Friday, June 7, 2013

Rescheduled Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee Meeting

The Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, June 17, 2013 at 7:00PM.

The meeting will be held in the Community Room at Town Hall and is open to the public.


  1. "Town Republican Chairman DeFruscio has been directed by the County Republican Party to do little that will attract attention to himself or his hand picked Town Board Candidates, Ms DiMartino and Mr. Randolph Cherubino.
    The concern at the County Republican level is that any issue based Republican Town campaign, particularly any statements regarding the 911 Emergency Call In program, could have an unpredictable impact on the campaigns of the Republican Candidates for County Legislature.
    As a result, the East Greenbush Republican Town Candidates will not be making any issue based comments this year without prior approval at the County level. "
    And exactly when do any of us think ole Ercole listens to anyone ??

  2. donnie writes a new thread blasting langley and says its an "anonymous comment"

    if enough 'different' people say it, it must be true eh dj

  3. Defruscio is too stupid to follow directions.
    Guaranteed he will disobey County leadership and do something outrageously immature in the next few weeks.

  4. $5600.00 + in the hole ! Wow Chris - where'd ya piss all that money away ??
    Was it for all the Jude Mulvey signs that littered EGB last year ?? What a waste of money that was - huh ??
    Bet Sean Mulvey isn't the treasurer anymore either !
