Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3/18/15 East Greenbush Town Board Meeting

3/18/15 East Greenbush Town Board Meeting

Jim Connor (Chazen Engineering) discussed the sludge spill at the new Waste Water Treatment Plant.  A manual pump was apparently left running.  Insurance will cover cleanup and equipment replacement, save a $1,000 deductible, up to $50,000.  Above $50,000 falls on the Town.  Keep fingers and toes crossed!

The Agenda was replete with Councilperson Matters Resolutions:

35-2015 accepting withdrawal of the Capital View Casino PDD Application failed as unnecessary but would’ve put the final nail CapitalView’s coffin.

36-2015 to have Delaware Engineering bring sanity to the five sewer districts and their various rate-fee structures at a cost not to exceed $50,000 failed as too costly.  I’d cautioned that this would not solve the $600,000 WWTP Debt Service needed in 2017 and beyond.  CP DiMartino stepped out of Supervisor Langley’s shadow to second.  Kudos Deb!

38-2015 scheduling a 4/9/15 Public Hearing on changes to the Ethics Code was adopted and rescheduled from 5:00PM to 6:00PM thanks to CP Mangold’s amendment.

42-2015 requiring Town compliance with NYS Civil Service Law concerning classification, appointments and payroll certifications was unanimously adopted.  CP DiMartino again stepped up to second.

Councilperson Mangold’s 39-2015 requiring standardized Monthly Departmental Reports and posting on the Town’s website sailed through unanimously, reiterating 68-2011 and 181-2011.  Will the third time be the charm that brings compliance?

Supervisor Langley proclaimed inter-fund borrowing down to “less than $750,000” (3/5/15 Advertiser).  Without audits, this level is assumed. 

The reduction is partially attributed by Comptroller Phillips to Generic Environmental Impact Statement Mitigation Fees, which per that GEIS “were developed for the following critical elements in East Greenbush: land use, water/sewer, recreation, and traffic (and) cost of preparing the GEIS”. 

Further quoting: “All mitigation fees collected will then be placed in separate accounts designated for each of the identified improvements.”   “The Town may use the mitigation fees at its discretion for improvements to the critical areas identified in the GEIS within the Study Area.”

Nowhere is inter-fund borrowing pay-down authorized or allowed.  Will these critical accounts ever be replenished?

Pete Stenson
East Greenbush


  1. Great post, Pete. The GEIS portion is fascinating and new to me. If I understand it correctly, this is a new version of inter-fund borrowing. Taking money from GEIS to pay old debt is just as wrong as the old practice of taking from water and sewer to pay general fund obligations. We should stop this practice before another budget is bujilt on smoke and mirrors.

  2. Leaves me to wonder about how Langley derived these figures.
    Its impossible to factually state the financial health of our Town without a firm,factual audit.
    Clearly, Langley has no idea and its nothing but election year banter.

    Hopefully, people will see it as that and nothing more.

  3. Tom Grant, the elderMarch 25, 2015 9:37 AM

    Thanks for sharing this terrific post!!
    Be well,

  4. Which GEIS fees did they use?

  5. Sadly, Keith and George are totally overwhelmed and in complete denial .

    Hopefully, we are able to locate a competent individual for comptroller after Novembers election and Langley and company are sent packing.

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  7. There is a "special Town Board meeting" to discuss personnel matters.

    We can only hope that they are discussing Corellis departure ! And he can take his ridiculous niece with him too !

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  10. Sounds like Anothony and Poorman were shown the door !
    About time Langley stood his ground !
    Executive session does NOT include the DPW commish nor the deputy Supe. Get over it !

    1. What are you trying to say? were they asked to leave the Executive Committee Meeting? or were they asked to leave their employment with the town?

    2. They apparently made a scene trying to get into the executive session and were told a resounding "NO" by the Town attorney and Langley. They acted like two spoiled little boys......
      We aren't lucky enough that Langley would have terminated them...unfortunately we're still stuck with both of them !

  11. @ 9:34 AM- I'd heard Langley used to let Poorman sit in on the Executive sessions. Has something changed?

  12. It would seem that when discussing "employee relations" that maybe Poorman was not welcome. Neither was Anthony...
    Not sure of the legality of allowing non-elected people in on executive sessions.... anyone know?

    1. If the Town Board is in Executive Session, only the elected officials are legally allowed. What the hell is Langley and the Town attorney doing allowing anyone else in there?

  13. NO POORMAN 2016 !March 27, 2015 11:52 AM

    Poorman is a disaster , just like the last time . He's nothing but a used up politico with a grudge. He keeps saying he has unfinished business.
    He did absolutely nothing when he was here the last time.
    He comes across as an arrogant, spoiled little rich boy. Clearly NOT what we need in Town Hall !

  14. Are Anthony and Poorman now opposed to Langley? Is that what's happening?

  15. Not sure that they are opposed but the latest is that Anthony AND Poorman have clearly fallen from grace with Langley. Time will tell !

    On a side note....THANK GOD Defruscio is no longer chairman. Danny Fiacco at the very least is a true gentleman and not arrogant at all.

  16. Hope you are right. We're hearing Def. and Mulvey are running things behind the scenes for Langley in the Repub Party. Like you say. Time will tell.

  17. It seems like every time we are made aware of something run amuk in Town, Defruscio or Mulvey or Gilbert or any combination thereof , are in the mix !

    The Republican party in EG is screwed until they rid themselves of these screw-ups !

  18. Mike Poorman wore his political welcome out back in the 90's. It is highly doubtful that the Republican party would support him going forward. He is a very arrogant person, that talks out of both sides of his mouth. He has proven in the past that he can't be trusted and it appears he hasn't changed one bit. This guy should not be allowed to resurface.

    As for Corellis, he should be FIRED.

    I also agree with !:48 pm's side note. Dan Fiacco is a stand up guy and Defruscio needs to fade away into the sunset.

    1. Unfortunately, DeFruscio refuses to fade away. He and Langley are two peas in a pod.

  19. Its my understanding that Langley is about a nano-second of dismissing Poorman as Deputy Supe.

  20. And then there's this :

    AnonymousMarch 28, 2015 at 9:31 AM
    Bottom line is this, folks, the candidates who get "endorsed" by the Dems are the ones who win at the democratic caucus in September. This means that MANY "electors" will have to show up to the caucus FOR McLangley, many more than will show up for any other candidate. The dems (i.e. McCabe) "offered" McLangley a cross but it can't be given to anyone, it has to be won. Understand? If McLangley thinks enough electors will show up to the caucus to hoot and holler for him and beat out possibly as many as three other candidates who want the dem line, he's dreaming. Meanwhile, the stupid repubs may offer McMalone a repub line, which they actually have the power to do, so, at the end of the day, McMalone, if he fails at the dem caucus, could be running as a republican! How f'd up is that? The dem and repub machines have made such a huge mess of things in EG that they are actually now banding together to try to keep control from a powerful third party alternative coming up hard from the rear. These newfangled "republicrats" are so scared of losing control completely, that they are blurring the lines of their differences to defeat the newcomers to the party. McLangley is guzzling the punch even as we speak and joining forces with McMalone and McMangold to ruin the town further for the duration of the year. McLangley kicked DeFruscio, who brought him to the dance, to the curb and is now surrounded by wolves who are, for the moment, pretending to want to raise him as opposed to eat him. This will be one hell of an election year in EG. Wait and see."

    Anxiety much? This entire diatribe is flush with nothing but political rhetoric designed to enflame the gadflies. NONE of what is said in the post is remotely true. This person is smoking some serious bud or drinking bathtub moonshine or BOTH !

    Please stop your b~s ! There's no room for this crap !

    1. I wasn't sure what you were referencing so I read over on the FLY and behold, its exactly what you said. Someone thinks they know some inside deal and are allegedly spilling the beans. So , I simply made a phone call and as you reported, this person is so far out in left field...

    2. It sounds like Don,Ray or Suzanne.....they still think there'll be a third party that can effectively deal with the Towns issues. That is until these " third party candidates" dare think on their own and don't follow lock-step , the orders of Johnson,Airaido and the rest of the Gadfly faithful. Then it will be " game on"...
      and....I don't believe that anyone who has ever been anywhere near Town Hall will trust any third party candidates....

    3. @ 6:17 PM- Time will tell. I know for sure most people who have been anywhere near Town Hall don't have any trust or confidence in Supervisor Langley or C. DeF.

    4. 6:17......It's clear that you don't understand the meaning of "constituent." That's exactly the same problem that tanked McCabe and is tanking Langley. BTY, is there some secret to the management of a municipality which is learned in the basement which can't be handled by people with intelligence, education and significant experience? How's government by the "insiders" working out for you?

    5. Calm down Don, I would have gotten to it eventually.

  21. POINT of FACT: there will be NO cross endorsements....ever !

    Langley is dead in the water. Poorman will sink like swiss cheese trying to float.
    Defruscio has effectively ruined any Republican chance in the next election.
    Take that to the bank people !

  22. If Corellis had a half a brain he would clean up his act. Problem is, that's all he has. A half of brain that is and that doesn't function. How you can expect to run the DPW and want to fire all your men is an interesting approach.

    All Corellis knows how to do is dig a hole. And he sure has dug himself a deep one. He needs to go NOW !!!

  23. Ya know, if Corellis had any pride or integrity, he would walk in and resign, first
    thing Monday. I mean, his men hate him, his boss hates him, his deputy hates him and the public hates him. All that, plus the fact that he has made a total mess of everything, would be enough for anyone with any self respect, to bow out gracefully.

  24. Anthony is ignorant and arrogant. That is an impossible combination and prevents him from doing the right thing and "bowing out gracefully".

  25. SWF is flush with employees not qualified to be in the position they are.

    You can all thank Chris Defruscio for plummeting this town into the ruin it currently suffers from ! This is all his "grand plan" !
    Remember folks, Chris is driving this bus now !

  26. Don;
    Larry" is clearly NOT who you think it is !

    I will place one of my meager paychecks on Defruscio or some other minion of whats leftover of SWF.

    Larry has no time to bother with Gadfly or anyone else for that matter.

    1. ZING... I know very well that Larry is not the Larry on the Hill. Syntax and spelling seem to indicate DeF or the Gill.

  27. People, please keep in mind that it not in the best interest of any resident to blindly fall for any further Defruscio foolishness. If there's ever a post that is made to look like either Rick McCabe or Larry Davis authored, please give the rest of us who know better, a chance to look at it and proclaim it just some more "defruscio bullshit" !

  28. Believe me I'm not a Defruscio fan, not in the least but I'm not a fan of any of these men as their all LIARS &THIEVES. Macabe being the biggest loser of them all... that man should be held accountable along with his cronies Benko & Van Wormer for stealing. They all need to go, their the losers of the past as Langley is the loser of the now.

    1. Please clarify your accusations....stole exactly what ?
      Be specific....otherwise , your no one but Defruscio or one of his minions.....

    2. Longevity and sick-leave incentive payments.....along with Toni Murphy according to the Office of the State Comptroller.

    3. Whistling Past the CemeteryApril 02, 2015 9:32 AM

      But your lumping people in that equation that clearly did not receive those benefits ! So basically, your just disgruntled and want to spew hatred .
      Thats O.K. so long as your accurate with your accusations....which your not !

    4. Anony 4:06 (Chris?). You seem to dislike a lot of people. Is there anyone you do like?

  29. So basically, your picking and choosing who you cast as a villain here.
    The Office of the State Comptroller never classified these as thefts, nor did they ever remotely suggest people were guilty of stealing. They wrote that the stipends were NOT illegal, but that they preferred a different way to disburse them.
    Sick leave incentives is clearly a battle of finances. Your damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Abusive amounts of sick leave can financially destroy a budget in 30-45 days. So where and how do you deal with it?
    Savvy employees can regularly provide medical documentation to substantiate illness- real or fake ! You need to give them an incentive to not abuse medical leave or suffer the consequences.
    And..East Greenbush is not the only municipality dealing with this either.

    1. I want new leadersApril 02, 2015 2:27 PM

      On the contrary, there is nothing clear about the sick leave incentive. Some time ago NYS had a program allowing employees with unused sick time to turn in the time and receive money. There were strict guidelines that we don't need to go into here. The bottom line is that if they took the money, they lost the time. Many localities copied this program back in the 90's, as EG probably did. As the program evolved, it became what it is today with the employee taking the incentive and also getting paid for the sick time when they leave service. The program was not suspended in hard times as it was in the state and other localities. Competent supervisors and union leaders employ many strategies to avoid and discourage time abuse for both sick and vacation leave. I can think of several ways to put fairness back into the time and attendance and none of them include bribing unruly workers. All of them require leadership.

      Remember a good leader would protect both our workers and our tax payers.

  30. I believe that the OSC stated that the longevity payments and sick-leave incentive payments were ILLEGAL for elected officials, and should be recouped.

    1. Key Phrase - "elected officials "....clearly NOT VanWormer nor Benko.......nice try Chumplee.......MORON !

  31. 4:06

    exactly what did Benko and VanWormer steal? no mentioned in OSC audit as wrongly getting sick leave incentives or longevity pay. put up or shut up! what has Langley done to recoup any sick leave incentives or longevity pay? ZILCH, NANA!!


    1. They did not steal anything ! It sounds like Defruscio, who clearly stole ALOT while he was there, trying to make some of his usual election year bullshit !

      Typical Chris Defruscio....sadly predictable !

  32. The clear lack of proper grammar leads one to believe that it's simply a SWF leftover looking to make mud ! Nothing more......

  33. Is it true that Corellis used taxpayers money to have a tree removed from his cousin's front lawn illegally, and isn't that considered stealing? If so, shouldn't he be removed from his job? If Corellis did in-fact authorize that tree to be cut down illegally on his cousin's property, what other illegal acts has he authorized?

    Our Town Board should remove him immediately.

    1. Sounds like a question that should be posed to the Ethics Board

    2. What an Ignoramus statement!!! this issue has already been addressed & discussed @ the Town Board meetings & here on this blog as well as on the Gadfly. The proof is in Anthony's favor, call the Town Hall & ask for the copies if you feel the need to post about an issue that doesn't state the facts . In 2013 (3) trees were cut down on the same property by our town as well, before Anthony was the Commissioner...we maintain that road therefore the responsibility is OURS.

    3. It most certaintly was NOT discussed and was never resolved !
      Calling Town Hall to speak with whom ? It was dropped and Anthony hopes it goes away ! Its not over and was not settled.
      That tree was nowhere near Town property and you know it !
      Its borders a STATE highway and a private roadway and clearly is on private property !
      It was a cheap-sh*t move to help his family and you know it !
      It was a clear abuse of his position and authority - but what else is new. He seems to do that every day he shows up to steal more tax money. And the Town never cut three trees there either. They were nothing but storm damage that our DPW graciously picked up AFTER they had fallen.
      The man is out of his league and needs to be removed immediately !....
      BTW: The Town does NOT maintain State Route 4 and Annabelle Lane is privately maintained by Rod Abele and Meracle.

    4. Do you even know what house we are speaking of???? because it is not on Annabelle Ln. in the least. As to calling the Town Hall who you would be asking for is Linda Kennedy & ask her for the mins. from that evening in question because it was discussed maybe you missed that meeting & you can also call Anthony himself & ask for copies of evidence that it is OUR responsibility we DO maintain that road....

    5. Here is a picture of the said tree ,and here is the excerpt from the minutes:

      "Councilperson Matters asked Commissioner of Public Works to clarify e mails that she has received regarding the town DPW cutting down a tree on private property on Route 4. Anthony stated a large branch broke off and fell into the roadway, State DOT was called an unable to attend to this matter so
      our crew went and cleaned up the mess, this tree was deemed totally rotten. Anthony received a letter from DOT stating the tree is on East Greenbush Town property and should be removed."

    6. I call b~s !

    7. @12:56, I do too, but harping on all of the wrongs and trying to get answers with this administration is useless at this point. The best way to stop all of this b.s. and finally get our town out of the gutter is to get rid of these people November 3rd.

    8. Bottom line is this : SWF and ALL the people that claim to support it and are benefiting from it are FRAUDS !
      Corellis is/was a HUGE mistake. His men hate him and his neice also !
      This town needs a complete enema to rid us of the infection called Defruscio and his f-ing SWF !

  34. Is it also true that Corellis is threatening to have town residents arrested if they spend more than five minutes per visit at the transfer station?

    Who does this ignorant thug think he is? Corellis should be fired.

    1. 1040- that is true ! Anthony issued an "executive order" ordering the men at the transfer station to exit certain people after 5 minutes or he would have them arrested for loitering.
      Of course, Anthony has no idea that he can't do that....but let the arrogant bastard think he can...

  35. There is one thing that bothers me beyond reason. MAM still to this day , thinks Anthony is o.k. She had the power to send him packing at the beginning of the year but chose to allow him to stay.
    Same with Defruscio. MAM could have easily sent him packing as well, but the idiot is still stinking up the courtroom....for shame

  36. Anthony Corellis has proven to be a huge mistake. He should be removed from the job and replaced, before he does any more damage. He doesn't respect his men and they don't respect him. GET RID OF HIM NOW !!!!

    1. HUGE is an understatement ! And why is his niece still employed ?
      She should have been terminated ! She's incompetent and ignorant of her duties and responsibilities. That combined with her arrogant mouth should be enough to get rid of her !

  37. Anthony's crew at the DPW should make sure they are wearing proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when he is talking to the crew. That being "EARPLUGS".

  38. Is there any truth to the rumor that the Democratic Party is planning on giving Keith Langley a free ride in November?

    1. Not so far as anyone who has the authority to say so.......has not been discussed nor mentioned

  39. should be a free ride outta town!

  40. This sure sounds like Denise Corellis or Missy Nusbaum:

    "AnonymousApril 7, 2015 at 11:04 PM
    Anthony Corellis is an honest, hardworking and respected businessman in EG, which is exactly why they are tarring and feathering him on the Talks blog. True, Corellis is no DVW, which is why the men want DVW back. Corellis doesn't let them get away with nearly the goofing off allowed by DVW when he was there. DVW wasn't respected. His men took advantage of him every chance they got. Not so with Corellis. The town is fortunate to have him on the job. Anthony Corellis is one decision Langley actually got right".

    Lets be perfectly clear.....ANTHONY was a HUGE mistake. He has made blunder after blunder and the DPW has actually gone backwards- not forwards ! Tar and feather ? You betcha....he deserves it !

    1. Let's be clear on at least one thing, if I am going to write something on here or anywhere else, my NAME will be on it - unlike all you others hiding behind the "Anonymous" or some other fictitious name!

  41. Anthony Corellis may know how to dig a ditch but I even doubt that. He is arrogant and does not deserve any position even sewer checker. He is out to belittle anyone that is not in his group that visits his garage that is usually filled with weeds. He and his crew must go!!
