Friday, May 8, 2015

Its about time !

So at its most recent  gathering, our Ethics Board  elected a new chairman.  

Kathleen Luria is the new chairman, thereby ending the embarrassing reign of Ed Gilbert.

We wish Ms. Luria well and hope her appointment lends some credibility to the Ethics Board.


  1. Is Mr. Gilbert still a member of the Ethics Board?

    1. Nope...he resigned from EB, he was voted out as chairman.

  2. On Ethics issues, I think Ms. Mangold is lucky to have gotten out of "Dodge."

  3. Is there anything in the ethics law that would prohibit a family member from being supervised by another family member. For example if the Supervisor had his niece as his Secretary?

  4. Is it an ethics violation to direct town employees to to work on private property? Let's just say for example the Commissioner of Public Works were to direct town employees to cut a tree down on his cousins property. Would that be an ethics violation?

    1. A tree on private property nowhere near any Town property ?

      Langley and Defruscio have screwed the good people and employees of East Greenbush for 2 years with staff such as Corellis. The man is a complete disaster and should go back to yelling at his son every day and leave the Town work to the employees that do the job inspite of his arrogant and ignorant carrying on !
      November can't come soon enough !

      BTW: MAM thinks Corellis is a very nice man doing a "fine job" and there's no problem..! Oh Boy !

    2. 1052 - thats because MAM is clueless. She doesn't want to acknowledge his inadequacies as DPW commish. That would mean she would need to acknowledge her involvment in SWF - which we now all now was nothing but a complete SCAM !

  5. No smiling allowed come Monday morning at DPW. Why? Well unfortunately Corellis will be back along with his stupid facial expressions, and his disrespectful arrogant personality.

  6. Ed Gilbert, you're one resignation short. You need to resign yourself to the fact that it's over. Bye, bye.

  7. F U E ~ both of you !May 10, 2015 1:40 PM

    Gilbert response to MAM over on the fly is priceless.

    Ed~ you flaming moron, she resigned from the Ethics Board because of you and the CHUMP stalking her. It never meant that she didn't care you idiot.

    YOU TWO - Gilbert and your twin freak, CHUMPLEE DUMBFRUSCIO are the reason this town and its workforce are in the toilet.

  8. Its unfortunate that they will simply be viewed as people with an axe to grind.
    Fools !

    1. Yes, agreed. DeFruscio and Gilbert are viewed as fools. Nothing new about that.

    2. Not so fast, they have the Matters family on their team.

    3. 7:33..... I'm referring to the eg1st group being looked at as a bunch of fools. 8:27pm, Mam and her husband have abandoned the Republican Party and have become part of eg1st's inner circle. They're all fools.

  9. The Matters are part of their organizational group.

    AnonymousMay 11, 2015 at 9:28 PM
    There was quite a turnout at the Jack, Tina, and Tom kick off rally tonight at the park. Front and center were Rick and Mary Ann Matters who weren't afraid to come and support their candidates of choice. These two have been through so much but they never stop pulling for the town. Seeing them there told me that Jack, Tina, and Tom are the future of East Greenbush.


  10. None of this would be a problem if DVW wasn't so greedy. That goes for Andrea to.

  11. Why are you knocking Andrea? The only thing she has done is attempt to purge the Dem Committee of the wheeler-dealer old timers who have run this town into the ground.

  12. Sounds like you are saying Andrea is trying to take a cheap shot at Toni Murphy. Not good Andrea, not good at all. Who the hell does she think she is? How do you figure DVW is purging anything? What a joke.

  13. What I find completely offensive is the new billboard for the eg1st people.
    I hate that EG allows signs-period ! But in May !?
    Annoying and entirely too early. Its bad enough that the town gets littered this fall but to have to look at that all summer....blech ....

    1. do realize billboards have been around for years, please come public with your's priceless.

    2. My complaint is as stated 451.....too early....very simple to understand. Quite defensive aren't we??
      Its a complaint/point of view- period. Get used to it. Not everyone is going along for the ride.

  14. Corellis returned from vacation. That su*ks.

  15. Id like to inform our Town Public about information that Don Johnson and Susan wouldn't print on the Gadfly. Did you know that these two airheads tried to sue their neighbor for planting flowers on Town property? Did you know that they fought against the building of a dog park in the remote area of the Town Park? Did you know they fought development of the Miracle League field for special needs kids adjacent to the Town Park? These are just a couple of things these idiots try to stop for the betterment of our Town. They need to leave and not be heard of again!!

  16. A New Fresh BeginningMay 13, 2015 8:43 AM

    Let's face it , residents - it is time for a change; all of these old members of Politics need to go! Start Fresh. Langster is totally out, no questions asked; the "smart" egotistical man that he is should resign now and save himself embarrassment come November. Dave Van Wormer; too much baggage; plus he's cocky; little big man syndrome; thinks he's perfect at whatever he does! Feel sorry for his family when it all comes out. If you think Ercole and Crew won't make sure his past comes out, then you're an idiot. Phil Malone backed out; so who would be the WISEST choice for the residents to vote for? Someone NEW, FRESH, SMART, EDUCATED, with A CLEAN SLATE, NOTHING TO HIDE from the PAST. Looking forward to the election! Lets get rid of the oldies and put some fresh faces in that Town Hall !! We've got to get the morale back to the way it was; at least somewhat instead of like a morgue. Starts with the Top, Mr. Langley - "Are you gonna vote for me?" I don't think so, PUTZ.

  17. TOO early for political b-sh*t ! Take the damn thing down and play by the rules.....its that simple ! If you can't wait for September/October - take XANAX and deep breathe....

  18. To: A New Fresh Beginning: Well said; Truthful and to the Point!!

  19. Suzanne AiardoMay 13, 2015 3:36 PM

    I imagine you will not print this but I feel I must respond to 7:19 am. I didn't even know Don when the dog park was being planned. I emailed a request to be on the committee but never heard back. I have owned labs since 1992. Why would I oppose a dog park? Second - our lawsuit was not about flowers - it was about taking parkland for private use. Actually - there is now a law in the town code relating to use of parkland forbidding anyone from altering, adding to or using parkland in any manner. The behavior objected to - seeking to add a shed, paving over parkland, installing a sprinkler system, cutting trees and other such nonsense probably would not have occurred. Too bad that wasn't on the books back then. Finally - nobody opposed the Miracle League. The process riddled with many irregularities. There was a do-over and now the Miracle League enjoys the land which was set aside for the organization.
    I would be happy to sit down with anybody and discuss these allegations.

    Suzanne Aiardo

    1. Suzanne: why would you imagine such ? A good, solid answer will always be considered here.

  20. To a fresh new beginning:
    I don't think that is a fair characterization at all. Although I will be voting for Jack, i have never senn Mr VanWormer act as anything other than a gentlemen. I have been going to Town Board meetings for years, and can remember him always being very polite and insightful when asked a question. Those kind of attacks are not what the EG 1st group is about. PS. Jack Conway speaks highly of him also.

    1. I have said it before and I will say it again. DVW was, by far, the best DPW Commish EG ever had. Perfect? Far from it. But his competition in this rating is the current dude, DeFruscio (yikes) and Pete Partek.

      Dave was always responsive, always professional.

      I am voting for Jack Conway as well. If his majority returns DVW to the DPW job AND monitors Dave's job performance that will be just fine by me.

  21. Hers's a post from EG Matters:
    ~DiMartino needs to wake up and realign with her team. Matters sold her a bill of goods. Now Poorman is trying to do the same thing. Poorman needs to get lost. He’s wasting his time.

    My post~DiMartino DID wake up!!!...... she finally realizes what Langley is all about HIMSELF, he doesn't give a sh** about the town. There is no way in hell that he will win this term. He refuses to work alongside with anyone...HE'S the BOSS!!! (not for too much longer). He has lost the support of many individuals & continues to lose more each day without the support of MAM & all of her supporters, Dimartino & all of her supporters behind him… also not to mention he's lost most of the independent line & conservative line. The T-shit isn't for those who write on the "talks" it was made for Langley to wear proudly.

  22. DVW has always been extremely professional when dealing with the public. He may not give you the answer you wanted, but you always got an answer.
    The DPW ran much more efficiently under DVW than today under the dictator Corellis. Roads were maintained more efficiently and snow plowing was never the debacle it is under Corellis!

  23. I don't know DVW and have not interacted with him but, I have had an exchange with M Poorman and NO WAY is that crude man with boorish behavior and comments going to see any support from my household. If he was the only one on the ballot I would write in Jack Conway's name. M Poorman is now what he was years ago--a jackanapes and a denigrator.

  24. Poorman has no idea how many residents disliked him when he last served on the board. Wait until he see's exactly how little support he garners this time !

    Arrogance run amok best describes his very obstinate personality.

  25. Look folks, its real simple here. Keep it clean . Otherwise don't bother

  26. The last person this town needs in public office is Poorman. He is just not capable of telling you anything straight. Don't trust him, he is a master at distorting the truth.

    1. 5:56, You are absolutely correct. Poorman would set this town back 20 years. You can't trust a word he says.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. On the Gadfly blog, they mentioned the positions that Langley chooses and who the people were or are still there? Please amuse me? WHY does Langley CANNOT keep ONE person for all of those positions; I'm sure he'd say well they decided to quit or they took a different position here; Langley, your a LOOZER!! No one really wants to work for you! Meaghan should really keep her guard up everday working for you? Everyone's afraid you'll get into one of your anti-woman modes; and VOILA she'll be HISTORY. I can't believe she trusts that you wouldn't do that. Give it up Putz and give that job to Meaghan! Bail out with dignity.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. Well there ya have it. Mary Ann Matters rolled out Cristo / Taylor last night. They were huddled right up with MAM's other half. You know, the one that wears the skirt in the family.
