response to Don Johnson's comments on East Greenbush Blog "Regarding the CFAC MEMO recommending changes to the budget has an interesting final sentence. It has an interestingly “Stensonesque” final sentence which reads: “This memorandum and the recommendations contained herein were unanimously agreed to by the voting members of CFAC.” Since there are no minutes documenting any meeting producing this MEMO, one might ask whether it was approved unanimously by a particular group of members who voted at a particular time or all members of the committee entitled to vote. Pete might want to clarify this. Did they all know that they were a part of an engineered process to gut the Supervisor’s ability to staff his office? Somehow I doubt it. The day after the election the CFAC met to produce this MEMO? All smells contrived to me.":

    The Tentative Budget was discussed at both the 10/13/11 and 10/24/11 CFAC meetings.

    A draft memo concerning Recommendations on 2012 Tentative Budget was distributed via e-mail to ALL members on 10/26/11, 11/4/11 and again on 11/6/11 requesting their comments. The 11/6/11 draft incorporated member comments and changes between the Tentative and Preliminary Budgets and soliciting comments and / or approval via return e-mail.

    CFAC Members UNANIMOUSLY approved the final Recommendations on 2012 Preliminary Budget via e-mail. The Memo was forwarded to Matt Mastin on 11/15/11 for posting on the Town web site. 2012 Preliminary Budget - CFAC Recommendationsnew!

    CFAC recommendations concerned the 2012 Preliminary Budget, thus, CFAC was NOT, as Don Johnson puts it, "a part of an engineered process to gut the Supervisor’s ability to staff his office?"

    Pete Stenson
    CFAC Chair

  111. PS Don, “Stensonesque”?

    I'll take that as a synonym for factual and also as a compliment.

    Pete Stenson
