Sunday, October 25, 2015

Voter Disconnect?

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the March on Selma - an historic event for America, its values, freedoms and rights!

Activists marched to protest Selma’s intransigence to black voting.  Reportedly, ridiculous questions were asked of blacks attempting to register to vote. … how many bubbles on this bar of soap? … how many jelly beans in this jar?   

Fast forward to the present and we see voters standing in day-long lines in many parts of the country, state legislatures enacting laws to disenfranchise certain segments of the population, the Supreme Court striking down portions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.  Are we going backwards? 

Voter turnout peaks in a Presidential Election year, drops in Gubernatorial Election years and plummets in the “off years” … the local elections.

Yet the local elections are where your vote can have the most impact, directly determining the outcome!   

Why the disconnect?  Why is voter turnout so low for local elections? 

Your vote in local elections counts far more than in a Presidential or Gubernatorial election:

As a Registered Voter YOU are:
1 of 146,000,000 in America.
1 of 11,700,000 in New York.
1 of 11,000 in East Greenbush!

Local elected officials are the most accessible – they are our friends and neighbors, possibly even our relatives.  City and Town Halls are nearby and open.  Meetings are open to the public and the public is often allowed to speak.  Try doing that in the State’s or Nation’s Capital!

Local elected officials’ decisions affect us on a daily basis, deciding issues like taxes, education, policing, snow removal, potable water, sewage treatment, residential/commercial development, parks and other amenities … decisions that make a community a desirable or undesirable place to live. 

The Selma marchers and voters waiting in day-long voter lines should inspire us to vote.  It takes all of 10-15 minutes to vote here in East Greenbush … why then do so many opt out?

Your East Greenbush vote counts!  Be sure to vote this November 3rd!

Pete Stenson
East Greenbush


  1. This is a great post and I hope people read it and take it to heart.

  2. Pete, people don't vote because they don't trust the people who are running to carry out their campaign promises AFTER they are elected. Think about the number of past officials in this town who had nothing but positive messages on the campaign trail but then, once elected, the backroom wheeling and dealing prevailed and nothing changed. The town has been spinning its political wheels in the mud now for years and the finances show it. So, is it any wonder people don't vote? The voters think fool me once, candidates, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Ya know; once again, DON JOHNSON has proven what a complete a**hole he really is ! The moron has written into the T.U. because someone dared to declare that they support Dave. So, Don , being the complete hypocrite that he is, found it necessary to write in and tastelessly complain once again because NO ONE is allowed to disagree with DON JOHNSON !
      This Town has suffered many times because of the communist viewpoint of DON JOHNSON and SUZANNE AIRAIDO - yup thats right - DON JOHNSON and his wife, SUZANNE AIRAIDO! Those two are some of the worst EG has to offer and the very tainted and slanted , narrow minded views coming from these two!!!
      Normally , I would not be so abrupt , but this idiot and his are so completely drunk with their self anointed know-it-all status.....they are IDIOTS !
      Sorry for being so pointed but DON thinks nothing of calling out anyone who dares to have an opposing view from his ridiculous pulpit of chicken little.
      Don is a miserable , nasty man who thinks he's going to manipulate Jack to do his bidding. Think I'm kidding? Watch and see.....
      Screw you Johnson ! Your a complete disaster to East Greenbush !
      DAVE - PETE and ANDREA are the clear and qualified choice for East Greenbush Voters !

  4. finally the truth about those two pieces of human garbage

  5. I wrote a very civil post to Gadfly, asking why what happened 15 years ago, has any bearing on this election. Dave has shown over the last 10 years that he is a very capable manager and is the most qualified for the job. Guess what....Don won't print it, because he knows it is irrelevent. The man is a huge hypocrit and I feel Jack has some culpability in that blog.

  6. remember, the address of any East Greenbush property owner is available at

  7. I guess the 1st amendment is only useful when it applies to DJ and his Gadfly blah-blah-blog

    1. Johnson is a complete joke. People who have sat and listened to his speeches are completely baffled as to why he's not President of the United States !

  8. VanWormer knows how the largest departments in Town function - DPW & EGPD.

    Stenson knows the Town's finances better than anyone and knows how to make government work.

    Smyth has unmatched executive management experience and knows how to get State grant funds.

    These are the candidate you should be voting for on Tuesday!

  9. Why all these blogs being removed? What could be so bad that you can't print them?

    1. Talks publishes what it chooses to publish. Sometimes things slip through and are later removed.

      We prefer to delete the content so readers know how many comments Talks finds not worthy of publishing.

  10. So the "Almighty Republicans" said they would put something out there nasty about Dave, and they did. Congratulations, Langley, Dumb Defruscio and Gilbert! You outdid yourselves; Word on the street is you three had a BIG hand it; but PUTZ tells (LIES) to people that he didn't do it. Yeah OK. I just hope KARMA bits ya in the ass; there's no way you should have another term as Stupid Supervisor. You've hidden behind these people's skirts for four years now; go back to Rifenburg's and drive a car or whatever menial job it was you had! The next Supervisor coming in won't be telling people after two weeks "Are you going to vote for me." I knew right then and there you were a dumb shit. Come on people; VanWormer or Conway! One or the OTHER; get rid of the PUTZ for he knows nothing.

    1. Yeah, the putz swore he didn't know who put up the EGMatters blog, too. LIAR! They are ALL liars. The putz told someone, "if I have the EGM blog taken down, they'll know I knew all along who did it." He's a coward AND a liar. They all are, especially Langley spokesman Gilly Gilbert who might be the worst piece of sh!t of all. He does ALL the blogging. Dumbfruscio isn't smart enough to come up with the nasty crap Gilbert comes up with. It's all Gilbert.

    2. What was the nasty mailer about? I didn't get it. They're not smart enough to know that the hate mailer tactic never gets good results. Dummies!

  11. I am a former reader of the hate blog ("gadfly"). The drunken drivel that comes out of their wretched pieholes is despicable. Why is that little "man" so angry?

  12. Holy Sh*%! They're cmplaining abou a blog endorsing someone? I don't know what they are talking about, but the Gadfly blog is all about endorsing the EG1st candidates. Are they serious? If you send in a comment in support of anybody else, they won't print it. Give me e break.

  13. Get this: Deb, Maryann and Denise Corellis are knocking on doors, campaigning for EG1st! That's right, 2 candidates that were for the casino are campaigning for the group that was founded on the anti casino platform. What does this say about them? What does it say about EG1st, that Denise Corellis is campaigning for them? So now they're promising to keep Antny in the Commissioner job, even though they have said over and over that there is absolutely no way he stays, if they win. And they're different from other politicians? I don't think so. What a self righteous bunch of hypocrits.

    1. With the election two days away, I assume this is the last time I'll have to say this: No one has been promised anything from EG First. Nice try on the rumor that a promise has been made to Anthony Corellis or anyone else. Tuesday night the votes will be counted and if we are fortunate enough to win then, and only then, will we begin to think about appointments. Every appointment will be made on merit with NO political consideration given to anyone. For a blog that primarily supports Dave, I think we should be given some credit for running a clean campaign that focused exclusively on the issues. At the beginning, Dave and I shook hands and promised each other a clean campaign and I feel like we both kept our word.

    2. Jack:
      No rumor here. those women are campaigning for you. Why? Is Denise Corellis doing it out of the goodness of her heart? I think not! 2 psychos that your biggest supporte, DJ, said should be impeached, are campaigning along with her. If it looks like a duck....

  14. Talk about selling your soul to the devil. Even DJ told those 2 they should be impeached, a couple of months ago at the board meeting, but now they are campaigning for the same people. Who are you people and how do you live with your coniving selves? Shameless

  15. Jon Dohnson is conspicuously silent about the budding relationship betwixt those he worships (Jack, Tom and Tina) and those he despises (MAM and DD). It's very funny to hear the deafening silence. On the one hand he told them they should be impeached not very long ago, and on the other hand they drank the koolaid and latched onto EG1st like he did. Of course, the difference is that Jon actually thinks that EG1st is the best choice, and MAM and DD are just there because no one else wants them. When a pond scum organization like the EG Republickin's ostracizes you, what does that say about you? Jon must be beside himself. As if he wasn't mad enough to begin with, this might put him in a rubber room.

    1. Yeah - I wonder what DVW thinks of the trash the Repoobs mailed out about him? Why don't you ask him?

  16. Donnie is writing again in another false name his new best bud jtt you know it has to be he never had a friend in his life nobody would stoop that low

  17. Coming down now to 2 days before the election. Maybe you should start talking about why we should vote for the Dems instead of trashing people because you must not have a good word about the Democratic slate? Your ranting and raving is getting pretty old. To the 4 of you who run this I ask: Can't you do any better than this?

    1. Dolly, the level of trashing and personal attack varies in direct proportion to how much trouble they perceive that they are in. So I'd say that they're really starting to get worried about Tuesday.

    2. Well said, Ms. Madison! All I hear from both the EG Dems & Repubs is negativity and bashing. No mention of real qualifications, no platform or game plan for the future... just blah, blah, blah all the time. I'm so over both parties.

    3. Dolly, James, and MBE,

      Have any of you gone to

      There's been ABSOLUTELY ZERO TRASH TALK from the Dem candidates against any of the other candidates!

      Supporters of all parties have been trash talking but that's also protected by the same 1st amendment that people feel gives them the right to plaster lawn signs anywhere they please throughout town. Was it that same sentiment that prompted the vandalism of the Dems billboard?

      The Dem candidates have run an issue-based campaign which is a lot more than can be said for some candidates!

    4. Not quite true, Talks. Two of the Dem candidates run this blog.

    5. so wrong on numerous counts

  18. It is the day before the Election. Can’t we, for ONE day, agree to play nice and stop all the bashing and mean, disparaging comments? Tomorrow it will all come out in the wash. May the best party win.

  19. Good point, 9:19, but I have a slight modification. How about all three parties agree to just hate DJ. I think we can all agree to that, no?
