Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee Meeting

The Citizens Fiscal Advisory Committee has scheduled a meeting for Monday, July 15, 2013 at 7:00PM.

The meeting will be held in the Community Room at Town Hall and is open to the public.


  1. Plain and simple- if Ercoles people get in, there'll be no need for a CFAC.
    They'll dip the coffers for their own benefit and we'll all be putting "for-sale" signs out in front of our homes !

  2. If Defruscio has been told by County brass to shut up and be quiet, what does that say about how he runs his party ?
    It says volumes !
    Chris is like a child with attention deficit - he can't sit still and will not follow directions. In other words , hang on folks . The juvenile , immature stunts are about to begin !
    No doubt Defuscio and Mulvey are planning something stupid. They simply can't help themselves.

  3. Awful quiet on the Gadfly and Defruscio blog.
    I'll bet $ they were told by County mucky-mucks to shut up .

  4. Still no updated Campaign Financial Disclosure Filing on the NYS Board of Elections website by Chris DeFruscio and the Town of East Greenbush Republican Committee. www.elections.ny.gov.
    Kudos to the East Greenbush Democratic Committee for following the election law by filing on time.
    Chrissy has been talking around town about what he said was an "embarassingly large" amount of money he took in at his June fundraiser at the VFW.
    If that's true, where did that money go?

    1. Probably to the print shop that made the ten thousand Jude Mulvey signs ! lol....

  5. Cherubino is out ! Too much "baggage" and the controversy that was sure to come of it. STBU Ercole !

  6. So what WAS Randy's connection to Keystone?

    1. Interesting....I was going down that road as well ! Glad to see others read the IG reports !

  7. You mean resigning(wink,wink) from his job amid some missing funds investigations is baggage? And his wife too? How about that, another fire chief caught with his hand in the till. Isn't the other fire chief with sticky fingers related to the other rep. candidate? I'll be surprised if she doesn't bail out soon, with the rest of the baggage in her family. Anybody got a light? Wow.....you really know how to pick em Chrissie boy.

  8. Information about Operation Keystone can be found on the NYS Inspector General Website www.ig.ny.gov. Click on the link to "The Department Implements Increased Oversight and Financial Controls After NYSIG Review of "Sting" Operations 5/20/13." The account of the questioning of the "Senior Investigator" on pages 22 and 23 of the full report is particularly worth reading.

    1. I just finished reading the Inspector General's Report. Looks like "Senior Investigator" and "his wife", whoever they are, sure have some explaining to do.
      I wonder if "Senior Investigator" and "his wife", who also, according to the Report worked for the Tax Department, paid their own taxes on the approximately $26,000 in CASH "Senior Investigator" deposited in their bank accounts which "Senior Investigator" refused to give the Inspector General an explanation for.

  9. Chrissy has now surpassed his Martha stunt with this. The question is-- Can Chris top this one before November?

    1. Nope...stupid stunt #2 coming right up ! Guaranteed ! Either Defruscio or Torino will do or say something so profoundly stupid and unbelieveable that even the gagflies will revolt - !

  10. You may have the Gadfly/reform people pegged wrong. They don't like corruption with any label - whether it's Dem or Rep. They haven't been to kind to Langley's idleness, have they?

  11. Just read the entire IG's report, all I can say is wow!! That senior investigator is very fortunate to have the witness suddenly up and leave the country. Wonder how much of the state money that cost the investigator. BTW, what I mean by state money is TAXPAYER money. Someone should probably be looking into our local(CHFD) fire dept. money. It's been proven by the other Rep. Candidates brother in law that taking money can easily done. All this looks like something our resident investigative reporter Dwight should look into.

    1. OH MY !! Randy ?!? The "darling" of the CHFD??!! And his wife too !!! For Shame !

  12. Smart Way Forward??July 20, 2013 6:49 PM

    I just took a look at the State Board of Elections Website at www.elections.ny.gov. According to the website, "There is no itemized financial disclosure data contained in the NYS Board of Elections Financial Disclosure Database for" SMART WAY FORWARD.
    SMART WAY FORWARD is the Campaign Committee formed by Randy M. Cherubino and Debevah (sic?) DiMartino to receive and spend any financial contributions for their campaigns for East Greenbush Town Council.
    It isn't surprising that there has been no itemized data submitted. SMART WAY FORWARD seems to be showing the same disregard for the Rules of the State Board of Elections as their campaign manager, Chris DeFruscio, the current Chairman of the East Greenbush Republican Committee.
    Much more to come...

    1. and...your surprised ? Randy has squandered TAXPAYER funds in the CHFD for years.

    2. Don't Defruscio and his crowd follow any rules? How can Defruscio and his crowd be expected to manage a $14 million sewer fund? How can Defruscio and his crowd be expected to hold the line on Town taxes? How can Defruscio and his crowd be expected to file the required paperwork for Town projects?
      These are questions the voters should be asking of Defruscio and his crowd during the campaign season.
      What (if any) answers will Defruscio and his crowd be giving to the voters?

    3. Gadfly is crying a river over anonymous posts and instead of simply ignoring them, he falls right into the throws of whomever wrote it.

      Don and Jack and Jim C. : kudos to you for signing your names. Many chose not too and should not be chastised for it. My opinion only.

    4. Don only wants people to sign their name so when he disagrees with them he can continually target them personally with his ridiculous venomous diatribes.

  13. And there's so much more ! Cherubino is just the "tip of the iceberg" !

  14. Does anyone have a light ??

  15. Whistling Past the CemetaryJuly 21, 2013 10:52 PM

    Old Timer Republican: are you serious ? Do you honestly believe or think Chris Defruscio has any plans ? He will do exactly what Rich Crist tells him to do without question ! Chris hasn't the experience or knowledge to act effectively.

    1. Who is Rich Crist? Is he related to Mike Cristo?

    2. County Republican operative- political side show to Cathy Jimino

    3. no relation to Cristo - actually I believe he doesn't like Cristo either !

  16. All voters should be prepared to ask very specific questions of Ms. Dimartino when she comes knocking. She is ill prepared to answer any real questions and it will show when she is directly questioned. She is nothing but a pawn for Defruscio and Mulvey.
    Watch her reactions when she can't answer the tough questions. Do you have your list ready for her ? I do !

    1. Ever been around her ? Hang on . Forge your own opinions but rest assured that me and all the people I know that have been around her are sure to vote against her.

  17. Eleanor RooseveltJuly 22, 2013 7:41 PM

    “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

  18. Donnie boy thinks he has a great mind.

    1. Chris Defruscio has the greatest mind of all. He is well known for making up ideas about events and people.

  19. Dwight and Don are blabbing about people calling jobs and complaining about "whatever". Get over yourselves. You think its limited to you ?!
    That river flows North AND South. We just don't cry about it like you !

  20. They think Ann Taylor was "ruthlessly" disparaged in this blog. Hah ! She got EXACTLY what she deserved !
    She was/is the most foul mouthed, arrogant, nasty woman to EVER run for office in East Greenbush thus far!
    She is NOT without sin and her horrible rotten temper tantrums are well documented. Her blogs were just as nasty and mean spirited and she could never hide her complete detest of anything that she and Cristo didn't agree with.
    She was easy to campaign against and it was a joyous moment to read the vote totals when she lost !
    East Greenbush and Rensselaer County politics are a far better place without her or Cristo !

  21. I really enjoy the ramblings on the fly. The poor souls are being demeaned, threatened, they forget they started it all on the 1st blog, now whose was that.thats right Cristo and Taylor. They are all selffulfiling jackasses. Hey Rev any discounts at Hannafords.

    1. Cristo and Taylor started all the nastiness and name calling - albeit anonymously. If Jack or Don or Jim C. want to compare notes they better remember exactly what was written by the dynamic duo- Cristo and Taylor !
      Defruscio was late to the game , but as many of us have evidenced, he's clearly making up for lost time !

  22. We still have Chris Defruscio!

    1. Word has it - not much longer !

    2. Really?! The Clown Prince of Politics in East Greenbush is on his way out?
      Please tell us this is true !
      Early assumptions/guesses would be County Republicans are involved. Just a guess because Chris is such a valued member of Republican hierarchy in and around the County ! lol !

    3. Good riddance to Defruscio ! It's about time !
