Sunday, November 6, 2011

read for yourself - we've ALL been duped again

Well, well, well !!!

Many people have been unfairly targeted in the campaigns of last year and  obviously, this  year !    The  candidates have  tried to keep it  somewhat civil , at least on the  Democratic  side.  After  weeks of  outright  slander and  libel  being  leveled almost  daily, finally, the  truth  comes  out !

The  article from the  Times Union is literally  the  "tip of the  Iceberg" when it  comes to  dirty politics by  the hi-jacked  Town Republican  Party and its  chairman - Ercole Christopher  Defruscio !

However , we would be  remiss not to mention that he  did not  act alone !  No, no , no !     Defruscio had  help -  LOTS OF  HELP !  
Ann Taylor  has  virtually  admitted that she is   part of it - by her  own admission on her  blog.
And  for  any of  you  Towns  folk who know  Chris  Defruscio at all,  you also know that he  doesn't  make a  move  without the  approval of  our County Legislator Mike Cristo !  Chris made it clear he had  help !

One can only  speculate that  because of  Taylors  admission of involvment , that you could reasonably  assume that Mulvey,Mahan,and Tirino and the  rest of the underhanded Republican troublemakers were openly involved.

It leads to the bigger  question:    did LANGLEY, GIBERT, SHELDON and FIACCO  know and  approve of  this  as  well ??

Chris Defruscio and  Taylor and  Cristo are and always have been capable of  dirty , underhanded election tom-foolery!    The  voting  taxpayers of  East Greenbush  should  demand  more  from the faux  Republican heirarchy ,  simply because  this is  now  TWO YEARS IN A  ROW  that the  Cristo  team has abused its authority and  taken great liberties and has  clearly  openly  LIED  and made  direct attempts  to deceive and  trick the  voters of East Greenbush into believeing  something that was  totally  fabricated  in  their  attempt  to "steal" the  election !

Langley , Fiacco, Gilbert and  Fiacco  should  all  openly  comment on this latest  REPUBLICAN  ELECTION DEBACLE!   The people of  East Greenbush deserve better than the  childish antics of  Cristo-DeFruscio- and Taylor. 

For you folks  reading this - for the  record ;  your  Democratic  team has always  strived to keep  it  civil and  tried to stick to the topics that East Greenbush  faces in this  upcoming  election.   We hope  you'll consider the  outright  Illegal and underhanded   actions of the  Republicans and  send them a very clear  message on Tuesday November 8th.

Your  Democratic  team remains  commited to the  betterment of  East Greenbush and  its  citizens.  We  Thank you  for your  continued  support as we face these  trying  economic  times  together - as a  Team !



  2. This has obviously been planned for more than a day. There's no way that they could deny knowledge- period! Sheldon is clearly " in the know" and I can state that with a certain degree of certaintly based upon an admission her husband has made in public! I would suggest that they all knew - but what the hell - they'll deny and the people will be duped again ! VOTING ROW A because the Republicans simply can't be trusted !

  3. The Truth Always Comes OutNovember 06, 2011 8:24 AM

    The Guest Post on the Cristo/Taylor blog says Misusing the Comptrollers Position. I'm sure Cristo/Taylor are writing a Guest Post on Ericole Christopher DeFruscio, Misusing the Republican Chairman Position.

    I'm sure Ann and Mike will condemn Ericoles actions and ask for his resignation. I believe they have, in the past, condemned and asked for resignations of Democratic candidates for far less.

    Is Ericole the bad apple that ruined the barrell or was he just another apple that was ruined by the bad apples that were already in the barrell? You be the judge.

  4. Turn the document DeFruscio gave the advertiser over to the State Police to check for fingerprints and DNA!!!

  5. May The Force Be With YouNovember 06, 2011 8:49 AM

    My good friend at East Greenbush Prays....I so look to you for your wisdom and guidance. What say you about DeFruscio's underhanded action and his being a false prophet full of lies and deceit? Should we pray for him or condemn him? It's Sunday - we need a sermon from you oh Holy One!

    Do you still believe in Cristo/Taylor and DeFruscio's message or were you also milead?

    Thanks Your Highness....

  6. But there is no joy in Mudville — mighty Ercole has struck out.

  7. To me,it looks like the "Hometown Team" is just parroting Ecoli and Company. They do not have an original idea.... I, for one do not trust them.


  9. All the candidates were at the town board meeting where this allegedly happened, they certainly new it wasn't true. You would think one of them would have done the right thing!

  10. The advertiser was also duped, they need to change their policy.

  11. Mike 9:44....they would only have done the right thing if they were not of like character as Cristo/Taylor/DeFruscio

  12. You know these morons can come clean if they want to? All they have to do is have Ms. Andiago come in to meet with Toni Murphy and the Supervisor; or meet all the candidates if she chooses.
    I've given up watching all soap operas; the Republicans definitely know how to put on a good show. Ms. Santiago; antiago; whatever your name is: you better start to really pick and choose your friends! giggle giggle boom boom!

  13. The "Honorable" thing would be for them to step down , and try again without the Cristo/Taylor/Defruscio influence beleaguring their campaign. They could save face and try to run on a "cleaner" slate than what has been presented.

    Cristo will never allow that to happen though.

  14. Ah it’s that time of year again, the smell of lies and falsehoods coming from the Republicrats of team Christo. I can be thankful there’s only a couple more days of this. It just seems to get worse every year, Mike and Ann aren’t even running and are still stirring the pot. You would think that with the manufactured depression caused by the profligate spending in Washington that we would all work together to see our little corner of the world through the turmoil but no, we need more drama. I really do expect more from “Americans” but I guess it’s too much to ask, when the town turns in a budget under the cap all you hear from the “loyal opposition” are more made up charges and false claims of abuse of our towns citizens. I for one would like to thank the board for their leadership during the last year, and look forward to their hard work in the future.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. I'm thinking Toni Murphy may be going to court with Marta why would you get your kids involved?

  17. Who cares if the person exists or not, it is the CONTENT of the article that is a
    lie!!!!! Anyone who has ever even just met Toni, let alone the thousands she does know, you all know she would NEVER treat someone the way she was portayed in that article, let alone a senior. It is the content!!!!


  19. and....exactly who is Bill Mahan and why would he have his daughter - who lives on Broadway in the City of Rensselaer involved?! There were too many of us at the meeting that night who are keenly aware that this girl was NOT there ! The continual lies coming from Defruscio and company are pathetic and disgusting !
    People in East Greenbush deserve better than this bullsh*t coming out of Camp Cristo - with Ann Taylor leading the charge !
    When do we vote for County Legislator again ?? Cristo is up to his neck in this one and there's NO WAY HE CAN DENY INVOLVMENT!

  20. Regardless, let's not lose sight of the fact that the ad is definitely the figment of someone's fertile imagination.

    Not only concerning Toni Murphy, but Rick McCabe. McCabe DID NOT tell "another speaker" to sit down.

    Not Toni, not Rick, not any elected official.

  21. Chris Defrooshy-hole did the one thing that I didn;t think could be done. He shut up Mike and Ann Cristo. Wow. I went to their turdblog and I heard crickets chirping. Good job Chris!

  22. New World Dictionary ;

    Desparation : to act in a manner not recognised to be as that of a person of sound mind.
    >; to lie and commit a crime in a futile attempt to steal an election because your awqare you have no chance otherwise.-~ To act and perform directly to the orders of failed candidates Cristo and Taylor
    -> / and finally: sheerly out of desparation , concoct a story and use your left-hand mans daughter to try and justify your illegal activity in a veiled attempt to avoid being arrested for your election fraud!
    Denfruscion - you've struck out !

  23. Seriously, due to these antics, it is our right to ask for a valid nys driver's license photo ID on Tuesday. One can only imagine what other fakes are lined up to come to the polls and sign in as someone else. Is this what it has come to? It certainly would appear that way. Just great, just great.

  24. People go through life looking for their soulmate. Chris DeFruscio seems to have found his SOULLESS MATE in Bill Mahan. Here you have two classless characters. What they attempted to do to Toni Murphy is indecent and wrong on so many levels.

    Now we find out that Chris was able to talk that loser Bill Mahan into using his daughter for their game of deceit and have her caught up in their web of lies. Who does that to their child? Bill Mahan - that's who! Bill, you should be so proud - teaching your daughter the value of lying and then trying to spin it.

    Oh, and by the way - it's nice to see relationships abounding in EG. Mike found Ann and Chris found Bill.


    Is this the best you can do Chris ?? You surely must be kidding !!! MORON!!

  26. "The letter is fake. Martha Andiago is fake," she said. "Everybody who was at that meeting, and anyone who knows me, knows that the facts of the letter Chris paid for are totally fabricated. And now we know that Chris DeFruscio and his friend Bill Mahan doctored the name of Bill's daughter, Marta Mahan-Santiago, so they could use her in case they got caught. And they did get caught."

    Read more:

    It just doesn't get any betteer than this folks, but really, read Ann Taylors latest trash and feeble attempt tocover this up - disgusting and juvenile behavior from the "numbers lady" - Ann - Oh puhleez - you just proved once again what a complete IDIOT and LIAR you are !!!

  27. This is for Ann Taylor and Mike Cristo....of course it would never be seen if I tried to post it over there!

    Nice attempt at damage control - sorry sister - too little, too late. You and all your underhanded friends are in this up to your eyeballs!

    You should have minded your own business right from the beginning and let your candidates of choice run a clean campaign. Of course nobody is going to believe that this wasn't a group effort to malign the Democratic candidates.

    Everyone on your side deserves to lose - Chris DeFruscio was a very poor choice to lead the team. Look where he lead them! What an embarrassment to good Republicans!

  28. rANNt,

    McCabe did not tell another speaker (Ray Mooney) to sit down ... he asked him to 'move it along' or something to that effect, well beyond the five minutes allowed for public comment.

    It's a public privilege session and there is no yielding of time.

  29. Holy S*&$!!!!!!! Are you kidding me?? It just down't get any better than this! Please Chris, put have another interview for tomorrows paper.....PLEASE!! Every time you open your mouth it's more votes. And to think, this guy actually expects people to believe this nonsense. This guy is sick and the diagnosis is:
    Pathological liar:
    A pathological liar is someone who habitually tells lies so exaggerated or bizarre that they are suggestive of mental disorder!

  30. I still can't believe the people who claim to be the conscience of East Greenbush - Ray Mooney, Don Johnson, Bonnie Lester, Mike Cristo and others, have not come out to condemn what Chris DeFrucio and Bill Mahan have done. Are we to believe they only criticize Democrats and lose their voices when it affects their chosen leader? Come on people - speak up - let's hear from you!

    I can say this with certainty after talking to many Republicans in town who were leery of DeFruscio's choice as chairman, Chris is done, no matter the results of the election. Chris has embarrassed and humiliated the good people of the Republican party for the last time. That is, at least, in an official capacity.

    I am sure Chris has other dumb ideas up his sleeve for coming elections - you are what you are!

  31. Martha DeHoolio - rapper extraordinaireNovember 07, 2011 8:00 AM

    Ahh...!!! the ole "shuck and jive" by our very own Dwight Jenkins - resident screwball at large!
    Nice try Jenkins - your so out in left field....damage control really isn't an option at this point! Your done - AGAIN!!!

  32. I just submitted the following "Letter to the Editor" to the TU. Unfortunately, it won't be published for 3 - 5 days.

    "Brendon J. Lyons has written two articles concerning an ad placed in November 3, 2011 edition of The Advertiser attributed to one Martha Andiago.

    It matters not whether the ad was placed by Martha Andiago, Marta Santiago or Carmen Sandiego.

    What matters is whether or not the ad's account of the meeting is accurate. I maintain that it is not. I was at the 10/19/11 East Greenbush Town Board Meeting.

    The events described in the ad allegedly occurred during an Open Public Privilege session. The agenda for the meeting clearly states "NOTE: Each speaker … be granted the floor for up to five minutes."

    According to Mr. Lyons' articles, Mr. Wells has already rebutted the allegation that "Ms. Murphy was very vocal and rude in telling the elderly man 'TO SIT DOWN!'"

    Supervisor Rick McCabe definitely did not do "the same thing to another speaker" as asserted in the ad.

    Supervisor McCabe asked another speaker, who was beyond the five minute mark and perhaps beyond the 10 minute mark to 'move it along' or 'where is this going' or something to that effect. At no time did Supervisor McCabe say "the same thing to another speaker".

    Someone in the audience may have told the speaker to "TO SIT DOWN!" but it was definitely not Supervisor McCabe or any other elected official.

    Mr. Lyons reports that "Santiago claimed she attended the meeting. When asked how many people were there, she said: "I didn't take a head count."

    A better question for Ms. Santiago would have been the less publicized topic being addressed when Rick McCabe allegedly "did the same thing to another speaker".

    Pete Stenson
    East Greenbush, NY"

  33. Tom Grant (the elder) made a comment on Ann Taylor's blog about the article in the Advertiser against Toni Murphy.

    Tom, I want you to know that even though we have different political views, I have always felt you are one classy and decent guy who is not afraid to speak his mind.

    Chris,if you read the blogs you could learn a lot from Tom, namely,that honor and integrity help define the man!

  34. DeFruscio could have defused the entire ugly incident by telling Lyons when first interviewed that it was a typo and the person's name is Marta Santiago. Lyons would not have had a story to print.

    But for whatever reason he opted not to.

    Now he's been exposed for what he really is. You can fill in the blank.

    Fortunately, the allegations against Toni Murphy have been proven false by Mr. Wells' comments in the article.

    I'm sure readers will wonder about the rest of the ad.

    Kinda backfired on ya, didn't it Chris?

  35. Hey....Marta confirmed that her name was Martha that is bull that it was some kind of mix up. Don't bother trying to sugarcoat it now. Take your lumps and hit the bricks!

  36. Or maybe it wasn't Marta at all... somebody should ask her!

  37. There goes Donnie and Ray over there on the bullshit blog - trying to cover for DENFRUSCION the moron !

    Those two self-righteous self-indulging profets couldn't see their hands in front of their faces. Don- hang it up - your cooked - Ray - eat more cookies - your as worthless as a mouse trap in a cat house ! Oh yeah - I'm one of the brainiacs and I am VOTING ROW A and so are a boatload of Republicans tomorrow!!! Sucks to be you !

  38. What is poor Rich Crist to do now? Head Braniac of cReepooblican gutter level strategy, who masquerades as a government worker among the highest paid check cashers on County Exec. Cathy Jimino's ever increasing budget line. His hand picked East Greenbush protege booted it on the big field test in the last chance Advertiser edition.

    Will Svengali Rich assign Chris to detention to work harder at learning his classless craft, and perfecting his slimy techniques. or will the puppeteer of Rensco Reep's open recruitment for a replacement. It must really be a bitch to see the plum of East Greenbush control slip past his grasp again.

    Hmmm, Crist, crisco, Chris. Variations on a theme? all with the same root of slime, and all losers when they try to slander a positive government, serving an informed electorate.

  39. I don't know Tom Grant other than the occasional greeting and exchange of small talk. But my gut feeling was that he seemed to be a stand up kind of guy. His comments today confirm my gut feeling.

    Joe LaMountain said ... it best: Tom, "you are one classy and decent guy who is not afraid to speak his mind."

    Pete Stenson

  40. It will just be nice knowing tomorrow night between 9 and 9:30 all of this hoopla will be over; and we will congratulate the DEMS once again for their hard and honest work; and for 4 more years not a word will be heard from Cristo; his g.f. or Denfrusio and his sidekicks! Amen to all!
    Pete, how many hours now???

  41. GEORGE ABC-FEG-ST2November 07, 2011 8:59 PM


  42. I have 2 questions...........

    1. Why in the heck would ANYONE from Rent-ler come to an EG meeting and try to ask any questions about what is going on in OUR town and then complain that they were shot down? UMMMMMMMMM........BS. I dont think anything else needs to be said there.

    2. Does ANYONE know why EGPRAYS is allowed to BLOG? I happened to go there for the first time yesterday and saw the most disgusting post EVER. I hope whoever the owner is does not have children. IF he/she does, I hope they ran away from home at an early age because I would be embarassed/disgusted with my parent if they ever wrote anything like that!!!

  43. Anon 9:16PM Isn't that EGPRAYS blogger one of the most disturbed people you would never want to know? I hear he/she(although I think I know who it is) has children that are not even old enough to run away yet - scary!

  44. OK, I read D'White's latest rant on EG Prays per your prompting. I wish I could un-read it and wipe that experience from my memory. I have no doubt now that he is certifiable. Crazier than a sh!t-house rat.

  45. I'd suggest that no one go to EG Prays ... Don't encourage the author.
    Don't feed it, it may go away!!!

  46. We believe it is very important for the taxpayer/voters in East Greenbush to show the outright disgust and disapproval of Chris Defruscios actions.
    Show your disgust at the voting both by re-electing McCabe,Murphy,Mangold and Malone!
