Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Signing Away the Right to Govern* - NY Times Editorial, July 18, 2011

The July 18, 2011 NY Times Editorial entitled "Signing Away the Right to Govern"* states that the signers of Grover Norquist's pledge "never to raise taxes for any reason" are "the single biggest reason the federal government is now on the edge of default.  Its signers will not allow revenues in a deal to raise the debt ceiling."  http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/19/opinion/19tue1.html?hp

John Maynard Keynes, the influential British economist, is credited with saying "When the facts change, I change my mind.  What do you do, sir?"  You may recall that Keynes' theory of increasing government expenditures during a recession has gotten lots of play these last few years.

The signers of Norquist's pledge, or any pledge for that matter, cannot think or act as Keynes' would, for fear of alienating their followers and supporters and losing their power or desired power. 

Remember George H. W. Bush's "Read my lips: no new taxes!" pledge at the 1988 Republican National Convention?  That pledge only lasted long enough to get him elected.

Leaders or potential leaders should not be hamstrung by "absolutes" in governing. 

Quoting the Times Editorial, "Only one candidate, Jon Huntsman Jr., has refused to sign any pledge, saying he owes allegiance to his flag and his wife."  The Times Editorial is not endorsing Huntsman, but rather his mindset of retaining the flexibility to do what is right for the Country at any given point in time.

Beware of politicians who demagogue. 
Beware of politicians making outrageous pledges. 
The only pledge that binds is the Oath of Office.

Pete Stenson

*A version of this editorial appeared in print on July 19, 2011, on page A22 of the New York edition with the headline: Signing Away the Right to Govern: Republican pledges seek to shackle candidates to inflexible ideological agendas.


  1. Republican /Reform supporters here in East Greenbush are the most cynical and unrealistic individuals .

  2. I think the Republican Party and its candidates have distanced themselves from the so-called Reform faction.

    A smart move, but it won't get them victory in Nov.

    Has there been a split between Mike and Chris?

  3. Let's not lose sight of the fact that those over on the reform blog AREN'T NOT the candidates, but just DISTRACTIONS like that pesky fly at a picnic!

    Mike and Chris likely had a falling out over the Republicans refusal to run Ann!

  4. Mike the "know-it-all" and Chris the - " doesn't know anything" are probably trying to still figure out why all their shananigans from the 2010 elections failed. Chris-( and his nephews/cousins) were busy stealing election signs, Mike was busy squirting hair conditioner on Anns door and then trying to blame the dems. What will they do now?!?!

  5. You can tell Mike is back workin' the blog. How you ask? Dissenting comments aren't getting posted. They've not posted three of mine and they were civil, but in defense of Sup. Rick.

    To paraphrase Col. Jessup, "He can't handle the truth!"

    At least Ann had the decency to post dissenting views, but not our County Legislator Cristo. Man up, Mikey!

  6. Yeah, Cristo's Cronies ask a lot of questions on his blog and Mike wouldn't dare post the answers that folks provide ... keeping the foolhardy arguments going rather than shedding some light on things.

    Besides, if they REALLY wanted answers, they ask the questions at the Town Board meetings ... it's not like they're anonymous by any means. You can count them on one hand!

    So sad!

  7. anonymous -prospect heightsJuly 21, 2011 6:29 PM

    Keith who?? Corin who??? OK- I give up - is this the best DenFruscio can do?!

  8. what else did you expect from a used car salesman? he takes his marching orders from the two-time loser....

  9. Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, responded yesterday to the NY Times in a piece interestingly entitled "Read My Lips: No New Taxes". http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/22/opinion/22Norquist.html

    Read the article to find his response to what he considers to be "the four main challenges to the pledge and what it means":

    • "The first is to charge that it gets in the way of a deal to allow a debt ceiling increase.

    • Another challenge has been to suggest that members of Congress had somehow made a pledge to Americans for Tax Reform, or even to me personally, and that therefore it should be no big deal if they broke their commitments.

    • Others have tried to redefine “tax increase,” specifically by arguing that eliminating a tax credit, exclusion or deduction in order to rake in more tax revenue should not count as a tax hike.

    • Finally, there has been much confusion — some of it my fault — over whether the ending of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts or the A.M.T. “patches,” scheduled for Dec. 31, 2012, should count as a tax hike."

    Norquist concludes by stating: "But ultimately, the pledge is only one expression of the Republicans’ commitment to shrinking the size of the federal government."

    Pete Stenson

  10. Too bad that these failed reformers just don't stop the constant critcizing and simply listen without prejudice. They actually might leanr something !

    Funny how no one has been arrested yet or even charged with any crimes - except for the crimes alleged by Ray Mooney and Don Johnson of course !

    I watch the national news almost every night and it seems to me that EG is in no better or worse financial shape than any other town in the country. There are some towns employing some "creative financing" stratagies , but basically, not one of them is any further ahead.

  11. The Cristo Cronies are at it again! Ann posts a legit piece about a rumored Fed "1% transaction fee and will be charged on all bank transactions--all deposits, withdraws, transfers from one account to another, ALL transactions." After six entire comments, someone turns it into an EG Dem bash-fest!!!

  12. GEORGE - ABC-FEG-ST2July 22, 2011 5:37 PM


  13. jon dohnson-( hic )July 23, 2011 10:24 PM

    they-(mulvey,johnson,and mooney) ,have NO agenda except deception and innuendo. they harp on half-truths and the johnson person thinks he's getting someone from osc to listen to his forked tongue. good luck with that donnie- your temper is fabulous and entertaining

  14. Factoid, Big Mike and Little Mike....Too much "breeding" and not enough reading, I'd say.
