Monday, June 30, 2014

Deputy Dawg Speaks

Capital View Casino A Capital Idea



Doesn't disclose that he's Deputy Town Supervisor or Chairman of the Ethics Board!!


  1. Reposted from: Public Notice: Special Meeting

    Dilberts at it again ! June 30, 2014 3:43 PM

    Does anyone really care what Ed Gilberts opinion is on anything ?
    OK - I didn't think so either......

    Todays Times Union blog shows the latest drivel from the Ethics Chair...and deputy dumba** . What a laugh and a half !

    East Greenbush will go down as the laughing stock of the Capital District because of arrogant political losers like Gilbert.

    No Ed - you don't get , you never did and you never will !

  2. Well, clearly Ed is out of touch. His failure to disclose that he's the appointed Deputy Supervisor and the appointed Chair of the Ethics Board is a very intentional slight.
    Please make note that I said " appointed" for each of his positions. Thats because the voters have resoundingly REJECTED his arrogant, ignorant point of view - TWICE !
    better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and erase all doubt !

    You'd be well served to heed those words. For most of us, its too late, you've completely etched our minds of what a worthless minion with a foul temper you are.
    Langley clearly has surrounded himself incompetence.

  3. What I've heard is that Ed is banking on Phil Malone winning a seat in the Assembly so that Keith L can "appoint" him to the Board. Sorry Phil, but I hope that doesn't happen. Ed is bad enough as the "appointed" Deputy Supervisor. Who knows what he will do if he is "appointed" to the Board?
    For sure Ed will never get elected to anything.

  4. Ed is on the TU blog saying "I haven't forgotten who I represent" implying that he represents the voters of East Greenbush. WRONG, Ed. You represent Keith Langley the person who appointed you. Once you received your salary and your appointment you became our employee, not our representative. In fact you are the only guy in town who knows for sure that the voters in EG do not want you to represent them because you have been turned away by huge margins in two elections.

  5. Ed is a pissed off , rejected , political candidate. He's so angry , still , that we all blew him off - TWICE - that he sucked up to Duhmbfruscion and the Langster to get himself appointed so he can scream and holler at taxpayers.
    Every time he opens his angry little mouth , he proves that we were all correct about him and his nasty little temper.

  6. Dilbert is nothing but a water boy - water carrier - hack for Clueless Keith.

  7. Whistling Past the CemeteryJuly 01, 2014 11:37 AM

    OMG ! Just read the Ed Gilbert fantasy on his T U blog. I can't believe that they allow him to write. What a self serving manifesto that piece of fiction is !

  8. It's a tight race between Dilbert and MAM as the more bitter person.

    1. The tighter race is for the more ignorant person - Matters of Gilbert.

  9. We all might be better off if we paid Mr. Gilbert no attention, its obvious he feeds off it in a huge way... Don't give him what he wants and maybe he will crawl back under a rock... Worth a try ???

    1. The king of the leisure suit demands attention ! lol....he's like the red-headed step-child

  10. Deputy Dawg got slammed pretty hard on his T.U. blog. He tried - ( in vain) to clarify his irrelevant point of view. He arrogantly stated that the Town is being run better now than previously- HAH! Hardly !
    Give me one department - one thing thats any better- and the answer is simple - NOTHING! Actually, the Town Hall is more mismanaged than its ever been. Its employees are anti-social and arrogant and rude to residents. The behavior of the Republican Chair is border line criminal and the increase in patronage salaries is completely inexcusable.
    Keep trying you arrogant little man. Your digging a hole that no Republican candidate can fill !

  11. The ethics chair should be dismissed. He can no longer fulfill his duties there. He has lost all credibility and affability and is virtually worthless on that committee.

  12. Whistling Past the CemeteryJuly 02, 2014 9:30 PM

    There's a lesson here folks. The same few yet pointed items keep surfacing when Ed Gilbert writes with his nasty temper.
    First and foremost , he has proven beyond doubt that he is unqualified to hold either position he was appointed too.
    Second is that he is truly ignorant of Town policies and procedures.
    Third is simple; if your going to be a stooge for the SWF , at least educate yourself of what your trying desperately to discredit rather than throw worthless figures and untruths while you attempt to sound smarter than you are !

  13. I HATE LANGLEYJuly 03, 2014 7:22 AM

    With all credit to the blogger over on the fly - this is exactly on point :

    "The lack of leadership among the current majority is, very sadly, stunning.

    Ed Gilbert is not an elected official. He cannot vote. He is a discredited chair of the so called Ethics Board. And now he is the spokesperson for the biggest, most complicated, more serious issue facing this town in decades.

    ...and all he's got is the blogs are taking what appears to be very legitimate cheap shots at the multiple leadership failures of the current majority.

    Not good Ed and Keith. Not good; not good at all."

    I concur - some resident taxpayers are taking very legitimate shots at him - and rightly so !

    1. I've said it before , the voters in East Greenbush were correct in rejecting ed Gilbert TWICE !
      His arrogance and continual attempts to bullsh*t his way thru life cannot be disguised or ignored.
      There is no way the man has any credibility left.

    2. This entire Casino scenario is nothing more than a magnifying glass focused pointedly on the SWF and their complete inability to make a rational , reasonable decision on behalf of the entire Town.
      Langley is beyond salvageable and his lack of credentials for the office he holds can no longer be ignored.
      Keith is truly clueless and could care less about the greater good of East Greenbush. MAM has her own torch to carry and she has no waking thought on what she's doing. Deb may dress well and smile pretty but has not a fleeting clue as to who,what,where nor why she is a Town Board member.
      Together, the SWF team is plundering East Greenbush into financial ruin and they flaunt it like its something to be proud of.
      Sad......very sad

  14. Here's the best part of his b~s statement:
    " as for your “where have I gone” question I’m still here and I have found people that are actually concerned with doing what is best for the town. We work together towards that goal." WHO? What goal ? To bankrupt the Town with patronage and nepotism? Are you that ignorant to think for one fleeting moment that no one is paying attention ?
    My God- please do us all a huge favor and climb back underneath whatever rock it is that Defruscio found you......and I said please !

    1. According to Ed , those of us here at Talks have no idea what we're talking about.
      My response is this : OK can I stop sending in my property taxes then ? If you think we should not be able to speak our piece , then why in the hell would we pay our taxes to line your pockets ?
      If we are not entitled to clearly state what we see as bogus and arrogant politicians wasting our tax dollars , why should we pay our taxes ?

    2. Langley is a putz !

      He's a coward and lazy. He has done nothing to show any of us that he's capable of holding the office of Supervisor.

  15. Proud to be an American. Even with this great divide in our community , at least we have the freedom to disagree. Many other places on earth do not have such freedom.

  16. Keith could fix alot of his problems. He chooses not too. He still confides in incompetent and ignorant people. He was and continues to be warned of the consequences of his action/inaction. The man is simply not capabe of being Town Supervisor !

  17. I hope Duhfruscio is content with the mess he has created. He is to blame completely and totally for this entire mess the Town is in.
    He promoted incompetent individuals and lied openly about their qualifications for Town Board. He promoted the worst Supervisor in the history of East Greenbush! He alone gave Eddie Gilberry his appointed positions as Chair of the Ethics Board and the Deputy Supe job with the illegal stipend that goes along with it.
    Langley is sitting in the office at the end of the hall, but Dumb-A** Duhfruscio is the juvenile delinquent behind all the bad decisions being made. Point the fingers directly at HIM !

  18. I could care less about Ed Gilbert .
    He had to suck up to get his arrogant , non-electable butt into the political arena. That tells me how worthless he really is. Every time he opens his mouth, he proves me right ! Thanks Ed- sorry to see your not rocking your leisure suit anymore , you were such a fashion statement !

  19. @ 3:57 PM And vote out Langley in 2015!!!!!

  20. Langley is dead meat ! Thats the easy part.

  21. So gilbert doesn't like TALKS. Tough Sh*t Ed ! Your stuck with us !
    When rouge political hacks like you disappear, we'll quiet down !

  22. Fed Up in the ManorJuly 07, 2014 10:53 AM

    Exactly what are we paying Dan Fiacco to do ? Why do we have a deputy Commissioner of Public Works? Why is there no street/road maintenance being done? Why are there no potholes being filled? Why are the Town parks once again being neglected?
    Apparently Corellis was not the right man for the job! Great choice Ercole !

  23. Its not the men. Its ineffective leadership and the lack of vision by people who have no idea what they are doing.

  24. Nepotism and patronage as the sole criteria for hiring decisions is a bad practice - regardless of which political party is in power.

    Of the last three DPW Commissioners I knew (Partak, DeFruscio and Van Wormer) Dave Van Wormer was, far and away, the best.

    Dave was always responsive, including on weekends. His responses were prompt and completely professional. Town Park never looked so good through the efforts of Dave and his team.

    1. Whistling Past the CemeteryJuly 07, 2014 2:47 PM

      SWF made many political errors on January 2nd , which will come back around to bite them clearly in their backside.
      The complete lack of oversight on many levels just breeds malfeasance and mischief. The mere fact that the poster child for juvenile foolishness happens to be the chairman for the republican party does little to instill confidence in the SWF team. That combined with Langleys inabililty to effectively communicate with any resident on any level shows that a huge mistake was made this past November.
      By the time the voters get the oppertunity to correct this mistake, I fear it will be too late, the damage will have been done. MAM nor Dimartino have the ability or desire to do whats actually correct. They're too busy protecting Langley.....sad for the people of East Greenbush.

    2. Dave was without a doubt the best DPW commissioner in recent memory.Rumor has it he is interested in running for the Supervisors job. That would be very interesting.

  25. If those that so greatly oppose this casino put half this effort into learning the truth about MAM and Deb Dimartino , we wouldn't be in this mess we're ALL in today.
    This town missed the boat in November by not electing Cheryl Vallee and Mike Bottillo. That mistake cost us all greatly in ways we have yet to feel.

    1. Langley is a PUTZJuly 07, 2014 4:37 PM

      Its all because Langley is a putz. He's a coward and introverted.
      Bad combination for the Supervisor position.

    2. He's scared of his own shadow ! Not only is he a putz, he's a very bad judge of character. Look he he keeps as close company and confides in. Look at some of his horrendous decisions that he's made and then arrogantly tries to defend !
      Langley has made more enemies unnecessarily than he can count. His decisions reflect his ignorance.

  26. Casino simply put a magnifying glass on the utter idiots of the SWF.
    They are totally corrupt and inadequate to run this town. VOTE THEM OUT !

  27. Voting out Langley is the key! Once he is removed, the Town would have a better chance at having a leader instead of a not so bright follower.

    1. Langley will disappear with little or no effort.
      The idiot Ercole is a different story though.
      He got his ass handed to him a few years back in Town election and yet the idiot returns with some new scam and bullshit story that everybody fell for and look at the damn mess we're all in now !
      SWF will forever be known as the "Defruscio Shit Show" !

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. If the closing of Town Hall on Fridays for that summer was about the raise issue, it should have transparently been stated as just that. To try to create some "cover" by claiming energy savings is just BS, and characteristic of the McCabe administration - which was responsible for the interfund debt problem which SWF is foolishly trying to solve with a casino of all things. Just as dumb on both sides of the political fence.

    2. ray has a revisionist memory about the claim of energy savings

      never happened

    3. but no one got paid for those fridays off ? right ?

  29. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  30. the title of Ed Gilbert's new post "Pleased To Meet You" reminds me of some lyrics ...

    Pleased to meet you
    Hope you guess my name
    But what's puzzling you
    Is the nature of my game

    Sympathy For The Devil - Rolling Stones

    We well know the nature of his game!

  31. Big Brother is WatchingJuly 10, 2014 7:07 AM

    Is everyone aware that the Supervisor and his Commissioner of the DPW has put cameras up at the Town Hall, DPW , and Transfer Station? They apparently feel the need to spy on their employees and the people that use these facilities. Keith and Anthony, do you not trust your employees and the residents of this town? I learned a long time ago that people who distrust others are usually not to be trusted.

    Did we not have better uses for the money spent on these cameras? Perhaps filling in a few potholes. Was the installation of the spying system put in place done through competitive bidding? Who got the contract and are they connected to anyone in Town Hall?

    Keith and Anthony...are you guys so insecure that you need to spy one the people who put in your positions? What an insult to the employees of this town - and its residents.

    1. I don't recall the Town Board authorizing this. Maybe this is why SWF blocks publishing expenditures and hides audits!!

    2. Anthony is a joke ! He has little or no idea what , when or where he's doing. Dan Fiacco, while he is basically a nice guy, has no business in his position. Ed Gilbert - flaming incompetent fool. Jack Conway has Gilberts number and basically Ed is now relegated to being Langleys bitch.
      SWF was and very much is , a complete scam. Defruscio dreamed up this little dog and pony show and ALOT of people fell for it.
      ALOT ofpeople attempted - ( in vain) to warn the voters , but that fell on deaf ears.
      Cheryl Vallee and Mike Bottillo may be "unpopular democrats" but there is no doubt they would have done better than MAM and Dimartino.
      When Chrissy Def. 1st promoted his cousin- Randy Cherubino , many of us knew right then that this Town was about to be openly screwed. Operation "Keystone" by the Attorney Generals office exposed the theiving candidate for exactly what he is - A THIEF !
      His wife, miraculously resigned her position prior to any criminal charges at her former State Job. How do we treat her - Why we give her a cushy job in Town Hall of course !
      Have any of you attempted to have a meeting with Commander Clueless - Langley ? Have you met the charming secretary that basically forbids anyone to speak with " Mr. Open Door" ?
      This Town Board majority is a complete JOKE !
      Langley - Gilbert - Defruscio - DANAHER - and last but not least - RICH CRIST are screwing the people of East Greenbush every single day. WAKE UP people. Ed Gilbert is nothing but an ignorant water boy for Rich Crist. Demand his removal from Ethics Board and his resignation as Deputy Supervisor, before its too late !

    3. SWF has pissed away more tax dollars in 6 months than any previous administration ! Stipends are cleverly disguised now , but make no mistake that a very select few are receiving more of our tax dollars than they deserve.
      The reality is that November 2015 can't come soon enough.

  32. If Langley and Corellis are so concerned with town residents and employees that he has to observe them with video, we should foil the videos from town hall to see how many hours a day Langley puts in on the job. We can also see how much time Langley spends off the job riding around with Torino and Defruscio. Time, I might add, he's being paid for to be at work. this a violation of the Ethics code? Could you investigate it?

  33. Another "Anonymous" for Mary AnnJuly 10, 2014 6:13 PM

    Poor, poor Mary Ann Matters. She says people are mean on the blogs and won't sign their names. Concerned residents should not take her to task just because she treats anyone that disagrees with her with total disdain.

    Mary Ann rolls her eyes, laughs, looks the other way, and ignores residents addressing the board. Mary Ann refuses to engage residents after the board meeting but chooses to run to her car like she's trying to escape. Mary Ann has secret meetings with the Casino people but says it's OK because there were only 2 board members present at a time.

    Mary Ann tells people to email her, but if she doesn't like the topic, never responds. Mary you honestly think people don't see you're only on the board to do what Langley and DeFruscio tell you to do.

    How do you walk when you're missing a backbone?

  34. Haven't been on in a whileJuly 10, 2014 7:37 PM

    Just heard with Chris D. out of the picture as Republican chair.There is going to be a fight for the new chairman. One group wants Langley for supervisor while the other group feels Langley can't win. They want to approach Rick Matters to run for supervisor. If he won't there's another person interested in running. Looks like Keith's missteps are coming back to haunt him. Should be interesting to see who the new Republican chair will be.

  35. Here's a GEM from over on the FLY that I actually like - ( with some editing );

    "Get Me Those Tall Boots, Shillbert's Got Me Wading In ItJuly 10, 2014 at 7:09 PM
    Bravo Mr. Conway. I am a conservative minded individual. I am disgusted with these Republican fools who are trying to put the finishing touches to our decimation. This Gilbert may be one of the most obtuse individuals many of us will ever encounter. His rationalizations would be comical if they were not so sad and strangely child-like. Helen Keller, from across the Grand Canyon, could spot the walking conflict of interest that is our very own Deputy Supervisor/Ethics Chairman/Political Hack/Two Time Loser & Sometime Attack Dog Blog Impresario. Yet the walking and talking conflict himself only sees a shiny halo when shaving each morning. I'd love to see you respond directly to this guy on his little TU blog or his Gone Fishing blog."

    I rarely agree with anything on the FLY , but it seems as of late that some of us may have some common ground, particularly when it comes to busting and exposing the SWF bullsh*t of Ercole C. Defruscio.
    Busdriver Chris aparently isn't doing so well, may I interject one simply word:
    K A R M A - its a bitch huh Chris ?

  36. ANONYMOUS - just for you Mary Ann!July 10, 2014 9:26 PM

    Poor Mary Ann Matters. What a complete cry~baby our little miss manners is ! She openly disrespects taxpayers and then cries about anonymous bloggers ? Really ?

    Lets go back to the joke you SWF people called the Organizational Meeting. Shall we talk openly about how utterly unprofessional you were ? Lets talk about the Mickey Mouse moves orchestrated by Chris Defruscio and you majority board members. Many said you have an axe to grind. I believe that is true. Your husband was pretty much a failure and was well on his way to losing his job due to his indescretions at work. You and others attempted to lay blame elsewhere - to no avail. I read the decision and quite frankly see no reason why he is still employed there. I can understand your axe you feel the need to grind.

    However, there's the past 6 months of your failure as a Town Board member. That I cannot excuse. You were elected to do whats best for the ENTIRE town , not just what Langley tells you. Stop being a step and fetch for Defruscio and do what you said in all that election crap you littered my mailbox with - or - resign.
    You've lost the respect of many who wasted their vote on you. Wake up , your NOT that popular and your little girl temper tantrums are very unbecoming.

  37. Mr. Ed might want to address the issues raised by Jim Flanigan in today's TU:

  38. Mr. Ed is a JOKE !

  39. Langley is a PUTZJuly 11, 2014 10:16 AM

    What an utter disgrace our Town Board majority is. They shun comments and disregard laws to benefit themselves. They place incompetent people in positions of great importance and laugh when questioned about their shenanigans. At some point, someone is going to step just a little too far and I predict it will be either Gilbery or Miss Matters. Both of their personalities lend to the perfect storm arising in Town Hall and the guaranteed destruction of the Langley majority rule , if it hasn't already !
    Langley is a putz and a coward. Gilbert is the little boy who got his butt kicked on the school bus everyday. Matters should move back to whatever town she came from. Deb- well she actually has to do or say something constructive for many of us to realize she's even breathing.

  40. could someone send dilbert a case of tissues? he cries so much!

    1. Poor Ed, can't get any respect. He is a complete failure as Deputy Supervisor and Chairman of the non-existent ethics board.
      The Ethics Board is now virtually worthless with him there to make sure anyone who complains about SWF is punished and the complaint dies.
      Commander Clueless has insulated himself with incompetence and ignorance.
      East Greenbush is doomed because by the time we eliminate the disease called SWF , they will have decimated everything.
      People are focused on the casino. Don't forget to look at other areas that Langley is screwing up every day.

  41. And the hits just keep coming.....ya just can't make this stuff up !

  42. This is kinda fun ! Don and the FLYS hitting them on the Casino debacle, and some others are here smacking away at the dirty underhanded "other" moves that SWF is trying to hide.

    Bye~bye Commander Clueless and your two cabin mates - MAM and Deb

  43. Sad that it took a screwball deviant such as Defruscio to screw over the voters for people to realize that Cheryl Vallee and Mike Bottillo were in all actuality the best choices. We would NOT be in this mess if the people had seen thru the scam/fraud perpetrated by Duhfruscio.

  44. Great quote from Fred LeBrun in this morning's TU on the brewing fiasco for the casino PDD/zoning problem:

    ".....It hasn't always brought out the best in local governments. Ask the residents of the town of East Greenbush.

    Pulling an end run around its own citizens to give Capital View Casino developers the town board approval needed for a successful application is bad enough. But it now appears that zoning and master plan hijinks may also be required before the casino site can be approved. It will be instructive, and painful, to watch the contortions the town board is willing to go through to back up its bet, should such hijinks become necessary. When the developers say jump, it's how high."

    1. ANONYMOUS - yes Maryann - ANONYMOUS!July 13, 2014 11:31 AM

      What is totally amazing is the lengths that SWF must now go thru to insulate itself from ALL of its detractors. The fear and anxiety that Langley and his supportersd suffers every day , that drove him and them to waste tax dollars on cameras at Town Hall and other buildings because they're scared to death of the people they openly screwed on January 2nd.!
      WOW Keith - hows living on valium everyday working out for you ?
      Just remember something you gutless wonder, YOU and your twin Ercole , along with Rich Crist , started this.
      Your the one who's constantly looking over your shoulder..... it must suck to live your life like this! You made some ridiculously arrogant and ignorant political bullsh*t moves.
      FIX them or live with the consequences !

    2. Weren’t casinos prohibited except on tribal lands or race tracks (racinos) prior to the Constitutional amendment and enactment of the Upstate New York Gaming Economic Development Act?

      Would any zoning law have previously allowed for a casino?

      Did municipalities throughout the state scramble to amend their zoning laws to allow casinos on the hopes that they would be among the chosen four?

  45. It's too late. Bye Bye Queen Langley...

  46. Commander Clueless - otherwise known as NO BALLS LANGLEY , lives in total fear every day !
    He is the moron who trusts Chris Defruscio - his biggest mistake!
    Rumor has it that Def. and Rich Crist either are or will soon be both out of the picture . KARMA ! Its a b*tch sometimes ! :-)

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. Langley and his side show Gilbert are the laughing stock of Capital District politics.
    My employment allows me time to speak with other towns and cities in the area and they are keenly aware of our foolish Town Board.
    They read and giggle at MAM and Gilbert. Their comments are less than complimentary.
    That, ladies and gentlemen , is embarassing.

  48. Great ! So now East Greenbush is known as the joke of the area.
    Thank You Langley .
    You incompetent idiot.
    I hope your pleased with how quickly you plundered our town into being the joke of the Capital District .

  49. ANONYMOUS - yes Maryann - ANONYMOUS!July 14, 2014 1:56 PM

    How much longer does MAM need to straighten out the Towns finances?
    In almost all her scathing articles that she attempts to cover the obvious inadequacies and incompetence of the SWF team, she pleasd for more time. She emphatically states they are working on it.
    OK - working on what ? Where's the audit results? Where's the financials that show your doing as good as you say?
    You and Gilbert do alot of blabbing about how great your team is - PROVE IT !

  50. Long Time ResidentJuly 14, 2014 2:02 PM

    Unfortunately for the residents of East Greenbush , the more pressing questions we ask of the Board majority , the more they hide .

  51. They are scared ! The little game they play has been exposed for the joke it is.
    Defruscio is in bad shape, Crist has other troubles , which means Langley may have to go it alone for awhile. Then we'll all see how totally helpless he really is !

  52. Langley and swf are not alone. They have that genius John Torino to give them orders. Who could ask for anything more than that.

  53. @ 6:23pm,
    Not to worry. Ed "the head" Gilbert and Johnny Muffins are sure to be front and center at this Wednesday's Town Board meeting.

  54. Tirino needs to be shown the door ! He's an arrogant throw-away from Albany . They threw him out of Albany years ago because he was a wanna-be over there.
    Muffin man needs to find some new town to try and be someone important.

  55. Another Animal in out TownJuly 15, 2014 5:13 PM

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  56. Sick of this regime!July 23, 2014 9:23 AM

    Why can't you all just get along? The TB meetings have become a Saturday Night Comic show; people laugh their arses off when the leave that building. We all know what has to be done. The Supe and every TB member needs to be replaced and start fresh; thats the bottom line; NOT one of them brings anything to the table.A bunch of dim wits at that. it may change, it may not; the DEMS have to come up with somebody "real good" preferably like a Mike VanVoris or a Bob Angelini; somebody that will be forceful, reliable and will open that door to suggestions and not hide under the desk when they hear someone they don't want in there or have the secretary close it before ya get down there. He is an imbacil; there's no two ways about that; he was just fortunate that people wanted change when McCabe was there; and they got it; its never been more of a mess in ages. So thank you, Stupidvisor Langley and nitwits cause thats all you guys are; no one wants to take the bull by the horns and be a leader. I feel sorry for you DEMS because a good leader is hard to find. Good Luck in 2015.
