Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Washington (CNN) -- A Kansas church known for its angry, anti-gay protests at funerals of U.S. troops won an appeal Wednesday at the Supreme Court in a case testing the competing constitutional rights of free speech and privacy.
In an 8-1 ruling, the justices said that members of Westboro Baptist Church had a right to promote what they call a broad-based message on public matters such as wars. The father of a fallen Marine had sued the small church, saying those protests amounted to targeted harassment and an intentional infliction of emotional distress.
"Speech is powerful. It can stir people to action, move them to tears of both joy and sorrow, and -- as it did here -- inflict great pain. On the facts before us, we cannot react to that pain by punishing the speaker," Chief Justice John Roberts wrote for the majority.
At issue was a delicate test between the privacy rights of grieving families and the free speech rights of demonstrators, however disturbing and provocative their message. Several states have attempted to impose specific limits on when and where the church members can protest.
The church, led by pastor Fred Phelps, believes God is punishing the United States for "the sin of homosexuality" through events including soldiers' deaths. Members have traveled the country shouting at grieving families at funerals and displaying such signs as "Thank God for dead soldiers," "God blew up the troops" and "AIDS cures fags."

I don't care  what political party you  cheer for  or  follow - this is pathetic and unpatriotic.   Do these  followers  of  this  church  realize  exactly who it is  that  granted them the  freedom  of speech?  It was the  American  Soldier - that's  who . The  same  Soldier who for  centuries has  fought to protect OUR  freedom  and  right to free speech !   

I believe its  decisions  such as  this  that is  weakening  our  great country.   You either agree or  disagree but  my God,  don't  take it out  on the military - especially  those that have  died  fighting for  our  freedom.


  1. I don't know whether this is more disgusting or scary!!! The things people do in the name of "their" God or religion ... 9/11/01 comes to mind ... these clowns are of the same mindset!!!

  2. Freedom of speech is designed to protect unpopular speech since popular speech needs no protection. So it's probably a good thing that the Supreme Court ruled that these reprehensible, homophobic, ungrateful, un-Christian creeps have the right to spew their insane hate rhetoric at the families and funerals of heroes who keep us free. The Court didn't say there is merit in their protests, only that even intolerant delusional losers have the rights that are guaranteed to us all.

  3. Jack you are right on.

  4. 107p - deleted for obvious reasons.

  5. further - whether you like it or not - and I'll assume your a NOT - this blog will continue to exist - obviously much to your dislike ! Oh well

  6. Cannot believe the other blog is promoting EG Prays, everyone knows whose writing it and we know he's just not right. Go figure!

  7. the above article is the reason blogs like egprays exists.
    You don't have to read it(prays) - I would suggest that you don't- but hey - do what makes you angry !
    I don't see the logic in someone staniding up on their soapbox preaching-( pun intended ) and not allowing comments either in favor or against. Seems like a very self-serving vehicle for the reform party.

  8. Nate Hans has been tracking East Greenbush OT for a few months and has developed a fairly impressive table showing the results of his efforts.

    These results can be viewed at

    I've no idea of the accuracy of Nate's research.

    Pete Stenson

  9. Sounds a little like this blog refusing to post comments it doesn't agree with. But I like your first paragraph Fred.

  10. This blog doesn't hold a candle to what is NEVER posted over there- many of us tried for months to post opposing , non-vulgar points which never saw the light of day. That was one of the main reasons me and many others were so delighted to see this blog catch some light!

  11. You know I cannot for the life of me find comments about anyone on the C-T blog that compare to the nasty comments made about Mike, Ann, Nate, Don, Dwight, Bonnie and other people that have been posted on this blog. I am not suggesting any blog is perfect but in terms of personal attacks and evil comments this blog is out ahead of anything I can locate on the C-T blog.

    And this blog censors commentators as well.

    I not sure if there is a moral high ground when it comes to blogging. I certainly do not claim it for myself. But I am quite certain that this blog and its still unnamed "leaders" cannot claim it either.

  12. That is the whole ironic part about it, without those brave men and women fighting those wars, those idiots wouldn't even have the freedom to speak.

  13. To Anon 3:06 PM

    If you cannot find any nasty comments on the other blog concerning everyone on the Town Board with the exception of Rick Matters...then you are doing some selective looking! Go back a little farther...they have maligned everyone from Mr. McCabe right down the line including the guys at the transfer station and the road crews. I suppose if I don't pull up my shades this morning, then there is no snow and ice. Makes about as much sense as your statements. They are laying low right now...I'll give them that..doesn't mean they are trustworthy. It's almost like they are trying to avoid the public at this time-with all of the re-prints from the Times Union. Not to worry....a lot of people have their number.

  14. Margret....Nobody on C/T EVER put a Board member or candidate falsely at the Racino and "under the weather" to boot. The stuff that showed up here was really personally insulting and not about issues at all.

  15. I would hope that whomever monitors this blog would treat the people who obviously write from Camp Cristo the same way that Ann and Mike treat others who disagree with their point of view.
    Taylor and Cristo just delete the posts and they never see the light of day. 3:06pm - who ever you are , your rose colored glasses need to be cleaned. Your obviously only seeing what you want to see !

  16. 5:04pm - what about ole Cristo making comments about Toni Murphy's grand-children!?! Defenseless , uninvolved grandchildren?!?!

    You whacko's over there are nothing but self-serving - ego driven , maniacs. Pay your bill to the Town that you owe and shut up !
    Your no more interested in debate than the next reformer - your entire game plan is to embarass and incite arguments because you lost your law suit, you appealed and lost AGAIN! And lost again in November !

    and....just to play along with your game ....I will sign anonymous as well ! Keep guessing..

  17. funny how they could overlook the grandchild issue - OH WAIT - cristo tried to play hardball but then he erased it ! Go figure

  18. It's like I've been saying for the past few months , they are the biggest bunch of pitiful excuses that this Republican party has seen in many, many years ! Cry and whine and stand on their soapbox and preach away. I heard Dwight went to the County Legislature meeting and complained about the Rensselaer County Legislature Republicans NOT supporting Cristo and Taylor! That says volumes to me and many others. Kathy Jimino is not about to throw support aimlessly behind some radical piss-poor excuse for a politician. Good for her and the County - they made the correct choice!
    BTW- info coming back is that many of our County Legislators think Dwight is nuts too !!
