Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee

The Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee has scheduled a meeting for Monday, February 13, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

The meeting will be held in the Community Room at Town Hall and is open to the public.


  1. If anyone would love a good read - try swallowing what North Greenbush Town Councilman and our County legislator Lou Desso - ( partner in crime of our very own Mike Cristo) has perpetuated over in NorthGreenbush.

    Desso is more of a crook-(liar) than Cristo -< if that's possible> and he too uses ALL the catch-phrases of someone who clearly has something to hide !
    Birds of a feather.......sounds familiar

    1. go figure...no wonder Cristo gushed over Desso last year in a couple of articles - proclaiming Desso as one of the smartest people and brightest politicians...lol

  2. Anyone notice all the talk on the turdblog and some on the TU about the "dump" in Rensselaer? Seems Cristo and his girlfriend are trying to unite people against it. Cristo forgets to mention that he owns a ton of land nearby that he wants to develop into condos, which might suffer from this. So, when you see him or his aliases going against this, realize he is swaying people to benefit his own pocket. Typical.

  3. I don't think its his GF any longer; so that may not true.
    What person would give up all that he has; or should I say all that he has to lose over giggle giggle boom boom!
    Champagne here we come!

  4. Giggle~giggle is virtually powerless and she's hopping mad about it! She has taken Dwight into her cadre of idiots and he now believes he's the next Andy Rooney !
    Journalistic investigations and reporting are clearly NOT Dwights forte' in life , but hey- at least the he now openly owns his anti-government / anti-McCabe posts!

    Ole giggle-giggle and her gaggle of thinly disguised reformers/occupy whackos are now taking issue with Langley and Matters because they clearly don't follow the "Cristo/Taylor" doctrine. What a laugh !

    1. Whistling Past the CemetaryFebruary 10, 2012 3:05 PM

      There are a very specific group of troublemakers over there and they have sent numerous letters,e-mails and have even sat with members of the State Police trying to sell their version of events.
      So far , no ones bit into their line of cacophony and they've done nothing but make a bad name for themselves and what little bit of credibility they may have once had is all but gone.
      Their arrogance is turning people off and driving their faithful away! Its getting bad over there and they are clearly struggling to maintain some form of presence. Kinda sucks to be them - they fired a torpedo and it missed its mark by a country mile !

    2. Couldn't have said it any better - I've tried to not fall into the "black-hole" that Ole Donnie and company want everyone to believe , I can't wait for these audits results to come out and prove to the taxpayers that NOTHING ILLEGAL has occured!
      I hope McCabe and Murphy,OBrien,Mangold and Malone all get great lawyers....I believe that they have a very strong case!

    3. For one thing, interfund borrowing which is not repaid by the end of the appropriate fiscal year is illegal. (NYS General Municipal Law)

    4. speaking of one of the troublemakers.....and exactly why hasn't the Attorney Generals Enforcement Bureau or the Inspector Generals officers come swooping into Town Hall to scoop up these law breakers??

      Time for you to go see your friends at CDPC and ask for an objective evaluation....early onset alzheimers would be a good start !

      ps: Where can I contribute to McCabes attorney fund ??!! At this point it looks like a slam dunk for the DEMS!!

    5. Inquiring Mind from Sherwood ParkFebruary 11, 2012 4:22 PM

      ---ok --- it's "illegal" - now what ?

      Who enforces it or what is the penalty?

      I'll pose this to you there 09:14am - exactly what should taxpayers expect from/for enforcement of the General Municipal Law?

    6. The responsibility to follow the law is primarily vested in those elected to do just that - follow the law. It is their responsibility to know it and abide by it. I don't think the legislature ever really imagined the development of an adversarial relationship between local elected officials and oversight agencies. The expectation is that knowledge of the law results in the avoidance of error. (Note that the penalty for not filing the AUD as prescribed is a mere $5 per day of non-compliance. Please note that the 2008 OSC budget review called for the development of a plan to remedy the interfund-borrowing deficit. To my knowledge the Board has yet to adopt such a plan.

      It's also a legal requirement - with the retirement incentive adopted a year or so ago - to realize a specific level of saving from that initiative. Have you seen any such report of compliance with that legal standard? Do we need law enforcement to act in order to realize the savings the taxpayer is supposed to see?

      Bottom line - the legal standards are in plain English. Shouldn't we just EXPECT compliance? You're making an "arrest" the standard by which our community should judge compliance with the law. As long as nobody's in the slammer, the law has been perfectly followed???

      It's tragic that we have "devolved" to such a state that municipal government requires such intervention in order to "encourage" it to follow the governance map. One reason, among others, that OSC is doing an audit is that the AUD was not filed - even after 4 or five "reminders." There has been a lot of "pushing the envelope" I'd say.

    7. what $5 per day penalty for not filing the AUD? Give it a friggin break.

  5. regardless of whether or not Cristo owns land adjacent to the Dunn site this is a bad idea. hopefully it won't be allowed.

    1. the entire scenario would have been better off if Shakespeare had stayed out of it and kept his mouth shut. His direct conflict of interest and his obvious hidden agenda only bastardizes the process. But hey , he's so arrogant that no one should really be surprised he opened his lying little mouth !

  6. SOMEONE needs an emergency injection of PROZAC - comparting East Greenbush to Nazi Germany ?!?

    WOW - you a flaming lunatic !

    1. Yes- many over there are in dire need of psycho-analysis! Read Bonnies latest offering.
      I would suggest that she is definately one of the many from Camp Cristo that need a intervention immediately .

  7. There's a funny sequence on the TU blog about the proposed Rensselaer dump. Cristo tries to make a simple thought, but of course it takes him about 10 paragraphs. Then he follows it by applauding his comment under a fake name. He does that all the time on his blog too.

    1. he's been fooling people for years with his baffling lines of BS - NOTHING has changed at all.
      He's a worthless County Legislator < much ike his waste of tax dollars as a Town Councilman> and many Town residents can't wait for the chance to vote his incompetent, manipulating,womanizing a** out of office!
      He's the epitome of a philanderer and fancies himself as some "politician extraordinaire" ....what a LAUGH !

    2. Cristo's days as county legislator are numbered because the republicans there hate him too. He is a total outcast in his party and they laugh at him. That should finally end his failed and embarrassing political career.

    3. GEORGE ABC-FEG-ST2February 14, 2012 2:19 PM

      THANK GOD !

  8. I say boyz blowin', I say, boyz blowin' his own again. horn that is, I say horn, that is

  9. Pete must be out of town.....

    1. compared to the garbage little miss manners allows - .....puhleez !!!

  10. Friend of East GreenbushFebruary 14, 2012 7:49 PM

    OK , I bit and read the Gilbert propaganda page. Gilbert is clearly a Cristo boy and it shows. Ed tries to hide behind some lame excuse of "protecting the kids of Rensselaer" and even poses the question of whether a road thru EGB would concern someone. Well, DUH!?! RJ VALENTE was in the process of cutting a roadway alongside Holy Sepulcre years ago. The base of the original roadway is still there , covered in brush and small trees now, but its still there. Rensselaer is in debt beyond reasonable recognition and if this project helps get that city back on their feet - BRAVO ! Let it happen !

  11. Looks like someone (Cristo?!?!) started a petition against the dump with a link to it on times union blog. I went to msn white pages to look up some of the names on the petition but guess what? Most don't exist. Maybe Marta Santiago will sign it for old times sake.

  12. quite a few, I say, quite a few, anonymous and first name only signers.

  13. and then - there's now Ann's nephew writing ....but at least he's kinda / sorta a breath of fresher air from "over there" !

    1. There's a lot of "verbal halitosis" over here too. Maybe you should follow suit.

    2. halitosis is better than no breath at all

      maybe you should exit stage right

    3. compared to the outright lies and totally unsubstantiated rumors that Taylor screams are true?? The bad breath clearly comes from over there - the responses here are nothing more than "responses" !

    4. Anony above.....Snaggle's doesn't look like a "response" to me. It sounds like a bullying threat. I hope Pete gets back soon.

    5. opinions vary....."exit stage right" is about as lame as it gets....obviously you've either not been the target of a Taylor "temper-tantrum" or one of Dwights self-righteous , "soap=box" lectures...or have chosen to conveinently forget them.

      just a tad bit sensitive on your part there 1034am

    6. I was referring to "no breath at all," dear reader.

  14. Heavens to Murgatroyd!

    bullying threat indeed

    don't know your snaggle very well do u

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. She is married too, right? Or is that over also?

  16. Seems a certain somebody is traveling to Glens Falls ALOT attempting to influence the "independent" audit of Town Finances.
    I believe a lawsuit is definitely in order....

    1. Do you have dates?

    2. What do you mean? This post is intriguing but vague.

    3. somebody's got WTM time on their hands if tracking someone's trips to GF!

      BTW Champ AND EG Talks - WHO CARES?

      Why waste time and space on such drivel?

    4. well, it seems one of the biggest complainers about EVERYTHING EGB is the one doing the traveling, and quite frankly, I find it rather disturbing that HE is so intent on shoving it to the Town because he has such an axe to grind and he NEEDS to prove a point - a point that apparently isn't going to be made by the independent audits - that THERE HAS BEEN NOTHING ILLEGAL DONE WITH THE EAST GREENBUSH FINANCES - and its just that simple folks !

      As far as Langley - he'll make his own bed and HE'LL have to lay in it ! I still hope that he is his OWN man and can stand on his own two feet !

    5. go figure.... Donnie J. up to his tricks and foolishness again?

    6. Whistling Past the CemetaryFebruary 21, 2012 2:55 PM

      does a bear sh*t in the woods??

    7. Criminal Solicitation ?? I ran these issues past three different lawyers - they all said just about the same thing....
      Surely Denfruscion could and SHOULD be charged after the Martha Sandiego debacle that he pulled. Myself and several others were present for that meeting and she WAS NOT THERE !
      Just another example of how low and diabolical they actually are over there in "Cristo/Taylor" land!
      Desperate is probably more accurate though......

    8. So you were present at a meeting at which you assert a "criminal solicitation" was planned? Doesn't that make you a conspirator of sorts in the activity since you apparently did nothing to put a stop to it or report it. Not firing on all cylinders, I'd say.

    9. what meeting?
      whats your inference based on?

    10. Kentucky, you said: "Myself and several others were present for that meeting and she WAS NOT THERE !"

      What else could be inferred from your collection of sentences? BTW, what does a letter in the Advertiser have to do with "criminal solicitation?"

    11. The Town Board meeting that "Marta Andiego" was allegedly at....once again people- SHE WAS NOT THERE and Denfruscio made the entire scenario up - (along with Taylor and undoubtedly Cristo as well ) to try and throw the election and receive a benefit not due him nor his hand-picked candidate - Corine Sheldon!
      BTW: I am firing on ALL cylinders and running on premium fuel there....and I and several others did do something to stop it once the ruse was clearly discovered... you people disgust me !
      You can clearly remember what happened just a
      couple months ago...no? and while your at it.. how 'bout ole donnie J running to the OSC auditors and demanding he be shown the results of the audit prior to its release to Town Officials? - or - his interference with the TOSKI firm as he again attempts to influence an "independent" audit to suit his personal agenda?? People: time to wake up to this mans diabolical and intentional interference into Town business that HE HAS ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS sticking his nose into - at least not at this point! I smell a lawsuit..... and also- PAY YOUR DAMN LEGAL BILL TO THE TOWN!! Your way over due with that payment you were ORDERED BY A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE TO PAY THE TOWN OF EAST GREENBUSH....YOU WERE ORDERED !! Your lawyer going to pay that bill for ya ??!!

    12. Feb 20 @5:27am......Your double negative in the following statement is telling: "a point that apparently isn't going to be made by the independent audits - that THERE HAS BEEN NOTHING ILLEGAL DONE WITH THE EAST GREENBUSH FINANCES...." Almost Freudian.

      What will come out of those audits depends entirely on what the auditors decide to look at or NOT TO LOOK AT. That's why there is such importance placed on scope. OSC could entirely ignore a whole bunch of documented mischief simply by limiting the scope's time-frame. I'm betting they're under significant political pressure to do just that.

    13. I'm betting you have no clue of any of what you just blabbed...and your trying to cover your tracks by throwing out some line of BS and your "freudian" comparison. A true freudian comparison of what you just vomited would be something along the lines of pre-mature ejaculation and the need for Viagra!
      Bottom line..interference has been identified and its NOT by any politician, but rather a retired State employee who thinks he is smarter than the auditors. And further - ....the scope of the audit is the same as every other audit.
      Just because it doesn't suit your personal need doesn't mean it won't be complete and tell the story that apparently you don't want to hear !

      Stop deflecting your true intentions and illegal interference and allow the people to do their assignment.
      When it all comes out positive for the Town of East Greenbush- I would highly suggest Willie Miranda - decent and upstanding real estate agent to list your home and you can move elsewhere and start your little rumor trail there!

    14. If they don't look at it, they can't have a finding on it - so I'll bet the pressure is to keep the OSC scope to transactions limited to 2010 and 2011. Anything earlier than that, and your hypothesis of no mischief is false.

      This is why we had the misrepresentation (before it was published) of the 2009 UHY report. Even in it's limited scope, UHY managed to refer to the stipend activity. It's part of their professional responsibility. All the denial in the world of what has been discovered, will not make it go away. And more is coming to light. Read Dwight. The catalog of what has been brought to light exists. The fact that you dislike those who have accomplished this is something you will have to deal with. But the facts are the facts. If OSC doesn't look at them, it doesn't make them go away.

    15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    16. OSC sets its own scope and controls where that it goes, how long it looks, how far back it looks, etc. Local officials have no ability to influence that nasty ol' endoscope. OSC's role is to identify problems and takes that role very seriously.

    17. Nice guess 9:28pm, but the the former state employee is already identified above.

    18. Ole DJ#1 is starting to worry that the audit isn't going to show the malfeasance and improprieties he thinks it should. He's getting desperate and is about to implode with his self induced anxiety. Paranoia is clearly setting in - huh !?! I would even go so far as to suggest that legal counsel be sought - your gonna need it !

      I would truly hope that once ALL the truth comes out and there's nothing illegal found- that Ole DJ#1 gets to meet with a judge again so he can explain his intentional and highly illegal intrusion and attempted manipulation of the system to suit his personal agenda.
      Paranoia is clearly setting in - huh !?!

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. So,ditto,no,can.


    2. Why was this post removed?? Wasn't it about Langley riding around with Chris D? What was wrong with it?

    3. removing it wasn't to do with the Langley or Chris D. part....there was something else in the content

  18. "highly placed source in Town Hall" !!!

    Strike 1 ......

  19. Reply to: 5:27 am 2-20
    In reply to Langley standing on his own two feet, its doubtful. If his secretary can sit in on many meetings that is none of her concern, he can't stand on his own two feet.
    UNLESS he wants someone in their to cover his tracks and make sure he says the right thing; that or she is just plain nosey sent by Defruscio to listen to every single thing thats going on, which could be the answer. Nobody appreciates her CONCERN. She's just a secretary, she should act like one; not like a take over control freak.

  20. There is nothing wrong with an executive sending his assistant to a meeting he cannot attend. You people crab about just about every nonsensical thing you can think of. What is your point, especially since your new supervisor is directly under the thumb of the Democratic majority. You have it all and still you refuse to allow people the right to free speech -- you have to resort to personal attacks. Big boy babies run to mama (could that be Ginny)?

  21. News flash.

    The Supervisor does not have an "assistant".

    If the Supervisor's SECRETARY accompanies the Supervisor to take notes, etc., it's fine.

    If the Supervisor's SECRETARY attends in his place BIG FAKACTA!!!!

    The DEPUTY SUPERVISOR should attend meetings the Supervisor cannot.

  22. By the way -- your bellyaching about one person's interference with the audit is entirely based on nothing -- as usual. For your information -- 56 people signed a letter sent to OSC concerning the scope of audit. So stop the nonsense and realize that more than one person cares about this community. And by the way -- that is not interference -- it is exercising one's right to participate in government. And now that Keith has turned out to be one of you BBMs you have no reason to fear any exposure because I'll bet right now he is attempting to control the scope along the lines desired by the Democratic majority.
    Keith's election was a real windfall to those who wish to continue the status quo. You've got nothing to worry about, really.
    And 4:12 -- what handbook are you reading?

    1. I'd be willing to bet its based upon more than "nothing". I'd also would be willing to wager that there is some documents that could substantiate exactly the level of interference.

  23. The one from the org mtg

    Whereas, each year there are certain appointments, which are to be made by the Supervisor. I hereby appoint the following:
    As Director of Finance – Laura L. Ingoldsby
    As Bookkeeper –______________________
    As SECTRETARY to the Supervisor – Eileen Grant
    As Town Historian – Waldi Cavanaugh
    As DEPUTY Supervisor – Robert Guynup

    do u c "assistant"? What the heck is BBM?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. 56 people huh? I'd bet Marta Andiego was one of them huh ???

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. here's ole DJ#1's latest crying and whining....:

      Don JohnsonFeb 26, 2012 09:12 PM;
      It did sound good Dwight, but a bunch of us know that lots of pages of documentation of hard facts about the performance of government in East Greenbush (from that government's own documents) are on the desks of Rex Smith....and James Odato, for that matter. And we've had not so much as an acknowledgement. Bunko P. Farkle is on to something. Misdeeds of Democrats in EG get no press. But in the last go around, the misdeed of the Rep. Chair got something like 28 column inches in the TU on back to back days. Go figure about who's "seeking the truth and reporting it fully."

      ???HARD FACTS???? or embellished innuendo based upon your warped point of view ?!?! Your a pathetic whiner ! Bottom line : YOUR savior Denfruscion got caught doing something truly ILLEGAL ole Donnie J - that's why is was so appalling and got GREAT press coverage....get over yourself - your continual B-S isn't appealing to ANYONE except you !

    3. Dear Anonymous....whoever you are. Yes, hard facts in print in East Greenbush government documents FOILed as prescribed by law. I’ll borrow a descriptive scenario which belongs to my friend Dwight. The things we discovered were defended as “precedent” by those who were doing them. You know, “we’ve always done it that way.” The fact is, the things we discovered have now moved to “past tense.” Like the practices have supposedly been abandoned. It takes more than “embellished innuendo” to accomplish that, doesn’t it? If those things were defensible, lawful activities they’d still be going on, wouldn’t they?

      And don’t be lumping me and the reform people I know with the “Martha Letter.” We had absolutely nothing to do with it. And I personally did a lot of hollering when I saw the Advertiser.

      Those of us who have been active for governmental reform in East Greenbush want just one thing – for the Town government to follow the law and generally accepted ethical standards in all its activities. We have found instances in which these standards have not been followed, and we have raised hell about it, and will continue to do so until the behavior improves. It’s just that simple. And that principle is in play regardless of Party.

  25. Jon Dohnson-(hic)March 01, 2012 6:26 PM

    take it easy on Don - he can't be told he's wrong - ( ie: opinion of sitting Supreme Court Justice Mary O. Donahue ) and continues to this day to defy a mandated order from that same Supreme Court Justice to pay the Town a sizeable amount of incurred legal fees - because Don is never wrong, and when he's proved wrong, he just finds some other topic to smoke screen his failings.

  26. Interesting that you think Chris D. is respected by anybody who wants good government. Rumor has it that Keith allows Chris to follow him around Town Hall and sit in on meetings. And you all are worried about Eileen Grant? How can the Dem majority allow that Republican operative to even show his face at Town Hall. Wasn't he fired a few years back for insubordination?
    And wasn't he paid off for doing nothing? What a world!

    1. It would be impossible for the Dem majority to not allow Denfruscion into Town Hall. Just like Gran Torino and all the rest of the fools...they have the ability to come in and "see" the Supe, just like Mulvey - for three hours!! Keith is learning, slowly , but he's learning...

    2. Timmy - yup, still here !March 03, 2012 2:29 PM

      Denfruscion was a total waste of taxpayer dollars while he occupied the DPW office and drove ALL over the Northeast in the Town truck, with Town gas on Town time ! He effectively stole taxpayer funds , but you'll never hear ole donnie nor dwight complaining because they're all in cohoots together and denfruscion is so tightly linked to christo and his muse , little miss giggler~giggle, boom-boom !

    3. Timmy yup yup...If you'd spent more time documenting and less time gossiping you might have something to work with. I really wish you had.

    4. There are many,many people who know exactly what I'm talking about. Be careful- you may not be prepared for what you don't want to know ! Gossip is something only the alleged "reformers" would know about !

      BTW: I'm fully confident in what I said yesterday !

    5. like the 60-70,000 miles he allegedly put on a town vehicle in one year?

      or the alleged bullying of public works staff?

      or allegedly stationing them on Columbia Tpke so giggle-giggle could interrogate them?

      or the alleged blow-ups in town hall?

    6. 1109- you were there too huh !! Many many people watched ole giggle~giggle interogate Joe whilst he worked the turnpike - a stunt denfruscion pulled as a set-up to make are he was accessible to Taylor !
      Defruscion was/is Christos stooge and still answers to El-Christo on a daily basis. The "documented" mileage and abuse of the Town vehicle and stunts at the gas pump are WELL DOCUMENTED ....including his now famour=s temper tantrums in Town Hall....too many witnesses...but no one said he had common sense or an ounce of maturity.!

    7. How do you put 60K on a vehicle in two months?

    8. it was more like a year ... keep on truckin'

    9. WELL DOCUMENTED - the mileage he drove and the GASOLINE he stole ! and - he was spotted at several used vehicle auctions in the state and elsewhere driving the Town truck !
      Dirty ~ dirty ~ dirty !!!

  27. It was more like 9 months. It's easy to do when you run around to the different auctions. Connecticut, Newburgh, Clifton Park. I think the town should press charges. Thats theft of services isn't it? HOw bout theft of gas? Where are the records? I think the public needs to see who our esteemed supervisor is running around with.

    1. Didn't I hear someplace that before Chris even got there, there was some question about gas records and erased hard-drives? Seems that this kind of thing is endemic with DPW.

    2. yuuuuuup!!

      and it was pure hogwash

  28. Sounds like ole Timmy yup yup is big-time exaggerating. Why, if someone put 60-70,000 miles on a vehicle in a year they would have to be a long-haul trucker not to mention there wouldn't be time to shave, shower or have lunch. Why don't you guys stick to the facts? And by the way -- some of the statements on this blog sound just like they were written by Rush Limbaugh. Now who wants to be compared to him??

    1. don't even think of putting EG Talks in the same sentence as RB!

    2. TIMMY! Yup - I'm still here !March 07, 2012 7:49 AM

      Lets be very clear - I NEVER said 60-70,000 miles - YOU DID! But - there is documents to Prove over 45,00 miles in a very short 9 months while he was there - not to mention ALL the gasoline he used doing "personal errands" and his well documented temper tantrums and unexplained absences for extended periods of time - while he was at used car auctions on Town time ! Shall I keep going ..????

  29. Well -- since there are records and you seem to have access to them, why don't you just put them out there or button up? For a group which seems to know all you never produce any real facts -- just crowing like a bunch of roosters. And why wasn't this all revealed when Chris D was fired or whatever was done to him? And why was he on paid leave and not required to reimburse the town if he did steal gas? And wasn't he forced out anyway? You guys should stick to short-term memory since you have lost long-term memory altogether.

    1. if you knew anything about governnment you'd know it takes time to fire someone, especially someone appointed for a specific term.

  30. Whistling Past the CemetaryMarch 07, 2012 2:34 PM

    Dear DJ#1 :

    1st; I never crow unless I have the "goods" to back it up !

    2nd: just like you , I have acquired my evidence and will share same when necessary - and as you have said numerous times in the past , I too am quite satisfied with the advice of my attorney and will abide by his/her decision.

    3rd: - you clearly know NOTHING about municiple employees and the rules / laws that govern their employment. Until you learn what your talking about - I would highly suggest you read and educate yourself so you don't look the fool you certaintly appear to be !

    1. Pucker, Whistle.....I don't know why you would attribute something to me that I didn't write. I'm sure that you are pretty confident by cataloging IP addresses, but you might want to contact your friend Jim again. If somebody can steal mine, I can steal yours. Fact is there are five or six WIFI access points that show up on my machine - including mine. I think somebody has been jerking you around. And you sit down there at Town Hall or wherever and pop off.

      Like somebody said above...put your stuff out there or button up.

    2. Whistling Past the CemetaryMarch 08, 2012 2:03 PM

      Just a retired State Employee - just like you !

      Your denial is expected - however laughable it truly is.

      Cataloging IP addresses? Your way above your head there mister and I don't exactly know who Jim is that you refer to , but I'm sure you'll explain.
      BTW: I sit comfortably in my home , in East Greenbush, just like you and I never go to Town Hall , except to pay my water bill .

    3. I feel bad for Don. I mean that. Could you imagine having nothing better to do than sue the town for letting someone create a flower garden? Could you imagine having so much useless time that "hating" became a full-time job? He seems very lonely and sad to me. I truly feel sorry for him.

    4. Miracle-Ear - just thought I'd throw that out there...

    5. Anony.....I'm extremely gratified to see that you read East Greenbush Prays. I think you should stay tuned for some more interesting stuff coming soon.

      By the way, I've already spent $6K on a pair of Audibels. They're good, but not good enough to overcome the issues which can only be overcome by the remedies outlined.

    6. blah~blah~blah ....I suspect its a case of "selective hearing" that is actually the culprit !

  31. Anyone that attended the Town Board meeting on Wednesday, March 21st saw Mr. Sheldon ask the board several questions on the Ethics Committee. When members of the board attempted to answer Mr. Sheldons questions, he became rude and continued to interrupt the answers.

    My question is...was Mr. Sheldon being rude or was he just incapable of comprehending what he was hearing? Mr. Sheldon and a number of reformers, in the past, have complained about nepotism in the hiring of employees for the town. Yet Mr. Sheldon, it seems, doesn't equate his wife
    being hired at the taxpayers expense, by the county, as nepotism. Mr. Sheldon, I say that rings of nepotism in my view. Was that job made available to all residents of the county - were applicants vetted - resumes submitted and interviews conducted for all county residents interested in that job?

    Was your wife politically appointed as payback for her failed attempt to be elected in the town?

    Makes one wonder!!!!

    1. Nepotism is the use of a political position to provide employment to a RELATIVE.

    2. Nepotism is defined as a political officer using that position to provide a job to a relative.....as in Joan Malone and Mike OBrien.

    3. cronyism, patronage,

    4. My dictionary - Webster's New Riverside University Dictionary - defines nepotism as favoritism shown to relatives or friends esp. in granting jobs.

    5. The favoring of relatives or personal friends because of their relationship rather than because of their abilities.

    6. nuttier than a fruitcakeApril 05, 2012 7:01 PM

      Don't let KIPPY bother you guys - a couple of months ago, he made fun of Toni Murphy and the way she wiggles (I mean walks) - he's the moron of morons! Capital District Psychiatry here we come!

  32. Quite a display, I hear.

    How would he feel if some one treated Corrine like that had she been elected?

  33. The Three Stooges were present at the Town Board meeting ?? Sheldon,Mulvey and Denfruscion.??? No?? Where in the World was Marta Andiego.?? LMAO !!

  34. The supe showed his true allegiance. He obviously called in his band of idiots when he thought it was going to get tough for him. Thanks Keith, now anybody who wasn't sure about you have figured it out.

  35. Denfruscion will ruin this mans tenure as Supervisor. Chris is a complete failure in life and politics.
    Keith - if you have half a brain - get away now !!

  36. Langley knows Defruscio and all of the the things he has done. Obviously he can look past all of it so he is getting what he asked for. I was willing to give Langley the benefit of the doubt but now I see him for who he is....birds of a feather, flock together.

  37. What ever happened to Rick Matters ? He rarely shows up at Board Meetings. I just read over alot of past resolutions and on more than a few of them - when it came time to vote , Matters was marked "absent". !

    What gives ?

  38. And when he does show up, he abstains. I would love to know how many meetings he has missed, both board and other committee meetings. Then lets add up the abstainstions. This is the hero of the reformed party at work, or not at work I should say.

  39. Ray MooneyMar 28, 2012 04:30 PM
    I am honored to be recognized by Mr. Johnson as a gadfly. And I think his maintaining the work done by Dwight Jenkins is invaluable to our town.

    *** So Ole Donnie Boy wants to blog ?!? OK - let the sh*t show begin - this oughta be a real entertaining read- tainted by the very man who owes the Town Thousands of dollars !!! WOW!

    1. Slim....I'll not be reading you much. But if you intend to be popping off from time to time, I'd recommend that you get your facts straight.

    2. Looks to a bunch of us that "Ole Donnie Boy" had a hand in the fact the Buddy McCabe is moving to Bonita to count his money. We can understand that you're upset about that - as is Ginny - in that her plans didn't quite work out.

    3. Observer : lay off the scotch before you write....
      just an "observation"....

    4. Sounds like you're (not your) a bit nervous Henry....

  40. Oh Keith ; heard you had to ream Eileen out and put your over-zealous secretary in her place !! You NEED to send her packing - she's ruining your tenure before you even establish yourself ....time to say bye-bye to her and her ridiculous arrogant and obnoxious ways !

    1. Keith, ya should of kept the "little lady" that was there. She knows and gets along with so many politicans; politically she made Angelini and McCabe always look "good" and thats the name of the game. Her personality tells it all and it was would of been a big plus on your part to fight for her.

  41. Ray Mooney and Don Johnson have made a habit of demanding, threatening, insinuating and alleging a number of things directed at the Town Board and the individuals of the Town Board.
    Let's see the "dynamic duo" of Donnie and Ray put their a$$e$ on the line and see what the voters think of their antics. It's easy to criticize others- let's see what kind of ethics Donnie and Ray have. As they said in Forrest Gump.."Run Forrest, Run"! I'm saying "Run Donnie and Raymond, run"!

  42. I'm so sorry for not scanning in the direct opinion of NYS SUpreme Court Justice Mary O . Donahue - specifically the part whee she admonishes the Gadfly for basically making up his entire story and she then orders him to re-pay the Town of East Greenbush for incurred legal expenses incurred defending the Gadflys worthless / baseless legal concoction ! I'm sure I can get my hands on a scanner and publish the very public findings for all to read ! PAY YOUR BILL!!

  43. Tom, as much as it pains me to say this...I have to give Taylor and Cristo credit - they at least had the courage to run for the board.

    That being said Tom, you'll never see Ray or Don run. They prefer to donate a couple of bucks to a candidate and then think they can control that candidate. When Ray and Don find out even the people they supported eventually can't stand them and ignore them, Don and Ray bring out the old "I'll foil the information even if they're not entitled to the info.

    Don and Ray...grow up, move on and give the residents a break. You don't have what it takes to run for the Town Board or anything else.

  44. BFF took on a whole new meaning this morning. lol !!!

  45. BFAF is more like it !

  46. Slim, care to fill us in?

    Huh? BFAF?

    Will Keith man up at the next Board mtg and ask KS to apologize if he dares to show his face? Will juvenile actions be accepted or will the kids be asked to leave?

    Langley's been on the job for 3 months now. How's he feel about the Ethics Code?

  47. They won't print what it means ~ but trust me to say that it is appropriate and fits well the person it is in reference too !

    Langley hasn't got the balls to ask Sheldon to shut up or leave....Sheldon is doing EXACTLY what Defruscio wants him to do ~ muddy up the waters.
    There's alot of new stuff to come out and word has it things are NOT going so well for Langley because of his close alliance with criminals such as Defruscio.
    Also, when is someone going to explain to Mooney and Johnson that not everyone thinks the Ethics code is a matter of life and death?
    Those two think the Town needs to drop everything to adopt this ethics code.
    With all due respect to Dr. Jack Conway - the Town has many~many pressing issues and I'm sure that somewhere on that list is the Ethics code.
    DJ#1 and Mooney : please stop accusing and throwing mud because Board members don't jump when you say so !

    1. What is wrong with Supervisor Langley? He sits at the Town Board Meetings, allowing these baffoons to yell and make fun of the Board Members and doesn't say a word. Oh thats right, "he's not political"; but yet he fears to speak up to these jackasses because they're the ones who came up with money to get him in! But Keith is not poltical. Shame on you, for letting those people rule your career - look at your assistant or whatever she is, that in itself tells it all. Then the icing on the cake is Defruscio. You need some new friends.

  48. I hear someone is bragging about how they took out McCabe in the election. Let's examine what Rick lost.

    Rick no longer has the opportunity to listen to the crap coming out of certain individuals mouths or the lies and innuendos about him posted on the blogs. Now Rick is stuck enjoying his retirement, going on vacation, spending more time with his beautiful wife and daughters, sleeping in, visiting friends and neighbors, playing golf and being involved in whatever endeavor he chooses!

    Rick still maintains a great relationship with life-long friends because of his honor and loyalty, something that cannot be said about some reformers.

    So you braggarts who have lost friends and respect for what you have done - I want to thank you on Rick's behalf for all you've unwittingly done for him!

  49. Tom - as much as I agree with you, I'd love to see Ray Mooney and Don Johnson run for the Town Board.

    I assure you, Chris DeFrusio will never let that happen. Even DeFruscio knows what a disaster that would be for the Republican Party. DeFruscio keeps them on the hook so he can tap them for donations when he needs cash for the "real" candidates, but I would doubt he has much to do with them other than when he needs something. Would you?

  50. Retired and Loving it ........April 06, 2012 8:30 AM

    Denfruscion is a moron ! That's the bottom line - he forced Langley to appoint his BROTHER-IN-LAW as deputy do-nothing , and the guy repays him by stealing scrap metal from the transfer station !

    The common denominator here in all the b-s is DENFRUSCION - and he's taking his marching orders from CHRISTO !

    1. thats harsh; how would anyone with a position of "Deputy Supervisor" have the audacity to take scrap metal during day light hours? Is that like selling cars on company time - is that the same as stealing too?
      Shame - Shame - Shame, and this is what Langley is affiliated with?

    2. Hanging out @ StewartsApril 09, 2012 1:28 PM

      Langley must be wondering what he got himself into at this point. There's no way he knew what total a**h#les he was getting involved with. Look at Ole Donnie boy = he's so obsessed with ramming his opinion down peoples throat - he made up his own blog ! He's got Mooney chiming in for the full effect of the " EGB Choir of morons" ! Try telling either one of them that they are wrong or that you simply disagree with them ! Johnson has no room in his small obsessive world for people who disagree with him.
      The people of EGB were openly duped by Denfruscion and his cadre of freak-show rejects, and they are laughing all the way to the taxpayer bank!
      Ole Red Ginnip-Gannop is stealing scrap from the Transfer station , and theres accusations flowing freely thru Town Hall about Keith and Denfruscion - (and others) going thru employees desks over the weekend when no ones watching ! WOW!!! Ole Cristo musta passed off his playbook of dirty deals to Keith. Who says Republicans aren't dirty ?!?!
      The Defruscion and his minions are far worse than anyone wants to even think about.

    3. Langley knows exactly what he got himself into...he is one of them. Time and time again he has been seen hanging out with Defruscio...and that's just because he wants to! They are not that different.....evidence would seem to indicate....

    4. But "He's not political" Blah Blah Blah, and his assistant isn't a "nosey body." with a big mouth. Oh Please this has been the worst four months ever!

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. Here's a good one from little miss giggle~giggle :

    I would like to introduce you to a NEW EAST GREENBUSH BLOG, http://eastgreenbushgadfly.blogspot.com/.

    Please peruse and share your comments with them. You have the security of anonymity.

    and there she is - guaranteeing people anonymity when she is the FIRST one to slam it here on Talks....true colors never fade and Taylor is a biggot and hypocrit !

    I think I'll avail myself of anonymity as well !

    1. you expected anything less from the "queen of mean" ?

      She couldn't get elected dog catcher in East Greenbush and she knows it. Thats why she takes her anger and venom out on anyone who dared disagree with her or her boy-toy Cristo . Taylor is about as sophisticated as a slinky - ( pun intended) !

  52. I see Mooney and friends are complaining about poop on their blog. Perhaps we should take this seriously,who knows more about poop than those $hitheads Mooney,Johnson and Mullvey? I for one would like to flush them down the toilet. Talk about exceeding capacity WOW.

    1. can't figure if their more full of themselves or it!

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. 820pm - nice try ....Happy Easter to you and yours!

  55. OK- its been a solid 3+ months on the job for the new Supe. Is he going to continue to tolerate the juvenile antics at Town Board meetings or is he man enough to step up and say something? My bet is Denfruscio has ordered Langley to allow idiots like Kippy Sheldon to carry on endlessly at Town Board meetings.

    1. Absolutely. Langley isn't going to tell those baffoons to calm down or shut up at the town board meetings; how could he? They're his buds that got him elected, Mr. "I'm not political!" He's as phoney as Defruscio. He's not going to work with the Town Board. We're gonna have a long four years with Mr. Langley and his so called assistant! who is a piece of work.

  56. Slim: looks like DJ#1 and DJ#2 are full of sh*t !!

    1. Sounds to me like you guys are starting to sweat a bit. If the records are correct, your current Dem Chair was on the Board in time to be responsible for addressing the first Order on Consent in 2000.

    2. OK- B F D - the Repub. Chair is a verified criminal and obviously too stupid to cover his tracks in a criminal matter that the entire Capital District is now aware of. And , there's so much more !
      We haven't even begun to touch on the amount of taxpayer dime he stole , in a Town vehicle , on Town time , headed out of State to buy used cars , and with specific regards to the gas records, if I were you, I'd tread real lightly or many people might reveal exactly how much gas Ercole really used while in the employ of EGB - warning: the numbers are SHOCKING!

    3. u mean old Ercole has done underhanded things in his lifetime, oh thats right - he doesn't do anything unless its underhanded, sneaky and vindictive; and look who's hanging around with him; none other than our newly elected SUPE.
      Goes to show ya who ya can and cannot trust! Be careful for what you wish for.

  57. Slim, are you a crazy man! xanax, no way - Its either PROZAC or LITHIUM, get with it. Xanax for these people is like Baby Aspirin.

  58. There are the "chosen few" that would complain about Rick McCabe. What a difference it was when he was there? People liked one another - they'd walk the halls and there was laughter to be heard - now its like Rockefeller's Funeral Home day in and day out - with no one in the building except the corpse. Hope ya proud of yourself, Supe. THis is what has happened since you've been there! Stay in your office, don't be friendly - and just "smile" God Loves You.

    1. If the Voters had any clue - they'd demand Langleys resignation !
      Defruscio belongs in prison and if the rumors are true - our indignant County Legislator can't leave fast enough ! Good riddance to you and feel free to take your girlfriend with you !

    2. Timmy - yup I'm still here !!April 16, 2012 5:07 PM

      really?!?! Shakespeare is leaving us?? Oh - be still my heart !!! LMAO!! Is he taking little miss giggle~giggle-boom-boom with him??

  59. Whats going on in Town Hall is the business of the Town ! Just because they aren't snapping to your orders doesn't mean there is something foul going on !
    Your group of hysterical lunatics are in drastic need of an enema - your full of sh*t ! Thats the poop problem - your over full of your own crap !

  60. Well, here we go again....Ole DJ#1 and his band of merry idiots are beating their collective war drums in hopes of disrupting another Town Board meeting.
    Class and dignity , maturity would be words NOT in their vocabulary nor in their actions.
    And yet they demand respect and to be recognized !! Puhleez !

    1. Maybe EGPD should be there to remove any rude misbehaving children.

    2. How come the Town Board Meetings have become like those reality shows on TV? They're a big joke and that is what the residents are making the Town Board Mtgs look like. Why can't our almighty leader put a stop to that nonsense? I realize its freedom of speech and all; but where's the civility at the mtgs. Why doesn't our fearless leader recently elected have the brains to put a stop to it; why should he? He's a part of it and could care less? Some people thrive on this nonsense and its all they have in their lives? They look forward to these monthly "bitch" sessions. They let out their frustrations. Why not get a second job or go over to the Mission House and participate in helping people out? What is wrong with people today? Its not the world, its the fruitcakes that live in it. Get with the program guys and stop bitching at these board meetings; be civil.
      Yes, the Dems control the Town Board. Does it mean that much to you, truly - that we get a Republican in there? People on thrive on this crap. Get a life.

  61. BFAF - so appropriate !

  62. Whistling past the CemetaryApril 19, 2012 3:35 PM

    OK people - here's DJ#1 - bitching and complaining again. He refuses to accept anyones opinion that dares differ with his. read below:

    "I’m very sorry Ed, but I think your perspective on pressing problems is profoundly naive. The sewage issue sat comfortably under wraps until concerned citizens started looking in to it. Those responsible to address it over the years, sat on their hands for any number of politically advantageous reasons, and even compromised the Town’s ability to timely address the problem by transferring funds available to other funds for other purposes. What a convenient arrangement without the light of public knowledge!

    On the Ethics front, the process was actively shut down many months ago for obviously politically advantageous reasons. The only reason the Ethics issue was awakened in the first place was the direct result of the action of concerned citizens. The only way the Ethics issue will be advanced is through the pressure brought through public knowledge of what is going on. The Town Board had disobeyed its own law since 1979, for goodness sake!

    Enough with the “paternalism” already! When the track record has a different history, we can talk about trusting politicians. In the mean time, that history and track record must be developed with the lights on! In my view, nothing has taken place which has changed the culture which produced the issues you cite. Open, transparent disclosure would be a sign. We have the Town Board majority and the Town Attorney sitting on a FOIL saying “sue us.”"

    Comment by Don Johnson — April 18th, 2012 @ 2:06 pm

    *** not only is this man arrogant , but he's woefully misinformed. Don , your village called , they are missing their idiot !

    1. Thanks for the notice!! Your crowd might want to see your patrons in performance on the Gadfly. Video and the Draft Ethics code are available.

    2. Gadfly,

      The State Comptroller's Model Code of Ethics doesn't even have a Financial Disclosure section. Isn't this the same State Comptroller so often quoted in the past?

      Yet the EG Draft want names of spouses and relatives, property ownership, businesses owned.

    3. Don't you all know that Johnson is the know-it-all of Town politics. What he says is gospel and CANNOT be disputed. He's ALWAYS correct and the rest of us sheep are to do nothing but take his words as the absolute truth !

    4. The ONE specific direction which the Town Board gave the Ethics Board in the October 2010 resolution tasking the Ethics Board was to draft financial disclosure provisions. The Comptroller's Model code does define financial interest, I believe. If nothing had to be disclosed at any time, why would a Code define it???

  63. Whistling Past the CemetaryApril 20, 2012 9:44 AM

    Community Alert : my point is proven !

    Johnson and Mooney refuse to even consider anyones differing opinion on ANY matter. God forbid that any taxpayers looks at the glass "half-full" instead of "Half-empty" !

    Once again - thanx for helping me prove my point Don ! Your a classic and very predictable.

    1. What happened to the "good old days" when Bob Angelni became Supervisor and the Pre-Boards were just that; pre-boards for the TB people and the Attorney. Now years later we've got this "bunch of baffoons" that need to know ALL that is going on. Dems are so corrupt! Yeah right. What it is - is they don't have a life; and we have to get involved. Half of the things they're involved in, they don't have a clue whats going on anyway. Bring back those good old days when people minded their own business and let the Officials take over. Now its just a "lets stab in the back" kind of government; or lets play "Who wants their family members to work for the Town?" Of course the last sentence has been a given throughout the past hundred years. Now its cut throat all the way. Hope you're all proud of yourselves.

    2. I'll tell you what happened.....Don Johnson lost his lawsuit to the Town and he now has an AXE to grind ! Period ! Ray Mooney has lived in East Greenbush forabout 4-6 years , and now demands to know everything..... Dwight Jenkins also has an AXE to grind , Taylor and Cristo clearly have their own agenda and it has NOTHING to do with moving East Greenbush forward.
      When the Republican party tolerates the likes of Defruscio,Mulvey,Guynup and the others, it speaks volumes of where that party is going and more so about what the "political" agenda really is. The Dems are doing the business of the Town , and as the new Supe has apparently found out, there really isn't anything illegal going on. The Repubs. want that same power so they can throw their friends and family into those positions....its that simple....nothing complicated , nothing to hide...Defruscio wants HIS people in there....like Eileen Grant, Like Red Guynup.!

      There's a reason that Taylor and the crew are distancing themselves from Langley- he won't do their bidding - because he see's that its wrong !

    3. doesn't DJ owe the Town's court costs and defense fees for that law suit he lost?

      musta skipped the class on ethics about paying one's debts

    4. His failure to pay his debt to the Town is the very reason he blasts the Town Board each and every day - he's looking to deflect the FACT that he owes THOUSANDS of dollars back to the very taxpayers he's trying to buffalo with his continuous line of bullsh*t ! DJ#1 has no intention of letting up - he needs people to forget the fact that he brought a frivilous lawsuit against the town because he HATES his neighbors , and he HATES the Town for sticking up for her!
      He is an emphatic PITA because he wants everyone to forget all about his failure in front of numerous courts - and that he never intends to pay his debt - a debt that he was ORDERED TO PAY BY A SITTING SUPREME COURT MAGISTRATE !

  64. Mooney and Johnson are still blabbing away . They are so arrogant and stubborn - they'll NEVER learn.
    Your driving people away from your point of view- can't you see that ? NO ?

  65. Gee -- let's go back to the old days when the colonies paid their taxes to the British government and never questioned whether they were overpaying. Yes, government is by representation but that doesn't mean one cannot question what government is doing. It has nothing to do with the party in power or who the people in power are. Will you never stop?
    I imagine you won't print this -- no room for discussion on this blog.

  66. plenty or room...but your steadfast denial of everything that you don't agree with makes it impossible to have any meaningful discussion. You and yours continually blame everything thats wrong with the economy and world on only three or four people....McCabe, OBrien, Malone and Mangold. That is your misguided perception. You dismiss the failings of Cristo, Taylor, MATTERS and Defruscio - once again - your misguided perception and the PRIMARY reason people dislike your supporters !
    Grow-up and look at the other half of the glass - its not ALWAYS half-empty - some days its HALF-FULL!

  67. With regard to the Hudson pollution issue which has been going on for a long time without being addressed amid continued development, why don't you publish a list of the Town Board members and Planning Board members in office since 1999? I'd bet that it would reveal a pretty consistent set of "interests." Why not venture into the realm of facts?

  68. Now they are enjoying themselves by jumping on Phil Malone losing his Notary....he made a mistake and is taking his punishment like a man....same can't be said for the person who lost his lawsuit against the town and refuses to pay his debts.

    1. They have nothing legitimate or of any real value. Johnson needs something to b*tch about constantly otherwise he is relinquished to nothing - which he can't stand.
      Donnie needs to think that people actually believe his derived dribble and political banter.

    2. Its lets pick on Phil Malone week, maybe month; next will be Sue Mangold, then the following week Ginny O'Brien. It'll be non stop; they're just badgering until elections next year when it'll be Ginny's turn to kick butt and win.

      Life goes on and on!

    3. Lets face it; they couldn't find a LADY or a GENTLEMAN that could come close to beating Ginny O'Brien; she's been around for a long, long time - Seniors love her, the young people admire her for her honesty and she's an amazing lady.

  69. I believe a hard driven investigation into the short lived tenure of Chris Defruscio would reveal a very consistent set of "interests" - NONE OF WHICH would involve anything to do with his position as Public Workz Commissioner ! I bet there are many , many witnesses who could emphatically state the larceny of Town gasoline and time out of the area doing his personal agenda rather than Town work ! Wanna bet the taxpayers would have a whole different view of the theivery commited by the Republican Chair - with the expressed consent of a sitting County Legislator !?!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  70. I will address this matter for you one last time. I brought a suit to stop the Town from permitting the free private use of public property (in this case, parkland) - including construction without building permits. The law requires that the private use of public property be paid for by the user. I did not prevail on the issue of “standing.” The decision of the Supreme Court DID NOT award “legal defense expenses amounting to thousands of dollars.” The Supreme Court awarded “costs.”

    The accepted process subsequent to litigation requires the Town Attorney to follow certain procedures in order for the Town to receive that which was awarded by the Supreme Court. My attorney has advised me that until Mr. Liccardi does what he is supposed to do, I have no obligation to remit anything to the Town. Please note that the Appellate Division did not award costs.

    I will remind you that several years ago, I had to inform Mr. Liccardi that it was unlawful for the Town to lease Town property to another party without holding a public hearing, citing relevant portions of NYS Town Law. I even supplied examples of the process to be followed downloaded from the Internet. This resulted in a significant “do-over” by the Town Board.

    The payment of the small amount which I owe to the Town of East Greenbush is directly in the hands of the Town Attorney. If he doesn’t know what to do, I’m certainly not going to tell him.
