Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Excerpts from http://www.egcsd.org/index.php

The proposed budget would maintain all current programs, would add an alternative program at Howard L. Goff Middle School and an increase in security personnel at Columbia High School, all with a 0% increase on the property tax levy.
  • An $88,181,329 budget for the 2015-16 school year
  • Two school bus propositions
  • Asbestos and vermiculite proposition
  • Three vacant Board of Education seats

  • John Dunn, Jr.
  • Susan Garrigan-Piela
  • Jennifer Massey
  • Joann Taylor

Time: 7 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Polling locations:                 
  • Bell Top Elementary – Residents of the Town of North Greenbush
  • Howard L. Goff Middle School – Residents of the Town of East Greenbush
  • Donald P. Sutherland Elementary – Residents of the Towns of Sand Lake or Chatham or Residents with a Nassau mailing address
  • Green Meadow Elementary – Residents of the Town of Schodack who do not have a Nassau mailing address


  1. TALKS is still here and active. We simply refuse to post some of the trashy comments coming in as of late.

  2. So what happened at the meeting is, SWF put off for another 2 weeks, the inevitable, which is that the treatment plant needs to be fixed...no matter what the cost. At the special meeting, Deb and Mam will grandstand and ask questions, then vote to have it fixed. They have to. The engineers were there, ready to answer questions last night and it could have been done with. For those of you that think that was good governing last night, you are clearly blinded by the fact that you hate Langley. That was one of the most embarrassing and politically self serving displays that I have ever seen. Those women should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. Oh and by the way, I sent this same post in to the Gadfly, but of course Donnie Boy wouldn't post it. That guy likes to pass himself off as some kind of do gooder watchdog, when all he really is, is a shill for Mam, Deb and Conway. How can anyone take this guys serious, when he pulls this kind of thing continually. How bout it Don, what do you have to say?

  4. Don is apparently in La~la land. His boy Cristo is back in Town Hall !

    Basically that means we let the fox back in the hen house.

    Taxpayers beware. Cristo and Taylor together means nothing of any use for EG taxpayers !

  5. When I first came to this blog I was thrown off by some of the trash talking, so I respected this blogs recent stance to not post nasty, trash talking comments. It is a blog so you can post whatever you please, but whats disappointing is that it allows trash talking to continue just as long it doesn't involve special interests. Up until last night Anne Taylor was not officially tied to town politics. Yet this blog allowed comments that trashed her to the point it was sad that people had nothing better to do but stalk resident's personal lives. Now this blog took a stance but still allows trash talking of Don and Suzanne who hold no political positions. I was excited this blogtook a turn from trash, but it's right back to the Gilbert Defruscio level.

    1. Your definition of trash talking is a far cry from what "demands" and the "matterss" blog defines trash talking as.
      This blog is not even close or near the level of the Ed Gilbert /Chris Defruscio blog.

      Cristo/Taylor/Don and Suzanne have their own knack for drawing negative comments and do NOT need the help of this or any other blog.
      Once again, I also agree with 9:52, if Cristo and Taylor are anywhere near any Town Board member, the electorate is going to take a screwing for sure. Those two have and agenda and it has nothing to do with whats right or good for East Greenbush !

    2. I agree, and do apology for comparing this to that. What I was trying to get at is that we should all focus on all of those who are in Town Hall or looking to get in, not the residents who are trying to fight them. Regardless of their views, they're just that views and it's a waste of energy.

    3. My issue is with Don Johnson using his bully pulpit, to post only the posts that serve him and his people. He has been doing that for years and it is dipicable. Don't you followers of his blog ever wonder what the other points of view are? My post about the meeting the other night was against his point of view, so he doesn't post it. Ask yourself, is that the proper way to do things?

    4. "You followers" implies we are like groupies of some sort, clearly I am on this blog reading it too. NOT because I am bff's with any of the author's of the blogs (I don't even know them) or because I agree on their opinion. Instead come on to both to read the different points of views, NOT to argue them. In fairness, both blogs have (and have the right) to not post certain comments. Don't take it personal.

    5. Yes. His blog. Posts are subject to his review.

    6. An honest blog, would tell both points of view.

  6. I served with Ann Taylor on the Finance Committee and Chaired CFAC. We didn't agree on everything, but any disagreements were respectful.

    Ann is a great choice for CFAC and will make many positive contributions to that committee and East Greenbush.

    Good luck, Ann!

    Pete Stenson

  7. Pete, Thank you. Your comment is truly appreciated and the sentiment returned. We did not agree on everything but I always respected your opinion, experience and your willingness to volunteer for EG at a tumultuous time.

    1. You're quite welcome, Ann.

      FYI, I submitted a copy to Gadfly but it's not seen the light of day yet.


  8. I also submitted a reply to Gadfly May 22, 2015 at 9:24 AM which hasn't been published.

    The essence was that only one of the five components of
    "the "plan" was tied to certified audits for 2013, 14 and 2015", which was to "eliminate the Deficit Fund Balance as identified in the 2013 Audited Financial Statements".

    The remaining four components were independent of said audits.

    Pete Stenson

  9. TALKS readers and supporters are quite different than Gadfly readers and supporters. Gadflies biotch and complain about certain things, TALKS readers do the very same.

    What's the big f-ing deal? Vote for whomever you want. Nevermind and don't worry about who i-(we) support and vote for...!

  10. I commented on The Gadfly today as well...posting an anti Langley, I cant see any reason for them not to post it something may be wrong with the site...I had to try to publish it twice 1st time didn't go through.

  11. MAM and Deb are costing us extra cash. The stalling for more information tactic has already led to U.W.Marx serving the Town for lack of payment. There's costs attached to that and its un necessary.
    The other contractors are surely preparing their suits against the town as well !

    1. They are blind. They hate Langley so much that they literally cannot see exactly the amount of damage they are doing by dragging their feet. Wait til the final bill for this little dog and pony show is revealed !

    2. MAM and DiMartini are taking their direction from Mike Poorman and Mike Cristo. Two proven political has been's. Not very bright.

    3. Lord help us all. Mike Poorman and Mike Cristo were two of the very worst political, know-it-all hacks this town has ever seen!

      Good Lord save us from their bullsh*t !

    4. They thought they knew it all. Reality is they are both just very untrustworthy people that have betrayed the political parties that once embraced them. They burned their bridges to the ground and are taking Matters and DiMartino down the same path. Neither of the major parties want anything to do with them.

    5. What a joke. There isn't a political organization that would have anything to do with Cristo or Poorman. Matters and DiMartino will both be history at the end of their terms.

  12. Exactly WHO is Defruscios future son-inlaw that he's supposedly grooming for office ?


  13. MAM funded her entire campaign so I don't believe she is beholdin' to anybody.

  14. MAM is turning out exactly as predicted. She is the text book picture of an obstructionist. She has been befriended and trained by two of the best ! What else did any of us expect ?
    And btw: she is very beholding to those two !

    1. Quite frankly, there's a reason that Cristo was chased from Town politics AND County Politics as well.

      Its widely known he made no friends at the county level and he totally disintegrated many relationships at the end of his tumultuous term on the Town Board.
      MAM would do well to turn her back to him. He's poison to any politician !

    2. He was poison to his family as well.

    3. MAM would do well if she moved out of East Greenbush. She's a kook.

  15. Once, a few years ago, I was introduced to Mike Poorman. That was an introduction I could have done without. It was the only time I was in his company and never again will that happen. He was mean and vulgar when I had the misfortune of encountering him. I am sure he is very nice to friends and family but to me, he was boorish. My experience with Mike Poorman makes me equate him with Supervisor Langley; Supervisor Langley and Mike Poorman are cut from the same cloth.

    1. Be careful there Annie. You are disrespecting Debbie DiMartino's savior. Debbie does what Pooman demands of her.

  16. This is a response to the sh*t stirrers on the FLY. The WWTP spill was thoroughly investigated. It was an EG TOWN EMPLOYEE ERROR. NOTHING MALICIOUS, it was a mistake. There was already a hearing and both MAM and Deb know it !
    The constant stalling has already cost us extra $. THAT is the true travesty ! STOP the B~S. Pay the damn bill !

  17. How exactly has it costed us extra? Please explain...

    1. There's fee's attached with the late payments. There's attorney fee's attached to everything....specifically now that the Town has defaulted on payment agreements.......my God, there's fee's attached to just about all of this mess....and MAM and Deb are stalling, which is guaranteed to cost the taxpayers even more $ !

      Pay the damn bill !

    2. Well, in fairness just because the Supervisor decides to speak and explain anything in over a year doesn't mean anything. During the 10 minutes the Supervisor decided to finally speak, because it's election season, he had tried to get the word "emergency" out of the three representatives and failed at every attempt. Jim Connors also stated at the March Board meeting the insurance would probably cover all of the costs, why anyone would think a $1,500 deductible would cover a disaster like that I don't know. I would rather pay a few late fees than jump into such large contracts without knowing the details. When he was speaking he almost used the word "emergency" but reiterated instead it was "urgent" not an emergency. He also stated the insurance company would not pay the contractors directly, but it would go to the town first. Why then would we now approve resolutions to pay these contractors when we do not have the money from the insurance company? Where do you suppose we obtain this money from? Maybe we should have done what most of the other municipalities have done in the area, merge with the county and we'd save millions!

  18. It must have been tough for Rick Matters at the parade Saturday. All those photo ops at the bowling alley. No Rick in the pictures. Tough luck there big fella. Don't you realize that your judged by the company you keep?

    1. Rick will never learn. He's simply not smart enough.....

  19. Just who is Ann Taylor trying to kid? Cristo/Taylor and Poorman are all connected at the hips. They have all been seen meeting together with, yup the town obstructionist Mary Matters. What a bunch of B~S artist.

  20. Councilpersons to meet with Engineers

    Two Board members, Councilperson Matter and Councilperson DiMartino, will be meeting with representatives regarding the Waste Water Treatment Plant on Wednesday, May 27 at 3:00 pm in the Court Room at 225 Columbia Turnpike, to have their questions answered regarding the construction and sludge spill.

  21. Real convenient time!

    The Court Room musta been booked at 8:30AM

  22. Bet Poorman will be there. Everyone knows Keith and Gilbert are scared of Poorman because everyone knows Poorman can hurt Keith Langley in a Primary. I won't vote for Poorman, I don't like Poorman but I can't stand Keith Langley either. Hope Poorman gives Keith Langley a good run for his money for the Republican primary.

  23. This town is screwed ! Poorman , VanWormer,Conway...and YIKES - Langley..!

    Is that the best we can do ? We are going down the toilet - fast !

    1. We've been on the brink of disaster for the past 18 months !

  24. Sooooooo.....- Langley is OUT ! According to Don, the Republican party refused to endorse Langley... so it only took them 3 years and 6 months to figure this out !
    Def. is OUT !

  25. Not sure Def is out. Word is, Def turned on Langley, refusing to back him. Ain't that something? Def pushes Keith to make a bunch of changes, hire the wrong people, go silent, etc. and then bails on him when the going gets tough. Langley was warned over and over, but " Chris is a great guy". Whaddya think now Keith?

  26. OUT WITH THE PUTZ! There is a God; I do believe. Could there be someone worse filling his shoes; LETS HOPE NOT.

    1. Whistling Past the CemeteryMay 28, 2015 3:33 PM

      Time will tell !

  27. Langley and Def had a knock down screaming match. Apparently Def. is out. Its about time !
    Chris Defruscio single handedly ruined the Republican party. I hope he's happy.

  28. Sad little town we have here!

  29. Politicians are NOT your friendsMay 29, 2015 10:00 AM

    Are you kidding me? Def and Putz had it out. But Def is a good family man; has a great house and wonderful family; so Putz said a year ago or so. My how things change. There are no friends in Politics unless you've always got a knife in your pocket and a devious smile on your face. But on the other hand, when you do nothing you get nothing in return and for FOUR LONG years, Keith has sat there with this hands in his pocket doing NOTHING. Now we hear Fiacco wants him to be DPW commish if he wins, yeah OK. For the DEMS, thats a wonderful thing because as long as the Putz may be involved, Danny will be O U T.

  30. The EG republicans are a true moron brigade.

  31. I hope someone gets it together soon. I'm just not convinced that Jack Conway is the answer.
    Jack is a very nice man, but I simply can't see him being able to effectively straighten out anything. The entire platform is based upon " Hope and Change". Where have we heard that before ?!

    This Town needs more than a wink and a promise and some fancy billboard. Not one of those candidates have a dimes experience in any capacity to serve the residents of east Greenbush. Not one of them.
    We need people with experience and not just a nice smile with the promise of transparency. Thats simply NOT ENOUGH !

    1. Maybe you should read their BIOs on the website. Lots of experience and education. The Dems and Reps can't hold a candle to their abilities.

    2. Make a suggestion, or run yourself

    3. #1- I have read their BIO's. I'm simply not convined. The responses so quickly posted here suggest you all need to re-think your position. Are you so thin-skinned that you can't fathom that eberyone is clearly not in love with EG1st ? Really ?
      My suggestion would be someone not connected to the Casino fiasco in any way, shape or form. Thats clearly NOT the EG1st platform. If we could find that individual......

      As far as running myself, why would I dare subject myself to such narrow minded people with a clear failure to be open minded enough to realize that not everyone is in love with Jack Conway, Tom Grant or Tina Tierney ? Who would be so ignorant to dare ?
      btw: I do not consider any of them "brave" for throwing their hat in the ring. Rather I believe they have been sold a bill of goods and fell for it....

      And what experience are you referring to Don ? Please enlighten me to my oversight on their political experience that puts them head and shoulders above any other potential candidates ! I'm quite sure they are well educated , but then again, so have ALOT of current and previous politicians been well educated. Means nothing if they are not able to apply the knowledge effectively!

    4. @1122, I'm not seeing where in everyone's "quick responses" that you are referring to that everyone loves Jack, instead they were simple responding to your questions and concerns. It is everyone's right who to like, but to call people narrow minded because they chose to support EG1st is hypocritical and solves nothing.

      Keith Langley now has "experience", Rick McCabe has "experience," and Mike Poorman has "experience". This "experience" on the their resumes doesn't exactly mean they would be great to run now does it? I'm not sure if you read their bios because I'd call Tom's experience as a Legislator Director in the NYS State Senate (just to name some of his experience) as EXPERIENCE.Continue reading the rest of the bios, and then ask your experience question again.

    5. @11:22. It seems to me that you have not read the Bios, don't understand what's in them or are being just plain purposefully dismissive. East Greenbush has never had such a chance to elect a gifted, intelligent and trustworthy majority as they have in this coming election. I have a strong feeling that they would be joined by Ms. Matters and Ms. DiMartino in forging a new responsible agenda for our Town. Enough already with the machines and the "connected favoritism." It's just too expensive.

  32. Question for AnonymousMay 29, 2015 11:22 AM--you complain Jack is not the answer to the EG Supervisor role. Then you complain that none of the EG1st candidates has a "dimes experience". Fair enough as we are all entitled to our opinion and, at least for now, we have the freedom of speech to voice our opinion. Your opinion leads to my question for you--who do YOU suggest runs? Who do you believe has the experience and should run and could win? Who? Who would YOU like to see run?
    It is always easy to point out out mistakes, errors of judgement and complaining is always very easy but, unless a viable solution is provided you simply are labeled a noddy.

  33. @1:10 pm: If you find smeone who took no stand in the casino debate, you've found someone who has no interest in the future of East Greenbush. The casino Is one of the biggest issues in the recent past. I have respect for people who addressed their side responsibly, be that yea or nay. The wishy washy sideliners are not worthy of my vote.

  34. surely you mean no public stand in the casino debate.. many expressed their interest directly to board members rather than wear their hearts on their sleeves

    1. No sireee... that is absolutly not what I mean. We had a major town spliting debate and folks needed to speak up. There was pleanty of silence and sneaking around by TB members. Responsible residents started the debate and elevated the debate. Can't condone silence. People who had no position on the casino should also have no position on the TB.

    2. in one person's mind

  35. Jack Conway and Dave VanWormer BOTH have a great chance of being Town Supervisor(s) now that Langley is Running. Thank you, Keith Langley for deciding to run and making Jack and Dave's run easy peasy! Kudos to you Mr. Putz.

  36. @1122: thin skinned is people who won"t put their bios out there. Understand this: the people are putting people who can't or won't speak up in public out of office. We are not replacing them with others who are also interested in avoiding public scrutiny.

  37. when are you going to stop listening to Johnson he is not as bright as he would like you to believe he was severleyscolded by the courts for his baseless lawsuit he was against the Miracle League and park expansion hes lived in town about 12 years he bullies his older neighbors was given a job through political appointment which is what he bitches about all the time he thrives off other peoples fear hasn't got an answer for you but loves to scare you your a sad lonely little man

    1. Once again you are full of BS. Read the Appellate Division opinion. It was respectful of the right to sue the Town. It denied sanctions. Most of the Supreme Court decision was what is called "dicta" and had no legal weight at all. His positions at the State were based on merit and not nepotism and he worked for both Republicans and Democrats. You are a coward and any time you would like to meet with me I would be most happy to, Mr. 9:14am. If you don't have the B---s to sign your name why should anyone listen to you at all?

    2. OK Suzanne, where do we find your appellate opinion? I decided that after all this time, your appellate decision favoring you and clearly in opposition of Judge Donahues scathing decision AGAINST you, is convenient..
      I would like to read this epiphany from our higher court ! Please do share.

    3. Judge Peters or Kays decision ?

    4. Dicta .... is that your term or the appellate Judges term..? Just wondering....

    5. Wow, some people have a lot of free time on their hands. Between the obsession of Anne Taylor, MAM, and Sue and Don no wonder our town is in shambles. Way to focus on the important things. To put this ridiculous "Sue and Don owe the residents money" because of a "secret" lawsuit that anonymous bloggers feel to skip the details of, here's the court's decision: http://decisions.courts.state.ny.us/ad3/Decisions/2009/506122.pdf.

      No where in the suit did Sue or Don try to receive monetary gain of any sortt. Yes, their allegations were dismissed. Was it a "scathing" decision or were they "severely scolded" (two words buddy)? I don't know about that, but I also don't know where you find they tried taking money from residents and why they owe the residents of EG money.

      I'm no lawyer, but am pretty sure "dicta" is not a term coined by Suzanne but has been around for quite some time.

    6. Nice try....they owe the Town the expense of the attorney fees. Its specific in Judge Donahues written decision. Your very feeble attempt to muddy the water did not quite cut it !

      "Secret" - thats your other attempt at "humor"? I have the decision - do you ? Either your some simple minion who can't read or your just a fool!
      BTW: YES they were scolded and it was made very clear that they embellisheed their allegations and had no legal standing to bring such a suit. Those are pretty much the words used by Judge Donahue and that isn't any "dicta" either !
      Nowhere in any previous posts did ANYONE suggest that Don nor Sue were looking for money - thats you screwing it up ~ yet again !... They owe the Town the legal fees expended defending Dons baseless lawsuit- period ! That was the decision of the Supreme Court Justice - wanna argue some more ??

    7. I wasn't basing my comment on opinion nor attempting to have an argument. I was basing it on written proof - the actual, not perceived - Appellate Division ruling. No where does it state they owe money so until you can provide proof your attacks just look like a baseless, childish rant.

    8. You need to refine your understanding of "costs." It's not "legal fees expended in defending." And the Appellate Division did not say that the issue was baseless, it said that they didn't have standing to make the case. Two different matters entirely.

    9. Not having "standing" is simply another way of saying "baseless"... bottom line....you wasted tax dollars because your insufferable complainers. Nothing is ever to your satisfaction and you complain about EVERYTHING - as though you two are the only ones who have say in matters of East Greenbush ! The letters to Toski , the interference with the State Auditors @ Town Hall....all your continual interference as you push YOUR agenda forward....you think we don't know?

      Guess again ! Those auditors and the Toski firm complained LOUDLY about your unwanted interference as you attempted to sway the results in your favor ! Your simply attempting to feebly absolve yourselves of any blame in the attempted meddling of Town affairs - affairs you have NO business sticking your face in....!!! You want that authority - RUN FOR OFFICE !

  38. Lets be honestMay 30, 2015 9:39 AM

    Anyone who knows Danny Fiacco knows he's a behind the scene kind of guy.When I heard he was chosen to run for supervisor I knew it wouldn't happen. He had to be terrified and I'd be willing to bet he is the reason the second vote was taken. He wanted out in the worst way.Danny actually had a little better chance than Langley but I have zero doubt that we will have a new supervisor.So Danny if you want to be commissioner better start sucking up to Dave and Jack.

    1. The only thing Danny has a chance for is remaining to be Rich Crist's water boy. Danny would get walked all over if he were in charge at DPW. The men despise Anthony, and just laugh behind Danny's back.

      Everything ran much smoother with Langley as Supe, and VanWormer as Commish of Public Works. That's the combination that should be put back together.

      We can once again thank Mr. Egomaniac DumFruscio for screwing that up.

  39. I get a kick out of the EG 1st people and the Gadfly, posting that they are they only people with the experience be supervisor. Now, I don;'t know Jack Conway, but I hear he is a nice guy. But experience? How about someone who has the knowledge of how the biggest depts. in town run? Dave VaWormer has 15 years police and 10 years DPW experience, with management experience in both. Staffing levels, budgeting, infrastructure of the town, dealing with the union from both sides, and dealing successfully with the public, all under his umbrella. Add that to the 25 yrs of successful business experience and I will put that up against any of them. Obviously, I am a VanWormer supporter, but geez, lets try to be honest and look at the big picture here. Dave is the most qualified of any of the candidates.
    P.S. I sent this to the Gadfly, but he probably won't post it.

    1. Don has a knack for injecting his venemous comments on this blog .
      Not sure why TALKS allows his ridiculous b~s comments. He's the biggest farce this town has seen in decades.
      Pay the Town the $ you owe Don , and maybe you 'll get some respect here.
      Talks is extremely generous in allowing your very slanted point of view to be posted here....take a lesson !

    2. Oh brother - and Talks doesn't have a "slanted" point of view? Every single person every where has a slanted point of view. They call it "Life".

  40. What a great turnout for Dave's fund raiser last night! Lots of people and lots of fun. Congrats!

    1. Did they have any fights? Take any Committee votes? If not, they are ahead of the Republicans.


  41. Rest assured....the Dems and the repubs will have candidates! They will secure the minor party lines - thats a fact ! EG1st is a nice thought but has a HUGE mountain to climb before they even get in the race !

  42. What's exciting about EG1st and Dave VanWormer is that Langley is going to lose miserably on November 3rd and will be part of the largest loss in EG history! Thank you Keith for being your arrogant self and choosing to run for re-election, we get to see karma bite you hard!

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  45. Come on Don and Suzanne--pay up!! you know you owe the Town money but are too arrogant to admit it.

  46. They [Don and Suzanne] believe they are "above the law". They were told by the Appellate Court that it was a frivolous lawsuit. Pay the fines!

    1. Don thinks EGB is Green Acres and he's the mayor.
      You are not the end-all for East Greenbush. Stop acting like it !
      Your shenanigans are getting out of hand !

  47. Dear Chris, You are so "over" it has to be painful. Your compulsive need to "drive the bus" for the Langley administration has effectively tanked the Langley administration. Now you're (get that, you're, not your) reinstituting the Marta modality, having others comment for you. I can certainly understand your (get that, your, not you're) attempt to go after critics of Langley and McCabe, because it upsets the machines, but it won't help your future prospects. Sorry.

  48. Don--- Pay up and shut up! You have become the laughing stock of East Greenbush. You and Suzy Q should go hide somewhere outside of EG. Go bother another Town.

  49. If anyone read the TU today they must have seen Langley's excuse for MAM's and DiMartino's lack of timely receipt of info on the waste-water treatment fiasco. "They should have asked for the information." Yes, once again it is everybody's fault but Langley's. He, as the Chief Financial Officer should have made sure they were in the loop on the info. Remember what he said to all of them not so long ago. And I am talking of Mangold and Malone as well. If you want the info - FOIL it. Pretty nice, huh? No Langley in 2015. No Republicans hand-picked by Chris Dumb-a-- in 2015.

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