Saturday, December 15, 2012

Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee Meeting

The Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee has scheduled a meeting for Monday, December 17, 2012 at 7:00PM.

The meeting will be held in the Community Room at Town Hall and is open to the public.


  1. Sounding like Ray is getting frustrated because NO ONE is listening or agreeing with his point of view. He has now taken to attacking Ed Gilbert. Started out attacking Phil Malone, moved to McCabe, tried slandering Sue Mangold, now its Ed Gilbert.
    Why ?
    Because you don't like him? You ask the stupidest questions. Are you that simple minded ? You and Johnson have been told numerous times. Running the day to day business of East Greenbush isn't all that simple, and to have to constantly stop and answer your endless ranting because you don't agree is just plain ridiculous !
    Let the Board do their job ! You do NOT need to know everything..its that simple ! We elect them to conduct the day to day business on our behalf- get over yourself !

    1. Why don't you sign your name?

    2. Because it drives you nuts and makes you blame innocent people due to your incessant need to know !

  2. Whistling Past the CemetaryDecember 16, 2012 10:37 AM

    Ray has become the mindless nuisance he is because he makes no point with his carrying on and he can't stand that no one is agreeing with him except Ole Donnie and Dwight.
    He attempts to sound like he knows something, but if your read carefully, he has NO point to his writing. He b*tches to hear himself b*tch.

    1. read the T-U to see exactly how ridiculous Don and Ray are. Those two need a serious counseling session to deal with their anxiety issues.
      Rays incessant demands to know everything and Dons continual paranoia are grounds for a trip to CDPC.

  3. Lets put this blog aside until after Christmas beginning tomorrow - share in the sorrow of those most in need of your kindness and support whether it be a card or a visit.

    If you don't pray, just keep the thoughts of those in CT. as well as our families right here in East Greenbush that are so in need of your help especially during this holiday season.

    Does anyone agree with me?

  4. You're right on the money Carmela. The world is so sad right now that we all need to pray, cry, hug loved ones and hope for a better day tomorrow. I hope everyone has a great holiday season. We all have much to be thankful for but let's not forget what we have lost. My prayers are with the Harts and the people in Connecticut. So much tragedy for so many people who don't deserve it.

  5. Thank you, Jack for your kind words. My prayers are with the Harts and also the Guynup family. They both need our love and support at this time. Send a card; bring them a covered dish, do what it takes to lend a helping hand. How much tragedy can one family take? The children are the ones who will be hurt the most.

    Thank you everyone in this town for leaving politics out of til after Christmas. If its impossible for you, I understand.

  6. Tom Gilson - whoever you are - YOUR MY HERO !!

  7. Whistling Past the CemeteryDecember 28, 2012 9:30 AM

    I wasn't sure who or what you were referring too. I then read the T-U and see Dwight complaining and put it all together. The one thing that the Gadflies surely exemplify is the old term- " thin skin" . They like to throw mud around and quote some "massaged" facts and figures, but when they are questioned, the whining starts!
    Dwight thinks this blog is functioning under "Town Hall Employees". My response is simple: so what? Why not? Whomever it is most likely is a Town resident, paying Town taxes, is under the same Town Board. Why are they not allowed? Gadflies fire away at Town employees almost every day , why can't they defend themselves or express their frustration and disagreement?
    Yet there is five-(5) different blogs from the 4 reform leftovers to try and slam their message down peoples throat?!? That makes sense- huh?
    Apparently Dwight has signed off - to go write poetry. Good bye- best wishes - see ya ! Johnson is as miserable as ever and Ray simply doesn't get it. Ed Gilbert has tried to the best of his ability - but Ray refuses or is incapable of "getting it".
    So goes the saga of politics in East Greenbush.
    Whistling Past the Cemetery.

  8. You have no idea how right Tom is. What a pitiful existence that group has. Details at 10

  9. Glen Marsh and Tom Gilson have got Johnson,Mooney and Jenkins number.
    And, best part is, Dwight can't handle it. Ray is oblivious and Don, well Don will say something arrogant and reminiscent of whatever he finds in his thesaurus.

  10. Jenkins now wants the lights at Fed ex turned off. They bother him. Try to find a job your not trerminated from.

  11. Well I see Carmela's words have had little affect or must have worn off. I don't see why you have to trash Mr. Jenkins for wanting regulation of lighting at Fed Ex. You try sleeping or trying to enjoy yourself in your back yard with high-powered lights invading your space. That's what happened to the gentleman who lived next to the Holy Spirit parking lot a few years back. A deal was worked out and everybody was happy. What is wrong with that? Anonymous, you obviously don't have that kind of problem. I see you know how to spell thesaurus but you don't know the difference between "your" and "you're". Get a life.

    1. anony to drive YOU crazy - and its workingDecember 30, 2012 1:10 PM

      Hi Fruitfly - how ya feeling lately..How was your holiday?? And....who in their right mind would be willing to "work out a deal " with DWIGHT??? FED-EX owes Jenkins NOTHING! You are dreaming...
      and btw grammar watchdog obviously got the meaning...

    2. two different authors - I can clearly see you're a rocket scientist !
      BTW: for you fruitflies works best.

  12. Carmela"s words were followed to the T ! Meanwhile, all the fruitflies kept up their onslaught and attacks over on the T-U blog. One good turn deserves another. Jenkins is a whiner and the lights don't permeate his house like the Holy Spirit people. Jenkins home sits well above the level of the lights @ Fed Ex.
    I would highly suggest YOU get a life!

  13. mean I could have done something about that street light shining in our front bedroom for the last 20 yrs....suck it up....put up a shade. Stay in the house if the lights offend you.

  14. Lets all get this straight: The gadfly gaggle want to be the only ones who can name people and destroy them in ANY blog post. If any of us dare to name names , they will complain to whomever because they are the most fragile bunch I've ever had the total displeasure of reading.
    Now Dwight and Suzanne are going to cry to the T-U because Ed Gilbert disagrees with their point of view. Too Bad! Grow a set or stop reading and commenting! Gadflys are the epitome of living in a glass house.

    1. The irony of your last line is hysterical !!! Did you actually mean it or were you busting on Dwit complaining about his house and the lights @ FED-EX ??

  15. Lets see...the Organizational meeting is tomorrow...and I do believe there will be re-appointments much to the chagrin of ole Cristo and his gang of no brain misfits. LOL !!

  16. Ray thinks he's the philosopher extraordinaire !
    He now has taken to telling Sue Mangold that she is as " wrong as wrong can be" . Let me get this straight; Ray Mooney is now the author and tell-all , know-all on hiring.
    Ray: your opinion is nothing more than YOUR opinion. I completely disagree with your statement and your reasoning behind it. I refuse to except your invalid theory and again I will reiterate that you have nothing but a grudge and it shows. Your continual bashing of Malone and Mangold shows your complete lack of maturity.
    Your foolish and immature statement about in-breeding and comparing it to in-hiring is the most ridiculous and unsubstantiated thing you've ever vomited. Your a fool and your dreams are nothing but political garbage because you don't like Sue Mangold. Are you jealous? Are you envious because her family owns property in Town and PAYS their tax bill without question? What is your major malfunction ? I would whole heartedly suggest you seek counseling immediately- your in dire need of help.
    " Diversity expands knowledge - diversity expands sensitivity to others" is the most bullsh*t statement I've read in some time- PROVE YOUR THEORY ! More importantly - disprove the opposite ! You can't !

  17. Dear 214:

    I don't feel I have to prove anything. Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action are, in the private sector, the law of land. And I get all the counseling I need from reading this blog and the writing of corwards who refuse to use their name.

    1. I rest my case ! COWARD is the person YOU look at in the mirror each day .
      Thin skinned is probably more accurate though.

  18. Don't forget yourself and me too. But Miss May Rooney -- what about all of those civil service tests that were designed to keep patronage out of government? I can't figure out why they don't use them in municipal governments like East Greenbush. Or do we live in a different country?

  19. Ray doesn't want to hear about the public sector. He only can relate to the private sector and the set of rules they follow. He obviously has no knowledge of hiring practices in the public sector , yet he chooses to target Town hiring policies ignorantly and like his blog partner Johnson, refuses to acknowledge their inadequacies and lack of education on the actual subject matter. Private sector experience is irrelevant to public hiring practices.

    1. and....once again , I rest my case ! I just about vomited reading Johnsons self serving diatribe and Mooneys response with NO FACTS and vague memory, No one in their right mind would believe any of the Mooney/Johnson blather .

  20. Don't mean to change the subject BUT why wasn't Rick McCabe though of as Deputy Supervisor? Why is Langley procrastinating as to getting a bookkeeper and secretary.
    Could it be he is afraid of hiring the wrong person?

    He doesn't seem to have alot of confidence as to being a good leader. Why is that?

  21. What Is The Deputy Town Supervisor Isnt The Next Highest Elected Person On The Town Board In Charge If The Supervisor Goes Down

    1. The person in charge if the Supervisor goes down would be the Deputy Supervisor; BUT the board would have a HUGE say in what happens next. No need to worry; Langley will NOT go down.

    2. Deputy Supervisor Gilbert cannot vote on Town matters ... and the Board could appoint a new Supervisor if, God forbid, Keith were unable to perform his duties as Supervisor.

  22. Johnson andMooney haven't lived here long enough to have a history. They should look at went on in the 70s,80s and 90s. But they don't really care. They want to defame and hear thier own voices

    1. Are you trying to make the argument that the corruption that went on then is OK now because it went on then?

    2. Whistling Past the CemetaryJanuary 12, 2013 11:33 AM

      I don't read it that way Don. It tends to point out that compared to the b-s that this Town experienced back then is/was alot worse than what your evidently complaining about today.
      Your entitled to your opinion - which you obviously have no issue writing about, just keep in mind that people don't agree with you.

  23. Donnie and his misfit quartet can't seem to understand that every thing is not corrupt. The only thing he's good at is stalking and threatening his elderly neighbor. What a guy

    1. Guess Who ?? Nope - your wrong !January 13, 2013 6:58 PM

      Better put your big-boy pants on !
      Mr. Thin Skin is claiming libel.
      Thats a two-way street there Donnie.

    2. apparently the truth hurts .... he only b*tches and complains when the truth about his "mischief and antics" are discovered. Too funny !

  24. Donnie is so off base he has no idea what's happening. Maybe he can get his deep throat to slip him some non relevant facts. The subject of Libel is something he knows well. He's spewed it for years

  25. While everyone is clearly entitled to their opinion, you have to wonder what actually this guy Johnson is drinking!
