Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Casino Financial Impact - the Calculations

I stated in Casino Financial Impact that “I've verified by my own independent analysis the County, School, Town, Highway, Bruen and Library estimates using 2014 valuation and tax rate data obtained from the East Greenbush Assessor and the Casino's estimated $250,000,000 valuation”.  Following are my calculations (including the Fire District and Sewer District).  This is NOT a guarantee that the Casino-estimated revenues will actually be received. 

I also comment in Casino Financial Impact:
"The figures are called "estimates" for a reason. Actual tax revenue, as I'm sure you know, would be subject to a whole host of influences beyond "our" control, including the Town Board, County Legislature, other Statewide gaming revenues generated, etc., etc. Again, they are called "estimates"."
Rensselaer County
Casino Estimate: $1,491,168
Calculation: $250,000,000 x $5.9646720 per $1,000 = $1,491,168
Town of East Greenbush
Casino Estimate: $694,878
Calculation: $250,000,000 x $2.7795120 per $1,000 = $694,878
East Greenbush School District
Casino Estimate: $5,902,116
Calculation: $250,000,000 x $23.6084640 per $1,000 = $5,902,116
Town of East Greenbush, Highway
Casino Estimate: $398,778
Calculation: $250,000,000 x $1.5951100 per $1,000 = $398,778

East Greenbush Library
Casino Estimate: $215,312
Calculation: $250,000,000 x $0.8612490 per $1,000 = $215,312
Ambulance District
Casino Estimate: $90,492
Calculation: $250,000,000 x $0.3619670 per $1,000 = $90,492

Fire District
Casino Estimate: $210,294
Calculation: $250,000,000 x $0.8411770 per $1,000 = $210,294

Sewer District
Casino Estimate: $209,129
Calculation: $250,000,000 x $0.8365150 per $1,000 = $209,129

Casino Estimate: $135,134
Calculation: $250,000,000 x $0.5405360 per $1,000 = $135,134

Water District
Casino Estimate: $543
Calculation: N.A. (based on ‘frontage’ not valuation)

= = = = =

Host Community Annual Share of Gaming Revenues
Town of East Greenbush$5,700,000
Rensselaer County$5,700,000

The NYS Gaming Commission Board states that 10% of State’s tax revenues will be split between host municipality and host county and estimates the amount for the Capital District to be  $11,416,667.
= = = = =

The Estimated $800,000 in Annual Sales Tax and $6,000,000 in One-Time GEIS Fees are anyone's guess as far as I'm concerned.

Pete Stenson


  1. What about the Police Department? What extra's are allocated to our Police Dept.?

  2. The SWF has neglected the PD. I see no change unless its mandated somewhere. SWF does nothing for any of the Town workers and the Police are no exception .

  3. Thanks for your efforts Pete. We get more info from you than all of Town Hall!

  4. Gadfly says the EG Town Board should schedule a Special Meeting and adopt a resolution uninviting Saratoga Casino and Raceway to East Greenbush, and supporting the resolution of the City of Rensselaer inviting the former Albany developer candidate to The City of Rensselaer site.

    He's not just hypocritical to wish all the "evils" on Rensselaer, but stupid to think they'll stop at the Rensselaer City line!! And costing EG a slew of money.

    Really, Gadfly? Been hanging with Gilbert too long, thinking like that!

  5. Gadfly is grinding his axe again.

    1. Dep Dawg keeps opening his pie hole at public comment sections keep the trap shut or admit your a shill for SMF
      HAH! people worry about the unsavory characters a casino would attract!

  6. Ya know Gilbert - I'd rather be known in life as an honest sinner , than as a lying hypocrite. You really need to stay home and STFU ! Your a moron and every time you open your mouth in public , you prove it !

    1. Classy you're obviously the intellectual jaugernaut of the group

    2. Chairman of the Ethics Board ? Now there's the intellectual juggernaut for the SWF !

    3. what's a "jaugernaut"?

    4. Mulvey & Gilbert? Talk about an intellectual vacuum!! Neither one could find their way out of a paper bag! Wasn't Mulvey hired and fired by Langley?

  7. I wonder who gets to make the call to Jimino with the count report? Bet they give it to Gilbert. It was 4 undecided 15 in support and 54 against.

  8. Is that the same Ed Gilbert Supervisor Langley appointed as Chairperson of the Town Ethics Board? Aren't his public comments inappropriate for a person in that position?

  9. At the meeting last night about the casino I paid close attention to the facial expression of the board members. I gotta tell you Maryann Matters looks like the most miserable person there is. If she's so unhappy she needs to change something in her life. If it's her position on the board that makes her unhappy she should just go. We need people who can work together and not roll her eyes every time someone she disagrees with says something.

  10. luv the TU's extensive coverage of the public hearing! WTFTU?!?!?

  11. Dan this is nothing new. Mam is like this at every board meeting. She has no respect for anyone. She only ran because Mam blames everyone else for her husbands actions.Mam he was reprimanded and fined do you really believe he's totally innocent?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. He was prohibited from running for office by a Senior Federal Judge who was appointed to the Federal Bench by President Ronald Reagan.

    3. The Federal Court Case was "Matters vs. Estes." You can look it up.

  12. News Flash to DeFruscio.......Feathers is driving the bus.

  13. Gadfly's wetting himself over some bush league Times Useless reporter saying the Casino ad's “up to 30 percent reduction in the town of East Greenbush property taxes is on the way." is a big GOTCHA!

    Guess neither of them know the meaning of "up to".

    Then the "reporter" goes on to painfully state the obvious.

    Hardly Woodward and Bernstein caliber reporting.

  14. Every time Gilbert or MAM open their mouths..people actually roll their eyes ! I've witnessed it several times at Town Board meetings and public hearings.
    Time to say goodbye to this type of arrogance- SWF needs to be a thing of the past ~ quickly !

  15. If the board didn't get the message last night they never will. People are sick and tired of all the crap going on. People who want the casino and people who don't are united in one way. THEY ARE PISSED AT THE WAY THINGS WERE DONE. Get your act together or bye bye.

  16. 8:19 - Agreed ! Whether or not your in support of the Casino, the manner and foolishness surrounding the actions of the Board thus far are shady at best.
    Supe Langley needs to step up to the plate and voice his actions and desires so that we may be clear where he stands.
    Ms. Matter and Dimartino also need to speak up, and Maryann - please stop with the symantics. Its very unbecoming and is clearly detracting from what little respect anyone has left for you and your theatrics !

  17. More people need to attend Town Board meetings to see first hand the lack of respect Supervisor Langley and his Deputy Supervisor/Ethics Board Chairperson, Ed Gilbert, show to the non connected people in the audience.
    If they want to learn how to treat people, they should follow the example of Councilperson Sue Mangold. Ms. Mangold always makes it a point to treat all people with respect and she isn't afraid to speak with people who might not agree with her on every single issue.

  18. Check out the post by Disappointed Voter over on the fly, (s)he? has absolutely nailed Langley to a T. Excellent post!!

  19. Who likes Langley???June 06, 2014 2:19 PM

    Disappointed Voter hit the nail right on the head. Lets face it, the only reason he got elected was because some of McCabe's so called friends didn't vote for him; and Langley didn't win by a whole hell of alot. Langley got lucky, you could say. In fact we should go back to the old way where the Supe has to run every two years so we couldn't of gotten rid of him by now. FOUR years is way to long to put up with a PUTZ who knows nothing about how to run a town. He better hope Rifenburg will take him back! He's getting too old to get a job anywhere else. Is he old enough to retire? Sure looks like retirement might be knocking at his door; January of 2016.

  20. If he does run for re-election in 2015, Langley is headed for a defeat of landslide proportions. It's gotten so bad for him that he's now posting photos of himself on the Town Website as part of his monthly Supervisor's Report. The voters aren't interested in your self serving photo ops, Mr. Langley and they are tired of paying for your tax increase.
    If it wasn't for the hard work of Community and Recreation Director, Jessica Lansing, you wouldn't have anything to Report about. Why don't you consider resigning and letting Ms. Lansing take a turn at the Supervisor's desk?

  21. Whistling Past the CemetaryJune 06, 2014 8:47 PM

    Langley and Defruscio need to correct some of their blunders from January 2nd !

  22. Langley and Gilbert are hiding something ! Defruscio will be left holding the bag after the legal game is played out....

  23. They've been hiding something since Oct. 2013
    Sooner or later they'll pay for the stunts and vindictive b~s and it will be sweet when it happens. Flunkies such as Defruscio never last too long.. He'll get jammed up doing something stupid.

  24. Def.s got that Gruehnberg hack to help him ! LOL !

  25. Def. looks like hell. Even someone as stupidly ignorant as him knows when his days are numbered.
    His little scam-a-roni with the Langster on this shady Casino deal is backfiring and he knows shit runs towards HIM.
    Bye~bye Duhmbfruscio !

  26. Just some simple questions. When is the chairmen and the commish going to add another family member so they can field a softball team. Why put up cameras now, we know who used to help themselves to the stuff. When is the council women going to stop blaming every for her husbands ills. Are the flies going to be shocked when thier pal takes the monies and runs. Why was the commish operating heavy equipment for a private company on town time. How come all the fill is being dropped off on Langley Lane. How come the quiet council women's first words were my sons getting the first job. How come the chair and a sitting county legislator are making a back door deal with the casino and Evergreen. How come anybody listens to the head fly his distortions are mind blowing. Has a certain know it all made friends with Rensselaer after telling them they were garbage. How come two prominent positions are filled by non residents. One with a lot of baggage. How come there are no union contracts in place and 9 pending grievances . How come?

    1. Greivances are the direct result of Langley and his incompetent circle of idiots. There will be NO contracts until the SWF are voted out of office - guaranteed ! Defruscio simply cannot be trusted at all.
      Gilbert is illegally the Ethics Chair, and MAM and Dimartino are nothing but the latest political joke in EGB.
      Everyone wanted Langley to have a majority to show he was capable of doing the Supervisor job. HAH! Hows that working out ya ??
      Now we all suffer. Incompetence reigns supreme with the SWF gaggle.

  27. Casino - No Casino. Its all irrelevant at this point. Defruscio is in charge and driving the bus. Feathers is the paying customer.
    Langley was amongst the missing - again - today. Def. was at Town Hall all morning, checking on his minions.
    Heard today that Mulvey is Gilberts running mate for Town Board !
    OK- bring it on !

    1. Third Party ? Exactly who ? Can't be some failed political wanna-be. Third Party means different things to different people. Some group of political renegades , such as MIKE CRISTO , will never work. This Town will never support some zealot who thinks they have all the answers with no idea how to run a town government.

    2. Mulvey and Gilbert? LMAO! There's a brain trust! Couldn't find there way out of a paper bag!

      Wasn't Mulvey hired and fired by Langley?

  28. Who mentioned Mike Cristo? What I'm talking about is a government made up of individuals who can operate in a business-like manner on sound management principles - not running a patronage machine taking direction from political hacks. Both Parties have failed in the management department.

    1. I did , as an example of what clearly won't work ! He's actually the perfect example of someone who ran on the "conservative" line with nothing but malice in his heart for anyone who ever crossed his path and didn't blindly follow his warped views for local governance.

  29. I HATE LANGLEYJune 10, 2014 5:25 PM

    You gadflies missed the boat with Cheryl Vallee. She is light years ahead of MAM and Dimartino.
    We wouldn't be in the mess we're all in now if Cheryl was given a chance.

  30. To: June 10th; 8:49 Mike Cristo; didn't he come on board with the Dems, then changed to Conservative; then to Republican; he's like the Cherubino's; they'll vote for whoever's paying their salary at the time; go with the blow; money talk and BS walks! Way to go; Men of Honor!

    1. Mike Cristo was almost the biggest fraud perpetrated on the voters of East Greenbush. Thank God people saw thru his little dog and pony show and outright lies !
      The biggest fraud has got to go to Ercole and his bullshit SWF fiasco !
